Tommyinnits Unbeatable Method...

By JustThatAvian

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Before we start, the story nor characters belong to me. This was originally written by Enellii on Ao3 if they... More

TommyInnit The Courageous Vigilante Who Constantly Avoids Death
Where Are The Askers?
Hoes Mad
I Just Spoke To TommyInnit He Said Give Me A Goddamn Minute
Glock Wielder Supreme
We Didn't Start The Fire It Was Always Burning
Why The Fuck Is There Spaghetti In My Soup
I Lost My Bitchass Roommate Again
Sir This Is A McDonald's Drive-Thru
Defenestration Bros™️
That's What I Like
Subway Sandwich But The Sandwich Is Optional
You Got Games On Your Phone?
Crazy Night Out With Technoblade
We Interrupt This Programme-
Philza Minecraft Crafts A Fucking Belt
I Am Legally Allowed To Park Here, I Have A Child
I Pass The Phone Over To A Wrongun
Call An Ambulance, But Not For Me
Our Get Along Sweater Except It's Fucking Shackles
Orthodontist Hate Club UwU
Connection Has Been Disconnected, Please Wait-
The Festive Christmas Special
Connection Failure, Please Try Again-
We Never Even Got A Beach Episode
A Final Duet
I Used To Hear A Simple Song
And Now I Hear A Symphony

You Took This Broken Melody

88 2 1
By JustThatAvian

alright TWs for this chap are as following:

//arson/burning buildings
//gunshots and shooting/being shot
//major character deaths


Tommy wakes up to the smell of smoke.

And the beeping of the fire alarm.

He scrunches up his nose in confusion, the world blinking into focus. He can feel Wilbur next to him, head smushed into the pillow, snoring.

Is dad making breakfast already? Tommy frowns, tiredly glancing towards the closed curtains. It's dark out. Too early for breakfast.

What the hell?

His frown deepens and he sits up, clumsily pawing at the covers. The smell of smoke heightens and Tommy lets out a cough.

He shakes Wilbur roughly on the shoulder, "Wilbur, Wilbur."

Wilbur slaps him away sluggishly, "Wha? Go ta' sleep,'' He mumbles.

" Wilbur, " Tommy insists, "Something's burning. Did you leave the oven on?" Had they even used the oven last night?

Wilbur opens his eyes, startling into awareness. Tommy watches his brother inhale before letting out a cough.

Wilbur's eyes widen and he sits up abruptly, shrugging off the covers and stumbling towards the bedroom door.

Wilbur yanks the door open and Tommy's breath hitches, caught in his throat.

The hallway is flooded with a fiery orange hue.

Wilbur turns back to him, eyes wide and panicked. "Tommy, we need to leave."


"Where's dad?" Tommy questions as Wilbur drags him through the hallway, on the opposite side closest to the front door flames crowd the exit, "Wil, Wil, where's dad? And we need to get Techno."

"We need to hurry, before it spreads," Is all Wilbur says.

They clamour into Techno and Wilbur's room, where Techno lays soundly asleep.

Just like him, Tommy thinks with vague amusement, to sleep through a fire.

He watches as Wilbur roughly shakes his twin awake, practically dragging the teenager out of bed.

"There's a fire, we've got to go now."


By the time they leave the bedroom, the heat has spread further, flames licking at their heels.

Tommy's heart beats out of rhythm.

"It's fine, we'll go out the fire exit!" Wilbur shouts over the incessant beeping of the alarm.

"Where's dad?" Techno asks, voice rough with disuse as Wilbur shoves the fire exit open.

"In the office, he stayed overnight, remember?" Wilbur replies as they stumble out into the open air.

Tommy is not quite sure what he expects to see, or well, feel when he steps outside. Cold perhaps, it can't be any earlier than three in the morning. The sun has not yet risen. He does at least expect the smoke that cloys in his lungs to lessen, does expect to take in a mouthful of fresh air and breathe.

He doesn't expect to walk out into a burning city.


For a moment, they all stare. For a moment that's all they can do.

The streets are bright, but not with streetlights.

There's an incessant stream of screaming and Tommy suddenly wishes all he could hear was the beeping of the alarm again.

He stumbles into Wilbur and Techno, as they take in the chaos below.

"Who started the fire?" Tommy whispers and then devolves into a series of coughs, tilting into Techno's shirt.

"I-" Wilbur stutters, but then he's glancing below at their apartment, and at the fire that continues to climb. "We need to go."

"We can't go down," Techno murmurs, reaching around to grip Tommy's shoulder. Tommy can feel his fingers tremble.

"Where's Tubbo? Aunt Puffy? Did they make it out?" Tommy tugs at Wilbur's sleeve, panic rising in his chest. Tubbo and Puffy are five floors below. Their apartment already engulfed in the flames, but- but- they must have made it out. They must have.

"I don't know," Is all Wilbur can manage. The metal stairs they stand on creak. "We need to go."

"Where?" Techno's voice shakes.

The screaming continues below.

"We can-" Their brother wavers for a moment, floundering, before his eyes settle in determination. "We can jump. Over there," Wilbur gestures to railings opposite, where a neighbouring apartment stands. The flames have only begun to climb. They have time.

"Are you sure?" Techno questions, eyes rapidly darting between the flames below and then to his brothers and then to the gap between the apartments.

They could fall.

Tommy could fall.

"We don't have a choice. You go first, and then Tommy, and then me," Wilbur decides. His voice has settled with a firm edge, but Tommy can hear the tremors.

"You go first, I'll go last," Techno counters.


"Wil, go first," Techno insists.

Wilbur looks like he's about to protest.

"We don't have time," Techno reminds, gently grasping his twin's shoulder.

Wilbur is silent for a moment before nodding, "Okay," and then he's gripping the metal bars of the stairs, and- and leaping over.

"Wilbur!" Tommy screams because his brother's fingers brush the railings and slip . Techno lets out a hitched inhale beside him but-


It's okay.

Wilbur catches himself, barely, fingers scraping at the metal as he heaves himself up onto the other side.

Tommy exhales with relief as his brother pulls himself up, turning to face them, "I'm okay," Wilbur pants, visibly shaking. But- but he's okay.

"Come on, Tommy," Wilbur lets out a cough before outstretching his arms over the railings, "I'll catch you, it's okay. You have to hurry."

Tommy doesn't want to jump.

The screaming below hasn't stopped, and the embers are still climbing, trying to scorch anything they can touch. The air is too warm. Too, too warm.

"Tommy," Techno presses a palm to his back, "C'mon, Theseus."

Tommy's breath stutters and he lets out a stilted nod. He grips the metal railing of the stairs, feels the press of the cool metal beneath his palms and pulls himself over.

Wilbur's arms are still outstretched. His eyes are wide with panic, with apprehension, but Tommy can see he's trying to be brave, for Tommy. His brother lets out a smile that threatens to wobble, "I'll catch you," He promises, voice clear through the screaming below.

Tommy jumps.

He squeezes his eyes shut and feels himself fall.

He's going to die- he's-


Fingers dig into his arms and pull.

Tommy's eyes snap open as he gasps, staring up at his brother.

"You're okay, you're okay, I got you," Wilbur inhales harshly, panting, drawing up and Tommy stumbles into his brother's embrace.

Tommy suddenly feels like crying. He blinks rapidly, fingers gripping at his brother's shirt. Wilbur stills smells like their home, still smells like the stupid cologne he wears despite the smoke.

"C'mon, gotta get Techno now," Wilbur murmurs, gently pushing him aside to outstretch his hands once again. "I'm ready, Techno."

Tommy turns to stare at his other brother. Techno stares back at them and his eyes are filled with fear, with unease.


"You're gonna be okay, Tech, I'm gonna catch you," Wilbur reassures, tone careful and soft and so very caring. But there's a tension to it, a tightness. "You've got to hurry, before it's too late. okay? You've got this."

Techno shakes as he grips the railings, looking down below at the blazing inferno. "What if I miss?"

"You won't, we won't," Wilbur says firmly.

Techno hesitates.

"What's our saying again?" Wilbur says over the screams, turning to look at Tommy momentarily.

"Technoblade always wins," Tommy recites, letting out a shaky grin. "And Technoblade never dies."

"That's right, Technoblade never dies," Wilbur smiles at his twin.

Techno's fingers tremble as he tries to grin back, "That's still a stupid nickname," He says back.

Tommy laughs and suddenly it's not so scary. Suddenly it's easier to block everything out. It's just them. He could even pretend they're in the living room, fighting over the remote.

"It's a great nickname, and it's true. You never die, you never lose," Wilbur grins. He leans further over the railing, "C'mon Tech, jump. You have to jump."

Techno inhales shakily, "Okay, okay."

Tommy watches as Techno pulls himself over the railing. He wavers, limbs shaking as he grips the metal bars.

Techno locks eyes with Tommy and Tommy- Tommy smiles for him, he needs to be brave for him because he knows he's still scared. Techno smiles back, despite the fear in his eyes.

"I've got you," Wilbur promises.

Techno jumps.

His fingers are outstretched, yearning, arms reaching towards Wilbur. Their fingers brush, fingertips meeting.

They brush, and they miss.

Tommy sees it. His eyes meet Techno's as he falls. They're filled with terror, a dread that does not dissipate. His fingers stay outstretched.

Distantly, Tommy hears the screaming below.

Distantly, Tommy realises he's screaming too.


"We- we- Wil, we- we need to get him ," Tommy sobs. He tries to climb over the rails, fingers scraping at the metal only to feel arms wrap around his waist.

"We can't- he-" Wilbur's arms tighten around him. "The fire- " Tommy hears the way his brother chokes on the word.

"It's Techno!" Tommy all but screams, throat raw as a cough works its way up. His lungs burn.

"Tommy, we have to go!" Wilbur shouts.

No. No, no, no, no. They're not leaving without him.

It doesn't matter that Tommy can't distinguish the flames from his brother. It doesn't matter that he can't hear Techno. Doesn't matter that fire draws closer every second because they can't go. Not without Techno.

Wilbur's fingers dig into his ribs and tug him backwards. Tommy screams the entire time.


He fights.

He screams and he claws at his brother's arms, wailing and distraught because it's Techno.

Why are they leaving without Techno?

Why are they leaving without him?

Why are they leaving?


There's an exit that has not yet been devoured by the flames, it stands on the other side of the apartment.

They make their way down to the streets in silence.

Tommy shakes. His hands tremble in a way he can't control and Wilbur laces their fingers together. If anything, they shake more.

The streets burn.

There's the shop, the one where his father had bought Tommy's action figures. The ones he used to play with, the ones he'd outgrown. The windows are smashed in. The 'open" sign on the door has been singed black.

Nothing has really escaped the inferno, it seems. The swings in the playground have been torn apart, resting uselessly on burnt grass.

They don't look back at their apartment.

Tommy thinks that if he does, he may run straight into the fire.


Everyone is screaming. Everyone is running.

Tommy, childishly, so childishly, wonders where are the heroes? The saviours? Isn't someone meant to help?

"Tommy we have to run," Wilbur seems to realise as he takes in the chaos. There's a realisation in his eyes that Tommy can't quite understand, can't quite grasp the way his brother's eyes lighten in alarm, in horror. He suspects that Wilbur must realise too, that no one is helping.

"We need to find dad," Tommy says and his voice doesn't sound like his own, hoarse and empty.

"We need to get out of here," Wilbur strings him along through the crowds of stumbling people. Tommy trips to keep up.

"Wilbur, who started the fire?" Tommy questions.

Wilbur doesn't answer.

Tommy goes to ask again, because he needs to know.

A gunshot sounds through the screams.

They run.


No one is coming to help.

There are no fire engines, and there are no officers.

There are no heroes.

There are masked figures, armed with guns, and they are not here to help.

Tommy watches as a man crumples to the floor, watches his daughter sob over his body.

A panic that he thought had been smothered, rises, suddenly and without warning. Tommy finds himself gasping for breath.

"Wil-Wilbur," Tommy squeezes his brother's hand as tears leak over because he's scared. He's so very scared.

He wants to go home.

Tommy wonders if he squeezes his eyes shut, that maybe, just maybe, it will be like one of those nightmares, the ones that seem so real you almost believe it, almost believe it's reality, and he'll wake up.

Wilbur squeezes his hand back and it's a cold reminder that Tommy is awake.

"It's okay, Tommy, it's okay," His brother tries to reassure over the bloodshed and the burning, smothering warmth. "We're gonna be okay."

Tommy thinks it's too late for that.


They manage to reach the outskirts of their streets, so close to the main city. So close to their father.

"We're almost there," Wilbur promises.

Tommy coughs, leaning heavily against his brother as they stumble.

"We're gonna get help," His brother tries to reassure.

Tommy doesn't believe him but he pretends to, tries to smile and hopes it doesn't turn to a grimace, tries to appear stronger than he is, more hopeful than he feels.

By the way Wilbur pulls him closer, eyes downturned with a grief so striking, Tommy doesn't think he succeeded.


There's the ringing of a gunshot.

Tommy's heard it enough times to know to keep moving past it, to keep walking. Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it.



Wilbur stumbles, suddenly, into his side, almost knocking them both over.

"Wilbur?" Tommy whispers, he doesn't know if his voice can go any louder.

His brother lets out a whimper, and he falls.

Tommy clutches at the teenager's shoulder, at his arms, anything, as they are lowered to the ground, Tommy with shock and Wilbur with-

Wilbur with-



Tommy's fingers brush over the patch of red that spreads like a disease, an infection.

"Go find dad," Wilbur rushes to say, even as his eyes start to dim.

Tommy shakes his head, "No," He whispers, pulling his brother closer to try and drag him up, pull him along, tug him. Anything. Anything.

"Tom- Toms- I'm-" Wilbur coughs and blood covers his lips, "Go without me."

Tommy will not.

They're going to get help, and they're going to save Wilbur, and they'll find Techno and- and- they'll save him too.

"We're gonna get help," Tommy promises, heaving as he tries to drag his brother.

"Toms," Wilbur takes longer to catch his breath, longer to find his words, "Let me go."

Tommy blinks rapidly, "No."

"Put... me down," A pause. "Find dad."

Tommy coughs, and it burns his lungs enough for him to stop momentarily, for his knees to buckle under the weight, and they fall, again.

He can feel the gravel dig into his pyjama pants, feel the little stones scrape at his knees. A reminder that this is not a dream- this is not a dream- he- he's not dreaming-

"Go, Tommy," Wilbur says and Tommy is forced to watch, forced to witness the light flicker in his brother's eyes. Like a flame going out.

The irony.

Tommy feels the body slump against him and pretends he doesn't.

He blinks, once, then twice. He bites his lip, hard. He pulls his brother closer, and- and-

Tommy bursts into tears.


Tommy wishes he'd been shot instead.

He imagines the red staining his stomach, imagines it being him falling into the fire.

He should find his dad.

He should find him.

But what's the point?

He brushes Wilbur's hair aside and hums a broken melody.


He gets up, eventually.

Tommy gets up when he realises that no one is coming to take him too. That there is no gun pointed towards him and that no one seems to care about killing one boy who cries over his dead brother.

He pulls Wilbur along with him.


He- they- he reaches the city, and wishes he didn't.

It's bathed in blood. Doused with flames.

The screaming increases tenfold.

His father's office has been scorched.

His father could be in there. He could be safe somewhere else.

Tommy could fight the flames. He could push past the burning, past the embers and sparks that try to sear him. He could try and find him. He could hope.

But Tommy- Tommy doesn't have it in him. To continue.

His lungs burn and when he coughs, it hurts.

Every breath claws at his chest, every breath takes a little longer to come up and a lot longer to come down.

Tommy listens to the chaos. He watches the people scream and run and stumble and shout for a help that is just not coming.

He kneels down, to the ground on aching knees. The rubble is hot, almost too hot beneath his fingers, and that's alright.


There is fire and there is chaos. Screams of the forgotten echo in the forsaken land. Ash smothers the air, blackening lungs. The voices beg for mercy, beg for help, beg for salvation.

A little boy can't breathe. A little boy stares up at the sky, a poisonous orange hue and prays.

Tommy stares up wide eyed at the clouds as they part to reveal an angel .

The angel is leaving the heavens. Leaving the serenity that is beyond them to save him.

Tommy reaches out a shaky arm, trembling with exhaustion. His vision blurs.

He feels himself pulled into warm arms and blearily looks up at his saviour.

Blonde hair and kind blue eyes stare down at him.

Tommy breathes. He's safe.

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