Saved by a mistype

By marvel_maximoff11

100K 2.8K 1.1K

Peter had a rough childhood loosing all his family, now Peter is in an orphanage that isn't so great... Ned a... More

Pretty please read
First chapter
Who's this?
The friend
Friend of a friend
Group chat
Deadly fork
The test
The "party"
New home
The call
The internship
Mr. Brendel
Meeting the Avengers
Uh oh
Tin can
Please not again
Safe house
Pirate 🏴‍☠️
Guardians of the Galaxy
What you meme a meme?
Blanket fort
F is for friends
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere, anytime and always
No brother, i'm helping
Safe and sound
First day
Greetings 🤝
What the f-


1.4K 44 40
By marvel_maximoff11

Peters POV
I woke up at 6 am to Jose shaking me awake. Jose had carried me to my bed and tucked me in, so sweet. "Wake up sleepyhead" he said while pouring water on me. "I'm up I'm up!" I yelled while sitting up. "I took care of your thigh baby boy" he said while walking to the bathroom.

"What happened" I asked while looking at my thigh. "HawkEye I'm assuming shot you with a tranquilizer arrow, it was a really high dose" he said. "He must've put a higher does cause last time it took me nearly and hour to pass out but this time I was out within minutes" I said with a confused look. "Huh" he said

"If you don't mind me asking didn't you say your dad works with SHIELD right?" I said while looking at him "ya he worked with SHIELD" he said with a confused look "He knew Clint Barton before he left for the Avengers like 10 years ago, I met him 3 times I think I don't remember I was young" he said. "Oh" I said. "Why you ask" Jose said while changing his shirt.

"Just wondering if he knew anything about medical liquid medicine stuff" He had to think for a minute "I know he worked in a lab for a little bit but he was an archer too so I don't know if he knew about tranquilizer aro- oh wait! He had these arrows with bottle of liquid in them and he told me never to touch them cause they would make me  sleep for a loooong time" he said with realization. "I think my dad created a higher dose of tranquilizer with poison" he said with the color draining from his face.

"Give me your leg" he said rushing over to me" "what why?" I said "just give it to me"he said. I lifted my shorts and he took the gauze off. There was purple and black lines in my veins "poison Dammit" he said. "He didn't use high does of tranquilizer he used sleeping poison on you" "any urge to sleep you need to resist, you need to drink monsters and 5 hour energy while I go to a storage unit" he said panicky. "W-what?" I said "am I finna die" I said while standing up.

"Cmon" he said while packing clothes and all that into his book bag and dumping out all his school stuff. "What are you doing?" I said "we need to run away if you wanna live, hurry trash the room to make it look like signs of struggle" he said. I dumped everything out of my bag and shoved it under my bed and put clothes and my suit in and trashed the room and knocked over a lamp. We snuck out the window (then broke the window from the outside) and I took all my money which was only like $500 from working at Pica Cafe Idek if I get payed at my internship but if I do idk where it goes 🤷‍♂️

We crawled out the window and r a n. We ran till we got to a gas station. I wanted to text my friends and gc real quick cause I wasn't going to have contact with any one for a while.

The losers

Love y'all
Thank you for everything

Queen of everyone
You ok loser?

Ned led
Why aren't you in the bus?

Queen of everyone

The Gc no one wanted

Thank you for everything guys I really appreciate it but I'm sorry I take up your time
I love you guys and thank you for being the family I've never had

Boss lady
No problem honey, it everything alright?

Do I need to kill someone

You ok?
Mental health is a serious thing and can be hard but we're here for you

Ya Pete if you need to talk we are here

Why you leaving us on read

He's not answering my texts

Mine neither

Witch lady

Answer the damn phone!
We are worried

Mr. Hacker
What happened kid?
We are here! Peter??

I then texted Mr. stark saying I would be out of work for a while

Hey mr. Stark I finna be out of work for a while I think because of uhh... some problems I've been having but I'll be back soon :)

Mr. Stark
No worries kid but are you ok?
If you need to talk just text me, I'm not the best with comforting but I'm a good listener

I put away my phone with tears in my eyes and deleted all social media and turned off my location and turned off my service. Jose did the same. I was worried that Mr. brown was finna find us though cause he's a cop and a damn good one but he's evil. "We need to buy snacks too and lots of water" Jose said "have you done this before?" I asked while grabbing a $20 from my wallet "when I was 13 ya" he said before opening the door.

We got some pop tarts, chips, Gatorade, Pringles, and gum. We payed and walked to a storage unit. "This is my dads secret storage unit, SHIELD never took anything out of it cause it's in my name instead of his so they can't touch my possessions with out my permission and they don't know I know about it" he said while grabbing a key from his necklace. "He wrote me note and made videos of him saying stuff that was for me and was top secret and he told me this location, most of it was in A language that me and my dad created when I was 3"

He unlocked the door and it was a lil dusty (I mean like layers of dust and spider webs) it was a lab with a desk and and computer from like the 2020's and 2 beds and a mini fridge. He opened this drawer and there were test tubes that weren't open or were layered and not mixed. "Hopefully I don't mix the wrong chemicals together and cause an explosion killing everyone in this block" he said while grabbing all the test tubes. "You know what your doing?" I asked while looking for a book of chemicals Jose asked me to grab "nope but the book my dad created so that'll help me. Hopefully." He said.

"We'll have to stay here for a while to find the anti-poison cause I know he created it, he always, always created an antibiotic or cure for the arrow he created before releasing the test to the boss or whatever." He said, I opened the book and noticed that everything was mixed up and the book wasn't finished. There was a confetti arrow, bomb arrow, grapple arrow, electric arrow, fire arrow, and so much more. He did more than arrows he had stark tech upgrades in the book too.

We've been in this weird place for about 2 weeks and he made half of the cure, I'm getting worse and worse but he gave me an antibiotic so I don't die as fast. I'm in TONS of pain. I've only been out Spider-Manning twice this week. I saw the news, everyone is looking for us, they suspected it as a possible kidnapping and they had an amber alert that me and Jose both got before our phones died. We abandoned our phones in a river so just in case mr. Stark was able to hack it.

Clint's POV
I kept messaging Peter to see if he would respond but he never did. He also messaged Tony saying he wouldn't be in the internship for a lil bit and that really concerned me.

It's been a day since Peter has last texted us and we were watching a movie for Friday night and all of our phones went off. It was an amber alert for Peter Parker and Jose Cappel, it was a possible kidnapping. I knew that last name Cappel, Marco Cappel, I worked with him but he died a year after I went to the Avengers. He had a kid named Jose and a daughter Angela who was 6 when he died idk what happened them though I didn't know them very well, only met them about 4 times.

His dad was a tester and invent secret agent at SHIELD, he was amazing at Archery and created a lot of the arrows I have now, he created the poison arrow I shot at that arachnid last night,won't kill him though only injure him into a coma. Agent Cappel never ever made a weapon with out making an antibiotic or at least knowing the formula of the cure. He had safety per cautions.

"I know that kid Jose, I worked with his dad in SHIELD, secret Agent Cappel he was my partner and a close friend. But he died a year after I came here." I said while looking down at the website of the details. Nat switched the tv to the news and a news reporter was going over the case.

"Peter Parker and Jose Cappel are victims of a possible kidnapping. They were seen the night before when they went to bed in their room and there was obvious signs of a struggle going on in the room, the window was broken in and there was blood found at the scene. He was last heard from when he texted his friends MJ Watson and Ned Leeds and when he texted Tony Stark about not being able to come to his internship because of 'issues''. An amber alert has been issued for them. Their foster Parent Lieutenant Jerry Brown is out there looking for the boys. More details coming out later at 8 pm" then the news went onto a commercial.

"That doesn't make sense" Nat said. "He texted us and even read our texts in the Gc, he wouldn't of have done that if he was kidnapped." "Maybe he was already kidnapped but was saying his goodbyes cause he thought he was gonna die" Bucky said. "Peters a smart kid he wouldn't get kidnapped or text us like that with out a fight" Tony said while putting his hands over his face and threw his hair.

It's been about 10 days since we last heard from Peter, we've still been trying to catch that spider but he seems very weak probably from the poison. I've been at the farm with Laura and the kids trying to clear my head and spend time with my fave fam. Wanda and Pietro came with me and stayed in their rooms cause they aren't doing too good either. Pietro missed his prank bestie and Wanda missed talking to Pete about random stuff and boys.

It's been 3 weeks since we last saw Peter, spidey hasn't been out for the last week so he probably gave up. Laura is starting to get worried about me, she says I'm 'depressed'. Me depressed, never! I'm perfectly fine! Besides me not having slept nor ate in three days and the 20 cups of coffins I've had.

Natasha's POV
It's been about 2 weeks since we last heard from Pete and I'm really worried, we've tried going out and find traces of the boys. Me and Bucky have been getting closer, I think I do like him, we did the deed the other night-
But anyways it's not official but I really like him, and he seems to like me a lot too but I'm not sure. Yelena said I should date him but I'm not sure if I'm ready

We started to think that Peter and Jose ran away cause of the abuse at his house, they were spotted at a gas station buying a lighter and some food last night, which is a good sign meaning their still alive. I haven't spoken to Clint nor the twins in about 3 weeks either, they all seem depressed, the twins loved Peter snd really miss him.

Tony's POV
I've been really worried it's been about a month since I lost saw Pete and I really miss him. I started drinking again  and Pepper understands but she's been trying to stop me from the urge.

I've been searching for some answers but I'm only finding the same things over and over. Abuse, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt last year, anxiety and depression, panic attacks, orphan, and being fostered.

Bruce has been staying in his lab for most of the days or spending time with his cousin who's also a hulk. I've been trapped in my lab for the past 3 days, I haven't seen Pepper in 5 days and I haven't seen the team in nearly a week.

Peppers pov
It's been 5 weeks since I last saw Peter, I'm really worried about the boys they have been missing for a while. I haven't seen Tony in 3 1/2 days and he started drinking again but I've been trying to help him but it's hard for him.

Me and Mj have been working a lot on trying to find Pete and Jose but still no hope, Mj seems pretty broken about it. She loves Peter, he's her best friends and she has feeling for him, but she's only told me.

Bruce's POV
It's been about 5 and a half weeks since we last saw Peter. I've been stuck in my lab with Maria, she's helping me write a new book on Radioactive radiation. Maria has been really tired though, she misses Peter and she's having a lot trouble at home with taking care of her younger siblings and her parents being absent.

Wanda's POV
I've been really sad lately, I can't locate Peter it's like he has powers and is rejecting my request if that's even possible. He must be in a magic room with protection barrier. Pietro hasn't been doing well, I've been having thoughts of cutting my self but have only done it on my thighs, no one know though. No one can know.

Pietro's POV
It's been hard without seeing Peter or pranking anyone, I really miss him. He was my buddy, Wanda has been really sad and I feel really bad for her but I've been trying to help her but I need to help myself too. I've been cutting my self on my thighs and wrists since Peter went missing.

I used to cut when I was younger but I stopped. I've sped around the whole state at least 5 times in the past month but can't find anything and it's really making me mad.

Stephens pov
I haven't been to the avengers tower since Peter disappeared I've been staying at the sanction or at Kamar-Taj helping America and Wong out. Peter is super hard to find Peter, magic spell barrier most likely.

I've been avoiding all the avengers and trying to focus on my self and finding Jose and Peter. America says she's worried about me but I think that's BS.

Steve's POV
Everyone has been pulling and falling apart ever since Peter went missing nearly 2 months ago. No trace of the boys nor anything. Peter was abused and has bad mental health issues but he should've spoken up, I get it's hard but you have to be brave and take responsibility.

I've been trying to keep the remaining avengers together but the only one s that are helping are Carol, Scott, Bucky, Sam and Rhodes.

A/N I tried to get almost everyone's POVS but didn't really work lmao sorry if this is a crappy chapter
2594 words
Wrote 1/9/22
If you ever need to talk to someone feel free to message me on wattpad or text me at (850) 490-7569.
If you ever feel the need to unalive your self and you fell like no hope is left plz reach out to 988 in America
211 in Canada I'm pretty sure
Feeling the urge to self harm please send a message to the sh crisis hotline 741741
And if no other options please call 911!
Stay strong lovelies <3

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