"Yandere High with EVIL Step...

By AuthorK_0004

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The Yandere High School. One of the most Popular schools in the World And BTS, Exo, Black Pink and Red Velvet... More

"Yandere High with Evil Step Siblings". #Part 1.
# Part 2. "War on....!!".
#Part 3. "Third Wheel...?? "
#Part 4. "The Splendid Things..! "
#Part 5. "Happy New year"
#Part 6. "Before The Hell Awakes"
#Part 7: "I'm Awake.."
#Part 8 {1/2} : "The Game Begins"
#Part 8 {2/2}: "The Game Begins"
#"Part 9: "Missing Pieces"
#Part 10: "Unfolding Truth".
#Part 11. "Crime Partner".
#Part 12. "Untamed "
#Part 13: " Stay In Torn"
#Part 14: "Happy Marriage"
#Part 15: "Play with Fire"
#Part 16: "Rising of a Destroyer"
#Part 17: "Real Hyun Bin 1/2"
#Part 18 : "Real Hyun Bin 2/2".
#Part 19 : "Past Secreats"
#20: "Daydreams"
#Part 21:"Devil Eyes Come 1/4"
#Part 22: "Devil Eyes Come 2/4"
#Part 23:"Devil Eyes Come 3/4"
#Part 24:"Devil Eyes Come 4/4"
#Part 25:"Rivalry"
#Part 26:"Sweet But Psycho"
Part 27:"Y/n's Day"
#Part 28:"Profanities"
#29:"Harmony ??"
#Part30:"Stupid B!tch"
#Part31:"Y/n's Culprit"
#Part 33:"Little Drunk 1/2"
#Part 34: "Little Drunk 2/2"
#Part 35:"Deep End".
#Part 36:"Hold On,I still need You"
#Part 37: "The Yoon Fcking Y/n"
#Part 38 : "Naked"
#Part 39: "Insanity"
#Part 40:"Whatever it takes"
#Part 41:"Blood Tears".
#Part 42:"Warning Signs"
#Part 43:"She knows"
#Part 44:" They and I"
#Part 45:"On Mah Knees"
#Part 46 :"Reckless"
#Part 47:"She's a Monster ?"
#Part 48:"Promises"
#Part 49:"Blood over Flowers"
#Part 50:"Drifting Cars and Guns"
The Yandere Ending

#Part 32:"Comfort"

6.5K 440 76
By AuthorK_0004

Author K POV. . . . .

You Looked up the ceiling while Clenching your fist in nervousness . . . .

Shim Goong: Are You ready...??

You looked at Him, Yes shim Goong the doctor Whom You threatened once ...

Y/n: I'm Ready...!!

You said to him, While lying on the scanner machine ..........You weren't able to bare The pain in your head so You visited hospital and shim Goong suggest to scan Your Body So They can know  what's causing You these headaches....

Shim Goong started the machine and You squeezed Your Eyes together hoping everything is fine...

~time skip 1 hr~

You changed Into Your clothes and sat on chair in front of shim Goong who is ready With your test results....

Y/n: Hope this Time... You'll give me Mah Real reports..!

Shim Goong: *looks down*... Sorry for What I did in past... Anyways I have something important to Tell you..!

Y/n: What is it.. ??

Shim Goong: After That Accident on new year night, Your head was severely injured But luckily it didn't Hurted your skull but The small accident  you had in car has triggered your wounds and Has damaged your Brain a bit  ....!

Y/n: Don't spot Talki'n... Continue..!!

Shim Goong: that damage is causing You these headaches..and it will keep affecting Your Brain.. I'm afraid this could cause brain Dead...So I suggest you to Have surgery...but~~

Y/n: Yahh... say it..!!

Shim Goong: usually There's Only 5% chances That these brain surgery will be successful...And According to Your condition, There's Also less chance for your surgery to be successful...!

You Smiled.....

Y/n: So... You're saying ...I have Two options....... Either Live with This Pain and die someday like a sick person or Take the risk of the surgery..! Right ??

Shim Goong: Right. . !....But The surgery is really risky...I hope you understand what I Mean... !!

Y/n: I .......I understand ..!

You stood up With shaking legs, took Your bag and Your reports and Walked out of the cabin.....

Shim Goong: *sighs*....May God give you strength and courage Y/n..!!!

-Lily POV-

Lily:*smirks* ... Let's begin Mah plan ...!

I saw BTS, B.P, Exo and RV alone At The School club....I entered into the room to gain Their attention because That's When I'll start mah plan to manipulate em'........

Lily: Wassup...Dear step siblings..??

Yoongi: Get out of Here....Lily..!!

Lily: Yahh....I brought Some food for y'all....!!

None of them were Even looki'n at me, I was pissed but then I put the Food boxes on table......

Lily: I heard Before ... like When Y/n and mom Didn't came in Your life Y'all we're Really happy ...!

Jennie: And since when you started to care about That..??

Lily: Of course I do care about y'all and Yours happiness... Because I Think of y'all as mah family...!

D.O: *rolled eyes*....So For the sake of our happiness Just leave us alone...!

Lily: Y'all are not gettin' What I'm tryna saying..!!.... Don't y'all think Your life Was Much better When There wasn't Y/n or Son Ye Jin...!

Everyone suddenly Looked at Me, I can see That they we're thinking deep about it..... I mentally Smirked....

Lily: *fake sad eyes*... Somehow I feel like Y'all were Much better without em' .....! Even I want em' to leave..!!

Jungkook: What Do You Mean...??

Lily: It's Easy.... I want Y'all happy... And that's Why I want Son Ye Jin and Y/n out of Your Life..! Y'all don't deserve this ...!!

Sehun: Thanks But No thanks now LEAVE...!!

I Disappointed a bit, I turned around to leave But....

Wendy: Don't y'all Think she's Right...!!

I immediately turned around and Saw everyone shocked looki'n at Wendy....

Wendy: We're happy Until They Entered our Life..!

Lisa: Wendy......The Hell is Wrong With...??

Kai: Nothings wrong with Wendy....I Think she's Right...!

Jimin: Yes ....We don't deserve this..!

I Smirked as Finally some of Em' we're gettin' manipulate By mah words....

Irene: Are y'all fcking out of Your Mind..? This Wench is Talki'n about our Y/n...!! Don't y'all understand...!!

Rose: And Why Don't You understand That She don't care about our Feeli'ns...!!

Baekhyun: YeAH Noona.....She Don't deserve Our love...! And specially After What BTS Hyungs did...She definitely hate us...!

Seulgi: And if she hate us than She's our enemy.... and We all know What we do to our enemy...!!

Jin: Seriously.....Y/n is our enemy...? And since When Y'all are thinking like That..??

Chanyeol: Hyung let's not forget....She was about to set fire on us..... It's obvious..she don't care about us...!

D.O: I'm out of This stupidity because that Y/n is not our enemy or Anythin'...!

Namjoon: Right....... Even if she doesn't care about us...I....Do care for Her..!!

Jisso : I swear I can't bare this Disgustness..!!

Jisoo, Joy, Irene, Jennie, D.O and BTS except Jimin Left Out leaving em' behind With Me...

I Smirked widely And joy already Noticed it...

Joy: You already have a Big plan in your mind Right..??

Everyone Looked at Me....

Lily: Yeah....But I want Y'all to convince Others Too..!!

Lisa: They'll be convinced.. But Your plan should be succeed..!!

They Left the Room while I was proud of myself, Finally Not all of Em'but some of Em' are now at mah side....

Lily: Son Ye Jin and Yoon Y/n ........ Now Your own ones Will kick you out...!!

Y/n Pov...

Last night You didn't came back Home and stayed out because You didn't Knew How to tell About Your situation to everyone...

You entered Your room and Turned on the Lights while Two maids followed you in....

Maid: Ma'am..... We'll immediately clean Your Room...!!

Y/n: Do whatever you want just Bring me mah c~~

Your Eyes landed on the drawer where you kept your Medical reports, You immediately Opened the drawer and Saw the files There....

Y/n: Did anyone Entered in Mah room.?

Maid: Not at all ma'am...As You ordered us....No one entered Your room...!!

You again looked at the drawer and Realised Your passport and visa are Missing.... Someone Took it but fortunately didn't Noticed Your medical files.....

Y/n: I should tell Mom about Mah reports First....and this Passports are No big deal..!

Y/n: Where's Miss son ??

Maid: Uhh....In Her office...!

You immediately Left with your files to meet son Ye Jin....

Ye Jin POV...

I was Gettin' through some files But Suddenly I heard someone entering mah Office.....

Ye Jin: Knock before ente~~

I was shocked to see....

Hyun bin: Where's Y/n..??

Ye Jin: What Happened...? Everythings okay..??

Hyun bin: I need her fcking sign on some important documents...but There is no sign of her Since yesterday...!!

Y/n: Maybe She's at office..!!

Hyun bin:*rolled eyes*...She hasn't been to office since Two days....! Not even picking up her calls or replying to any messages...!

I walked close to Him...

Ye Jin: Hyun don't Worry...I know she'll be back soon....!!

Hyun Bin: You ain't Worried..? Your daughter is missing For More than 24 hours..??

He yelled at me in frustration and Was about to leave But I held his wrist to stop Him....

Ye jin: Yes, I'm not worried because I know she's strong... She can manage herself but I'm Worried about something else...!!

Hyun bin Looked at me with blank expressions....

Ye Jin: Hyun....I know I was Wrong But trust me I won't repeat Mah mistake Ever Again please....!! I Will love em' and Take Care of Em' like a real mother....!!

Hyun Bin POV ...

She almost begged to me But whatever she has Did has already Hurted me so Much.....

Hyun Bin: . You'll take care of Mah kids...??? For God's sake First learn..How to be a Mother...!!

She was stunned by Mah words,she Let go of Mah hand....

Ye Jin: You Mean......I don't know how to be a Mother...??

Hyun bin: Yes.......... You're the Worst mother I Ever seen...!!

Ye Jin: And What about you..?? You're the worst dad ....Hyun..!! I already apologized Enough for NOTHING...!!

Hyun bin: Well You deserve to be Apologize Miss Son Ye Jin...!!

She looked at me with same death glare that Y/n gives, but less scarier than Y/n....No wonder she's her mother....

Ye Jin: Get Lost...Mr Hyun Bin...!!

I was offended by those words But I didn't Wanted to fight anymore to I decided to leave

Y/n POV....

You took a deep breath and entered ye Jin's office, as You entered You Saw Hyun bin leaving the office while it was obvious That They had a fight....

Y/n: Uh...I know...

Ye jin didn't Looked at You But out of window With sad Eyes...

Ye Jin: Please Y/n... Leave ..!!

Y/n: I...I just~~

Ye Jin: GODAMN IT..! You're not a kid.....and I know Whatever it is You can Handle it yourself alone...Just Go Away..!

Y/n: Yeah But can You Just~~

Ye Jin: ....I said Just Fcking Leave me alone..!

She yelled on you out of frustration....This Time You didn't felt  angry or Anythin' Just Felt bad for Her as she was also in pain like you.....

You gripped You reports More tightly and Left the cabin......

*Midnight 12 am*

Y/n: Would you stop ruining Mah room...!!

You yelled at Eun woo Who is Ruining your room in name of searching for Your lost passport and documents....

Eun woo: You're so careless Y/n...!!

He sat next to you on the edge of the bed while breathing heavily....

Y/n: I already told you That I have checked the Room......!!

Eun woo:*rolled eyes*..... Whatever...I brought somethi'n for you...!

You Ignored him while he brought a plate of Dessert for you....

Y/n: Just keep this Away from Me....I don't to have em'...!

Eun woo: Yahh.....These are Australia desserts I specially brought it for you so....now Do Awwww...!!

He was acting cute while You looked at Him like you're Disgusted....

Eun woo: Ohh please....~~

Y/n: Stop it Cha Eun woo~

Before you could complete Your sentence he Pushed a full spoon of Cake in your Mouth....


/n:*tryi'n To speak while chewing food*..You~u....Stupi~dd..~~

Eun woo: Aww....Mah sister looks so cute...!

Y/n: You brat..!! Aishh...!!

You Reached Your hands to side table to grab your medicines...and eun woo noticed....

Eun woo: Y/n....These are new medicines Right..?

He tried to Look at the medicine packets But You immediately hid it Your hands...

Y/n: It's Not New.... It's the same medicine I always take..!

Eun woo convinced by your lie... and stood Up....

Eun woo: Well....Mr Hyun Bin was looking for you at the office...I guess he have some work with you...!!

Y/n: Fine... I'll see Him Tomorrow morning...!

Eun woo nodded and Headed to leave the Room , He Was the door frame and suddenly He turned around to look at you....

Eun woo: Y/nnie....Is There anything You're hiding...?

This question almost caught you off guard....

Y/n I ain't hiding anything ....!!

Eun woo:*raises an eyebrow*....Sure..?

You slightly nodded as Yes...then he wished you good night and you wished Back as he Left the room....

As He Left you Felt the guilt taking over You, You Removed the file You we're hiding under your pillow and kept Thinkin' about what to do....

Still you can't decide what to do , And it is frustrating You but suddenly you heard light footsteps outside of Your room...

You Felt someone's presence at Your door, You immediately Opened it and Looked around Just to see darkness.....

You thought maybe It's Your imagination , So You turned to go Back to Your Room But suddenly someone grabbed your Wrist and pinned You against the wall....

Y/n: Who~~

You we're about to scream But Dim lights hits the face in front of You...

D.O: Can You please Not scream or kick or do anything..?

Y/n: The Hell You're Doin' Here ..??

He slowly brought His face close to yours, He was Stari'n at Your Eyes like he wanted to cry....

D.O: I swear Y/n....I felt like You need someone Right now to hold on...I know You don't like askin' For Help But please.... Lemme Stay..!!

You Eyes literally soften But You Tried to push Him Away You...

Y/n: I...I don't wa~~

He suddenly stepped back....

D.O: I care for you like I want to be the part of your tough Times...Even I know you won't lemme But Still..!

You avoided eye contact and...

Y/n: You're Talki'n nonsense.. I'm leaving..!

D.O: Y/n.... Don't run Away.......You don't Need to Say anything because your Eyes speaks....And it says...."I'm Broken into pieces"...!

You dared to look up right into his Eyes.....

D.O: It's okay.... I'm Here..!

He pulled His Body close to yours,He Rested His chin on your shoulder while Took your hand Placed it on his waist....

D.O: Are you scared..?

He whispered in your ears while Roaming His hand in your silky Hair , Don't know how But You Rested Your head against His chest....You tighten your grip around his waist and He Smiled and Rested His head above your head.......

Y/n: I'm Scared..... Because I might be the one with sad ending..!

D.O: Right now....In This moment... You're safe... There's No one who's Goin' to hurt you...! Because this arms around You Will Protect You ...!

Somehow His words we're givin' You comfort, You felt bit Better , A tear felt from your Emotionaless Eyes .......

Y/n : *in mind*....Thanks Kyungsoo....I would Never forget This...!!

To be continued....

A/N note:
Sad ending..? I remember once k said "I Don't be the one With a sad ending"  I don't know but whenever I write her unfinished Stories and Read all those summary she Left, I Feel like she's right beside me telling me what to do. I never got the chance to meet Her but I love the most My Baby 👽.

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