My Artificial Sweetheart, Sun...

By araartsy

71 5 29

This is a Sun/Moon X Reader fanfic! After sleeping on your childhood friend's couch for months and failing to... More

Chapter 1, New Friend

71 5 29
By araartsy

(A little heads up, this is my first ever Wattpad story. I appreciate feedback but please don't be too harsh on me! 😃
And keep in mind, this story will probably have some separate lore from the game. And the art used in this story + the cover is made by me, so if you use it please credit me properly!)

You were kicked out of your home as soon as you turned 18, since your parents have always thought of you as a disappointment.

After a year of loans, debt and miserably failing to find a job you reach out to your childhood friend. He pitied you and your situation, so he let you stay at his apartment until you managed to find a source of income and your own place.

But, unfortunately, any of your attempts at finding a job were unsuccessful. You spent a few months sleeping on the couch in your friends living room.
Eventually, even he had enough. He felt bad, but the guy couldn't afford to take care of you anymore.

Great, now you have a week left until you have to live on the streets.
At this point, you didn't even have any hope. You didn't care anymore. Your whole life was just bad luck and feeling like a pile of crap.

And there you were, staring at the ceiling, rethinking everything that has brought you up to this point.


What's that?

.. A job advertisment? The Plex?

The Plex is basically like Disney. Every kid's dream was to go there and meet the animatronics, it seems like an awesome experience, right?

You, on the other hand, were never fond of robots. The thought of AI creeped you out. And a job somewhere with a bunch of these weird things? Sounds like a nightmare. Not for me.

Is what you would say if you hadn't seen how much it pays.

"Well damn, I might aswell try."
You applied to work as a janitor for the Plex. Sure, not the job you've always dreamed of, but the money just made it too hard to pass it up.

After sending your application, you put your phone down and went to sleep. You didn't have much hope though, since so many of your previous attempts to get a job never worked out.

After tossing and turning and finally managing to fall asleep, you wake up to the sound of birds chirping coming from the outside, a soft ray of sunlight illuminated the room. After a minute of zoning out and looking at the wall to fully wake up, you finally reach for your phone. You check the time, but right below it was..
A notification.


Your loud scream caused the previously chirping birds to fly away.
" were hired for the position..."
You didn't care about anything else. You were hired! How surreal.

Your first shift was tomorrow.
Needless to say, you were extatic! You haven't felt something like this in a while. As silly as it was, you acted like a little kid excited for a field trip. For the first time in a long while, you actually took some time to take care of your appearance. Took a shower, brushed your teeth and actually had a nice meal.
You also informed the friend you were staying with. He was actually really proud of you and offered to give you a ride to work the next day, which you gladly accepted.

You slept like a baby that night.

But the day of, you were super nervous. After a 10 minute drive you finally got to the Plex. This was the first time you saw it, and oh boy was it intimidating. It was HUGE. Even though you were scared, you took a deep breath to calm yourself down and finally walked in.

The inside of the building was really flashy with bright neon colors everywhere, and you were greeted by.. a map bot.

A fellow employee showed you around and explained what do to, even though you still couldn't remember half of whatever you were told. Maybe this is why you had such a hard time getting a job?

You spent the day cleaning vomit, mopping the floor and just cleaning up the mess that the kids made, all that nasty stuff. You absolutely hated it; the smell, the flashy lights, the noise, everything. But hey, a Y/N's gotta do what a Y/N's gotta do, right?

After wandering around the place, you come across something bizarre. It was an entrance, but it wasn't a door. It was a slide?

"Oh, I recall being told about this. This must be the daycare."
The whole place was already gross from all the kids, but a daycare? That'll be ten times worse. Someone, give me a break...

You tried looking for a door, but unfortunately, it looked like you had to get in using the slide.


You landed in a ball pit.
"Ew, I hate ball pits.." You muttered.
After crawling out of the ball pit, you noticed...

A door. Damn it.
There were a few kids next to it, probably waiting to be picked up by their parents since at that time the daycare is supposed to close.
Suddenly, you heard an excited sounding voice coming from behind you.

"Welcome, new friend!!"

Before you could respond, you were lifted up by a roughly 7 foot looking animatronic, he was wearing a sun themed outfit that had scribbles all over it from crayons and markers with a splatter of glitter glue on his torso. You would have noticed these details if you weren't busy freaking out over being high up, about 8 feet in the air.

"PUT ME DOWN, PUT ME DOWN NOW, NOW!" You yelled in a panicked voice.

The robot finally noticed how scared you were and put you down.
"O-oh, oh my! I am SO sorry, my friend! I didn't mean to scare you! I always greet new people this way! Are- are you alright?"

You almost felt bad, looking at his innocent expression. But you were still pretty mad. What kind of greeting is that?!

"Whatever.." You scoffed.

"W-well, you must be the janitor, right? Y/N! I was told about you!"

"Yeah, that's me."

He reached out his hand to you for a handshake, but you smacked it away.

"Don't touch me! The only reason I accepted this job is because it pays well! I'm not here to be your buddy, I don't like robots."

Oh man, you were being a little too harsh. He looked really hurt by that comment.

After 5 awkward seconds, he finally breaks the silence.

"Uh, well, frien- Y/N.. could you clean up over there? The kids were very energetic today, they made quite a mess."
He pointed to a small table for kids with crayons and artworks scattered on it and a glitter glue splatter on the floor.

"Yeah, okay."

While cleaning up the mess, you noticed him staring at you a few times. Maybe you came off as too grumpy and he wasn't quite sure how to approach you.

Finally, after a long while you were finished cleaning.

"Wow! You did a great job, Y/N!"

"Uhm, thanks, uhh.."
Damn it, what was his name again?

"Call me Sun!"

"Ah, thank you, Sun. Well, it's time for me to go now-"

Before you could finish your sentence, the light started flickering.

"Oh, oh no..."

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"They promised this wouldn't happen again! No, no, no.."

"Sun, you're freaking me out..'

He looked panicked, rambling about something you couldn't quite make out until you lightly shook him by his shoulders.
"Hey, tell me what's wrong! Do you need me to call a mechanic or something?"

He walked backwards slowly while hurriedly trying to explain something to you.
"Listen, there is one thing that should never happen in here. The lights HAVE to stay on. You need to get out immediately-"


The lights turned off...

Robots have always weirded you out, but when they act like this? It's ten times scarier. Sun didn't have to tell you twice, you hurried to the door. But before you could get out, you felt someone grab your wrist.

"Mind telling me where you're going so soon, my new friend?"

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