FNiA: The Silver Wolf

By Hi_im_Fanta

1.8K 43 5

This is a Rewrite of "The Silver Wolf". Emily "Silver" Hendra is in desperate need for a Job to pay her rent... More

Odd Jobs
One Wild Night
Take 2
3 New Friends
For the Sake of Gold
Quintessential Remodeling
6 Hours to Fall in Love
Bet You Expected a Pun Here
Silver Lining
Epilogue: Here we go Again


153 4 0
By Hi_im_Fanta

Disclaimer: Fnaf was made by Scott Cawthon and Fnia was made by Mairusu Paua. I don't own anything except original characters. Also this story does deal with mature themes, such as strong language, nudity, and sexual content/humor, you have been warned.


Jenna wakes up and walks out to the living room to see her roommate with an oh so familiar smile on her face.

Jenna: *smirks* I know that look you lucky dog, you got some. *grabs her coffee and sits* Spill Smiley, I wanna know everything.

Silver: you wouldn't believe me if I told you, even if you did you'd make fun of me for it.

Jenna: do you really have so little faith in me? *Silver rolls her eyes and tells Jenna the entire story.* Man, talk about a Spicy time. So much for that Evasive training.

Silver: I just started and I was holding onto her, cut me some slack. At least that glitch is a rare occurrence.

Jenna: True, did you actually use that pepperoni on a pizza?

Silver: why? You want a slice?~ *she says with a smirk*

Jenna: oh yeah baby~ *smirks back making Silver go from Smug to flustered in an instant.* yeah, I can tease back now.

Silver: *gets a text* 'Oh thank God' one sec Jen. *opens it, it's from Robbie* "Hey, you said you rent an apartment, right? Is your landlord's name Jill?" *She texts back* "Dark skin, light hair, wears a track suit and a fat ass?"

Robbie: "odd ending detail but yeah that's her."

Silver: "yeah she's our landlord, why?"

Robbie: "Just got a tip from Vicci, she's scamming you, she's overcharging you to fund her personal life, take a look." *he sends a picture of her receipts in the tens of thousands of dollars* "she got that pic when she passed Jill on her patrol, you deserve to know, sorry you had to hear it from me."

Silver is so angry from this revelation that she punches her pancakes to mush.

Jenna: Whoa! What's with the flapjack abuse? You good?

Silver: *tosses Jenna her phone* read.

Jenna: *reads through the texts from Robbie* That no good, two faced, shit stained, thieving, manipulative BITCH! *slams down Silver's phone, forgetting it's not her own.* That does it, go look at apartment listings, we're moving out!

Silver: *silent for a moment, trying to calm down but still writhing* Agreed. *takes a breath* however, before we do, neither of us is in a sound enough mental state right now, we need to do something to cool off.

Jenna: Ughhhhh, you're right, we have to think about that properly and we can't do that when we wanna wring Jill's neck. What do you propose?

Silver: Well, we're both off, I say we head out for a while. Enjoy some activities or something but more importantly get some extra stuff for a girls' night, we can even invite Victoria if you're ok with that.

Jenna: I see no problem, what'd you have in mind?

Silver: we don't hang out as often as we did in college, And we don't have many decorations. I found this shop on my run yesterday where everything you buy you design and/or make, pottery, plates, scented candles, etc. I know it's not your style, not really mine either, but it'd still be pretty cool to have something we made around the place.

Jenna: hmmm, ok, honestly that sounds pretty nice, but I pick where we have lunch.

Silver: deal, after lunch we'll pick up stuff for girl's night. Come on, let's go. *she and Jenna head to her car and drive to the upper part of town*

Silver pulls up to a rustic looking shop with a sign that reads "Hand in Hand craft shop". She and Jenna walk in and are greeted by a kindly old woman, as well as a 17 year old boy and a 15 year old girl, presumably the elder's grandchildren since neither wore a name tag.

Elder Woman: Welcome to my shop, I'm Ellen Fitzgerald, how can I help you two?

Silver: hi, me and my roommate are enjoying a day out. We wanted to get something to make our apartment look nicer and I heard about your shop on my run.

Ellen: Oh I love seeing cute couples come it spruce up their space. Especially lovely Homosexuals like you two.

Jenna: Oh, no, no, we're not a couple, though she wishes we were.

Silver: *hits her in the arm* We're just college friends turned roommates.

Ellen: Oh there's no need to be shy sweeties. I don't judge, my grandson is gay too.

Boy: Grandma, you gotta stop doing that, one of these days you'll scare customers away. *hugs Ellen and walks up to the girls* Sorry about my grandma, she wants to ship the entire world together. Name's Mario, was there anything specific you wanted to make?

Jenna: I dunno, honestly the candle sounds interesting. How do I do that?

Silver: I think a nice ceramic something could bring a bit of color to the front room, I'll make some form of pottery.

Mario: Sounds Golden, *turns to Jenna* On that wall you'll find a large selection color dyes and an even larger one of essential oils next to them, pick out one color and five scents that you think mesh well and take them to my brother, he can help you from there. *turns to Silver* As for you, I can help you over at the molding station. *walks over to said as Silver Follows*

Silver: *looks over at the girl and then to Mario questioningly* Brother?

Mario: He's Trans, Wtm, still adjusting to it a bit so...

Silver: Right, I'm sorry, that was-

Mario: No no, you had no idea, it's fine. Anyway, *hands her what is essentially a menu of what she can make* let me know of you see anything you like.

Silver: Well, I prefer practical over just looking pretty. So I think I'll go with the fruit bowl.

Mario: Good choice, I'm personally the other way. Style over practicality, but that's me. Over here on this side wall is the paint go ahead and pick up to four colors you want the bowl painted and if you want a pattern etched go ahead and pick a preset or let me know.

Silver: Nah, it's not gonna look as nice etched. *walks up to the paint and picks a few colors*

Mario: I thought you didn't like style *he says sarcastically*

Silver: I said I prefer practicality, doesn't mean I don't like style. *one her way back she noticed what looks like gemstones* what are those for?

Mario: hm? Oh, we're planning on adding a product to our lists in the near future, Jewelry gifts. *he sets down some clay on the station* you know how to do this?

Silver: wait, I'm doing this?

Mario: Well yeah? This is the place where *you make* the product by hand. Don't worry, if you need help I'm right here. *Silver nods and starts molding the bowl with Mario's help, once it's fully mold he noticed it a bit smaller than it should be* hm, is the size ok? I can add more if needed.

Jenna: that's what he said. *the brother chuckles and Silver glares*

Silver: it's cool, it's honestly more perfect  than the size it should be. So what now?

Mario: now, you go have fun and find something to do. It'll take a bit because the candle needs to be solidified and and the bowl needs to be Fired and painted. So grab a bite, catch a show, whatever you like, we'll shoot you a message when everything is done.

Silver: Alright, sounds good. *leaves her number and heads out with Jenna* Alright Jen, where to?

Jenna: Mind a bit of a climb?

Silver: not at all, why?

Jenna: I say a sign as we pulled in *point to the top of a reasonably sized incline, where a building rests* Apparently there's a hot springs up there that's also a restaurant. A bite and a soak with a Cliffside view, if that's not relaxing I don't know what is.

Silver: ok, sounds good, let's go. *Silver and Jenna hike their way up the incline and into the building where they're greeted by... well, a greeter.*

Greeter: Hello, Welcome to the Treat Peak Hotspot. (Yes it's a Lonely Wolf Treat reference, Don't judge me) How can I make your day that much better?

Silver: We just came to get some lunch *looks at the time* slash dinner.

Jenna: But a soak in those hot springs wouldn't hurt.

Greeter: Oh, well we do offer table indoor and on the balcony outside, but of you're doing both I would recommend  doing the bundle and eating at a table in a hot spring. Normally there's a view fee for outdoor dining but first time visitors get that and other fees waived.

Jenna: ooooo that sounds good, What say you Silver?

Silver: Well if the fee is waived I guess the soak could help. Ok, sounds good.

Greeter: Wonderful, just get undressed in the changing room and hop in a spring, a server will be out to take your order.

Silver and Jenna head into the changing room to put their clothes in a locker, grab some robes, and sit in a hot spring together. The hot spring has a nice table in the center and is surprisingly comfortable to sit in. As they begin to relax they're greeted with a quite familiar voice.

Victoria: Well, it's definitely a surprise to see you two here. Mind if I join you?

Silver: hm? Oh, hey boss, I don't mind if Jen doesn't.

Jenna: Hey, no sweat, slide on in here, mamasita.

Jenna slides down to let Victoria sit with them. At that moment a Server walks up and hands them menus.

Server: can I start you lovely ladies with a drink?

Victoria: I'll take a lemon lime soda please.

Jenna: Me too.

Silver: this blueberry pineapple Lemonade looks good.

Server: I'll be right back with those. *he walks off to get the drinks*

Victoria: so, you must've had quite a time last night Miss Hendra.

Silver: *blushes bright red* How did you-?

Victoria: cameras, don't worry you're not in trouble. I just wish I could've seen the show.~ *Silver buries her face in her menu as Jenna busts up laughing. Pretty soon the Server returns*

Server: *sets down the drinks* Are we ready to order? Our specials for today are the Seafood Italiano pasta bowl, The stuffed meatloaf sandwich, and The Chicken parma dish.

Victoria: Oooh I haven't had the Seafood Italiano pasta bowl in a while, I'll have that please. *hands over her menu*

Jenna: stuffed meatloaf sandwich? I Have to know, I'll take that. *hands her menu*

Silver: can you tell me about this Chicken Strip Platter?

Server: certainly, it's 10 Chicken strips, a choice of side, and two sauces of your choosing.

Silver: can I do that with the classic seasoned fries, and for the sauces I'll say ketchup and BBQ Sauce. *hands him the menu*

Server: *writes it all down* ok, I'll have that out as soon as it's ready. *leave*

Victoria: the rosemary garlic fries are really good too.

Jenna: the one food thing I agree with her on. She always tries the most Standard version of an item to see how they season and check a quality of the item itself.

Victoria: Ah, I see, that is smart indeed.

Silver: thanks. And hey, thank you for letting us know about Jill.

Victoria: Ah yeah, that, I'm so sorry you have to go through that.

Jenna: Don't be, it was the push we needed to find a new apartment And get away from that tyrant.

Victoria: oh, do you need some help? I can look nearby the Pizzeria if you like.

Silver: that would actually be very helpful, thank you Boss.

Victoria: please, we're not at work, call me Victoria or Vicci. *notices something up, she slides over and whispers* I sense there's more to this than extortion.

Silver: *also whispers* I'd rather not get into that now. Let's just say it hurts more than anyone knows.

Victoria: just remember, you have company to make you feel better every night.

Silver: you mean the robots? Yeah thanks, I'll poor my heart out to machinery.

Victoria: don't underestimate them Silver. They're literally made to make people feel wanted, loved, and happy.

Jenna: care to share with the rest of the class?

Victoria: *uses her normal voice* confidential Night shift business.

Silver: *also normally speaking* yeah nothing important to worry about Jen.

Jen: Alright.

After a while of talking the food comes out. The three of them eat and talk for a good while until they finish eating. Victoria covered the food as thanks for letting her join so long as Silver and or Jenna covered the hot spring portion of the bundle, a tip, and dessert, which all three of them got. After they pay they reenter the changing room and get dressed.

Jenna: hey Vicci, you wanna come with us? Hang out a bit?

Victoria: no thanks, I wanna do a bit of looking before I check in for the night. Maybe another time.

Silver: I understand, have a good night Boss.

Victoria: I thought I told you-

Silver: it feels right. *check her phone and sees the message from Hand in Hand.* hey, Jen, our stuff is ready. See you tomorrow Boss.

Victoria: I'll text you in the morning if I find something.

Silver and Jenna grab their leftovers and desserts, head down to the Hand in Hand to pick up the bowl and candle and pay for them, and drive back to their apartment. After today they felt refreshed, and relieved that they were getting away from Jill's clutches.

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