More Than A God (IV)

By Elin_Writes_Stuff

645 18 25

Flockya: A world where everyone is destined to become powerful and worthy of their arrival. A place where peo... More



19 1 0
By Elin_Writes_Stuff

Eli was way too scared to open his eyes. He had no idea what was going on, the only thought in his mind being how he wasn't dead yet. Still petrified, he slowly opened his eyes. The place wasn't dark anymore. Instead, everything had a grayish tint to it. He looked up and saw Mara floating in the air, the fireball close to touching his feet. But despite that, he couldn't feel the heat of it.

"What the fuck is happening..." Eli said as he tried to get up, but he was still too weak. "Is this part of dying? Feeling like everything's frozen? Flockya, if you're gonna kill me, stop stalling it! Fine, Mara wins! Just end my suffering already..."

Eli was angry that nothing had been going his favor. He punched the floor with the little force he had left, and he started to cry. The only thing he could hear was his tears dropping to the floor, the despair growing inside him.

"I just wanted to leave a peaceful life..." He sobbed. His eyes started to close on their own, making him ignore the strange noise that was slowly approaching him. He was too tired to look around and see what it was. Instead, he said what he thought would be his final words.

"At least let me remember Penny one more time..." He whispered. He felt something grab his shoulder and gently flip him around, only to find out this was only the beginning of the end. It wasn't something that had flipped him around, but someone. Diiran was there.

"You'll remember more than just that." Diiran said as he looked at Eli. He snapped his fingers and created a golden orb, which he threw with force towards Eli's chest. The young god didn't feel any pain as this happened, and his vision started to blur. Everything around him started to shine, and before he could realize, he was remembering.


"MARA! You know this was all accident! Please, just cooperate with me! I don't want this world to break apart because of my mistakes!"

"You think I'm going to care about that? It's not my fault that old, desperate people like you take wrong decisions! I'm a goddess now, and there's no way you're taking that away from me!"


Diiran had been thinking of these words for longer than he could handle. He was angry and desperate, wishing for something to happen so that Flockya could be stable again. He kneeled down and looked at the sand below him. He could hear the bells ring around him, feeling the wind gently blow on his face. He closed his eyes, and prayed.

"Oh, dear Lumi. I know that I made a mistake that can't be fixed. I am not asking for you to forgive me, for I know that you are furious. You're in the right to feel this way, but there is one final thing I want to ask from you." He took a deep breath.

"I know you don't want your creation to crumble apart because of someone's desire. Please, help me fix this mess. You could give me the powers I need to stop Mara. Maybe even send someone that can grow and become this world's savior. Whatever it is, I know you can make my wish come true. Please, I just want Flockya to be safe..."

He shed a tear as he spoke. He opened his eyes, got up and looked at the sky above him. He took a deep breath, and then finished his prayer.

"May the Light be with us..."

Days passed, and he could witness how this world was slowly becoming a darker place. He scouted the world to try and find the perfect child of Light that could help him. But they were all innocent, trying to find peace that was nowhere within reach at the moment. He started to give up and accept the fact that this world was destined to wither, until that night arrived.

He walked through the world of the gods, knowing that the answer to his problems wouldn't be here. He looked at the stars, wishing that one of them could be the key that would unlock the solution to the predicament he was stuck in. He sat down on the floor, and whispered underneath his breath.

"Did he even listen..."

He started to cry, feeling a strong glow hitting his face. He didn't even care about it at first, and he continued to break apart and sob. The glow just got stronger as time passed, making him get a little annoyed. But it kept growing, and he lost his patience.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS IT!? CAN'T I JUST HAVE A MOMENT TO ACCEPT!?" He screamed. He looked up and looked at a light that was in front of him with anger. He walked towards it and prepared a fireball to try and get rid of it. His fist was ready to punch the life out of whatever was interrupting him, but then he realized it. The fire in his hand disappeared, and the expression on his face changed to one full of shock.

Before him was an orange orb, which he gently picked up and looked at with close attention. This had to be it. This was what he was wishing for. Whatever was in this orb would be what would save Flockya from Mara's evildoings. He looked up again, now with a smirk.

"I should have never doubted you, Lumi." He said, trying to hold the excitement. He created a small fireball, which he gently approached to the orb. When it touched it, it started to crack and glow and in a way that Diiran had never seen before. He stood back and looked at it as if it was a miracle. When finally, he saw it.

There was a young boy in front of him. He looked confused and scared, and he locked eyes with Diiran as soon as he saw him.

"Wh- Who are you? Where am I?" The little guy asked.

"You're in your new home, kid. Welcome to Flockya! What's your name?" Diiran said as he realized what was going to happen.

"Eli Harper. But... I don't want to be here! I want to go back home!"

"Everyone does at some point, buddy. But we must learn to accept our fate. And yours, child, is one that millions of children like you wish they could have."

"Wait, really? Can you tell me more, mister?"

"I gladly can!"

Diiran gently got close to Eli and sat down next to him. They looked at the stars together, and Diiran told him everything.

"You can become a god, Eli! This world is full of danger, but you can gain the power to cleanse all of it at once. You will have a whole journey, full of challenges and beautiful experiences that I'm sure you'll never forget once they happen. And when you prove to this world that you are ready to ascend, I'll meet you again and guide you through the right path!"

"That sounds surreal... Are you sure I'm the right person?" Eli said, insecure.

"I am sure, kid. In fact, I know that you'll grow to become more than a god! Now, are you ready to start your adventure?"

"Yes... Yes! I believe you, mister! I'll do my best so I can see you again!"

"That's the spirit!"

Eli's chest started to glow, and Diiran knew this was the time for him to leave. He kneeled down to look at Eli, and he talked to him one last time before he got sent to Flockya.

"You are special, Eli. Now go out there and show this world that you are worthy. Ascend to fix what I've broken..."

Before he could say another thing, Eli had been sent to his new home. Diiran got up and smiled, knowing that this would be the beginning of an adventure that he could only experience once.

"Mara, a great surprise is waiting for you. His name's Eli Harper, and he will be our savior..."

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