
By Sunset-Peril

468 14 7

He stopped in his tracks. Something was approaching. He pressed himself against the Kakariko cliffs nearest t... More

Prologue - The Final Masquerade
Loyalty in Shifting Sands
The Songbird Warrior
In Ruta's Shadow
The Forgotten Duchess
The Legend of Zelda
A Spitting Image
Forever May You Reign
Called To Mount Lanayru
A Way to Rewind Time
Epilogue: Legends Never Die

The Bard's Atonement

16 1 0
By Sunset-Peril

 *Forty-Five Years Later*


Despite everything he'd done over his long life, he'd failed at one thing. He'd failed to truly apologize to Her Divine Majesty for everything that occurred in his youth. He'd seen her many, many times over the years. Within the last forty years especially, he'd found her almost exclusively within Korok Forest, chatting the days away with her lost husband as they shared their dead men's tales. Neither had ever shooed him off, and had always welcomed him warmly, but still he didn't feel like he should interrupt their far and few reunions to dredge up the transgressions of the past.

And besides... only a large scale apology would do.

He must find a way to accelerate Calamity's defeat.

All he knew were songs, information passed along melody after melody. To ensure these melodies survived his old age, he must find an apprentice.

But where to begin? Who out there would be up to the task, and where were they?


His talons ruffled the pages of a small notebook even at a late hour. Everything was coming together... and with nice timing too. Something was coming, he could feel it even in his thickest feathers. He didn't know how soon, but it was coming. He had to be ready.

"Kass, you're still up? You usually retire much earlier..."

"Yes, Amali. I'm putting the finishing touches on... a song of sorts."

"Ah. What about?"

Kass was distracted once more, toying with the pencil on the page. "The Prince and Princess."

"The ones that died during the Great Calamity?"

"The very same!"

"But... what is there left to tell?"

"There is something... I can feel it. I'm not sure what it is or when it will come, but-"

"Is there something you need to do? Please, feel free. The eggs are fine."

He nodded, relief gleaming from his eyes, and headed off to Revali's Landing. His thoughts swarmed the whole time he was in the air, about whatever it could be regarding the Princess and Knight. They both were long deceased, so what could lay in store for them and Hyrule? Although he was ashamed to admit it, he was terrified to find out.


"Are you Kass, great-grandson of Revali?" An elder Sheikah man suddenly appeared in front of him, leaning up against the three-holed pillar at Warbler's Nest.

"It's been a very long time since I've been referred to as that."

"But you are Kass, correct?"

"I am."

"Ah, good. This almost became awkward."

"Who are you? I can tell you're a Sheikah, but that is it."

"My name is Horacio. I'm Lady Impa's husband and an advocate for Her Grace."

"But how? Her Grace died long ago, didn't she?"

"The Champions did. Her Grace has been sealed away in the Castle all this time, waiting on her husband's return from the grave."

"Return from the...?"

"Such a tale is not worthy of mere words. To offer my services without doing so, I was the last Court Poet for the Royal Family."

Beak scraped against itself in confusion. "You have a poem?"

"A song. Do you, perhaps, want to hear?"

"I would love to. Do you need music? I have my grandfather's accordion."

"Later, child. One day, I should hope you'll play before the Champion when he returns, but for now please just let your heart listen." 

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