End Of The Beginning

By EOTB_08

890 39 0

We always thought that nature have a way of balancing things. What if it's not true ? what if it was somethin... More

Chapter 1- The New World
Chapter 2- The Impact
Chapter 3- Uninvited Guests
Chapter 4- Uninvited Guest
Chapter 5- A Friend in need
Chapter 6- Search
Chapter 7- Truth, Lies & The Lost
Chapter 8- Contact
Chapter 9- No More Lies
Chapter 10- The Beginning
Chapter 11- Floor 7
Chapter 12- Holding On
Chapter 13- Doorways
Chapter 15 - Storytellers
Chapter 16- Fix
Chapter 17- Make A Deal
Chapter 18- Capture
Chapter 19 - AntFarm
Chapter 20- Escape Plan
Chapter 21 - Plan B
Chapter 22 - Hide
Chapter 23 - Plans & Preparations
Chapter 24 - Change Of Plans
Chapter 25 - MOS Protocol
Chapter 26 - Alternate
Chapter 27 - Trapped
Chapter 28 - Into the Unknown
Chapter 29 - Vessel
Chapter 30 - Allen's Story
Chapter 31 - Archives
Chapter 32 - Blast From Past
Chapter 33 - Camouflage
Chapter 34 - Visitors
Chapter 35 - Strangers
Chapter 36 - Bait
Chapter 37 - Forgotten
Chapter 38 - Agendas

Chapter 14 - Backup

22 1 0
By EOTB_08

Emily was looking for her friends. She entered the lab and began looking through each room. She started by going to the room that kept the extraterrestrial's body.

In the room, two bodies were lying on the floor. It was Vince and David. She ran towards them. Despite her best efforts, she failed to find a pulse or heartbeat on them. She was completely devastated. As she looked around, she saw no one else.

Her ears were filled with the screams of soldiers somewhere close by. Upon leaving the room, she screamed. " DAANNNNNN "

She tried couple more times. Screaming her friend's name as loud as she can. She saw someone running towards her, a soldier.

" What are you doing here ? you can't be here. Come with me. " said the soldier, she saw the fear in his eyes

" What's happening, where is everyone ? " She asked him

" Come with me " he took her to a room. " Stay here ".

" Emily, come here. " She heard a familiar voice. She looked to that direction and saw Albert. He was hiding behind a desk. She went there and saw Diya and Dan in her lap.

" What happened ? Is she alright ? " She asked Albert

" She is okay, she has a chest wound and a broken arm, but she will live. " said Albert

" What's going on ? What are they shooting at ? " Emily asked Albert

" Dan found something, we opened a portal " Albert replied

" What portal ? What are you talking about ? " Emily didn't understand anything.

Albert explained how they used the alien device to open a portal.

" It was quiet for a few minutes, but suddenly we saw something in the portal walking towards us. It looked exactly like the alien. It screamed when it saw the body on the table. Then... " his voice cracked.

" In an instant, it grabbed David and snapped his neck. It then caught Dan, which prompted Vince to activate the alarm. He took the alien device. When it saw that, it threw Dan to the ground and went after Vince. After that, we escaped with Dan. Then the soldiers came here. I don't know what happened to Vince. " Albert continued

" He is no more.... " her eyes filled with tears

" Oh..." Albert closed his eyes with disappointment.

" What are we going to do now ? " asked Diya

" They told us to stay here until they contain it. " Said Albert

" Can they ? " Emily asked

" Honestly I don't know. " Albert replied

" We experimented on it, we know that bullets can't hurt that thing. So how could they contain it ? " Diya asked them

" Wait..... Listen.. " said Albert

Emily and Diya try to listen, but they couldn't hear anything.

" What are you listening to ? " Diya looked at Albert

" Nothing, absolutely nothing... The guns stopped. " Albert replied

Other than the sound of the alarm they couldn't hear anything else. Gun shots, screams, everything ended.

" What do you think happened ? " Asked Emily

" They are dead. All of them are dead. " Diya's voice cracked

" We should go, we can get into the elevator. " said Emily

" Are you sure ? " Asked Albert

" It's better than sitting here " she replied

" Ok, let me check. " Albert went to the door, he looked at each direction. He couldn't see anything or anyone.

" It's clear, let's go. Try not to make any sound. " he whispered

Albert and Emily carried Dan, they all went to the elevator. Wayne was still waiting in the elevator. He saw them coming towards him.

" What happened ? " He asked Emily

" Who are you ? " Albert asked Wayne

" We can explain everything later. Now let's get out from here. " Emily replied.

Wayne pressed the button to the floor one. But nothing happened. The elevator didn't move. He pressed it few more times.

" It's no use, I think the army initiated lock down protocol. We are trapped in here. " said Albert

"What......? No.... No...." Wayne started to panic

" Shhh.... It's coming, close the door. " Said Albert

Emily and Diya closed the elevator door. They could hear the footsteps outside. Albert signaled that no one should make a sound. They all sat there without making any noise. Few seconds later they heard it's walking away.

" What should we do ? " Diya asked

" I don't know, we are trapped here until more soldiers arrive. " Albert replied

" How long will it take ? " Diya asked again

" How could I know ? " Albert asked Diya

" We should kill it, it's the only way. " said Emily

" What ? " Albert looked at Emily

"We should kill it before it kills us. We know how to kill it, by using The Sword. But the soldiers don't." said Emily

" So you want to use the sword ? " Albert asked Emily

" Yeah ! " Said Emily

Albert didn't talk for few minutes, then he started talking " Ok, I'm with you. "

" So what about you guys ? Are you in ? " He looked towards Wayne and Diya

" Yeah I'm in. Atleast we will die trying. " Diya replied

" What are you even talking about. " Wayne was confused.

" So what's the plan ? " Albert asked Diya

" That thing is either in the room C or Room D. So we need to make some sort of distraction,to gain it's attention and lure it to room A. While it go to room A, we can retrieve the sword from room C. " Emily explained

" Ok, I will go to Room A. And make some noisess. " Said Albert

" Ok, and then you can hide in the freezer. " Said Emily

" Me and Diya will go to C and retrieve the sword. " she continued

" What about me ? What do you want me to do ? " Wayne looked at them

" Stay with Dan. " said Emily

" Wait here, as soon as it come towards me you should run to room C and find the sword." Albert went to room A.

" HEYYYYY YOU FUCKING ABOMINATION COME AND GET ME " The door was only slightly open while they waited inside. They waited there for a while, but they saw nothing moving in the direction of room A.

" What's happening ? It's not working. " said Diya

" It's the alarm, it can't hear Albert. We need to find another way. " said Emily

" So what should we do ? " Asked Diya

" Leave that to me. " Emily quickly ran towards to the right side before Diya can say anything.

When Emily entered the room it was empty. That thing wasn't there. She began looking for the sword. Suddenly she heard a sound, something walking is towards her. She quickly hid under the table.

" Hey it's us. " said Diya and Albert was with her

" What are you guys doing ? Go back. " Emily insisted

" That thing is in the other room, with the device. " said Albert

" We need to find the sword. It was there when the last time we were here. " Albert pointed to a table

" Hey I think I found it. " Diya looked at the body of David. The sword was partially under his dead body.

Albert took it and they all went to the other room without making any noise. The creature was doing something with the hexagon. Suddenly it felt their presence and turned around. It started to scream. But instead of attacking them, it moved backwards.

" It's not attacking us, the sword, that thing is afraid of the sword. " said Albert

" I think it's trying to open the portal. We can't allow that, if more of these things come through the portal then it will kill us all. " said Diya

Albert slowly walked towards it, suddenly it throw a chair towards him. He was struck by the chair before he could move. He stumbled and landed on Diya. With the force of the fall, he let go of the sword. The attack left them both hurt.

Seeing this, the creature ran through the wall to another room.

" Kill it, Don't let it make another portal. We will be fine. " said Albert.

Emily followed it, but she was late. The creature already opened the portal.

" Oh my god what the hell is that thing. " Emily heard Wayne shouting right behind her.

" What are you doing here ? You were supposed to be with Dan. " Emily asked him

" I came here to check on you. Your friend is fine. " he replied

While they were talking the creature was about to enter the portal.

Suddenly Emily realised something. "I know what is happening. It doesn't care about us, it came for the box. Now it's going back somewhere. "

" Isn't that a good thing ? We don't need to worry about it. " said Wayne

She ran towards the portal and stood infront of it, blocking the creature's way back. It started screaming and put the hexagon down

" What if it's not leaving ? What if it comebacks with more creatures ? " She asked Wayne

" You mean like an invasion ? " Wayne looked at her

" Yeah, come here. " she told him

" Why ? I really don't want to. " He replied

" Come here.Have some courage. " she sounded angry. " I want you to pick up the device. " She told him

" Are you sure it won't kill me ? " Wayne started to shake

" It won't. Not when I have the sword. " she replied

They made their way to the device. It slowly retreated as they went forward. The creature started screaming more loudly and violently as the gateway started to slowly close.

" Take it. " Emily told Wayne to pick up the box.

She looked at him, he was still afraid to pick it up.

" Fuck... Take this sword and point it at that creature, I will pick up the box. " she gave the sword to him

She took the box and they walked back and stood infront of the portal again.

" Do not move from here until it is fully closed. " Emily told Wayne

While moving backwards the creature's hand hit something. It was a table.

Emily knew what is about to happen " LOOK OUT. " she screamed and pushed Wayne away. But it was too late for Emily. The table hit her and she fell into the portal with the hexagon. Before he could get up, the creature entered the portal.

Wayne stood infront of the portal not knowing what to do. He suddenly heard a voice from behind, it was Diya.

" Where is Emily ? " asked Diya

" The monster threw her into the portal. " Wayne replied

" Damn.... " despite barely being able to walk, she wanted to help Emily

" What are you doing ? " asked Wayne

" I'm going after her " Diya replied

" You can barely walk " said Wayne

" I can't leave her with that thing. " Diya replied

" Fuuucckkkkk........ I will go. I will bring her back " said Wayne

" You sure ? " asked Diya

" I'm not, but.... I will go " said Wayne

" Wait here " Diya went out and came back after a minute later " take these with you, use it to open the portal " she gave the alien's hand to him.

The doorway is nearly closed. He entered the portal without wasting any more time. He has crossed over to the other side of the portal. It appears that they are at the top of a mountain surrounded by thick fog. The creature stood in front of Emily, she was lying on the edge of a cliff.

" Take this back to the lab and don't let it get there " she threw the device towards him.

Its attention turned to the device, both Wayne and the monster went after it. In fear, he swung the sword

" Kill it " said Emily

The creature almost got struck, but then the it ran off. By that time, the portal had closed.

Emily slowly walked towards him.

" Are you ok ? " asked Wayne

" I will be " she replied

" What do we do now ? " asked Wayne

She picked up the device.

" Keep an eye on the surrounding " said Emily while picking up the alien hands

Wayne looked around for the creature. In the dark, he couldn't see what she was doing. Then a bright light suddenly appeared, and he saw a portal opening.

" Let's go " said Emily

Wayne went close to the portal

" Here take this " she gave the device and the hands to Wayne.

Something hit Wayne in the hand and he lost grip on the sword and it fell into the portal.

" NO.....!!!! " screamed Emily

The next thing he saw was the monster running towards them.

" Make sure it doesn't take the device " she pushed Wayne into the portal.

After falling to the ground, he got up and ran back to the portal, but portal closed before his eyes.

" EMILY.......!!!! " he screamed. He waited there for few minutes, but he knew that she is not coming back.

While wiping away his tears, he looked around and his eyes widened in shock.

" WHAT THE........ "

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