By Khadija_Kende

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She is a girl. A muslimah. Hausa by identity. Masked. Into army. All for a certain reason, a reason know... More



61 12 0
By Khadija_Kende

She has a nonchalant attitude on the following day and didn't speak to anyone at all. She avoided her friends for the entire day. Questions were killing Aliyu he is very curious about where she went to yesterday night, the announcement that was made didn't help his situation.

She didn't open her door when he knocked to give her food, their relationship is very confusing. It is always one step forward and ninety-nine back. She helped with his life and then ignore him, she is surely going through something he will never know. This just made him realize he still doesn't know a single thing about her or who she is. The only thing he knows is that she doesn't follow the rules. She smuggled food in, she has a phone, a laptop, a bike and even go out. He doesn't know a thing about her and yet he feels like he cannot do without her. How is it possible?

It happened later that night again. He was aware of the time and saw her going a few minutes after midnight. She was wearing the same outfit and he followed after.

He saw her speaking to one of the guards and watched as he give her a key, it was the guard who she sends on errands. She scaled the fence again and he heard her drive away.

"What the hell is happening?" He asked no one in particular.

He couldn't wait for her and ended up falling asleep again.

The next day another case was found, a very similar one to the previous one. Another guy was killed by bleeding to death and they were both killed at night. Same way and at the same time.

Aliyu couldn't help but look at the masked girl. Could she have a hand in what is happening? His mind was as usual filled with questions as he watched her. She doesn't seem affected, she cannot be a part of it. But the victims were killed around the time she was out.

"What is going on between you two?" Yusuf asked thinking the new silence has to do with something going on between them. "I like it better when you disturb me than this awful silence"

Aliyu was too busy in the war that is going on in his head to keep up with what Yusuf is saying but listened attentively when she spoke. "I am just not feeling well"

Yusuf worriedly touched her forehead to feel her temperature. "I hope the recent murders are not scaring you" She chuckled in response "Not even a bit"


I will do all I can to stay awake if she goes out again tonight I am going to wait and talk to her. I'm tired of contemplating. I just hope she doesn't go out again.

She did go out just like the past days. I stayed outside to keep my sleep away, she has to tell me what is going on. I am tired of wondering whether she is behind it or not, whether she is helping or not, whether she does not even have a hand in it. I just want to know.

She returned fifteen minutes after four. What kind of girl stays out this late? In a place where going out is prohibited. What kind of a person is she? A girl that I know nothing about, a girl I feel intense emotions for.

I waited for the guard to leave before I approached her.

"Oh my God" She exclaimed. "You scared me," She said turning back to see whether the guard had left and started going in when she was sure he is gone.

She walked inside as if she did not just scale back in and owed me no explanation.

"Where are you coming from?"

She stopped for a while then looked at me and questioned back. "Why are you asking me?"

Is she serious? I stayed up for four hours waiting to hear from her. "This is the third night" I started, she has to know I watch her every move. "You scaled the fence and rode a bike to God knows where after midnight three days in a row and you are asking me why for wanting to know where you went to?"

"So you've been stalking me?" She asked folding her arms on her chest.

I sighed. "I thought I had you figured out but this just changes that"

"What are you trying to say?" She asked standing straight.

"I can never know who you are without you telling me and I don't mind that. I thought you are just here because of revenge as you say but I don't get why you go out very late at night" I paused and moved closer to her. "It is like I don't know you"

"It is because you don't know me" She shouted raising her hands in the air, the frustration cleared in her voice. "I don't know how we made it to being friends but we don't need to know each other, I don't need you to know me"

I sighed again moving close to her and she takes a step back with each I made till she hit the wall. "Not knowing you kills me, being friends and not knowing you kills me"

"Then we stop being friends" She answered pushing me back with a finger. "I know it is hard bringing food to me every day" She continued. "Covering up for me during practice, tolerating my attitude, and keeping up with me. All in the name of being friends when you know nothing about me" She said taking a step forward while I step back with each she made till I am the one stuck on the wall.

"I release you from that burden Aliyu. Stop being my friend"

"You think I have not tried?" I started talking again repeating the earlier pattern till she was on the wall. "The thing is I want to know you. I don't want us to end, I have to know who you are"

"You cannot know me" She started taking a step forward. "You will not know where I go to and what is going on in my life"

We make a rhythm on how we keep the conversation going without even knowing.

"You have to know that you've become a part of my life" I started repeating the pattern. "You have consumed my mind ever since I told you about my mother. You cannot just push me out of your life when you just found a place in mine" I looked at her in the eyes so that she know I mean every word I say. "I need you"

She started walking forward and I walked back. "I did not ask for a place in your life" She used a finger to push me on the chest again. "You cannot need me"

"Keeping things to yourself only make more damages" I yelled out as she walked away.

I have yet again failed to complete her puzzle piece.

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