Larry Stylinson Sick/Hurt/Com...

By larrylou16

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Just Harry and Louis sick/hurt/comfort fics☁️ More

Larry Stylinson Sick/Hurt/Comfort Stories🌙☁️✨
☁️Throat Infection (Louis)☁️
🌙The Party (louis)🌙
⭐️ Anorexia (Louis) ⭐️
🐇Covid (louis)🐇
🌼Sprained Ankle (Harry)🌼
🫖sick tummy (louis)🫖
🐥 sick on stage {2013} (harry) 🐥
🥛 cough (harry) 🥛
🌤 cancer (louis) 🌤
⚪️ anorexia pt 2 (louis) ⚪️
🌼 no voice (harry)🌼
hi hi hi
🩹 louis- drug addiction 🩹
🫧 Louis Fever 🫧
Sorry // please read

🤍Sick Belly (Harry)🤍

2.6K 40 88
By larrylou16

Hi! This is a request for ilangel1 ! I hope you enjoy :)

To say Harry wasn't feeling well would be an understatement. He'd spent the entire day at the studio with his band, -and even Louis for a while- recording and writing music for his album, even though all he really wanted was to be in bed.

His belly had been giving him a bad time from the moment he'd woken up that morning, and he didn't know whether it was a bug or if he'd possibly eaten something bad.

What he did know, however, is that he felt like complete shit, and it had only been getting worse.

"Okay, so I was thinking we could have a movie night with Chinese takeout? Maybe from that sushi restaurant you like?" Louis asked as they got into the car at the end of the day.

Harry's stomach gurgled at the thought and he gingerly placed his hand on it. "Umm... I dunno. I'm kind of tired to be honest..."

"Well, I dunno how to tell you this Haz, but being tired doesn't really take away the need your body has for food." Louis said, with a light laugh, "But that's alright. We can just head home and eat some cereal?"

Harry nodded quickly, relieved that Louis was so chill about it. He was trying really hard not to raise any suspicion, because worrying over him was the last thing Louis needed right now.

He rubbed slow circles on his bloated tummy, trying to soothe it a little without being too obvious. Not that Louis was watching anyway, he had to focus on driving.

Harry groaned a little when Louis made a bit of a sharp turn, it jostling his tender belly.

"Sorry love," Louis chuckled, "probably need to work on my driving skills."

"You think?" Harry asked, grabbing his water bottle from the cup holder, hoping a few sips might settle his belly.

"Hey, no need for the attitude" Louis joked, as Harry swallowed some water.

"Well and there's no need for you to-" Harry was cut off by a nauseous watery belch escaping his lips.

"Whoa... excuse you!" Louis laughed, still not catching onto the fact that Harry really wasn't feeling well at all.

And Harry, well, he was trying to keep it that way.

"Sorry.." Harry mumbled, with a little less enthusiasm than normal. He was too busy focusing on keeping that water in his belly.

Louis just rolled his eyes and giggled a bit. "Harry.. don't take it so serious. It's fine!"

Harry just shrugged, "I'm not taking it seriously.. just tired."

Louis smiled sympathetically, looking at him as they hit a red light. "Well, been a long day love. I'm tired too, and I wasn't even the one doing the work," he paused, fishing a cigarette out of the pack in his pocket. "Mind lighting me up?"

Harry nodded, grabbing a lighter from the glove box and holding it to the cigarette that Louis now had dangling in his mouth.

He took in a long drag while Harry rolled the windows down. Louis cranked up the music at that point, and soon the light was green. Louis started driving again, humming along to the music and enjoying his cigarette, totally in his own world.

Meanwhile, Harry had nearly his whole head out the window, the smell of smoke usually didn't bother him, he was used to it by now with Louis' habit. With his stomach being so queasy at the moment though, it was a little nauseating.

Louis was just finishing the cigarette as they pulled into the drive, and Harry had never been more happy to be home.

"Finally..." he murmured under his breath, more than ready to get into bed.

Hand in hand, the couple headed inside.

While Louis was greeting Clifford and giving him some love, Harry took the opportunity to go grab himself some medicine.

He went into the bathroom, locking the door behind himself. He could feel his stomach bubbling and he could hear the gurgles as he reached into the medicine cabinet and grabbed a couple of pills.

"Now you be quiet..." he muttered under his breath while looking down at his tummy.

With a groan, he swallowed the pills dry and left the bathroom, heading to the kitchen where Louis was fixing them each a bowl of cereal.

"There you are love, where'd you go?" Louis asked, passing Harry one of the bowls.

Harry looked at the cereal in his bowl, trying to hold back his disgust. Any food sounded horrible right now, but at least it wasn't sushi.

"Just to the bathroom," Harry replied causally. He lifted a spoonful up to his mouth, swallowing it down and trying to appear casual. "Thanks for the cereal."

"Yeah of course love, no problem." Louis responded, starting to get a little suspicious though at Harry's forced smile. "You alright?"

"Me? Yeah," Harry muffled another sick burp into his fist, a hiccup immediately following. "Yeah, I'm good, just not all that hungry."

Louis raised an eyebrow, but Harry waved him off. "Honestly Lou, I'm fine. Think I'll have to pass on the rest of my cereal though."

"Alright love," Louis planted a kiss to his cheek, rubbing his arm a little. "Why don't you go up to bed then, and I'll join you in a moment?"

Harry nodded, slowly making his way to their bedroom, feeling sweat starting to trickle down the back of his neck. He quickly wiped it, and gulped. His stomach was really hating him right now.

Through a miserable series of hiccups and gags, Harry managed to get himself out of his clothes and into bed without losing any of his stomach's contents. Which, he had to admit, he was pretty proud of himself for.

It took hardly five minutes before he was asleep, exhausted and sick.

By the time Louis came to join him, he was snoring softly and Louis cooed a little. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Harry's forehead, frowning at how clammy it felt. He hoped he was feeling alright, but he knew better than to wake him up. Clearly, his body needed some rest.

Niall was just about to pull Louis down into a pit of quicksand when he felt a gentle tug on his arm.

"Lou.... lou wake up," Louis frowned, he knew that voice.

He quickly startled out of his dream and turned to look at a very pale Harry sitting up with a puddle of what he'd eaten that day in his lap. "I threw up..." he whimpered.

"Oh sweetheart..." Louis sighed. "I can see that. Have you been feeling sick at all today or did it just start?"

"Umm... kinda all day. But I was hoping it was nothing, and I didn't want to make a fuss," Harry explained.

Louis rubbed his shoulder a little. "Oh darling... you should've told me. I know you didn't want to make a scene, but it's important to take care of yourself."

Harry blushed, looking down at his lap pitifully. "I'm sorry..."

"Oh no... no no no baby don't be sorry." Louis gently kissed his head. "Just tell me next time, yeah? That way I can take care of you."

Harry nodded quietly, a hiccup escaping his quivering lips, followed by another round of sick.

At this point, he had to change the sheets anyway, so Louis just let him finish before getting up to get them in the wash.

"Okay baby, you gonna be alright for a few minutes while I go handle the bedding and get some fresh linens?" Louis asked.

Harry nodded, and stood up carefully so Louis could get the bedding off the mattress.

Louis wasn't even gone a whole 10 minutes when he came back to find Harry had gotten himself back onto the bare mattress and was all curled up, fast asleep.

"Oh darling," he whispered, not wanting to wake him. He knew he had to though, he couldn't risk Harry throwing up again onto their bare mattress. "Hey love... can you wake up for me? Let me see those lovely eyes..."

Harry whined a little, still half asleep, but with a gentle back rub, cheek kisses and a little coaxing, his eyes fluttered open.

"Hi..." Louis cooed, putting a hand of Harry's pale cheek. "Can you get up for a minute? We need to get some sheets on the bed."

Harry was reluctant, but agreed in the end. He was a bit grouchy while Louis got the bed all put together, but that was short lived because the moment it was all done, and Harry's tired head hit the pillow, he was off to dreamland.

Louis following not long after.

There we have another one! Pls pls pls give feedback on if there's things I should work on or change! I feel like my pacing is a bit slow but I'm trying to improve that. Anywho! Drop any requests you may have in the comments :)

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