The Big J: A My Hero Academia...

By seronuru

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A former hero hated by the people he protects. They used a device to transport the once hero in a world full... More

Chapter 1: The Big J
Chapter 2: The Big attack on God
Chapter 4: Big Battle
Chapter 5: The Big Workout
Chapter 6: Big workout (2)
Chapter 7: Big Hero Fanboy: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 8: The Big Entrance Exam

Chapter 3: A Big World of Heroes

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By seronuru

Huh? Was the first thought of the terrifying tyrant of humanity as he gazed at the beautiful bluish sky. What happened?

He remembered he was attacked by soldiers and a powerful fighter wearing the latest power armor. Then they had a beam clash, which ended in the armored fighter's favor and then he was launched back. But why was he so desperate to not get pushed back?

Then he remembers the bizarre wormhole, the feeling of his whole body melting away as he got sucked in. His eyes widened and instantly shot into the air, looking around the area while floating in the air. He was in a woodland area which covered for miles.

Was the wormhole some sort of portal? Then why were they so desperate for him to go inside it if they are going only to teleport him in a different place. Looking at the woods one more time his panic decreased, a sense of nostalgia replacing it.

In the year 2219 there were only a few woodland areas in existence, everything was replaced by large buildings or homes. Destroying everything in nature, they were forced to make a facility for any wild animals so as to not get them extinct. Although there are a few woodland places, it was protected by the government and anything foreign were to come must be eliminated on sight.

He did want to see the trees again, to once again feel their rough wood texture and smell the natural oxygen once more, something he hadn't done for decades, he did not like the awful artificial oxygen covering everywhere he went. But he couldn't if he were to go it would hurt his already damage relationship with the public and not to mention he was too busy helping out in natural disasters, robberies and any crime. Big J took a huge inhale of the air before letting the air out his face full of satisfaction.

While seeing trees and grass again was nostalgic and all, he needed to find out exactly where he was. His body soared higher into the air before shooting himself forward creating a sonic boom in the process. The leaves and the branches dance from the force as Big J leaves the area.

Back to Big J he slows down the instant he sees civilization. More questions were raised as soon sees the structure of the buildings and houses. It structures dating back seven decades ago.

Unlike the smooth modern neon structure material used, they were using stone, bricks and all those kinds of old material that was used to build. And it's not just that, everything seemed like the 2040's again. It is as if he traveled back in time...

His eyes narrow slightly at the realization, it's no wonder they were so desperate to push him to the wormhole! But why? Wouldn't it just be more bad for them if there are two of himself running around?

Shaking his head to force those thoughts to the background. Time travel or not, he needs to know where he is. His whole existence would cause a stir so he zipped up his jacket blocking the 'BJ' symbol and put his hoodie up.

It was a terrible disguise but it was all he could for the time being. Spotting a landing spot which was an alley with no people. Big J landed on the alley shoving his hands to his pockets and pushing his head down as he walked out the alley and into civilization.

Glancing up at signs, billboards and people speaking he instantly knew he was in Japan. Where in Japan was still unknown. The best place to know where and when exactly you are is the library and thankfully during his centuries worth of experience, he learned to speak and write almost all of the other languages.

Japanese being one of them, he also knew how to write kanji too. True, he could just shoot up in the air to find which part of Japan he was or ask a person. However he needed to be undercover and showing the enemy of humanity's face to someone would doubt cause trouble for him.

And because social interactions are a pain.

His process of thoughts were cut off when he noticed a...girl with three eyes rather than one walking with another person, they were wearing those outdated school uniforms. Sure he knew about genetic defects and how they could affect the human body but it was strange nonetheless. Looking at the other person this time, he couldn't help but raise a brow at his bizarre appearance.

His face looks about what you would expect a Japanese student would look like. But on the neck down huge muscles can be seen and even the uniform is barely containing it. It looks like someone photoshopped a fourteen year old kid's face to a bodybuilder on steroid's body.

It looks completely unnatural. Big J looks everywhere around him now being hyper aware. While most were normal people, occasionally he would see a human with horns, a tail, multiple limbs and so on.

Big J was bewildered even a little scared of what's going on. Was it a cosplay party? No, it felt too real for him to be in one.

Looking back at the presumed couple who was still walking while talking to one another, Big J to tail them moving forward to hear their conversation.

Three eyes: "Come on Yuuki-kun, with your quirk I'm sure you could get to U.A!"

Yuuki: "Are you sure?"

The muscular teen brought one of his arms up and flexed. Big J cringes a little as the muscles were so thick and big that he could a vein pop out in the uniform. Three eyed girl pouted.

Three eyes: "You can smash through walls! What do I have?"

She points to her third eye on her forehead.

Yuuki: "That's not true! Yuri, I know you'll be a great hero!"

Yuuki declared looking at her with determination. The powerful statement causes Yuri to suddenly turn red. She averted her head to not face her companion.

Yuri: "Y-yuuki-kun."

Big J didn't pay much attention to the lovebirds interaction. He didn't need a constant reminder of his decades of his single status. Big J heard a muscle boy say 'quirk'.

Meaning that mutations such as this are common or tolerated. Then he said 'hero', could possibly mean an actual vigilante or a job? Either way this raised more questions than answers.

Growing frustrated he was about to leave the two bizarre people to their flirting, but was halted in his tracks as he noticed that some people were running towards something. He couldn't see where they were going due to them going a sharp left to another street. The faces of the running people are one of excitement, wonder and a bit of worry, not even worrying if they bump into each other or ram their body at something hard.

Even the two lovebirds decided to follow the masses. Getting curious Big J jogged along with the others eventually taking the sharp turn. The first thing he saw was a huge mass of people looking upwards with awe and amazement.

Big J follows their line of sight then his heart then skips a beat as he sees a man standing on a railroad bridge. The man was huge-no he was colossal. His size could possibly be between ten to twelve meters.

The giant was extremely muscular aside from his pants and torn biker vest his gargantuan muscles are on full display. But the defining one of the more defining features was his face, his face looked deformed reminding him more of an animal than a human. The giant man looked panic, aggressive and desperate.

Big J went towards the crowd to get a better view of the giant man. In there a lot of people were pulling out their phones to record the man.

Broccoli hair: "That's a huge villain!"

A green haired kid wearing a middle-school uniform said excitedly. He turned to the side to give him a confused brow, this kid just said villain but he didn't look all too worried at all. The Giant villain begins to thrash violently swinging his big broad arms around.

One of his arms hit an electricity pole breaking it with ease and now the broken metal pole was about to fall down on civilians. In an instant Big J's eyes glowed crimson and was about to shoot his lasers to vaporize the electricity pole. However a large muscular man wearing a ridiculous costume came running and stopped on top of the large heavy pole.

The muscled cosplayer slammed their fist together before raising his hands up to catch the heavy object. Big J grits his teeth. He couldn't use his heat vision due to the costume fool being in the way.

But to his surprise the costumed man successfully caught it. Sure he seems to be struggling to lift it above his head, but he still caught the falling heavy pole with his bare hands. And he didn't seem to be wearing power armor of some kind to increase his strength.

Random Extra 1#: "Oh, it's Death Arms!"

A random person shouted gleefully as the crowd became more ecstatic seeing this 'Death Arms'.

Random Extra 1#: "He carries out justice through his great physical strength! The punching hero!"

Everyone became so excited that they unintentionally or maybe even intentionally started drawing closer to the fight. Thankfully a...Big J doesn't even know how to describe this thing. It looked like a robot wearing a firefighter uniform and that's the best he could describe it.

The robot firefighter shot his hose hands to both his sides shooting out a liquid that resembled water but acted more like a slime. The water slime stuck to the walls preventing anyone from going any further.

Firefighter Bot: "Everyone, stay back. This is dangerous."

More people became more amazed as they awed at the bizarre being's arrival.

Random Extra 2#: "Even the rescue specialist, Backdraft is here too!"

Big J slowly put the pieces together. The green haired exclaimed that the giant was a villain or a criminal, but despite that no one seems to be panicking. Then what those two lovebirds said about being a hero.

Could this mean that Death Arms and Backdraft are heroes, like legit superheroes. But he had never heard of them before. Seeing the sight of the two heroes' arrival the giant villain became even more desperate. Big J narrows his eyes, he doesn't know the full extent of the heroes abilities nor the villain, but the schrade has gone long enough.

Regardless of him getting exposed he was ending this. Thanks to his small frame he managed to go through the crowd easily and it didn't take long for him to finally reach the front spotting the green haired kid doing the same thing as him. The Big J clicked his tongue, sure he was a kid but does he seriously have no danger sense whatsoever?

Hell, do the people around not have a sense of danger? You're supposed to run not towards a fight between superhumans! Finally he arrived in the front along with the green haired kid.

He was about to enter the battle...

Thirsty Fangirls: "YOU CAN DO IT, KAMUI!!!"

The sudden loud cry of excitement startled the enemy of humanity making him flinch. He looks at the crowd of girls bewildered before his attention is drawn to the girl's target of affection. A man skillfully and dramatically landed in front of them.

He was wearing a black overalls while wearing a wooden mask? And his shoes, belt and even his arms are wooden. The wooden man dash jumped in the air and used a traffic light as a foothold before leaping once more in front of the giant villain. The wooden hero glared at the giant villain who raised his arm and brought it down on the wooden man.

Although the wooden man skillfully evades it, jumping high in the air.

Giant Villain: "Get away!"

The giant villain roared in fierce rage. The Giant villain once more tried to hit  Kamui once more only for Kamui to evade again this time extending his arms to wrap a steel bar. Wrapping his hands all over it like an octopus.

He pulls away avoiding the powerful blow. Landing in another dramatic pose which made Big J cringe a little.

Broccoli hair: "Kamui Woods! The young and talented rising star!"

The green haired kid exclaimed excitedly. Kamui Woods evaded another blow, wrapping his wooden tendrils at the villain's huge wrist. The giant villain swung growls pulling the wrapped arm around taking Kamui Woods with the arm.

Kamui Wood was flung to the air, he quickly unwrapped his wooden arm from the Giant's. Despite the failed capture attempt, he still looks confident, dramatically twirling in the air before landing in a pose. His cool landing made the girls once more cry out his name much to the annoyance of Big J.

Kamui Woods glared at the huge villain.

Kamui Woods: "Illegal use of your Quirk during rush hour and robbery causing harm."

The hero says.

Kamui Woods: "You are the incarnation of evil!"

A certain enemy of humanity, the tyrant of all living things's eyebrow twitch. Kamui Woods raised one of his arms and suddenly grew more branches.

Kamui Woods: "Take this villain, Pre-emptive binding lacquered chain prison!"

Who the hell calls out their attack names and also why the complicated attack name? Big J thought. Kamui Woods extended his arm intending to wrap the villain who raises his arm in an attempt to block the attack.

???: "Canyon Cannon!"

An even bigger giant, female this time and with a costume slammed their foot at the villain's face instantly knocking him out. Even the crowd was left speechless from the new arrival. The new arrival grabbed and knocked out the villain as she did this she turned to the crowd.

The colossal lady smiled at the crowd.

???: "Today is my debut!"

She says, giving the crowd a wink.

Mt. Lady: My name is Mt. Lady, pleased to meet you all!"

With that the crowd roared with praises and shouts. Mt. Lady returns into a more normal size waving to the crowd with a smile while the police restrained the giant villain. Meanwhile Kamui Woods sunk into the crowd in defeat, wallowing more in despair that even his fangirls were being giddy with the new heroine.

Broccoli hair: "Wow what an amazing fight!"

As they cheered for the heroes' victory, Big J stepped out of the crowd intending to find out what's going on.


After a couple hours within the library and the internet he came to understand his situation. He wasn't back in time, he was trapped in a whole different universe. A world where 80% of people have super powers.

A world of super villains and heroes. At first he didn't know what to feel, he knew this world's technology wasn't advanced, let alone build him a portal for him to get home. Which means he will have to stay here for a long time or forever. That thought crossed his mind, his eyes couldn't help but turn red as left the library building.

Taking deep breaths as his headache and rage cooled off. Now he could think clearly. He walked through the streets aimlessly.

Big J didn't need sleep, the longest time he stayed awake without sleeping once was a year and despite the groceries he buys he didn't really need food. So he could do pretty well without shelter, but the lack of a place to stay didn't bother him. It was the lack of something to do with his time.

Back home, he stopped natural disasters, stopped criminals, rescued people despite their thankless attitude towards him. But now in this world sure it was refreshing that people didn't run away or look at him with terror, however he had nothing to do now. These heroes do his job even better than he could, it helps when they get paid and praised for their actions.

In short his existence is pointless. True he could be a 'vigilante' someone that uses their special ability known as a Quirk to do hero activities without a license. When he read that it was illegal to use your powers unless you have a hero liscense was stupid, not even the cops are allowed to use their powers unless in a an emergency.

Those kinds of power can progress humanity further, but he could understand why a decision is made. Regardless, being vigilante would mean a lot of heroes would be after him, unique abilities he would face off that could potentially defeat him regardless of his huge physical advantage. Besides he wasn't a criminal now, why did he give up the life of peace just to save a few people?

Then why not just become a professional hero? His appearance is in his teen years so he could go to a school. But he dislikes attention, especially the whole world's attention if he showcases his multiple 'Quirks'.

Besides someone like him being called a hero? Is a fucking joke.

Then a bright idea popped in his head stopping him walking aimlessly. Why don't he become a professional hero, but instead of showing his full abilities he could just show one ability that could pass as a hero. The hero salary is huge, even a lesser known hero could retire early and live comfortably for the rest of his life!

He could just become a hero for a couple of years then retire early, with a comfy bed, food and lots of entertainment. Even the annyong fame would eventually die out with new heroes coming to the spotlight. While he didn't like being known as a hero, it would still be a win-win for him!

Now he has an objective and something to do: He was going to be a professional hero and then retire early!

A ghost of a smile crawled his lips, his arms twitching slightly as he resisted the urge to fist bump the air. But that smile and excitement died when he realized something: he was broke. Not just broke, he didn't even have a government record.

Big J will need to figure something out-


A loud explosion startled him and cut his thoughts off. He could briefly see the spark the explosion followed up by smoke. His first instinct was to fly to get there, feeling himself float in the air before remembering he couldn't use his 'Quirk'.

He clicks his teeth dropping to the ground before running to the direction of the smoke.


The streets are in flames. The civilians screamed as they ran from the fire and into a more safe place. Windows and billboard signs were destroyed.

The police and the newly arrived heroes could only look on with shock and frightful faces at the figure. The thing's body, if you could say that was similar to that to a slime or more accurately sludge. The sludge monstrosity's body was wrapped around a teenage boy.

The teenage boy had ash blonde spiky hair and red eyes. The sludge villain grinned gleefully at his new host. His quirk was certainly powerful.

Sludge Villain: "What a Quirk!! I've hit the jackpot with this Quirk. I'll have my revenge on that grinning bastard!"

The blonde teen struggled trying to take control of his own body, but failing. The sludge had complete control of his body.

Blonde teen: "As if I'd let this mudman take my body for himself!"

Despite struggling harder, the sludge villain still had a firm grip.

The Big J finally arrived at the scene before him. Just like earlier today, there was a huge crowd of people despite being near the inferno. Big J looks at the scene a bead of cold sweat formed in his cheek.

Getting frustrated with the situation especially at the heroes who were just standing around waiting while the sludge villain has taken a child hostage. He could see the blonde teen clearly in pain, trying to get rid of the sludge by using his Quirk which seems to be shooting explosions from his hands. What the hell are they waning for!

Kamui Woods: "Someone else has to take this one! I'm not so good with fire!"

Mt. Lady: "I need there to be two lanes! I can't get there!"

Backdraft: "I've got my hands full too! Where are the FireFighters?"

Deatharms: "This guy is too slippery and the hostage's quirk is making this place a minefield!"

Big J couldn't help but let his jaws drop. While a kid is suffering all the heroes could do is complain? Deatharms barely dodge a swipe attack from the sludge villain, things were dire.

Deatharms: "No good! There is no one that can stop him, we need another hero with the right Quirk to show up!!"

A memory flashed in his head.

There was a huge fire in the building. Thankfully all the denizens of the building managed to evacuate thanks to the firefighters. Standing along them was a caped costume figure.

The costumed boy sighed in relief, they had managed to get everyone out. Then suddenly he felt someone tug his cape, he turned to find a little girl crying a lot.

Crying girl: "Please save my mommy, she's still stuck there!"

Everyone that heard her gasp. One of the firefighters cursed and the costumed individual looked away, the fire was extremely hot and speared all over the building, even his heat resistance would be in trouble. Suddenly another Firefighter stomped towards the burning building.

Costumed man: "H-hey!"

Rushing to the man and grabbing his wrist to stop him approaching the inferno.

Costumed man: "Are you crazy!? You could die!"

The firefighter glared at him, making him let go of his arm in surprise. He growls as he grabs the shirt of the costumed man.

Firefighter: "You are such a coward, a person is in that building and you're not gonna try to save her! You're no hero..."

This made the costumed man's eyes winded underneath his crimson goggles. With that even with a damaged fire resistant coat, he went inside the fire without any hesitation.

His knuckles turned white from how hard he is tightening his fist. Unconsciously his body moves to the front before reminding himself not to get involved. If he goes there not only the heroes would be after him from using his 'Quirk', but he could also kiss his early retirement goodbye.

He hated it, but he had no choice. Besides, a hero with the right Quirk could possibly be arriving soon. His heart felt heavy, he turned his head out of shame.

Then he noticed something from the crowd, they were...smiling?

Random Extra #3: "Man, what an awesome fight!

Random Extra #4: "Yo! Villain dude do something flashy!"

They were taking pictures, recording or cheering like they were watching some sort of sports game! While a kid is getting hurt and fire covered the area, they cheered, they stayed, some even wanted the villain to win.

Random Teen #1: "Hey don't you have a Quirk that can put out fires quickly, why don't you help those heroes out?"

A random teen said to his friend, who chuckled.

Random Teen #2: "Nah, the heroes can take care of it! Besides, it's a lot more interesting if they struggle right?"

Random Teen #1: "Yeah, you're right. Go heroes!"

Another memory flashes in his mind.

The firefighter, along with the reluctant help of the costumed man, managed to get the woman out of the fire, but she wasn't breathing.

Crying girl: "Mommy!"

The crying girl called out and was about to run up to her mother, but was held back by a police officer.

Costumed man: "She's not breathing! What do we do!!"

The costumed hero shouts, laying her to the ground.

Citizen #1: "I can help!"

A person calls out from the crowd drawing everyone's attention to him. The man pushes to the crowd a stethoscope in hand.

Citizen #1: "I'm a doctor!"

He says rushing to the women's side placing the stethoscope to where her heart should be.

Citizen #2: "I can help too, I know cpr!"

Another citizen rushed along with the doctor. The costumed man's face was one of amazement, these people so close to the fire and didn't even know her yet they were trying to save the woman's life.

Droplets of blood landed in the ground. His nails digging his flesh, the pain. But he could care less.

The smiling crowd as they watch a soon to be tragedy, the heroes not willing to put their life in the line, the red teary eyes of the blonde hostage begging to be saved. He couldn't take it anymore.

Costumed man: "Hey, what makes a hero?"

The costumed man wearing casual clothes revealing that he was teenger asks an older man sitting next to him. His costumes brun to a crisp after the incident but they managed to save the woman's life. The older man looks caught off guard for a moment before putting a hand to his chin.

Old man: "Hmm, I think what makes a hero is...sacrifice."

Costumed man: "Sacrifice?"

Old man: "Yeah, you'll make a lot of decisions in life and often many people choose wrong because it's easier or beneficial. But a hero is somebody that decides differently, they make the hard choice."

The old man sips his drink before continuing.

Old man: "Whether giving up your own life, your time, your freedom or reputation a hero always chooses the hard one because often..."

Deatharms: "Huh?"

(You say run My hero Academia ost)

Deatharms notice that a hooded figure stepped out of the crowd and into the battlefield, casually walking as if he wasn't walking in any danger. Even the rest of the civilians couldn't believe their eyes as they saw this small kid walking towards the inferno. A certain pair of blue eyes watch the young man.

Old man: "...The hardest decision is..."

Deatharms shakes his head off the shock angrily, stomping towards at the teen.

Deatharms: "What are you doing!? Are you crazy? You could die if you get closer!"

The hooded teen didn't say anything, only taking off his hood revealing his jet black hair and then putting down his jacket zipper to reveal a symbol: BJ.

Deatharms was about to grab the young man's arm before the teen vanished from everyone's view.

Deatharms: "What the-!?"

The teen reappeared behind Deatharms and resumed his walk. Deatharms, the other heroes and the crowd are in disbelief of how fast the teen was. They were so surprised that they forgot the kid was heading to danger, Deatharms snapped out of his shocked statue first.

Deatharms: "Fool, stop!!"

It was too late, the boy was already too far.

Sludge Villain: "Hmm?"

The sludge villain turned his attention to the young man who stopped. His eyes briefly glowing red as he glared at the sludge villain.

Old man: "...The right one."

Big J glared at the surprise sludge villain. Then the sludge villain bursted out laughing.

Sludge Villain: "I like your eyes kid, are you trying to fight me? Then..."

Blonde teen: "No! Get away from here, dumbass!!"

The sludge villain pulled his large slimy arms back before swiping his arm at Big J who didn't look at all faze. Before he could get hit by the swipe, he brought both arms up, both palms open and facing each other. Then slammed both hands together creating a large shockwave!

The powerful shockwave pushes off the sludge villain off the blonde teen. Even the heroes that were further away made an effort to not get blown by the force. The force of the shockwave not only blew away the villain but also blew away the fire.

The sludge annoyance went flying however was still alive. The Big J ignored the shock looks he felt on his back. Even the blonde teen he saved was in disbelief at what happened.

The sludge recovered looking at the slowly approaching teen with fear.

Sludge Villain: "W-what? G-get away from me..."

But he didn't do what the villain requested, instead he kept coming closer. The sludge villain didn't know why, but he felt it. The feeling of death.

This child, this young scrawny kid wasn't going to put him to Tarturus. He was going to send him to hell, he was going to kill him. As if the monster heard the villain's thoughts the Big J's usual frown went upwards as his eyes went red.

Sludge Villain: "N-no, stay back!!!"

With that desperate cry the sludge villain swung at Big J who tenses up ready to intercept the attack. But before he could do so a large body appeared in a blur to even Big J himself standing between them, blocking the attack with ease. His eyes went wide and for the first time in a long time brought his hands up ready to fight the large figure.

He first notices the absurd hairstyle of the large person. Blonde with two large bangs of hair pointing upwards defying gravity. That large muscular frame, the weird hair style.

It was the number 1 hero. The strongest hero. A possible physical match for him: All Might

All Might: "Haha! You are quite courageous for facing down this fiend, young man!"

He turns his head to give him a smile that he was known for.

All Might: "But let's leave this to the pros!"

The Sludge shook violently. He had already had his hands full with scary brat now All Might was here!?

Sludge Villain: "DAMN YOU!!"

All Might grins wider pulling back his fist. He throws the powerful punch at the sludge villain.

All Might: "Detroit Smash!"

The punch slammed at the Sludge Villain who like before with Big J's clap was blown, this time far much more violent. The shockwave from All Might's punch was almost too much for everyone to handle and the civilians save for Big J did their best to not get blown away. The powerful shockwave then vanished as fast as it had arrived allowing the people to recover and process what just happened.

(Finish You say run)

They were in awe of the amazing strength that All Might pulled. But the surprises weren't done yet. Big J felt something wet his face, turning up to the sky he saw unlike the clear blue sky it was replaced by dark raining clouds.

The crowd and the heroes remained speechless even as the droplets of water assaulted them. It would take a few seconds until their brain finally returned as they cheered and applauded the number 1 hero who returned the friendly gestures by smiling at them. He raises his fist to the sky making the onlookers go even more of a frenzy.


The crowds cheered his name. It could have been his imagination but he could see All Might shivering, as if enduring a great pain. His eyes turned to the ash blonde teen giving an All Might a look of awe before meeting his gaze.

Big J blinks as the awed expression on the teens face was replaced with anger when he looked at him. His red eyes full of rage as he stared at Big J's eyes. Big J could only look on face neutral unsure what to do under the teen's intense stare.

Their staredown was interrupted when a rough hand grabbed his arm. Big J turns to Deatharms whose face was full of fury like the blonde teen, he could see a few veins popping out.

Deatharms: "What were you thinking! That was beyond reckless!"

The loud shouts reach everyone's ears, quieting down as they look at Deatharms and a few other heroes scolding him. All Might's ears also perked up to hear their conversation.

Kamui Woods: "I know you were trying to help, but all you did was make things worse!"

Big J says nothing.

Deatharms: "Well!? Explain yourself kid-"

Big J: "Quiet."

Those words that came out from him instantly shut up Deatharms. The heroes tensed, they didn't know why. This is a kid they are talking too, why are taking orders from him, was all the thoughts of the heroes.

Despite essentially being told to shut up from a kid, they couldn't form words. It was as if they were talking to a commanding officer not a kid. Big J's lifeless eyes stared at the punching heroes' fearful ones.

Big J: "I made things worse? I did your jobs dumbasses."

His vulgar insult surprised everyone. How could someone insult a pro-hero so casually and without hesitation. The blonde teen who was glaring at him previously couldn't help but be shocked.

Before glaring once more at Big J.

???: "Bastard, not only strong but have guts too?"

He felt threatened, how dare this guy save him, he could have saved himself and now the extras are now focusing his attention on the skinny bastard. Back to Big J who narrows his eyes at the heroes in front of him, Deatharms loses his grip on his arm due to the surprise.

Big J: "While you brats are busy complaining how hard your job is, the hostage was suffocating and was about to die."

Big J said. His words were harsh but it was true. Some of the heroes turned away in embarrassment or shame.

Although his words only made the blonde teen get more infuriated.

Big J: "You call yourselves heroes? A hero is someone ready to sacrifice not only a limb or two, but their life as well. And you brats aren't ready."

Big J breaks Deatharms's grip on his arm. Big J deeply inhaled before reeling a heavy sigh.

Big J: "But I understand. Regardless of what your job is, you didn't want to lose your life, that's understandable. You guys aren't my main problem."

Big J pushes past Deatharms in the other heroes who were powerless to stop him. He didn't even bat an eye at All Might when past him. All Might moved his mouth to speak, but Big J beat him to it.

Big J: "It's you."

He says with a hint of venom pointing his finger at the civilians who were watching, still soaking from the rain. Predictably they gasped, they argued, they threatened him, they insulted him.

Random Extra #21: "What! What did we do!?"

Random Extra # 66: "Stupid kid! Do you want me to shut your mouth!?"

Random Extra #99: "Jeez what is this guy saying? Acting all high mighty because he beat a villain that anyone could have defeated."

The crowd was in a frenzy and not in a good way. All those negative comments directly solely at him. All Might tried to speak once more hoping he could break off the scandal, but again Big J beat him to the punch.

Big J: "Tell me, do you enjoy minors suffering?"

Random Extra #34: "You're talking crazy, we wouldn't want something like that..."

Big J: "Oh is that right? Then tell me why didn't you run away from here, allowing the cops to help the heroes just a little and not just stand around stopping people getting too close like glorified traffic cones!"

He shouts this time. This time there was no rebuttal, only stunned silence. The police, like the heroes, looked away in shame and guilt.

Big J: "Not just that, you pull out your phone and record. You are lying to yourselves when you think that you aren't enjoying this. You relish the idea of the heroes getting a tough time because it would be entertaining! Like its some sort of a fucking show to you! I know one of you could use your Quirk to at least take some weight off!"

All Might needed to speak up before this got any worse, but he can't just find it in himself to stop Big J's rant. With each word he speaks, the number 1 hero becomes more intrigued at the individual.

Random Extra #34: "B-but All Might is here..."

The extra says weakly knowing it was a weak argument. Big J shakes his head then repoining his finger at the number 1.

Big J: "All Might? Fine let me ask you this aside from a hero, what is All Might hmm?"

Big J asks the crowd. However they didn't respond too afraid to answer any of the tyrant's questions.

Big J: "...He is a human being, a man who can age, sick, die! Just like the rest of you!! He is not immortal, he is not a god! He has an expiration date."

He pauses, allowing reality to settle within the minds of the sheeps. Big J looks at them with disgust tempted to make his eyes glow to scare them. Instead his disgusted look seems to be effective enough.

Big J: "And before you even say 'we can't use our Quirk, its illegal' don't even fucking start!! A government that punishes those who use their gift to help others? Well then society deserves to be eradicated..."

He couldn't take it anymore, he felt heat in his eyes. The civilians stepped back seeing the once normal eyes of a boy now transformed to ones that belonged to a demon.

Big J: "What am I trying to say in simple terms? He isn't the real villain..."

Gesturing to the defeated sludge villain who was in pieces due to the shockwave but very much still alive.

Big J: "You guys are the real villains."

A large hand gently grasps his shoulder. Big J's enraged glowing red eyes turned to find All Might still smiling. This time this smile wasn't one of triumph, but sadness. Big J's eyes slowly returned back to its original form.

There was only silence for a minute. During that time no one dared to move. Big J gave a long sigh, removing himself from the gentle grip of All Might.

They watched as Big J floated in the air before flying away from the scene. The only thing they could think of were his words.


Big J: "Bloody hell."

Big J thinks sitting down on a public bench watching the orange sky. It's been a couple hours since the incident with the villain, it was now sunset. For some reason he felt tired despite barely doing anything of note.

Maybe he was tired because after such a long time he expressed his feelings to the world. It would have been really embarrassing for him back then, but now he was annoyed. Annoyed by the people in this world and himself.

They are all toddlers in adult form. Not running away and instead post the incident into their social media like it's a goddamn highschool fight. What annoyed him about his recklessness earlier is now the whole world has seen his face.

Not to mention showing a bit of his power would definitely catch some unwanted attention. So not only the cops and super powered people coming after him due to the use of 'Quirk' or seeking him for his strength, but also he can't come to a hero school. So an early relaxing retirement is now out of his hands.

Unless he waits until people forget for a couple years which while immortal still felt a long time period for Big J. But did he regret what he did? No.

Those brats need to face the truth.

Big J: "Still being homeless and being under rader for a while isn't fun."

Big J sighs. He didn't want to think of anything or do anything. Only to relax and see the sun going down to make way for the moon.

The wind on his face as a wave of oxygen from the trees and grass nearby provided him something he hadn't had for over 50 years. He stayed there for a minute not doing anything. He was so relaxed he didn't see a man walking up to him.

???: "Excuse me, young man? Can I sit here?"

Big J was a little startled by the sudden appearance of the man. The man was extremely frail, he looked more of a skeleton than an actual human. There was doubt there are bizarre Quirks that could affect their bodies, but this man's frail form didn't look natural.

Despite never seeing this man before he felt he knew him from somewhere especially that blonde hair. Big J nods at the man and looks away and into the falling sun. The man sat right next to him looking at the falling sun as well.

It was quiet between, it didn't feel awkward though for Big J.

Frail Man: "You were from that sludge villain incident a few hours ago, right?"

The Frail man spoke. Big J neither said or even glanced at the man, but he continued anyway.

Frail Man: "It was admirable what you did. But it was still dangerous. So why would you risk your life, risk a chance of getting in trouble?"

This time Big J did turn to him. Lifeless dark pupils meet tired blue ones.

Big J: "Because no one else would do it."

Big J says. No one was willing to get in trouble or risk their life to help someone. Instead they just record it and post it to social media.

A person was dying and they were smiling. Just the mere thought made his blood boil. Even the heroes were incomptant, if they used their brain instead of waiting for someone else they would've saved the blonde kid.

Big J: "This world needs to know the harsh reality All Might won't be there forever. Hell, while this guy is actually comptant on his job I blame him particularly for the ignorance of these people."

Frail Man: "Hmm, it is quite disturbing to see so many people lose their ability to run from a dangerous situation. But you are right, All Might will not be here forever."

Big J: "I do something about it. But..."

Big J: "I lost the right years ago."

Their stare broke as Big J looked at the ground with a stony expression. Internally he was crushing the feeling that should show him vulnerability to the stranger close to him.

Frail Man: "You lack the opportunity to do it?"

Big J nearly let out a chuckle. He could very much do whatever he pleased with this world, if he wished to be a vigilante no one could stop him except for All Might and even then he was confident he could beat the American boy scout. No it wasn't the lack of power or opportunity.

Frail Man: "But what would happen if they are given not just the opportunity but something more?"

This statement caused Big J to turn to him quizzically. The frail man got up from his seat looking at him with a familiar grin. Steam coming from his skin as his body slowly expanded.

Big J's face became one of shock. Seeing the frail skinny man that had no muscle in his name started to become larger. Then the transformation was completed.

The now big man is still grinning at him.

All Might: "Young man. I have an offer for you."


AN: Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have taken a lot of inspiration from another My Hero Academia Fanfiction called CHAOTIC by Reige for this chapter. Thank you so much for reading and look forward for the next chapter.

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