For His Frozen Heart...

By LoveyourselfxloveBTS

167 29 35

"He is their! I can see him!!" "It's just your imagination Yerim! Stay away from him! He is.. dead." "I like... More

Strange Stranger
Company & Support
Bloody Hell
Dark Past
Dark Night
A Change
Secrets and Tears
For His Frozen Heart - Final

Knowing The Dark ..

7 2 4
By LoveyourselfxloveBTS

Dieing once and for all is far better than dieing each passing minute..


Yerim POV}

What the.... What the heck I just saw... Was it even Are the things happening now or even I myself is Real? I'm having a doubt suddenly on my whole existence... Am I leading a fake life..? Was this only was the reason behind all the blunder happing in my life till now? Suddenly I'm feeling like I'm in a black hole.

Devil: Here u go ... It's when I started finding u like crazy.... But was never being able to find u.. because of your stupid father's spell on u .. which apparently was gonna end when u would turn 18... Which I guess u did few days back only... So I got to know where r u... I was the one following u the day since we met in the bus... I had almost lost all my hopes of finding u my precious ... But...

He then placed his index and thumb on my chin, making me look at him  deep into his eyes. It's when he again continued in his deep voice.

Devil: But now as I have found U... I gonna fulfill my promise... U will stay with me now... In front of my eyes... In my palace... Like a princess.. my doll... *Smirk* No one will ever dare to touch u now ....

I can't think anything... Just one question... One question is still left...

Devil: Ask my doll...

Me: *gulp* Why Am I this precious to u ....?

Devil: *smirk* Hmm.... Let me tell u... The place where u r living now is hell... Not a single person can stay here with a living heart ..  But u... Being my only belonging who was offered to me being alive... Was able to come and stay here being alive. U can say... U r the only full alive person here ... Who also belong to me.. I hope ... U got your answer.

I hummed in response... Understanding the exact reason of him caring for me this much... Huh... How foolish Am i...

Devil: And now... As u r back to me...

I felt his cold finger tips travelling down from my forehead... Uff... How thrilling cold his hands r .. but why? My breathe stopped for a moment.

Devil: I would like u to know... What's the exact thing I love in u... For which... I'm craving like a hungry Haena...

Me: What is it?

Devil : *smirk* Think yourself .. What was the thing which had attracted me towards u...?

I gave a 2nd thought about it and went in the past for sometime... Hmm... By what he was attracted towards me... Is it ...

My eyes grew bigger in the sudden realisation about what he is trying to say... OMG... This can't happen... But... Do I have any other option? No i guess.... Afterall he is a Devil... I should keep least expectations from him.... I should go with the flow only I guess.... If I want to stay alive...Afterall it's neither my place... Nor I know anything about here... I can't dare to try to escape also ..  after seeing him killing those boys mercilessly... I don't have anything to do I guess... I signed... Looking at his eyes... Now with a submissive look which I think he caught up.. as a smirk formed on his lips..

Devil: I think I can proceed now...

He said ... In his deep voice... While keeping his one hand on the back side of my head. I closed my eyes... Not wanting to see what's gonna happen next.. I felt cold air falling on my neck... Neck where I have got my V symbol... I felt him inhaling my fragrance... A slight moan left his lips.. The next second... I felt a sting on my neck.. a soft moan left my lips as I winced in pain... I felt him... Sucking the place their... I guess blood is now flowing outta their which he licked just now.. sending shivers down my spine.. 

I held the bedsheets in my palms tightly while closing my eyes... Trying to suppress the pain I'm feeling as I felt him sucking more blood from my neck. In few seconds, I saw him detaching himself from my neck, further licking his own lips which still had some of my blood drops. He then looked at me with a smirk on his face.

Devil: Finally... U just can't imagine How much I was craving for it.. U may change now.. My pet will help u in that.. and also... Don't ever try to escape doll... If u don't what to check my patience and anger level...

With that.. he stormed out of the room leaving me dumbfounded.. What was that..? What's happening to me ....? What's my mistake? Why all  these r happening to me only..? I can't take it anymore.. I just closed my eyes, again laying down on the bed and letting the darkness to endure me...



???: ko koooo...
???: Wakie wakie ....
???: Time to do some fun finally!! Hurry! Wake up fast human...

Whose voice is this...? Not the devil's.. I'm sure... Then who else? Is this his another trap? Should I keep my eyes close only..? Nah... That's not gonna favour me anyways... It's better to go with the flow... I opened my eyes and slowly sat on my butt... Who was calling me? No one is here... I concluded after looking here and their...

???: Here! Here! Look towards your lap!!

I looked down towards my lap to see.. a small owl their, with shining red eyes... Looking directly at me..

???: Yay! Awake finally! Now we can have some fun!!

I looked at him with disbelieve.. wait... An owl ... Talking.. in english... Am I dreaming?

Me: Y-you can talk?

???: Yeshhhh!

Me: Oh.. who r u..?

???: I'm Tutu!! V's only companion and cute little pet!!

Ohh... So my pet... He ment this owl only... I see..

Tutu: C'mon! Get changed! Then we will have fun!! I will show u the whole palace!!

Me: uhh... Um... I can't move down.. u know my legs..

Tutu: ohh... I see ... Hmm...wait! Let me pick a dress for u then!

With that, he jumped out from my lap and started flying. The next second my clothes changed as I saw him wink his eyes at me. Well.. he is also magical I guess ..

This dress is not that bad actually... But the leg pain is still their...

Tutu: Woww!! U r looking much prettier u know! Now let's do something  your legs... Hmm... Let me see..

He closed his eyes and mumbled something... And the next second... The bed on which I was sitting turned into a chair .. a black one... Wow... It's actually cool u know...

Tutu: This chair will move according to my will!! Now I can show u the whole palace and have fun with u!!! Yay!!

He then started flying here and their in excitement...  Wow .. I have never seen anyone this much happy for getting my company u know... The very next second I felt the chair moving on it's own, towards the room door and then outside the room in the hallways... 

Everything here is so dull I see ..

Tutu: Well... Let me show u my room 1st!! Then we will continue with the rest...

We both went to his room... And went on and on... Everywhere dull..  black and sorrow...

{Time skip}

Me: Whose room is that?

I asked while pointing towards a specific room which he had ignored explaining to me earlier ...

Tutu: Well... I see... Atleast someone is their who is listening to me with interest... That dumbhead always ignores my talks... U didn't as U noticed that I missed out that room... I'm grateful to youuu... Well .... That's my dear master... Means V's room ... And only I'm allowed to enter their ... No one else u know... And the room at the end of this corridor.. u see .. till that room we hadn't reached yet... Is the room where he does all this spiritual summons and stuff... I'm also not allowed to get in thier... Whenever I urged him to let me in their... He just said blankly that it's not safe for me to get in their... So better not to try also... Cold ass  know..

Well... He really talks a lot... But atleast he is talking with me.. As no one else do so.. He is so different from his master... Is he even real?

Me: Well... I wanna say something..

Tutu: Then why wasting time babe?? I'm craving to hear your voice.. U r so quiet.. u know... U should learn to talk from me!!

Me: Hehe... Actually the thing is that... I found u completely opposite from your master... Like u see.. U r charming, full of energy, likes to talk, friendly.. and he...

Tutu: ya ya.. i know .. Maybe while making me ... He transferred all his good charms in me .... That's the answer I have got for this question in decades... So... Whom do u like more in both of us?

Me: Obviously u! U r far more better from him!

Tutu: knew it! Ohh! Here's the library! Let's get in their! U know... Their r lots of books in their ... Including history and geography of hell ... Fantasy stories about monsters... Facts about hell.. and more importantly..  spell books!!

Me: The ones with which we can do magic?

Tutu: Yeshhh! All written by V himself! Come! Let me show u!!

He said before dragging me inside the large library.. Well... Like other rooms... This room is also dark..

Me: Why everything is so dark in here??

Tutu: Well.... Their's a curse on hell .... According to which no colour can penetrate or stay in hell except red, gray and black... So as u can see...  Hell is made up of only these 3 colours... Anyways .. look nahh! Which section would u like to read 1st?

Me: Uhh.. which ever u want...

Tutu: Umm... Let's see the facts about hell section... I think U would find it interesting...

Saying this.. he flew somewhere in the large library... Only to get back to me in few seconds with an old black book. He afterwards handed it to me... Well... As I opened the book to read it ... I discovered it is in some other language which sadly I can't understand..

Tutu: Well... I know u r unable to read it as it's in Latin... Wait .. let me turn it into English for u...
Close it for once.

I closed the book according to his instruction. I saw him closing his eyes again... And then as he opened his eyes again... A red ray of light came outta his eyes, falling on the  book and submerging into it. I kept looking at him in disbelieve until he opened his eyes again.. looking at me..

Tutu: Now open it again.

I did and astonishing.. now the previously Latin alphabets had turned into english ones.... Wow... I hope I also had the ability to do magic.. Anyways... Let's read it...

{Time skip}

Well... This book is quiet interesting.. it says all the people present in hell are because of their sins... And that everyday they all need to visit "Sinners" palace to get their punishment...  

Me: What about this Sinners palace? I wanna see it!

Tutu: Well... According to the name of this place... People go their to get punished... Which is also being one of the King's of hell.. Devil V ... Determines the punishments of some of them... It's his work only...

Me: I wanna see it! Can u get me their...

Tutu: Well... Only if you r bored of staying alive...

Me: Why?

Tutu: Well... Let me tell u.. Humans need oxygen to survive as U know... But in hell... We don't need it as all are dead only... Only for your sake.. V had made an outer transparent dome around this palace.. inside which he has managed to bring oxygen from human world only for your sake... So outside that dome.. their is no oxygen present.. So if u try to get outta the dome... U r gonna die for sure.

Ughhh... I hate my life!

Me: Umm.. Can u teach me to use magic spells?

Tutu: So sorry babe... That's strictly forbidden to me to do by V... He will kill me..

Me: Then r those books for showoff?

Tutu: No no... Those r for the newly turned Devila of hell.. to learn magic! Not for humans..

Kill me... Please someone kill me..

Me: Then can your dear master... Make my legs normal? He has only written all these books.. then he must be the best magician here...

Tutu: Actually he can... But he won't..

Me: Whyyyy??

Tutu: Well ... So that u don't try to escape... All these settings r for that only...

Me: Heartless.. mean ... What a bitch he is ... *Lil. Angry*

Tutu: Well... This heartless bitch only has bought basic amenities of life like oxygen, water and human food to hell... For his doll only ... As u know we people don't need those here..

Should I laugh or cry? Let me do both internally.. After that he showed me  the big hall... The devil's throne...

His painting soom... His music room which has a piano also ... Which I asked him if I can use it or not .. on which he said it's V's property .. not his.. so he can't say... Like I'm seriously feeling like a doll here! Doll which is being controlled by that V... Devil's Doll... I can't do a single thing on my own will ... Need to say... Staying in hell being alive is same as being dead and alive both at the same time.. What's the meaning of life when I can't do a single thing on my own wish??

After having food, he took me to the palace garden... Which is also colourless like the other places... I think soon I'm gonna be colour blind while staying here...

Tutu: Well... The flowers u can see here have not bloomed on their own... These r V's magical flowers ... His own creation... U know... In his spare time.. He used to create all these... These flowers don't need water or air to bloom... Just the red moon rays r all they need...

Me: well ... He is talented need to say... What do u think he is doing now?

Tutu: Maybe keeping an eye on u?

What! I looked here and their in terror but found no one their...

Tutu: He is having the power of invisibility... U won't be able to see him.. even if he is just beside you without his will...

What a scary place this is.... The moon is red here... Sun is not present... And a scary creature can  appear from any direction without  an invitation any time!! WTF!! Anyways... I looked at the red roses their .... On gery plants.. well... It's nice... Their r only red and black flowers are their on grey plants... Which is not that bad..

Me: Can I take one?

Tutu: Well... My answer is same babe... Ask to the owner of these.. not to me... I didn't own these u know..

Me: Ughh! Wth! I don't need a single thing belong to him!  How mean and heartless he is!!
Can't he just leave me alone??

???: Sadly... I can't..

The known deep voice made my heart.. skip a beat... Wait... No.. don't tell me he heard it all.. no.. please... I turned behind to see the devil himself starring at me with keen eyes... Omg.. kill me.. someone please kill me.. I saw him raising his half folded hand till his chest.. and the next second I saw Tutu flying over to him and sitting on his hand and bowing to him...

V: Hmm... U have taken good care of her.. I see..

Tutu: So a deserve an appreciation maybe?

V: U may have done better.

Tutu: Rude ass!

V: Whatever .... These roses can't be handled by normal human beings as these r magical... Your body doesn't have the ability to pick them up... U can try for sure... But u will be fail... And that will harm u as u are already weak now.. so better just look at them from distance...

Me: Can't I do a single thing on my will here?

V: Do dolls have their own will?

Me: But I'm living! I have few cravings!!

A saw a small smile coming on his lips.. a creepy one to be exact... I saw him forwarding towards me slowly as I kept still at my place. I saw him grabbing my chin with his cold thumb and index... Making me look into his eyes as he leaned towards me... Our faces r too close... OMG... Is he gonna... No no... Never... But I can't move also... I feel the weakest in front of him... I don't have any other option rather than to go with the flow... His deep voice and cold fingers send shivers down my spine.

V: All people are dead here... Cravings r the least things the people here have... They stay here as their punishment.. outside this palace... Only screams... And yells can be heard... Blood shattered here and their.. where 1% life is also not present.. in a place like here... U r still alive... Getting all basic amenities of life... Getting to eat and read.. Don't u think u r getting much already?

He is right... Absolutely right ... How am I still alive? Am I lucky that much?? I saw him leaving my chin and brushing my hairs a bit with his nails.. still leaning at me.

V: Doll... U don't know how much precious and important u r to me... To the King of hell... U should find yourself lucky enough...  Don't u think so?

My mind is agreeing to him but my heart is not ... In what condition I am... Am I seriously this important to him...? I saw him moving back before taking his steps back inside the palace...


Let's talk

Love yourself or love BTS?

Love from Author~~
To be Continued...
Take care...
Purple U armies 💜💜💜


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