Second Chance || Lab Rats

بواسطة multiny_

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Hundreds of mile away from home. New school. New friends. New life. New feelings? Maybe Everything was bound... المزيد

• Act one •
01: New School
02: Finishing First Day Of School
03: Split Personality
04: First Dance
05: Progress Reports And Shocking News
06: Chessy Picture On The Wall
08: Forgive And Forget- Cause They Have A Flippin' Lab
09: Alone Time Gone Wrong
10: Beach Day And Old Enemies
11: Magic Shoes
12: Magic Shoes, Not So Magical Experience
13: Parent/Teacher Night
14: Visit From An Old Friend?
15: Day Two Of Building A Lab
16: Finally Friends
17: Marcus Goes To School
18: New Band And Betrayals
19: First Sleepover And A Mission
20: Mission Success
21: Wild Assumptions and laser tag gone wrong
• Act two •
22: A Trip To The Bottom Of The Pacific Ocean
23: Near Death Experience
24: Aftermath
25: First Day Of Parenting
26: Bad Parent(ing)
27: Making Memories
28: I Didn't Even Have Detention
29: What's Wrong With Bree?
30: Hanging Out With Geeks
31: Win Some, Lose Some
32: Vocal Manipulation
33: Close Call
34: Not So Happy Visit
35: Truth's Out
36: New Universe, New Me
37: No Place Like Home
38: First Birthday Together
39: Talent Show
40: Spike's Back
41: Uh Oh
42: Smoothing Things Over
43: Another Dooley In School
44: Loud neighbors
45: The Day Has Come
46: Unexpected Turn
• Act Three •
47: A Year Later
48: An Angry Old Friend
49: First Hero Mission
50: Boyfriend Goes Missing
51: We've Come So Far

07: Absent Birthday Boy

681 20 5
بواسطة multiny_

           Tony groaned as the final lap came and I crossed the finish line first. I cheered and Tony threw aside his controller.

"I let you win." Tony defended himself.

I scoffed, "Dude, you would've had a better chance if you picked Yoshi, like me."

"Shy guy is better than him." Tony argued. I rolled my eyes and reached for my water.


I took a sip of my water and set it back down on the table in front of us. I glanced at Anthony as he got up. I tilted my head, confused at his action.

Was he going to sleep already?

"Where you going?" I asked. Tony looked back at me.

"My co-worker just asked me to cover her night shift." Tony sighed. I nodded and exited the game. I turned on the TV and put on a show I watched already, I left it play as background noise.

"Are you going to cover his shift?"

"Yeah. I have nothing to do and I'll be paid extra anyways." Tony shrugged and went upstairs to change into his uniform probably.

"I'm home." Dad yelled, coming in with a handful of groceries. I stood up and went over to help him. Soon after, Tony came skipping down the stairs in his uniform. He rushed over to the door and put on his shoes that were next it.

"Hey Percy, where are you going?" Dad asked putting some of the groceries away.

"Got asked to cover a night shift."

Dad nodded, "Be safe. Call me if anything happens."

Tony nodded, giving him a thumbs-up as he opened the door.

"Bye Arty!" Tony called out. I hate when they call me that.

"Bye Perseus!" I shouted back knowing he hated his full middle name, he always preferred being called Percy over Perseus. Although I think it's a badass name. I might have a slight bias towards Greek mythology. I can't help it if I grew up learning about it by my older brothers. In fact, we all have Greek based middle names. Apparently my parents had let our uncle, who adores mythology overall, decided on the wild names.

Things finally felt normal again. After meeting the guy mom is going to marry things still felt tense in the house, but after dad mentioned that we didn't have to accept him, things lighten up a bit. He was a strange guy— who am I kidding? The guy is toxic as hell. He's a two faced son of a bitch. He acted all friendly in front of mom and dad but was rotten towards us.

When our parents divorced my siblings and I's relationship was ruined. They started to hate Tony and I for choosing dad while they chose mom. They were even more frustrated with Tony considering he's a mommy's boy. They thought dad was in the wrong and the reason for the divorce, they blamed him. While for Tony and I, we stuck with our dad. We never tried to fix our relationship but after meeting mom's fiancé we all agreed to hate him and we bonded over that.

Dad and I continue putting the groceries away, snacking on some of the fruit he bought. I felt my phone vibrate and took it out.

'Hey. Can you come over to Leo's birthday party?"

It was... Chase? I expected it to be Bree.
I shut my phone off and side glanced at dad who threw a grape in his mouth.

"What is it, squirt?" Dad said with a mouth full of grapes.

"Firstly, please don't talk with your mouth full." I said in disgust, "Secondly, I just got a text from Bree and she asked if I could go over to their house."

Dad furrowed his brows, "Now?" Dad looked at his watch, "it's 8 o'clock."

"It's a surprise birthday party for a friend." I explained. He nodded and leaned against the counter.

"I'll let you go but curfew is at 10."

"Okay but I don't want to go. I was just telling you about it. You know I'm not a party person."

"Well, you need to socialize more." Dad said, getting off the counter, grabbing his keys, "Go put your shoes on."

"I've already gone to a party though." I reasoned.

I managed to say as dad already walked out the door. I sighed and put my shoes on. I shut the door behind me and climbed on the motorcycle.


I mentally prepared myself to spend two hours stuck in a house, sitting by myself in the corner. It can't be that bad, Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo are going to be here, it should be fine. Maybe this time they asked for permission and won't be kicked out. I walked up to the open door and saw Bree along with Adam standing at the door, greeting guests.

"Lauren!" Bree hugged me and I awkwardly stood there. She backed out of the hug and welcomed me inside. I stood next to them hearing Bree instruct some of the guests.

"Welcome to Leo's surprise party. When he comes up remember to scream real loud and pretend your his friend."

That's a bit harsh. Well, it wouldn't be a party if only of Leo's friends showed up which would only consist of his siblings, me, and maybe Janelle.

I placed my last minute gift with the rest. I was going to go back to Adam and Bree when I saw a clown standing at the doorway. I decided against it and stood near the couch instead.

"Hey, Bobby, show us some of your sweet moves." Adam requested. The clown obeyed and started breakdancing in the middle of the room.

I was impressed with his moves but still found Bobby creepy.

My attention was taken from the clown to Chase who inhaled loudly. He had a huge smile plastered on his face and traveled to the people that were in a dolphin and shark costume. I walked a bit closer to be able to hear the conversation between the three. This was bound to be interesting.

"Welcome, shark man and flipper boy!" Chase excitedly greeted.

I snorted hearing Chase fanboy over the people in costumes. He's such a dork... it's kinda adorable.

However, my amusement was increased when he squeaked, imitating a dolphin. It must be something from the show.

"I knew the second I saw you guys something was fishy." Chase laughed at his own joke. The dolphin and shark looked at each other and walked away from Chase.

"Come on, guys, I don't want to make waves." Chase joked, following the two sea creatures.

That's definitely something you don't see everyday. Speaking of something you don't see everyday, some creepy lady being carried by even creepier men walked in.

I heard Bree gasp, "It's Glitterhead! She actually came straight off the internet and into my living room!"

"I'm not gonna lie. She's kind of freakin' me out."

"No kidding." I commented. Bree glared at me and I shrugged.


An hours pass and the party was still going strong. Even though Leo was missing. I tried to ask Adam, Bree, or Chase but they were to immersed in the party that they didn't hear me or didn't care to answer.

Chase was dancing between shark man and flipper boy, yes Chase corrected me when I brought it up. Bree danced beside Glitterhead, she kindly explained to me who she was— I still found her creepy— and Adam watched the clown he ordered in awe. He joined in by 'breakdancing' next to him.

Adam's attention switch to the bouncy house that somehow got into the living room without anyone noticing.

"Bouncy house in the house!!" Adam exclaimed. He ran inside and jumped joyfully. His happy moment was quickly shattered when the house deflated.

"Oh, man. What's this thing made out of, plastic and air?"

Everyone nodded or shrugged at him. I made my way to Adam and handed him a piece of cake that someone left behind. It wasn't touched just left there sitting on the table.

"Cake! Yum." Adam beamed shoving the cake in his mouth. The party picked up after Adam's excitement came back and someone grabbed a random pole and used it as a limbo stick. I sat this one out and watched everyone's horrible attempts and occasionally chuckled at the ones who fell.

My source of entertainment was taken away when Adam started a conga line. Bree took my hand and forced me to be between Chase and the creepy lady. Adam lead the line and I walked while the rest danced.

I didn't want to be a party-pooper but I don't like parties. I'm at least participating in the conga line. While walking past the home security screen I saw Leo pounding on it. I got out of the line and got closer to the screen. Leo continue to pound on it. I guess he couldn't see me. Leo kept repeating 'open the door.'

So that's where he's been. He wasn't skipping his party, Adam, Bree and Chase forgot to get him. I pulled out my phone and sent his a message.

'Leo, where are you?' I pressed sent and quickly got a reply back.

'Trapped in the lab.'

Lab? This place had a lab— no actual I believe that. Mr. Davenport is a scientist and this is a mansion.

'Do you want me to get you out?' I sent another text.

'No. I'm hangin' out with Beyoncé down here.'

Sarcastic much.

'How? I don't even know how to get to you.'

'Hold up. I'll call you.'

Right after I received the message, Leo called me like he said. I answered it and began to walk the directions he instructed.


Following directions through a phone is more harder than I imagined. I got lost about three times before finding the elevator Leo mentioned. I was still on the call with Leo as I pressed 'down' on the elevator.

"So... how are you?" I asked waiting for the elevator.

"Good. I always wanted to spend my birthday in the basement!!" Leo sarcastically screamed.

I took the phone off my ear and glared at Leo through the phone. The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

"Okay, I'm here now what?"

"Do you see buttons on the side of the big door in front of you?"


"Okay, press the top one. It should open the door."

I pressed the top button like Leo said and nothing happened.

"Ha! Nice try Leo but you're not getting out without the signal." A weird figure appeared on the small screen.

"Leo, What is that?" I asked looking at the figure.

"Eddie." Leo informed me.

"Hi, I'm Eddie, it's nice to meet you." Eddie said and the door behind me closed. I tried to press the buttons for that door but nothing happened. Eddie trapped me between the doors.

"But that doesn't mean that I like you. You're staying here now." Eddie laughed.

What a bitch.

"Great. Now you're here." Leo bitterly said. I narrowed my eyes at the door. It was meant for Leo but I can't see him so the door is the best I can do right now.

"Dude, I can't be here." I told Leo in a panicked voice. It dawned on, I could be stuck here for hours.

"What? Why? Do you have claustrophobia?" Leo rapidly asked.

"No, I have a curfew."


Leo and I spent an agonizing amount of time in the lab, well I wasn't in the lab. I was in Mr. Davenport's small workspace. We spoke with each other to pass time but it got tiring to hear Leo complain. At least he had space to walk. I was stuck in a narrow-ish space with one seat available, and although there was a chair in the small space, I decided to sit on the floor.

During the time I was stuck here I notified my dad on my situation. He didn't believe me at first, but when he received the photos of the place I was trapped in and a selfie with Eddie, he believed me. He told me he wasn't mad but worried. I told him there was nothing to worry about and that I'll see him soon. He didn't stop nagging about my well-being and at one point dad called me and got into an exceedingly offensive verbal fight with Eddie. Leo and I got entertainment for about ten minutes when dad hung the call. Then we were back to being bored.

Hopefully, dad doesn't prevent me from coming back here, not for parties but to hang out. I wouldn't mind him preventing me from partying.

I moved and sat on the chair. My ass was getting numb from sitting on the floor. Out of the corner of my eye I saw color on the small screen. I kept my eyes on the screen, taking notice of the trashed place and the Davenport's all in the living room.

"What in the name of the newly grounded is going on here?" Mr. Davenport queried.

"We threw an awesome surprise birthday party for Leo." Bree response, wearing an orange streamers around her neck.

"Oh! That's so sweet, you guys." Tasha cooed.

"Right, hiding behind the Leo shield well played."

"Speaking of which, where is leo?" Tasha's asked, looking around for her son.

Would you look at that? Someone thought about asking 'where is leo?'

"He's right here." Eddie sang, reappearing in the screen. Of course, Eddie showed us the entire interaction, just to rub in our face that we were overlooked throughout the entire party.

Eddie, so kindly, showed the lab exposing Leo.

"Where I've been for the past three hours!!!" Leo fumed.

"And guess who else." Eddie sang, again. Then proceeded to show me. I extended my arm holding up a peace sign.

"Yep, just waiting for the signal and the other twerp came down and tried to get Leo out. I kept her here to make sure his surprise party wasn't ruined."

"Eddie, let Leo and Lauren upstairs now."

"All rightie, there's my signal." Eddie said, disappearing into a black screen.

The doors opened, Leo and I hurried to the elevator together, wanting to get out of the basement as soon as possible. He pressed the 'up' button and slowly waited for the elevator to reach the top floor.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. We walked out and as we neared the living room we heard 'surprise.'

It really wasn't my place to be mad at them, Leo had it worse considering it is his birthday, but man does it suck being forgotten. Not only that but they literally neglected their brother at his party. That didn't exactly sit right with me.

I stepped aside letting Leo vent out his frustration. He enlightened me on how he felt about his siblings when we were trapped. 

"I thought my first birthday with you guys was gonna be awesome. And you know what? It probably was. But I wouldn't know because I wasn't invited!"

Leo stormed off and I ran a hand through my hair.

That was more PG than what he told me.

"Welp, I should go, I'm..." I stated looking down at my phone and nodded, "two hours pass my curfew."

"Have a good night, guys." I announced and looked at Tasha and Mr. Davenport, "Oh and you both are looking snazzy. Those outfits complement you guys nicely. And might I just add, it is an honor to finally meet you, Mr. Davenport."

I might seem like I'm kissing up to him him but I truly meant what I said. I find his work fascinating. The ability and patience to build something, and not to mention coming up with the ideas, such a profound gift.

Mr. Davenport waved and smiled widely, "I know."

Tasha frowned at me and elbowed Mr. Davenport.

"Would you like a ride home?" Tasha offered.

"No, thanks." I denied and continued my walk to the exit.

I walked out the door and closed it behind me. I texted my dad to pick me up and patiently waited at the end of the Davenport's driveway.

My peace, however, was interrupted by a voice.

Season 1 ep 8: Bionic Birthday Fail

Word count: 2706

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