His princess โœ”๏ธ

By _KYR0S_

240K 5K 333

โžค STARTED SEPTEMBER 2021 โžคFINISHED FEBRUARY 2022 adriana hernandez , didn't have the best upbringing of life... More

ใ€Œ1ใ€it had been his fault.
ใ€Œ2ใ€each of them had their own battles to fight.
ใ€Œ3ใ€noah couldn't accept it , it had been his fault .
ใ€Œ4ใ€you can't die , just yet .
ใ€Œ5ใ€r e c o n i c l e
ใ€Œ 6 ใ€unsaid words
ใ€Œ7ใ€unwanted memories
ใ€Œ 8 ใ€r e v e a l e d
ใ€Œ 9 ใ€h o m e s i c k
ใ€Œ1 0ใ€a blissful sleep
ใ€Œ1 1ใ€u h o h
ใ€Œ1 2ใ€o h n o
ใ€Œ1 3ใ€ o o p s
ใ€Œ1 4ใ€s o r r y

ใ€Œ1 5ใ€h o m e

6.3K 144 34
By _KYR0S_

T W ! ! ! ⚠️⚠️

Who am i kidding even? it was my fault for even showing my emotions to my niece. She's just a kid, and i know she cares about me, i guess i was so caught up in my memories that i made her sad too, after I sent her away, i felt a pang of regret, but the memories of my beloved quickly removed the feelings of regret.
__ 》I was shocked. Numb. Hurt. I did not know how to register anything that was taking place, "I am sorry to inform you, but Luella Vesper is pronounced dead." The doctor says, my ears started ringing, and everything began to move slowly, just yesterday we were dancing to slow music, and today she's on her deathbed. Nothing made sense, my brain was struggling to commute the information being thrown at me. Tears were already forming, i started to cry uncontrollably, and alessandro was there to comfort me, i ended up destroying the flower pots, and everything in my way. I wanted to see her. My vision had been blurry, and i couldn't even think anymore. I approached the room she laid in, her body so still, nothing. just her body on the bed, the life held in her eyes, in her entire body, gone. just like that. i was still in shock, i thought this was a terrible nightmare that maybe when I wake up, she'd be next to me, comforting me, reminding me that it was just a nightmare. but I never woke up, she never comforted me, instead, she was being lowered to the ground. Six feet has never felt so far. Life moved on slowly, there was no purpose for me to live on, until I met her.
I was brought back to reality, as i could see my niece peering from the corner of the door, i wanted to apologize to her for reacting the way I did, but she ran away. without meeting my niece, i think i wouldn't be around.
i set the photograph aside, that was taken when I was 17, and she was 16. I went off to find my niece, and she was hiding in a closet, "You can run, but you can't hide" i say, which startled her, "I'm - im really" before she had to chance to say sorry, i grabbed her, and pulled her into a hug. "no, i am sorry." i say, giving her kisses to the forehead. she doesn't say anything, and remains hugging me. "Maybe, some other time, I'll tell you about her, but for now, let's get dinner." i say, and with a big grin she agrees, i set her down and she rushes to get her shoes on.
now I think about it, it is Luella's birthday.
"hun, dress up, we're going to go somewhere special." i say, and she doesn't question the change of attire, she loves dressing up.

luella would love adri, she'd spoil her rotten if given the chance, and most importantly luella would want me to be happy.

"you almost ready?" i ask peering from the door, "yes! am ready" she says, and we make it out the hotel room and down towards the lobby,  "this is a very special place for me" i start to say, as we hop into the car provided, "where are we going?" she asks, "there's a big fountain that' has a statue of aphrodite, i met someone special there." i say, i wanted adriana to know luella, I wanted the timing to be good, my heart couldn't take reminiscing on her any longer.

we made it to the statue, and it's as if time had been put on pause, everything remains the same except for the color  of the leaves.

"so pretty!" she exclaims, what amazes me is that no matter what happened before, she still holds the same admiration towards me. our family tree is too complicated that even I don't know where to start, luella accepted me for who I am, and when she discovered the mafia business she didn't run away, she accepted that. her death had been inevitable, and in another world maybe we have children together, but god gave me my niece.

it was only 5 in the evening, and adriana deserves everything. we walked in the park, as she held onto my hand, in comparison her hands were so tiny, and in this moment i felt envious of my brother. alessandro gets such a beautiful and adorable daughter, i want a daughter as well, but adriana is enough for me. when walking through the park, we saw many people, children, old couples, and teenagers, of course when we walked pass the groups of teenaged boys adriana lets go of my hand.
"you embarrassed to be found holding hands??" i question, "Uncle you scaring the hoes away" she says nonchalantly, I couldn't help but burst into laughter, "where did you hear that from?" i ask, "tiktok.." she says scratching her head, "You know your father doesn't like that" i say, and she immediately scowls, "dad is just an old fossilized skeleton" she says, "ohhh! so does that mean I'm a old grandpa" i say, "yes, precisely" she says, and the way she said I could picture alessandro saying those exact words.

eventually we made it to our reservation, and we go to the private area of the restaurant, "uncle why don't you like being with other people?" she asks, "well it's a special day, so I'd like to spend it with my favorite niece." i respond, "im your only niece" she retorts with her arms now crossed, "unfortunately" i say, and she sticks her tongue out.


even though I don't know what made uncle noah sad, i am happy that he is smiling now, at my cuteness of course!

i really want to be able to get closer to him, who is that girl? he must have loved her very much, maybe she'll like me too.

i wanted my real mom to like me, but her boyfriend didn't like me and she didn't like me either, and only daddy loves me enough to put up with me. i Hope uncle noah finds his happiness, because he deserves the world.

"noa I love you" i say, when we get our dessert, he looks surprised, that's because normally I say it to my dad, but I think he needs to hear that he is loved.

"you're too precious" is all he said giving me a pat on the head.

weeks gone by, and I enjoy london, then at some point it was time to go home, uncle noah hadn't told me who luella vesper is.

when I saw dad, i raced to him like a little girl. Dad holds me by my waist as he gives me a hug in return.
I was so exhausted from flying, I went straight to sleep.


We completed the months' assignment, and my daughter arrives home as well. I originally wanted her to be away on vacation, and i am glad it had been with Noah. I knew that it was going to be hard on him, and he never really opens up to anyone, not even me.
When the two of them arrive home, i embrace Adria, then i gave noah a casual bro hug. I began talking to noah, as my daughter snuck away to her room probably.

"How was it?" I started off with the most basic question, "it was refreshing. Just, I realized i haven't healed from it, and i do hope one day i can talk to adria about her." Noah replies and he looked awfully tired, "it takes time you know. It does not just happen over night" I gave him a pat on the shoulder, "that little girl loves to spy on people" he mentions while joking, "doesn't that sound like someone..? I wonder who" I say casually looking everywhere but his direction, "it's been a long trip, so glad to be home" he continues, and with that i went off to find my daughter, "baby you need-" i stopped myself mid sentence, noticing that she fell asleep on the floor, she didn't even make it to her bed. I just smile at the sight, if she can just stay little.

I made sure to carefully pick her up, and i heard her move around a little making cute noises, i gently placed her on the bed while making sure the cover was nicely secured, then i bent down to give her a kiss on the forehead, "papa" she awakes as her eyes were fixated on me.
"Perfect, you're up in time for cleaning" i say, still giving her forehead kiss, "nope! I am sleeping" she says dramatically as she pretends to be asleep closing her eyes shut, she's going through this phase where if she can't see me, then i can't see her. "baby i can still see you're awake" i murmured, and she just kept her eyes close as she was in fits of giggles, "nu-uh daddy you're dreaming" she says, i stifle a chuckle, "but babes you need one badly" attempting to convince her to go shower, "it's okay cause daddy loves me" she sticks her tongue out and this time she opened her eyes, her vibrant green eyes were so beautiful to look at, "ha! I gotcha" i say bringing her to my chest, and i went zooming all the way to her bathroom, "daddy!!' She lets out a scream as she fights against me, "you take this shower, and I'll let you do whatever you want with me, including doing makeup.." I say sighing, i really did not want makeup on my face. Hearing the news of that, she was quick to strip which i couldn't help but laugh, "you're so bribable" i say turning to exit the bathroom.


We ended up sitting in front of the television, me sitting on the velvet rug, while my precious daughter is grabbing all the necessary supplies to do my makeup. I could see noah just snickering away at me, and i rolled my eyes, "Father of the year award goes to you for sure" he mentions, and before i could respond back, my daughter had dapped powder onto my lips,, which resulted in me coughing for a second, and she resumed back to using excessive foundation.

After a few minutes of her making my face all pretty as she says,

"Oh you missed a spot there!" Noah points out, i shot him a glare, she in fact covered my entire face full of foundation, concealer, however the hell you call those beauty products.

I saw noah already taking photos of this, "you share this anywhere else, you'll regret it" I threatened, "i wont promise" he says laughing his ass off, "hmm, how should we caption this? 'Daddy's First Make Over'" he recites, "none of it please" I say, and my daughter brings a handheld mirror to me,. " daddy! Look, how pretty you are now" she says practically shoving the mirror in my face as she's happily clapping at her accomplishment.

I was mortified, is this what you call makeup? I barely looked myself, I was looking rather more like Dracula.
"Mhm, baby this - it's so, wonderful!" I smiled, which earns her a big grin, "i know daddy i am just too good" she pats herself on the back.
I remained silent as she is basking in her glory, "..or something" i muttered as she walks away.

"Oi, you going to take this stuff off of me?" I ask, she turns around as if i asked the most strangest question in the world, she tilts her head, puts her finger to her lips, "why daddy?" Is all she said before she goes running to god knows where.

I thought to myself, there's no way she's going to major in cosmetics, and if she ever does, she'll just have to live with me for the rest of her life.

a/n: tell me your a daddy's girl without telling me you're one. 😩

published: 10.26.22




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