Hybrid Jinkook

By ggukpalacee

4.6K 209 9

Jin is a Mafia boss and he is shown different hybrids to choose from to pick and buy. He hated all of them bu... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11

Part 10

424 12 1
By ggukpalacee

Jin Pov
He hasn't been out in a while and I'm going to take him out shopping. I want him to get whatever he wants and I want to spoil him. I've been getting him to wear the collar more and more so he's used to it and not scared. It is weird because he's sorta an animal but not and animals wear collars. But I know most hybrids love it and I want him to but I won't make him love it I just want him to be less scared. I just want to spoil him as much as I can. I started to get up and I heard him whine.
Such a cutie wake up Baby
Please Baby
Kook:No shush
You don't want to make Daddy mad do you Baby Boy. He blushed and hid in my chest.
So cute it's 12 Baby
We got up and I got changed and freshened up.

He went in the bathroom and freshened up. He came out and I went to the drawer. I picked out a cute outfit for him.
Here wear it
Kook:Huh ok Jinnie
He put it on and he looked so beautiful.

Kook: What
You look so pretty
Kook: Really
Of course and your cute ears make you even prettier. He giggled and I kissed him.
You are so beautiful
Kook:Thank you Jinnie you look handsome
Thank you Baby well guess what I'm taking you shopping
Kook: Shopping
So I can spoil you
Kook:Yay I love shopping
Well we will go but first you have to put on your collar
Just for a little while then I'll take it off
I got his yellow collar and I put it on him.

(The collar)
It looks so cute on you
It's just for a little while and then you won't have to wear it
Kook:No i um like it
You do
Kook:Yeah i like it a lot
Oh you don't want me to take it off
Kook:No I want it on
That's great I'm happy you do I actually wanted you to but I didn't want to make you
Kook:It's ok Jinnie
He hugged me and I pulled him close.
Kook:Now let's go to the mall I want to be spoiled
Ok Baby let's go. I took his hand and we went to my car. I went in and put him on my lap.
Kook:Why do you want me here
I want to hold you while we drive
Kook:Isn't it dangerous
I've done way more dangerous things just put your head on my chest and you'll be ok
Kook:Ok Jinnie
He put his head on my chest and I drove with one hand on the wheel and the other on his waist. We got to the mall and I got out with him in my arms.
Ok we're here baby. I put him down and petted his head.
You look so cute in that collar I love it
Kook:Thank you Jinnie
We went in the mall and we went around the mall going to shops.
Kook:Ooo look at this
He dragged me into a store and he took me to a hat.
Kook:it has holes in it I can fit my ears in them and it comes with a collar and leash huh
I think it's a hybrid shop
Kook:But there's a leash
Well um most hybrid shops have them
Kook: Really that's dumb
Well um do you like the hat
Kook:Yeah but the leash
I can buy it and throw it away do you want the collar away too
Kook:I only like this one
Ok Baby put it in the basket I'll get it for you
Pick anything else you want. He went around the store dragging me behind.
Kook:Oh look Jinnie there's this yellow hat we should get it
Ok take one and
Kook:I want 2 so we can match
But they are for hybrids
Kook: Please
Ok ok I can't say no to you. We went in pretty much every shop and bought at like 3 things and every store.
Is there anything else you want baby
Kook:Yeah I want some oh those are a lot of bags
Yeah it's fine
Kook: Maybe we should stop
But you wanted more
Kook:But you already spent so much on me I'm just waisting your money
Hey no you are not you are my baby if it was anyone else yes but it's you and you never waist my money
Kook: Really
Of course how about you get 5 more things and then we leave ok
Kook:Ok I wanted perfume
Let's go then bunny
We went to bath and body works and there was a lot of perfume everywhere.
What's wrong
Kook:My nose and head hurt
What are you ok are you sick
Kook: It's just the smells
Oh I guess hybrid noses are more sensitive we can leave
Kook:No it's ok I want to get perfume I'll just suck it up
He covered his nose and I wrapped my arm around him.
Ok Baby actually come with me really quick ok
Kook:Huh ok
I took him to a different store and bought a face mask for him.
Here this is for when we go in the shop you won't get a headache and your nose won't hurt
Kook:Thanks you didn't have to do that for me
Of course and it's reusable so you can take it when we go out in case you go somewhere and your nose or um scent or whatever gets too sensitive
Kook:It's my nose I have a heightened smell since I'm a hybrid
I know I don't know a lot about hybrids
Kook:It's ok Jinnie
Well let's go back and get you perfume. We went back to the shop and he put his mask on and looked at all the perfume.  He smelled a bunch and he put a bunch in the basket.
Wow you got a lot
Kook:I just loved them all I can put some back
No it's ok Baby I don't mind. I paid for them all and we went to the car and went home and he put everything away.
I really spoiled you huh
Kook:Thank you
Of course Baby do you want to keep your collar on
Kook:Take it off I'm sleepy I want it on in the morning
Ok Baby. I took it off and we laid in bed and I pulled him close to me.
You know you look so sexy in your collar
Kook:Thank you
I kissed him deeply and he giggled.
Now let's sleep. I pulled him close to me and I quietly sang and we fell asleep.

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