Beneath Us

By Slugzilla

12.9K 203 145

⚠️Warnings⚠️ This ff includes- Abuse⚠️ blood and injuries⚠️ Self harm⚠️ mentions/thoughts of suicide⚠️ Homop... More

Chapter 1- Fucking Prick
Chapter 2- This Can't Be Good
Chapter 3- what..?
Chapter 4- Hey, what happened?
Chapter 5- Must Have Burnt Whoever It Touched
Chapter 6- Or just gay
Chapter 7- Im late!
Chapter 8- i jinxed it.
Chapter 10- 'Say less'
holy shit

Chapter 9- 'Heya Hotshot'

1.1K 23 41
By Slugzilla


I don't know how on earth i jinxed it, but somehow I did. I guess the world just hates me.
Everyone's eyes shifted to me and I felt a cold shiver tiptoed across my spine as a drop of sweat rolled down my neck.

"W-worst trauma I've been through?" Gulp.
"I-" Neck scratch. "I don't-" Heated face. "I haven't been-" Closed neck. "Through any-" Can't breathe. "Trauma." When did it get so hot in here?

"Aw come on dude. That's bullshit, of course you have!" Cartman yelled. I would of strangled his fat fucking neck if i could get my hands around it. "Well, I guess I have." I spat out. My mind was running everywhere, thinking if everything that's happened to me.

All the times you've brutally died, all the times you have been kicked out, all the times Social Services has taken you away, all the times you've been beaten up. All these thoughts and one thing in particular came to mind.

My dad. My dad is a fucking awful and vile person and everything he's done to me I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. Let's take a look at what my so called 'father' has done to me. He's beat me up to the point that i couldn't breathe for hours on end, broken my bones, strangled me, drove me far away and left me there, put me inside a tiny box for hours at a time knowing I'm claustrophobic, hit me with beer bottles, put me in hospital, and the worst ever thing he could ever do to me,

He laid his hands on me, and no i don't mean to beat me up, i mean he laid his hands on my bear skin, inappropriately. It was the worst thing i've ever experienced and i'd rather be baked in an oven for the rest of my endless days then let it happen to anyone else. I honestly don't know how i can even call him my father anymore.

I didn't know what to say for her question, i was completely silent. I didn't want to say the wrong thing, my head was running away from me and i didn't even know it. Everyone at the party was confused as to why i wasn't saying anything and started to whisper amongst themselves, about me of course.

"Why isn't he talking?" "Has he seriously not got any trauma?" "I dunno, he's quiet in school" "Yeah but he hangs around with Cartmans gang, that would be traumatic in itself" "What if he's got too much trauma and doesn't know what to say?" *slight giggle* "He probably does, have you seen the amount he can drink up to? deserves it anyway."

"I think personally the worst trauma i've been through is when i had to dress up as that kid Blanket a few years back, man that was a crazy night." i finally said.

"Ohhh yeah I remember that!" Stan laughed. "yeah dude that was crazy. Can't believe Mr Jefferson didn't even bat an eye!" Kyle responded, and the game went on. No body said anything about the incident or why i wasn't talking because everyone was either high out of their heads or drunk.

I didn't drink anymore after that, it felt wrong. i was sat in the couch, gazing into nothing until someone sat next to me. Butters. me and Butters have been friends since we were children and don't get me wrong, so have me and the gang but me and Butters really connected. We dated once, although it didn't work out, people still bring it up to this day.

'Y-y-you know K-kenny, w-we haven't spok-ken in a while, h-h-how are y' doing, p-pal?' He said in his thick accent.

'Im great Butters ,thanks for asking. And your right, we haven't spoke in a while. How are you?' I replied.

'I'm g-g-good thanks K-kenny. You and y-your dad okay now? l-l-last time we spoke, you were a-a-arguing with him.'

'Yeah we're great Butters, it was just a petty argument we're totally fine now.' I felt bad lying straight to his face.

'Oh, well t-that's good then.' He said with a smile. 'Butters!' Someone yelled.
He turned his head quickly to see some random people shouting him and gesturing for him to come over.

'S-sorry Ken, gonna h-h-have to go. C'ya!' And he left. I was alone again, although it was nice of Butters to come and talk to me after all this time.

Then Craig leaned over the back of the couch with a smirk on his face.

'Heya hotshot'

OH, MY, GOD!! i cannot believe it has been all this time! i honestly totally forgot about this since i've been so unmotivated. Crazy how you can just forget things, huh? I have a feeling the storyline will get better after this, Craig is starting to be flirty but also cold hearted. i honestly don't know what i was thinking when i made Craig into a big softie but what can i say? i will make a next chapter, but it will take some time clearly. anyway adiós amores! <33

877 words

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