National School Prince Is A G...

By ZelineJohnson

119K 2.9K 837

Author: Warrying Young Seven On the surface, she's a gay high school boy. In reality, she's the hacker known... More

1781-1782 (End)


1.8K 40 6
By ZelineJohnson

Chapter 241: Celebrate A Little In-Game

"Hmm, not really." Fu Jiu was acting modest about it.

Secretary Liang thought about how a certain someone used to go to nightclubs every day and had a record of being kicked out from a nightclub for being too much of a country bumpkin. He silently muttered, Young Master Jiu, your "glorious" past is really not that easy to sum up with a mere "not really"...

Lin Feng was having fun with this and was ready for a good chat with Fu Jiu. Who knew that before he could even open up more, someone had grabbed onto the wrist of his arm around Fu Jiu.

"Ca-captain?" Lin Feng was afraid of no one but Qin Mo. Their captain's methods were too scary for anyone to even think about. The key point was that he didn't even know why his captain looked so cold in his eyes right now.

"I believe you still haven't finished the hand speed exercise I assigned to you today," Qin Mo's deep voice was rather emotionless.

Lin Feng froze up. "No, Captain. We still need to do this today?"

"Not for the others." Qin Mo glanced at Lin Feng's hand, which was holding the young man's hand. The corner of his mouth curled up a little as he said coldly, "Only you."

Lin Feng: "..."

He wanted to ask why sooo badly!

But Captain didn't like being questioned!

Those who questioned him would die in all sorts of nasty ways.

Like COCO and Fatty. They were still on a tour for the whole team up to this day... So one would rather mess with evil-minded people than mess with the captain himself...

Lin Feng tilted his head with tears in his eyes, and he started to practice his hand speed while feeling deep sorrow!

Looking at his current predicament, they all laughed.

<Supreme Alliance> always had an amiable atmosphere, and teammates got along well with one another.

Since they'd decided on what to eat, Secretary Liang would reserve the seats. It was thirty minutes away from where they currently were. Qin Mo dragged the young man over by his collar and made him sit next to him. The side of his face was extremely regal and pretty.

Fu Jiu was still confused, but this didn't affect her naturally flirty eyes. She looked up at Qin Mo and flashed him an unintentionally seductive smile.

Qin Mo didn't even bother to educate the young man about this problem anymore. He pulled the black leather chair away and turned on the computer screen with his body slightly turned. At the same time, his voice was very low and attractive. "You all get online. We are celebrating this online first!"

The celebration Almighty Qin was talking about was not any normal celebration.

After they had heard this, all the <Supreme Alliance> players' eyes brightened up.


All of them pulled their chairs out and sat on their designated seats.

All of them were in their pure black uniforms.

At that moment, "handsome" was the only word Xue Yaoyao could think of.


They all hit the enter key at the same time.

All with professional and shocking speeds.

They were all using Alien laptops connected to a big screen. The red keyboards gave off their own light while they were being used.

In the span of a single second, Zone C of < Hero> exploded!

"WTFFF! What am I seeing now!"

"Cloud Tiger?"

"Lin Feng?"

"And...GOD QIN!"

"What's happening with the Supreme Alliance? They are almost all online?! All online?! This kind of amazing thing has never happened!"

"They are all online for real, and... my great SPADE Z!!!"

"Great Spade Z's title changed!"

Indeed, there was one more golden light glowing on his ID and battle uniform!


Qin Mo adjusted his mic with one hand and only said that one word into it.

Eleven game characters carried their own weapons. They stood there as if the immortal fighters themselves had come down from the heavens...

Chapter 242: Shocking the Whole Server

Before, Xue Yaoyao was still just an audience member watching the professional league in front of her computer. She never expected that one day she would be able to become one of the league players.

Even now, the blood in her veins boiled whenever she peeked at the rest of her teammates sitting in a row in front of all the screens.

There were countless people who were watching them right now.

Qin Mo tilted his head. His long fingers tapped on the keyboard, and one sentence appeared to the rest of the world: "Celebrating the new birth of the Supreme Alliance."

This sentence was just like his person.

Grounded and domineering, shocking the entire server.

The rest of the players followed up right after.

The whole Zone C was swept by <Supreme Alliance> in those short five minutes.

If people could make noise in games, they would be hearing all the fangirls and fanboys screaming their names out like crazy!


"So many big gods!"

"Am I dreaming? Please don't wake me up!"

"I need to take photos with them!"

"I don't need photos. I just want to brush the screen for my Great Spade!"

"The new birth of the Supreme Alliance!"

This was just said by a fan.

If one said that, more would follow...

So there was one more, and another... Then, countless "The new birth of the Supreme Alliance!" messages showed up on the screen.

Some teams really wanted to throw their mice away!

How can I play any more games like this!

They were all league players, but how could they receive such different treatment!

When they logged in, it was so quiet, alright!

Not only was <Hero> exploding, many operator companies were asking, "What is going on? All the members are online! Qin Corporation Club didn't give out news on that!"

"Director, I don't care if they sent out the info or not. I just want to count how many people are surfing the online world today!"

The director heard this and became extremely happy. "So many!"

"And, Director, Boss Feng called just now. He told us that we would get 30% of the browsing profits and that they would get 70%. Otherwise, he would ask Almighty Qin to log out."

The director took a deep breath and dragged that assistant over harshly. "Tell him... F*ck him. And yes, I agree to that! Such an old fox!"

Feng Yi was indeed an old fox. As a top manager, he needed to do this much in order to live up to his title, alright?

Almighty Qin's people were not easy to be led, and they often created troubles for him.

All the players were online. What did this mean? Infinite spokesperson fees rolling in!

But people liked <Supreme Alliance> because of who they were.

They were careless and passionate, not becoming restrained by details.

They sometimes didn't even care if they got money from what they did. They just went on camera as long as they wanted to.

Like today, all members were online only to celebrate with every single one of those who loved <Hero>!

The game was browsed thoroughly, and everyone on the server was watching.

All other players witnessed what true popularity was like.

Some said that this was the real charm of <Supreme Alliance>.

Being led by that man, they conquered everyone and everything, and they still held on tightly to their original beliefs.

Fu Jiu never had this much fun before. When she was a hacker, she only had a contact who helped her with issues after her jobs and created fake identities for her. She had never connected with so many people online before.

And she had never known that pursuing the same dream and upholding the same beliefs with the same group of people could be this exciting and uplifting.

Fu Jiu glanced to the side, looking at the man who was operating in his game. So that was it... Having such a big-god captain, she felt lucky and spoiled.

Chapter 243: Almighty Qin Was Jealous

<Supreme Alliance> being online was very impactful.

The most significant proof was how busy Yin Wuyao's internet cafe was!

It truly and genuinely took off.

Before the contest was broadcast, many players were watching. As soon as Yin Wuyao entered, all of them spit the cola in their mouths back out. They instantly became thrilled, and they dragged their own pals over to go to that internet cafe!

Those loyal customers of the internet cafe didn't expect that the owner, whom they joked about a lot, was <North of Yin Mountain>, their previous idol!

Therefore, a group of internet cafe customers flooded in crazily.

They shouted to the cashier, "Where is Uncle Yin?"


That guy was only a college kid, a really studious one at that, so he wasn't interested in online gaming at all. Plus, he was just a part-timer. He only loved online novels, and he was never into video games, so of course he had no idea what was going on. He asked in profound confusion, "Boss is not back yet. Why are you looking for him? Computer repairs? I can do that!"

Fix your b*tt! They wanted autographs, ahhhh! Why didn't they notice those small adjustments during games? Why didn't they recognize that big uncle was their Great North!

They felt both regretful and excited at the same time.

Feng Yi kept checking the time on his watch. The team players shouldn't be online for longer than ten minutes. If they kept going, other teams would complain for sure, not to mention the fact that the national tournament was coming up. This kind of grandeur should be left for the first round of the competition.

Of course, Qin Mo had always been someone who hated noise, even more than Feng Yi did. After about five minutes into it, he turned to the side and made a hand gesture towards his players.

Everyone log out.

<Supreme Alliance> was like a tornado without shape. Their appearance shocked everyone, and their disappearance left behind no telltale signs.

"This feels so freaking awesome!" Lin Feng said.

Feng Shang nodded rather agreeably. He was slightly blushing!

Secretary Liang, who had reserved their place for dinner, walked over and laughed at these young players, "Everything is ready. We can head out now."

"Yay! Barbecue! I love it the most!"

Lin Feng pulled <Cloud Tiger> over by his neck as he was talking.

<Cloud Tiger> obviously had enough of him. He didn't even react to him, and he let him do whatever he wanted with him like a big octopus.

Fu Jiu was hungry from playing games for so long, not to mention they were having her favorite barbecue tonight. She put one hand in her pocket and pulled Xue Yaoyao over, a delicate smile appearing on her face.

Qin Mo moved his fingers and took off the headphones over his head. When he looked over, he saw this scene.

He smiled at first, but the depths of his eyes were freezing.

Right after that, he touched his thin lips with his fingertips. His voice was slow and attractive, "Dinner is on Lord Jiu tonight, so eat up!"

Fu Jiu paused all of a sudden: "..."

When did she say that she would buy everyone dinner?

Why was this all so familiar!

Not only Fu Jiu, all the other <Supreme Alliance> players were shocked! On Spade Z? Why?

Fu Jiu wanted to figure this out, so she lifted her eyebrows with great courage. "Brother Mo, we are new here. Do you think it's proper for a new player to pay for our first dinner together?"

"Your big brother is giving you an opportunity to know everyone better." As he was saying this, Qin Mo stood up. He sounded indifferent as he reasoned, "Plus, you look like you have plenty to spend."

Chapter 244: Almighty Qin Hated Gays

Fu Jiu: "..." Why does this sound so familiar?

Xue Yaoyao was stunned too. She quietly recalled what His Highness Jiu had said to her.

Miraculously, she understood the reason why Almighty Qin asked His Highness Jiu to pay... She lowered her head and looked at His Highness Jiu's hand on hers. She was not sure why, but she felt an icy chill coming from behind!

Luckily, Xue Yaoyao was a careful observer. She started to save herself by pulling her hand away.

Qin Mo didn't say anything more. He reached his hand out so that one hand was in his pocket, while the other dragged the young man by the back of his collar all the way to the rooftop. Perhaps these two were both so outstanding, causing even this scene to be effortlessly handsome.

All the male players felt like something was off. Xue Yaoyao, as a little girl with a dirty mind, watched the whole thing with her wild imagination running crazy in her head.

Even though the way His Highness Jiu and Almighty Qin interacted was nothing cheesy, there was a certain kind of uplifting pressure going on between them as two people on the same level. This really made people find their relationship unique.

All the other players were busy discussing.

Lin Feng: "Come here, Baby Feng. Can you tell me secretly how your captain messed around with mine?"

Feng Shang recalled the time when his idol mentioned sleeping with Almighty Qin. He knew he couldn't say that out loud, so he lowered his head.

Lin Feng lifted his eyebrows. "Even if you don't say it, it's obvious that your captain did something. Otherwise, my captain wouldn't ask him to buy dinner."

"Well, I actually know something." <Cloud Tiger>, who never gossiped, suddenly cut in.

This intrigued all the other players. "What?"

"Great Spade, aka Fu Jiu. He's gay, and he has expressed his affection towards Almighty Qin in the canteen publicly." <Cloud Tiger> was talking rather seriously, and his face was solemn and earnest. "The girls who were on site also received concrete info that Fu Jiu participated in the contest only to chase Captain."

Lin Feng: "..."

Feng Yi: "..."

Yin Wuyao: "..."

Everyone else: "..."

The rooftop of the Qin Corporation Building had never been this quiet before.

At that moment, one could only hear the sound of the computer main boxes running.

Xue Yaoyao saw Secretary Liang's numb face with her own eyes. His steps fell empty, and he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Of course Secretary Liang wanted to cry. The secret that he had tried so hard for so long to cover up for Almighty Qin was exposed so easily like that.

Lin Feng was the first one to regain his senses. He was thinking hard, and when he figured a reason out, he reached his hand out and patted Feng Shang's shoulder. "I finally understand why Captain treated Spade Z so differently; he wanted to keep him to his side and educate him little by little. Do you know what Captain hates the most?"

"No, no idea." Student Feng was still sad. He refused to admit that his idol only competed to chase after Almighty Qin. He completely refused to admit that!

Lin Feng explained more generously, "Almighty Qin hates gays the most, especially those who show their affection towards him. Six months ago, there was this guy, but I forgot his name... Anyways, he was really popular online and was very good looking. He wanted to turn Almighty Qin gay, but was directly escorted out of the three northern provinces. Thinking in behalf of Supreme Alliance's future, you should convince Spade Z and let him give up on his plan, so that he can at least die in one piece!"

"Who-who said that this was the case? Maybe your-your-your captain likes my idol!" Student Feng couldn't help but shout out loud, "Don-don-don't forget that your Almighty Qin dragged my idol away!"

Chapter 245: Fu Jiu And Qin Mo Were Separated

After hearing Feng Shang's words, all the team members fell into utter shock.

Especially Lin Feng. He looked over at Feng Shang with a facial expression that clearly said,"You go, my big brother!"

Feng Yi had to drag his little brother away. He educated insincerely, "How can you think like this? You can easily tell that Spade Z is chasing Young Master Qin with a simple look. You should never say such nonsense, you know? Especially when you drink later, don't mention this to Young Master Qin."

Young Master Qin really has a narrow mind, and his methods are vicious. Later, his little brother wouldn't even know how he died.

Feng Shang was still stuttering, and he said quite sternly, "So-so-so you mean it wasn't Almighty Qin who dragged my idol away? He-he-he obviously did!"

"He probably dragged him away to teach him a lesson as the captain." Lin Feng was very convinced that his guess was correct. "Later on, Captain will set up more rules for Little Spade to forbid him from doing this and that. He's such a handsome youngster, so why on earth is he into guys? And why Captain out of all the options? Sigh, this is no different than looking for death. Do you know how much Captain hates gays? Even though he respects people's gender orientations, but not if it involves himself. He can't bear this kind of thing happening to him. Captain has sharp moves... Little Spade is screwed this time. A simple kiss will get him beaten up nastily. But, Little Shang, don't worry. I really like Little Spade, so I won't let Captain educate him to death. As long as Little Spade has a little control over his behavior, Captain will be a little more tolerant. After all, the national contest is coming up and Supreme Alliance needs him."

The other team members all nodded in agreement after hearing his words.

Xue Yaoyao stood there, and she was only thinking about one problem. If His Highness Jiu really kissed Young Master Qin, would Young Master Qin really beat him up? Or...

No, no, no, I can't think like this!

Xue Yaoyao patted her blushing face, and her eyes were full of little twinkling stars.

Even since they knew that Fu Jiu was chasing after Qin Mo, all members of the team became more alert at all times. They were all worried that Fu Jiu would do things to piss Captain off and that he would directly make Fu Jiu vanish; therefore, they were planning on separating these two completely!

"Little Spade, you go sit with Sister Yaoyao. When we drink later, you can help her with some wine," Lin Feng said to Fu Jiu in a hushed voice. After he was done, he felt that he was so smart to have thought of such a brilliant idea!

Fu Jiu took her coat off with one hand and nodded with a subtle smile. She had always been soft on Xue Yaoyao.

It's just that... Qin Mo's hand, which was holding the wine glass, paused as he saw Fu Jiu leaving his side to go to Xue Yaoyao's. His emotionless eyes turned up and looked at Fu Jiu, who was four people away from him. The depths of his eyes frosted over.

<Cloud Tiger> sat next to Qin Mo after they had adjusted their seats. This master player of <Supreme Alliance> paused a little as he sat down. Am I delusional?...Or is Captain really extra cold today?

Qin Mo didn't say anything. His long fingers rested lazily on the glass, and his pitch black uniform was to the side. He looked regal, like he had no worldly desires. Like a delicately made online gaming poster, he was exuding a faint coldness.

Chapter 246: Jealousy Intensifying

Fu Jiu turned her fair and pretty face to the side, and her silver hair dropped effortlessly over the back of her ears. Her fingertips turned the pages of the menu. While looking at the different dishes, she didn't notice anything special, so she asked Xue Yaoyao, who was sitting next to her, in a gentle voice, "What do you want? Is there anything you don't eat?"

"No," Xue Yaoyao replied instantly like a sweet little girl.

Qin Mo simply laughed out loud after seeing this. At the dining room, he saw this scene through the layers of light. He tilted his head and lit a cigarette. As the smoke surrounded him, the iciness around him became heavier as well.

But honestly, these two were too far away from Qin Mo. They couldn't feel anything all the way over there.

Fu Jiu ordered a lot of things and said to the waiter at the side who was taking the orders, "You have Budweiser here?"


"Thirty bottles first then, big ones. We will let you know if we need more. Also, get me some ice please."


A dozen people drinking thirty bottles of beer was quite normal, but no one would order ice with beer, so the waiter looked at the youngster one more time just to confirm the order was correct.

Fu Jiu turned her body and lifted her eyebrows. "What? You don't have ice?"

"We do." The waiter's heart quivered, and he blushed instantly. He jotted the order down quickly and walked away shyly.

That was not the point. The point was that waiter was a guy!!!

And he became shy... The members of <Supreme Alliance> looked at one another, then gave Fu Jiu a thumbs up. "Little Spade, you rock."

Fu Jiu suddenly understood, and she curled her lips up into a smile. "Well, the woes of being too handsome."

Lin Feng couldn't bear it anymore and turned to ask Yin Wuyao, "Great North, how did you get convinced by this little kid to join the team? Can you really bear him acting like this all the time?"

Yin Wuyao raised his head silently. No comment.

"Am I handsome?" As Fu Jiu asked Xue Yaoyao, she didn't forget to exhibit her tempting delicate smile.

Even though she knew Fu Jiu was a girl, Xue Yaoyao still felt her heart race. Blushing, she answered, "You are, indeed."

"See?" Fu Jiu separated the bamboo chopsticks and put them into her mouth. Then she looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng tilted his head and grabbed directly onto Cloud Tiger's hand. "I really want to punch him right now. Stop me!"

"Give me a reason why you wanna punch him," Cloud Tiger's voice was as grounded as how he himself was in real life.

Lin Feng said seriously, "He's more handsome than I am?"

"Every man in this room is more handsome than you are," Cloud Tiger said and touched his head with his hand. "So sleep on it. You can't beat up that many at one time."

Fu Jiu was having fun listening, and she shared a smile with Xue Yaoyao naturally, seeming like the two of them had a tacit understanding.

This made Qin Mo, who was sitting in the middle, laugh even more.

Then, he raised his hand and extinguished his cigarette with great force in the ashtray.

Cloud Tiger felt the coldness coming off of his hand, but he couldn't explain why.

Lin Feng had always been good at breaking the ice. As soon as the beer was served, he filled everyone's glasses up full and stood up boldly. "From today on, we have new blood in the Supreme Alliance. Let's go kill every single one of the opponents in the national tournament! Last year, Captain's hands were injured, so we didn't do so well either. We didn't even get into the top four. But this year is different. Even if Captain will focus on his recovery during the first half, we can still make it to the top four for sure!"

Almighty's hands were injured?

Still under treatment?

As someone who played games and got all those FC's with Qin Mo, Fu Jiu really didn't notice that.

Chapter 247: Qin Mo's Secret

He could still release that Three Thousand Blade Cuts with his injured hands?

Then exactly how amazing is he when his hands are fine?

So... One really can't treat a god like a normal person.

Fu Jiu was good at games thanks to her innate fast hand speed and the fact that she had played this game before.

Even so, she was still not as good as this god. She would find the chance to have a little one-on-one PK with him some time later.

Fu Jiu thought up to this point before something passed through her mind. Just like how she reacted to those criminal psychology books, she couldn't help but question, "How did Brother Mo hurt his hands?"

This question was too difficult for even Lin Feng to answer, because even he didn't know how it happened.

"By accident." Qin Mo's voice had a hint of carelessness as he held his wine glass.

The way he had one hand in his pocket would easily convince people to trust him.

But... Fu Jiu was not a stranger.

After spending all this time together with him, she knew that this god was not a careless person.

As the captain of a professional league team, his hands were the most important thing to him.

The Almighty would never allow himself to get hurt unless it was inevitable.

After Fu Jiu thought up to here, she looked up and met Qin Mo's eyes.

The Almighty seemed to have more secrets than she had expected.

"Okay, this is not important. The most important thing is that we are together now, and we will be together in the future still!" Lin Feng shouted, "Bottoms up—to being teammates even in our next lives!"

Of course, the team members reacted passionately to this cheer. Everyone's lips curled up into smiles and each person raised his/her glass to the toast!

All of them were taking care of Xue Yaoyao. They were letting her drink less.

Xue Yaoyao was extremely moved by this, and her heart felt very warm.

With her figure and background, she was not popular among the students, especially among the boys.

She had encountered so much derogatory remarks, including how that person knitted his eyebrows together after knowing that she had a crush on him.

She had never ever been treated like a princess.

She grew up in a single-parent family with her two little brothers.

She had done so much that other people her age had never done.

She had experienced so much that other people her age had never experienced.

And she grew up from all of this.

People said, "There are three stages of growth in a person's lifetime. First is when you realize that things will not always develop in the way you want them to; second is when no matter how hard-working you are, you would still be questioned and mocked; and third is when you carry on even when you fail."

She was lucky enough to gain these three kinds of experiences already.

Xue Yaoyao looked aside at the silver-haired young man who was getting her meat. She didn't know why, but she was tearing up in her heart.

If not for this person showing up in her life, she would be just like those who were drowning in reality—having no dreams and spending their lives in vain.

Where she could only be mocked by people without being able to do anything about it.

But now, she's different.

She was thoroughly different.

Xue Yaoyao couldn't help but turn her head and share a toast with Fu Jiu.

Fu Jiu didn't know what she was thinking about, but she laughed slightly and freed one of her hands to rub it against her head. "Girls shouldn't be drinking too much."

Xue Yaoyao wanted to say the same thing to her because she was also a girl herself...

"Look how thoughtful our Little Spade is, taking care of girls so well!" Lin Feng was buzzed. "Now I know why I failed to capture all the girls I desired; I simply didn't have the moves, and that has nothing to do with my beautiful looks! So you! All of you! Later on, don't blackmail me, you hear that! I'm not the team flower here!"

Chapter 248: Almighty Qin in Action

"Team flower?" Fu Jiu looked at that Lin Feng's face, which was as pretty as a flower, and she commented sincerely, "It really suits you. Everyone in the team together won't exceed your beauty."

Lin Feng's tongue was numb from drinking. "Did you consider the only girl here's feelings when you said that!"

"I think Yaoyao would be more than happy to let you have the title of 'team flower'." Fu Jiu was still laughing, and she looked very youthful.

Xue Yaoyao didn't say anything because in her heart, Fu Jiu looked the best no matter what.

If she changed back to girl's clothing, she would look stunning.

She was now worried that later on, as one of the <Supreme Alliance> members, His Highness Jiu wouldn't be able to hide her true gender for too long.

Fu Jiu realized that Xue Yaoyao was looking at her, and she turned towards her and raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"Nothing..." Just as Xue Yaoyao was about to say more...

...Almighty Qin who was far away playing with the phone in his hand walked over to them.

Xue Yaoyao had a moment of déjà vu, but before she could warn His Highness Jiu, Almighty Qin leaned in suddenly, reaching his hand out so it rested on the back of her chair. As he laughed lightly, his voice sounded deep and attractive. "Yaoyao, mind if we switch?"

Xue Yaoyao was stunned.

Even her fingers were all tense.

But, she was still practical about it, not to mention that she was a fan of His Highness Jiu and Almighty Qin's partnership. She really enjoyed seeing them together, so she gave up her seat without any hesitation.

On the other hand, Lin Feng was confused and shocked. Am I really this drunk?

Why did Captain run over there to sit with Little Spade?

Surprisingly, Qin Mo didn't only sit down, but also dragged the young man closer to him as he said in a lowered voice, "What did I tell you? Mm?"

Fu Jiu blinked and laughed out loud, "Yaoyao is a girl, so she doesn't count!"

"They're all the same," Qin Mo sounded sullen, "No relationships are allowed within the team. This will affect your performance during the contest, so control your dirty paws."

Fu Jiu laughed out, "Brother Mo, you can't do this. What if we really fall in love with each other later?"

"Then I will break your leg." Qin Mo had a gorgeous smile on his face as he was saying this. It was enough to make any girl except Fu Jiu melt and fall.

Nobody could hear what they were talking about, but looking at the intimate position they were in was already shocking enough to pull down everyone's jaws.

Lin Feng was rubbing his eyes hard. He thought he was having delusions from drinking too much.

What... What is Captain doing!

The rest of the members were all wearing complicated faces. They really couldn't figure out their captain anymore. Yes, he was too confusing!

Fu Jiu was used to all of this. "Brother Mo, we just became teammates, and we will compete in the national tournament later. Let's not get this brutal yet."

"Breaking your legs won't affect your hand speed; you can still play." With that, Qin Mo reached out his hand and pulled the young man in. He said to all the members, "I'm taking him back. You guys go on, but don't forget to show up on the rooftop at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. We are flying to Tokyo for a pop-up intensive training. Ten push-ups for every minute that you are late."

Feng Shang really wanted to stop this, but sadly... nobody dared to go against Almighty Qin. Plus, Baby Feng drank a lot, and he couldn't even stand straight, so he didn't have a chance to say what he wanted to say. Watching Almighty Qin take his beloved idol away was such torture!

Chapter 249: Fu Jiu And Qin Mo Make A Lovely Couple

It was freezing outside.

The rain amplified the coldness of that northern winter night.

After they had walked outside, they could see their breaths appear as white fog in the air.

Fu Jiu felt so cold, but her left hand, which was held by someone else, felt very warm.

After walking a few steps, Qin Mo realized that the young man didn't have his coat. He narrowed his deep eyes, took off his uniform at once, and put it on the young man.

This was a sign that the danger had passed.

Fu Jiu touched her belly. "Some hot soup would be nice right now."

Qin Mo laughed out loud from anger, "As someone who makes a lot of mistakes, you really do love yourself a lot, huh?"

"Shouldn't the big brother reward his little brother a little?" Fu Jiu gave a naughty smile, "I won the contest as I promised and got first place!"

Secretary Liang followed the two of them out, but he could only look up at the sky in silence as he overheard their conversation. These two were too absorbed into their characters—big brother, little brother... Why am I only seeing intimacy!

Qin Mo looked behind them first.

Obviously, he was telling Secretary Liang to leave them alone.

Secretary Liang was debating about what to do, because he was worried about what they might do after CEO Qin was drunk.

If he wasn't there, the consequences could be horrifying.

What if CEO Qin had really been turned gay?

But leaving... But I don't have the guts to stay!

In fact, Secretary Liang was indeed overthinking things. Qin Mo simply didn't like to be followed. When Secretary Liang had that especially gossipy look on, even he wondered if he had hired the right person based on his working ability.

After they had gotten rid of Secretary Liang, Qin Mo turned to look down at the young man. "Tell me what you want to eat. I don't want others to think that your big brother is treating you badly."

"Hotpot." Fu Jiu was indeed a hotpot maniac.

Qin Mo checked the time on his watch. "Hotpot at this hour?"

"You're right. It's not realistic to have hotpot at 11 p.m." Fu Jiu thought about it, and she saw a 24-hour convenience store not far away. "Let's go there! They must have something to eat there. Instant noodles would be nice too, spicy ones."

The reality was that Qin Mo had never gone to such places, but he wouldn't refuse his little brother who wanted to go. He was making a huge sacrifice.

After they had arrived at the convenience store, Fu Jiu felt like a fish in the pond. She knew all the good stuff to eat here.

Qin Mo was sitting on the chair which was prepared for customers. He propped his chin up and glanced at the young man who was squatting in the aisles to pick food.

Qin Mo narrowed his eyes again.

Fu Jiu looked like he knew this place so well.

But... Why would the young master of Fu family, who should be eating at fine dining places all the time, often come to convenience stores?

Fu Jiu picked out the instant noodles that she liked. As soon as she looked back up, she met Qin Mo's deep eyes. Her fingers paused, and she curled her lips up into a smile.

She didn't say anything further. She went to the counter with her purchases.

But she was a little wary on the inside. She knew that she shouldn't have put her guard down at all when she was dealing with this god.

He was an expert who studied criminal psychology and could analyze people's behaviors easily.

Fu Jiu paid the money and asked the assistant to pour hot water in her bowl of noodles. That assistant's hands were shaking from excitement. Those who didn't know might think he was nervous because he had put poison in the bowl or something.

At last, Fu Jiu figured out why his hands were shaking.

"You-you are Spade Z, aren't you? I watched the contest yesterday. Could you ask Almighty Qin to sign his autograph here for me? I'm a huge fan of his!"

It was all very normal, when...

..."You and Almighty Qin make such a lovely couple!" that assistant added at the end.

Qin Mo walked over and lifted his beautiful eyebrows. "What couple?"

Chapter 250: Qin Mo Doesn't Mind Coupling Up with Fu Jiu

The assistant became more and more excited as his idol moved closer, but he didn't dare to repeat what he had just said. After all, everyone knew that Almighty Qin didn't like to be shipped with anyone.

Nothing could escape Qin Mo's eyes that easily. He drummed the tabletop with his fingers as he laughed deeply while setting up a trap, "I heard what you said. I just missed some details. Why are you afraid? It's not a big deal."

That assistant didn't know anything about Almighty Qin's scheming tricks.

But Fu Jiu knew, because she had fallen into Qin Mo's traps so many times, so she tried to signal to that assistant who was helping her with her noodles.

But Almighty Qin wouldn't give Fu Jiu the opportunity to do so. He reached his hand out and dragged the young man behind him domineeringly but also somewhat dotingly. He then urged the assistant, "Go on."

The assistant saw how his idol pulled that person away. After analyzing it a little, according to his understanding of his idol over these years, if Almighty Qin didn't like that person, he wouldn't even touch him or her, let alone grab onto his or her hand.

Now his idol was not only touching someone, but also being rather intimate with him...

Therefore, that assistant fully let down his guard. He became extremely excited and pulled out his phone. He showed some pictures to Almighty Qin. "These are the pictures I took earlier today when Spade Z walked over to you after winning. Everyone was saying how you and Spade Z looked great together! You are a perfect match!"

Perfect match?!

Qin Mo frowned a little. He turned his face and looked at those pictures on the screen with his deep eyes.

In the picture, the silver-haired young man had looked up and put his hand over his. He was still smiling with his thin lips, looking very likable. He appeared handsome and cute, not rebellious at all.

For someone who was in the rebellious phase of his life, that was rare.

Qin Mo took another look at the pictures. He didn't say anything further but glanced at Fu Jiu. He said slowly, "When did you start to eat instant noodles?"

Fu Jiu lifted her eyebrows and laughed, "Actually, I've always loved it. I used to pretend to like fancy dining in front of other people, but this has a really strong scent. Brother Mo doesn't mind, right?"

Only 30% of what she said was true. The rest was all false.

She had played that cops-and-robber game for so many years, so she knew about those experts on criminal psychology and the possible consequences behind each problem.

Even this god couldn't trick her easily.

"No." Qin Mo knew that he shouldn't think into her generic answer too much. He simply asked for a coffee and returned back to his original seat.

Their actions made the assistant so excited. This was the very first time that Almighty Qin had been shipped with someone. Almighty Qin did frown a little, but he didn't deny it in person!

Did it mean that Almighty Qin and Spade Z would really become a couple for people to use their dirty imaginations on?!

With this in mind, that assistant's eyes were full of pink bubbles. Moreover, the way they looked from behind while sitting next to each other made everything that was imagined seem very possible!

The drizzle outside the window had become thin snow, and it looked extremely dreamy under the street lights.

This was a rare view in Jiang City. After all, up in the north where the smog was crazy, one could seldom see such a scene.

After the snow, the weather became so nice and amiable.

Close to midnight, sitting in a 24-hour convenience store and looking outside while gently propping her chin up had always been a favorite pastime of Fu Jiu.

She had a nice view from the convenience store window, so she could observe everyone. Then she would decide on her plans, such as when to attack and when to retreat.

"I thought only criminals love to sit at a place like this."

Chapter 251: Almighty Qin Tests Fu Jiu

Qin Mo's cold and low voice drifted over from the side.

Fu Jiu looked up with a smile. "Why do you think that?"

"This whole street has a great view. It's the center of a crossroad while facing a tall building, and the rest is quite empty; it's not blocked by buildings. Sitting here, you can observe all three directions well and keep everything in your eyes. A smart criminal likes to mingle within a crowd, observing the world secretly just like what you are doing right now, so that he can escape from the police's interrogation after his business without anybody noticing anything." Qin Mo looked indifferent. Judging from his appearance right now, most people wouldn't think that he was saying all of these things seriously. He looked like he was just casually chatting about this topic.

Fu Jiu stared at the steam rising up from her bowl of noodles, before biting on the spoon in her mouth, and making it stick a little upwards. She acted like an innocent young man and said with a smile. "Brother Mo, you must watch too many movies. Criminals in real life are not that smart."

"All the storytelling in art forms come from real life." Qin Mo looked at Fu Jiu with his deep eyes, "Therefore, you be good around me. Don't let me catch you committing your crimes, got it?"

Fu Jiu felt that this time, this god said the word good in a different way.

It felt like he was tapping on her.

Honestly, she couldn't help but suspect that this god recruited her not only for the national tournament, but also to keep a closer eye on her.

If so... It would be really hard for her to play her tricks later on.

Fu Jiu felt frustrated. She would have to be careful with him no matter how many times she was reborn.

She was unhappy, so she needed some instant noodles to calm herself down.

Qin Mo didn't want Fu Jiu to think that his big brother was a control freak. He would feel happy by looking at his smiles, so he didn't want to go overboard.

"It's not convenient to travel without a phone. I will ask Secretary Liang to get you a new one tomorrow.

Fu Jiu swallowed the noodles in her mouth. "I have phones." Where did this god get into the habit of buying her things all the time? It must be some kind of trap again!

Qin Mo smiled as if he knew what the young man was thinking. "What? Don't those domineering CEO's in those books you love all act like this? Handsome Ouyang."

An unexpected dry joke from Qin Mo almost made Fu Jiu choke on her food. She shouldn't let Almighty Qin get near those things later on. Otherwise, he would pull examples from there all the time—too annoying.

But... Only this god could tell such a cold joke in such a regal manner.

Fu Jiu tilted her head. She realized that the man had given her his coat, and he was wearing a thin cashmere sweater. People couldn't tell if he was cold or not judging from his appearance while holding the coffee cup with his long, fair fingers.

He couldn't possibly feel warm. It was still winter, and the heat in a 24-hour convenience store wasn't enough.

Fu Jiu thought about it and fed Qin Mo some noodles.

Qin Mo paused, but he didn't refuse.

The reason was never going to change. A teenager in his rebellious phase was very sensitive. Plus, he had already warned him just now.

Therefore, he didn't refuse when the young man fed him noodles.

The assistant never expected that he would be able to witness such an exciting scene during an awful night shift, and his eyes widened!

Chapter 252: The Danger of Losing Fans

The assistant was single. He watched how Almighty Qin tilted his head with the noodles that Spade Z was feeding him resting on his lips. His side profile was extremely pretty, and at that moment, it was still snowing slightly outside, making the street lights look dreamier and gentler.

The two of them were simply too handsome–not only Almighty Qin, but also Spade Z–and together they created a vision.

They are absolutely a perfect match!

An undeniable, unchangeable perfect match!

The assistant wanted to share his feelings with everyone so badly!

Therefore, he raised his hand and took a photo of them secretly without disrupting them and posted it on the fan forum shipping this couple together. He added a comment saying, "Almighty Qin and Spade Z are at the convenient store I work for. They are having instant noodles right now, and they showed me the perfect way of eating instant noodles! I gained so much knowledge, so loving, so I can't help but share it with all of you!"

After he finished, the assistant said a sentence inside silently–please don't blame me for taking a picture of you two, Almighty Qin and Spade Z. It's just too exciting to pass up!

Once the picture was posted, the whole page went nuts!

"Feeding... Feeding noodles?! Almighty Qin? Spade Z? No way, I gotta see this again!"

"Seems that Almighty Qin never accepted being fed by anyone before. Last time, COCO gave him a french fry and he rejected him sternly!"

"So that Spade Z is Almighty Qin's true love!"

"When I saw the photo, my wolf blood started to boil!"

"I hope they will start selling official products of them. I want to buy Almighty Qin and Spade Z's photo booklets. I don't care about money, I just want to fulfill my dream as their couple fan!"

"Don't tell me this is how Almighty Qin and Spade Z interact normally. I just wanna say that single dogs are pretty cute, please be kind to us."

"I'm eating up this dog food willingly!"

"Whoever posted the picture, boy or girl, please post more pictures!"

"I think we shouldn't ask for too much. Maybe Almighty Qin doesn't like to be coupled up with Spade Z, it's smart to be low-key."

"You're right. Then let's continue to appreciate this picture here, don't spread it out. I don't want any trouble."

This was the thought of a true loving fan.

But in this world, there were various kinds of people. It's impossible to predict how every person's viewpoint would be like all the time.

At this time, someone who liked Spade Z before saw that couple picture and narrowed her eyes slowly.

The fact that she didn't recognize Spade Z today was a huge slap to her face.

Therefore, she felt that Spade Z was really pretentious to prove himself on site like that, making them utterly embarrassed. He didn't think of those true fans' feelings? She instantly turned from being a fan to dissing Spade Z.

She left a comment on the forum. "I know Almighty Qin wouldn't like this post, but you guys still post it? Are you nuts? I really don't understand, how could Spade Z bring so much trouble with him. He wants to be famous too badly, and now he latched onto Almighty Qin to promote himself? Did you all ask Almighty Qin how he feels about all of this?"

She didn't think that she was wrong to post this at all. For her, this was the truth. She felt that others were so dumb that they considered Spade Z to be nice in every way.

Even the assistant who posted the photo explained to her. "Almighty Qin saw this post already, he didn't show any resentment."

She totally ignored that, didn't even look at it, and sent that picture to the official website of the gaming contest...

Chapter 253: Trouble Is Here

The official online gaming website posted a refutation.

It was fine for fans to dirtily imagine dirtily their idol coupling up with anyone, but the online gaming website wasn't the place to express such things.

On here, people talked about the upcoming national gaming contest.

Every team was fully preparing for it, with many commentators emphasizing analyzing and commenting on each player.

Such meaningful technical posts were overshadowed by a post that was about a couple.

Of course this would draw negative feelings from players.

Not to mention this couple post went all the way to the top.

Finally, someone spoke up.

"Those who like Spade Z, can you please not post here all the time like this? Especially this kind of post about a couple. This is the official gaming website of all the nation's teams. Fans of other players are all on there too, please show some respect."

"It's not wrong posting pictures, but as a Qin fan, I can only say that trying to stir up such drama is going a little overboard. I hope that Spade Z fans can stop."

"I don't want to discuss this further. According to my understanding of Almighty Qin, he wouldn't allow anyone to feed him noodles if he didn't want it. Posting such a post here is wrong."

"Spade Z? Who is that? Never heard of him."

"FC King of the Zone C, his techniques are pretty good, but his personality, I don't know..."

That Blackie used to have a pure love for Spade Z. She had even bought a ticket to the selection contest just to see Spade Z in person, but she didn't expect such treatment. Since Spade Z didn't care about her feelings, then she had to leave such a comment, so that people would know what kind of person Spade Z really was...

This was posted after midnight, which was undeniably advantageous timing.

The online moderators were not online, because they were all sleeping by that time. Even though some companies had overnight technician shifts, controlling the intentions of forums wasn't included in their job description.

The Supreme Alliance was still celebrating, and they didn't notice a pre-planned bloody storm was forming silently.

The next day, before dawn, Feng Yi got a phone call.

Luckily, he woke up earlier that day, because he needed to followed the players to Tokyo for the trainings, so he was really clear minded when he answered his phone. After he understood the purpose of the call, he knitted his eyebrows together severely. "When was the post released?"

"2 a.m. in the morning. Boss Feng, should we talk to the official website and apologize first? It was not good for that kind of post to come out. Spade Z shouldn't have such a high-profile, especially when he is still new. Boss Feng, you should give your talents some training when you have time, it's really hard for us to deal with this kind of situation."

Feng Yi used to be an entertainment manager before he worked as a professional gaming team manager. He knew this industry like he knew his own home, so he had a distinct opinion on such an issue. "First, this was not Spade Z's fault. He just entered Supreme Alliance and doesn't even have an official Weibo. He needs time to regulate his fans. Plus, we believe that those who really like Spade Z wouldn't do such a thing. Everyone should know about the official policy of not posting couple posts on the official website, so why did this person do that? Chen Nan, we both knew that Spade Z was going to become the centre of the attention even before we signed him. We need to be prepared for more of this to come later. Don't apologize first before we figure out the intention of the person who posted this. If we do apologize, we are admitting that Spade Z is at fault, which is unfair to him."

Chapter 254: Qin Mo Can't Take It Anymore as Fu Jiu's Big Brother

As Feng Yi was saying all this, Feng Shang was sitting right next to him. At first, he was so angry that he wanted to grab the phone and angrily retort.

But in the end, he chose to close the door behind him and help his big brother with the suitcases he hadn't finished packing yet.

Feng Shang had always been a fan of his big brother.

But now, the amount of pride he had for big brother had elevated to a whole new level.

He felt so lucky to have such a great big brother.

He was in a high position, facing the materialism of the world and all kinds of big commercial companies, but he never changed who he was.

This was what justice was...

Whenever crises happened, what managers should do to protect their clients, and he did always did this.

Almighty Qin said this before: if not for Feng Yi, the Supreme Alliance wouldn't have the impact it had now.

He didn't understand back then.

He thought that playing games was just playing games.

After meeting his idol, after the whole gaming contest, and after today's phone call...

...He knew now.

There were so many people who were working their butts off to realize the glory that they were seeing now.

The spreading of the post incident was still accelerating.

Because Qin Mo was involved, after the phone call Feng Yi instantly changed the ticket. He needed to stay behind and let the team go on with their training without worrying.

After he arranged everything, the first thing he did was call Qin Mo.

Feng Yi was a very efficient person. "Young Master Qin, I need to show you a post."

After that, he sent over the link to that post.

Now, it had already been six hours after the post was posted.

Many people weren't satisfied with this.

"WTF, this is an official national gaming website, not a place for your gossip!"

"Honestly, I used to think about how amazing this Spade Z was, but now, heheh, I'm no longer interested."

"Let me make this clear, Almighty Qin doesn't like being coupled with anyone, so don't diss Almighty Qin."

"This post was obviously posted by someone who hates Spade Z, sigh."

"Spade Z is a man, how could someone say that Almighty Qin and him are a couple? Doesn't he feel disgusted when he does that so forcibly?"

"I don't want to say more, Spade Z is screwed with this post."

"I'm speechless right now. How could someone like him deserve to be in the gaming world? The Supreme Alliance should reconsider his recruitment. No matter how great his techniques are, if he doesn't have good characteristics, he will drag the Supreme Alliance down with him!"

"Greetings to Spade Z and his whole family, f**king publicity bitches!"

Some of the letters were blocked because they were not appropriate to be posted online.

Qin Mo saw all of this and threw his suitcase away. He was wearing his uniform, and as his eyes cooled down, he looked like a demon from hell, full of bloodthirsty evilness. "I'll take care of this."

Feng Yi paused. "Boss Qin wants to deal with this?"

Usually, managers were the ones to deal with this kind of incident.

He only sent Boss Qin this post to let him know about the situation and that he was part of the story. He also wanted to figure out if Almighty Qin really liked to be coupled up with Spade Z.

But now...

"Don't let Z know about this. He went home late last night, so he needs rest. You go get Z an official Weibo account right now, and give me the ID and password." Qin Mo's eyes were freezing. "I can't let people curse him like this without a reason."

Chapter 255: Fu Jiu And Qin Mo Were Separated

As a big brother, if he couldn't even provide the minimum protection for his little brother, then he needed to take a break.

At the gaming selection contest, he did not take action because the youngster wanted to solve the problems presented by himself.

But it was different this time.

Aside from just solving the issue on the technical level, he needed to let the world know that it was he who protected Fu Jiu.

The youngster was indeed cunning with his thoughts hidden deeply. So far, he was not completely transparent in front of him.

But, in the end, he regarded him as his little brother, and the youngster didn't do anything out of bounds. He just fed him some noodles, but he was then dissed so badly.

Afterwards, he would have a nice chat with him about binding CP, and whether or not he would like to do it.

Qin Mo held a mobile phone in his right hand and opened a computer nearby with left hand. His smile tugging at the corner of his mouth was extremely cold.

"Yes!" After the initial shock, Feng Yi took action immediately.

There was nothing to think about.

Even Qin Mo said something like this.

It could be seen that Young Master Qin himself did willingly approve of the binding CP business.

Although Young Master Qin had acquiesced to the binding CP business, Feng Yi felt like the sky was raining red. It was really not easy to see such a scene in his life.

After all, Qin Mo used to said that he wanted to play in professional league all the time and tried to keep himself from frequently showing up in the public eye.

That was to say that Qin Mo was not the kind of person who liked to be frequently reported on by the media.

But now, according to his meaning, he was going to use all his background power to solve this issue.

Spade Z's glamour was really great. It was said that Young Master Qin never easily used his life experience to suppress others. When Young Master Qin made his debut in the past, he was also dissed badly. After all, he was unwilling to communicate with fans. Such a character like Young Master Qin's would be caught out on the details.

Now that the fans' ages varied from each other, their states of minds were different, so some things were hard to control.

In the past, Young Master Qin was still as cold as he was today. Seeing people dissing him, he just ignored them and refreshed his ranking. He defeated countless God-like professional players. He didn't become an existence that would be easily shaken by others in the gaming contest until now.

You said because he was dissed he would disappear?

That was impossible. In the virtual world, as long as you became a public character, some people will like you while others won't.

Even now, there were people who couldn't stand Young Master Qin's behavior.

But what made him surprised was how Young Master Qin had resolved it. After all he was always indifferent about such matters. He never expected him to resolve it so directly.

It seemed that this incident touched his bottom line.

Even Feng Yi was not clear about why Young Master Qin wanted him to register a Weibo account for Spade Z.

The official Weibo could be recognized faster through special means, and because Spade Z originally belonged to the Supreme Alliance, the certification would be much faster since it was from the team.

Feng Yi worked the business out within half an hour. Then he gave both the account and password to Qin Mo.

But what he didn't expect was that Qin Mo didn't log into the account right away, but just said indifferently, "Give the official Weibo to Spade Z after 9 o'clock. What about my official Weibo account and password?"

Feng Yi : "..."

Although it was not the right time to rant, but! Big God, why did you ask me about your own official Weibo and password?"

It couldn't be helped. As he knew, Young Master Qin never logged into the Weibo account for the entire year. Maybe he did forget about it. As his manager, he could not help but sent it to him.

After Qin Mo got the account, he opened the website and logged in...

Chapter 256: Almighty Qin Sends A Post

When he logged into his official Weibo, the number of private messages, forwards, and @s easily surpassed 10,000.

Ignoring all of these things, Qin Mo opened that post and found the photo of him and Fu Jiu eating noodles together. He then edited the text and sent out the latest news.

"Noodles were good, but mainly because the person who fed the noodles is eye-catching."

When sending the message, Qin Mo also didn't forget to @Spade Z, which was Fu Jiu's official Weibo that Feng Yi had just applied for.

Using just a few words, Qin Mo made his position on this issue completely clear. Moreover, this showed that he didn't reject being hyped up into a couple with Fu Jiu, and was actually willing to be hyped.

Sounding indifferent, his words conveyed his typical sense of lofty coldness.

But it was such a message that blew up all the members of the Supreme Alliance!

"What the hell? Captain, no wonder you called away little Spade alone yesterday, it turns out that you asked him to invite you to eat instant noodles!"

Lin Feng was the first one to forward the post and it was his behavior that further proved that his team leader was the one who took initiative staying alone together yesterday. This was completely unlike the rumor that Spade Z was trying to hype himself up. Heh heh, sorry, the Supreme Alliance was the most united team, which left no way for others to exploit or take advantage of them.

Cloud Tiger quickly kept up with Lin Feng and forwarded the post with the message: "The team leader was going to speak out because the man who mattered to him was hurt."

Following him were COCO and Fatty, who were far away and were ready to board the plane in the southern airport. Although they didn't know what was going on, they completely trusted their team leader (Boss Qin).

Every member of the Supreme Alliance forwarded Qin Mo's Weibo post.

Once again, people witnessed the unbreakable cohesiveness of this young team.

In fact, Weibo had gone into a frenzy the moment Qin Mo sent the message.

"What the hell, I also want to ask brother Lin what happened. Almighty Qin posted on Weibo! And it's a post filled with warmth, I was so excited that I wanted to go down to run two laps!"

"How handsome was the side profile of Almighty Qin! I became intoxicated!"

"I never thought I would see Almighty Qin post in my lifetime. As a fan of Qin, when I die I'll be able to rest in peace! But what did his Weibo mean? People who only cared about the competition were surprised."

"I see! I see!"

"Previous poster, please reveal some details!"

"A man from the official posted a message hyping them up as a couple and people who posted responses badly scolded Spade Z badly. They argued that he had forced Almighty Qin to act like a couple with him and had shamelessly followed Almighty Qin. It seems that this was not exactly the case."

"I looked to the left then looked to the right. What I have concluded from Almighty Qin's message is that he is warning people not to bully his man. Is this right?"

Fans of the couple also thought that this was what Almighty Qin was expressing.

But after the post incident, they knew that this would arouse the resentment of others if they shipped Spade Z and Almighty Qin as a couple over and over again.

Therefore, they didn't voice out their thoughts about this point, thanks to the fact that they were an organization that really cared about the team.

That true love fan was a network executive originally. She was a rotten woman and was too old to chase stars and play games. She just dealt with business every day.

When she first saw Spade Z, she purely thought that the youngster was good-looking.

But ever since she saw him play the game and protect the North of Yin Mountain, she kept looking over at the youngster unconsciously. It was not until she looked at the video that popped up when she searched for Spade Z that she completely turned from a random passerby into his fan.

The youngster said in the video, "Because we always believe that justice may be late, but it will never be absent."

Chapter 257: True Love Supported

Sometimes, the more you grew up, the more you missed your younger self.

This true love fan was also born in an ordinary family, so she better understood the bitterness of this feeling.

At a very young age, she once swore that she wanted to become a brilliant person.

But when growing up, she understood that life was simply full of too much frustration.

Sometimes she would be splashed by dirty water or be hurt, but she couldn't voice her grievances. She always thought she could heal these wounds after she became successful.

In fact, sometime she also forgot what the justice that she originally wanted to wait for was.

The youngster who said such words definitely couldn't be the kind of person who wanted to couple with someone to hype up a CP.

It was such simple logic. It was not clear to her why some people still couldn't understand it.

But this point couldn't force people to understand.

Yesterday when that wave of comments appeared, she just knew that something would happen next.

Spade Z was a newcomer.

In the situation where they had no real understanding of Spade Z, too many fans would turn black after being stirred up.

This was just the most harmful setting for the matter to occur.

In her opinion, that one who posted the Weibo did not really like Spade Z, and even probably blackened him.

But she couldn't say such words.

Once she said them, they would only make the youngster be dissed even more.

The only thing to do was for all the true love fans to hug together and become a group, especially the CP fans.

So when Qin Mo tweeted, this true love fan sent the most sincere message summoning everyone in the CP building.

"If you really like Big Spade, please maintain your character, because a word of abuse at this time will not only pull down our quality, but also make Big Spade be blamed more. Now Master Qin has already tweeted. We can only repost it, give it a thumbs up, making no comments, and wait for further official information."


"I'll forward it now!"

"After all, if it was not because of our psychological mistakes, Big Spade wouldn't be hurt or be forced to wear the buckle hat of hyping. So we have learned a lesson. Definitely respond to the call of Lord."

"No more words. Only one sentence, I trust Big Spade!"

"Wait a moment. People in the group are organizing the siege. Now I'm puzzled. Who should I listen to?"

True love fan big sister was a person with working experience. After she saw the problem, she said one word to directly hit the advantages and disadvantages, "Is Big Spade in the group? Or has that group passed official certification?"

"It... doesn't seem so."

After one of true love fan big sisters saw this, she said, "I can understand the feeling that everyone wants to support Big Spade. But the existence without any official certification is always a little blind. Now in this situation, before Master Qin posted on Weibo, Big Spade had already been blackened very miserably. Now the situation has finally changed a lot. What we can do is to to support Master Qin, not to say any extra things at this time. I'll say it again. If you are a true love fan, please follow me to repost the Weibo post of Master Qin, then we wait for further official information."

"Alright! I believe it!"

"This is a game."

In the game, luckily intellect prevailed.

Massive voices offering support appeared on the Weibo!

Everyone, whether a man or a woman, would add a symbol of Z when reposting the Weibo of Qin Mo.

It was this effective and sensational support that let the message work so effectively and quickly.

Originally he was also worried that, once young master Qin posted the Weibo, those fans of little Spade would blow their cool, and also abuse and fight other. If this happened, no matter what the truth was, after such a disturbance, little Spade would be hated by casual fans...

Chapter 258: Turning into Fans

It was obvious that the emergency measures on Weibo were taken by old veterans used to the stages.

There was no need for Feng Yi to worry about the business of public relations, since even the most useful public relation team was less helpful than the real true love fans.

But the premise was that the true love fans were wise enough.

After this incident, Feng Yi believed twice as much as before that Spade Z would become more and more popular.

Because there were tons of thousands of true love fans.

But not that many true love fans could see the situation clearly and put themselves in their idol's position to stand by the side of their idol.

Like Young Master Qin, it was not easy to have a true love fan here.

That was right!

Our big broker Feng was also a fan broker!

In the case where so many people said Qin Mo just pretended to have a certain character, he firmly believed that he had the ability to be cold.

Nowadays there were too many tricks in gaming contests.

In order to attract more fans, some even didn't mind buying fujoshis or giving in to their fans.

But, most people forgot that, with a gaming contest, as long as you could play the games well, and didn't do anything against your morals, the most basic spirit that you needed to mostly purse was simply going forward.

He still remembered that when he led Young Master Qin in the beginning, Young Master Qin just said one sentence to him, "I am responsible for playing the games well, and you are in charge of the team's popularity. Then we will fight our way into the national final contest."

A club which mainly focused on gaming contests did need both aspects.


"What about fans? Don't we need fans?" At that time, he even persuaded Young Master Qin, "Believe me. Sometimes we need to do something to serve the fans."

However, Young Master Qin then only replied one sentence, "Everyone who likes online gaming knows what they themselves like. I am a gaming player. I clearly know what I should do. Though serving the fans can make me more famous, this is not exactly what I want. In this world, there is something that needs our effort to get."

"In this world, there is something that needs our effort to get." ...Because of this sentence, the Qin family could exist until now. Even if Young Master Qin got hurt that year, Supreme Alliance didn't win.

He was most willing to be like this.

Maybe it was because he grew older that he recalled this event that occurred long before as soon as he saw the online tumult.

Or maybe little Spade Z was similar to Young Master Qin in those days in some ways, which made him have those hot-blooded feelings once again.

After seeing the Weibo post, Feng Yi directly and unscrupulously found the official gaming person who was in charge.

Of course, he would not ask for the registration person's information, because that was all illegal. Nor did he ask for others to search for the poster.

Actually, as far as he was concerned, this was the typical case of turning fans black.

What was urgent to do right now was to find loopholes using his comments, and let her apologize and delete the post. This was the greatest protection for little Spade Z.

Therefore, Feng Yi asked three questions below the post.

No. 1: On this earth, are you a fan of little Spade Z or someone who came to diss him? True fans would not come to the official website to put such a post dissing little Spade Z.

No. 2: If you are a fan, why didn't you delete the post when others said, "To post here shows that you don't respect others, and will make people dislike him more?"

No. 3: Maybe you yourself are not conscious that after you posted the pictures, ten minutes later, the post followers on floor 73 were guessing that little Spade Z was taking advantage of Almighty Qin to hype himself up. This contradictory behavior has obviously shown that you were not a fan at all.

No. 4: Let us analyze, who on earth would enter the official gaming website to post such a CP post and was unwilling to see little Spade Z's success before the national gaming contest?

Chapter 259: Almighty Qin Says, "Yes, distributing candies."

Such a powerful statement directly shocked all the onlookers.

Then followed something even more dramatic.

It was the second Weibo post sent out by Qin Mo.

There was no mistake.

Almighty Qin, who updated his Weibo once a year, had now sent out two blogs in a single day.

If we regarded the first blog as his protection of Spade Z, then the second one was even more straightforward.

"Whoever slanders Spade Z, I'll keep them accountable."

In a moment!

The official Weibo went crazy!

That true love fan big sister was supposed to go through several days' endeavors to completely reverse the present situation.

Now she saw such a sentence from Young Master Qin, which clearly told others, "Whoever bullies Spade Z, I'll get back at him!"

After that the CP fans didn't need to endure anymore!

Comments had exploded all over the screen!

"I only wanna say, I want to see the picture of our Spade Z feeding Almighty Qin noodles again!"

"Almighty Qin, are you sure that you're not distributing candies for us CP fans?"

"Following yesterday, I bottomed up this bowl of dog food!"

This was originally a normal thing,

Who knew that Almighty Qin would reply to one of the comments, "Yes, distributing candies."

He... he admitted it!

Who dared to oppose things that Almighty Qin admitted!


Nobody would say that it was Spade Z who maliciously tied Almighty Qin and himself together for hype!

And the post incident had also been kicked out. A discredited CP post would make people confused at the beginning, but now they had been woken up by those questions plus the second Weibo sent by Qin Mo.

No matter if they were fans of Spade Z or Qin, they started clamoring the poster to apologize and delete the post.

As the national contest was coming up, fans only wished that their idols could fight for it in a perfect state.

Let alone the fans of these two people, fans of other teams also felt that the truth was owed to Spade Z in this case.

Meanwhile, at this time, the youngster and main subject of this incident had just finished packing his luggage.

Having too many candies and instant noodles to take along, plus a nagging housekeeper, had directly influenced Fu Jiu's efficiency.

"Young master, I must go with you. At least if I were there, I could protect you in case you can't help yourself and insist on sleeping with Almighty Qin."

Fu Jiu yawned, and with his silver hair curled-up, he said, "Even if you were there, I would still sleep with Brother Mo if I want. Moreover, we are going to Tokyo, who would pay for the air ticket?"

"I would pay it myself!" Chen Xiaodong said with his chest puffed out, "Not a penny would be needed, how about it?"

Picked up the black leather suitcase, Fu Jiu said, "Not worth it, everything costs more there."

"Since you're a professional player, you'd have money." Chen Xiaodong was close to tears, "Moreover, the momentum of the madam's company is uprising, she was too busy to take care of you and I was told to look after you."

Fu Jiu smiled lightly. "You just stay at home. The best care you can give me is if you don't imagine things casually."

"Young master, you're mocking me!"

Fu Jiu fixed her silver hair in front of a mirror and with her lovely eyebrow lifted, she said, "It is great that you know what I mean."

Chen Xiaodong: "..."

When Fu Jiu pushed away the clingy housekeeper and was about to go to the airport, the phone in his pocket rang.

The caller ID was Xue Yaoyao.

With her hands in her trouser pockets and her lips hooked up, Fu Jiu said, "Is it Yaoyao speaking? I'll arrive soon."

"No, Highness Jiu, you'd better check Young Master Qin's Weibo. Many... many people have @ed you!"

Chapter 260: Fu Jiu's Reaction


Fu Jiu slept late and woke up late. From the moment she opened her eyes, she began packing, planning on giving it her all during the trainings.

She didn't have a Weibo.

So nobody should be able to @ her?

But Fu Jiu could tell that something was up from Xue Yaoyao's voice.

She grabbed a laptop and turned it on. "Let me register for an account first."

Xue Yaoyao was confused. "Register? No need, Boss Feng applied for one for each of us already. They're all locked on to our phone numbers and are all verified, so Highness Jiu, you can directly log into your account with your phone number. Boss Feng sent it to you."

Fu Jiu tilted her head and looked at her phone screen. "There is an unread message. Okay, see you at the airport."

"OK." Xue Yaoyao hung up, but she didn't put her phone down. She checked her phone for Weibo messages on her way to the airport.

Fu Jiu had her super laptop in one hand, and while dragging her suitcase with the other, got in the car without wasting any of her time.

Once she was in the car, she turned on the hotspot on her phone and logged into Weibo.

As soon as she logged in, countless @'s flooded in.

Fu Jiu's left hand rested on the car window frame and she opened all those @'s with her right hand.

"Ahhh, such a blood-boiling scene first thing in the morning. Almighty Qin admits this is his partner?"

"Sending thanks to Spade Z, at least he made my idol send two Weibo posts in one day!"

"I just want to know what Spade Z's reaction to all this is."

"Spade Z must be shy now, Almighty Qin protects him so well! But I still need to @ him and let him know!"

"Same here, @Spade Z!"

"Little Spade, Big God calls you for noodles! Same @!"

"Me too!!! @!"

This kind of situation never happened before, where a gaming contest's topic was in the top 10 on Weibo. It was even getting more and more heated, not retreating at all.

Only the hottest pop star would receive such treatment.

All of this was proving that Qin Mo and Fu Jiu were instantly popular in the gaming world.

Too many people @ed Fu Jiu, so she didn't see the one from Qin Mo at first. When she logged into Qin Mo's page, she saw: "The noodles were delicious, mostly because he was handsome." And: "Those who blackmailed Fu Jiu, I will reserve my rights to seek liability." These two long posts were together.

Honestly, Fu Jiu had never been protected by anyone in any world.

Her beautiful thin lips unconsciously lifted a little. She also knew very well that this kind of thing had to have happened for a reason.

Soon, she found that reason.

After she saw the post, Fu Jiu'e eyes deepened, but she didn't hack to find out that poster's information.

Simply put, that person didn't deserve her time and attention.

That person was still trying to say how much she liked Spade Z, and how she was disappointed by Spade Z's actions, that's why she did this. She was apologizing for posting this, and she claimed that she would never like Spade Z again!

Fu Jiu hid her ID and left a comment. "I only play games. I don't care if I have good characteristics, and I don't ask for anyone to like me. This post is disrespectful to the other players. You can diss however you like later, it doesn't matter."

After sending this, Fu Jiu moved her fingers and returned to the main page, flirting back with a light smile...

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