Diamond Heart 💎

By bellamerce

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------- He loved the girl that can't love him.....And now he can't love the girl that loves him -------- ** "... More

Story characters
Chapter 1- Brains and Bronze
Chapter 2 - Flustered
Chapter 3 - Leverage
Chapter 4 -Appointment
Chapter 5 - On My Way
Chapter 6 - Fools Gold
Chapter 7- Dancing With Your Ghost
Chapter 8 - Teach You Love
Chapter 9 - Chaotic
Chapter 10 - Heart For Takeaway
Chapter 12 - Intrigued
Chapter 13 - Forget Me Not
Chapter 14 - Culmination & Surrender
Chapter 15 - Renegade
Chapter 16 - Firefly
Chapter 17 - Flicker
Chapter 18 - Glimpse Uf Us
Chapter 19 - O My Beloved
Chapter 20 - New Rules
Chapter 21 - Breathe
Chapter 22 - They Don't Know About Us
Chapter 23 - Sleeping At Last
A/N- Chapter 24
Chapter 24 - Gravity: Re-upload
Chapter 25 - Diamond Heart 💎
Chapter 26 - Under Your Influence
A/N : A Crystal Love
Chapter 27 - A Crystal Love
Chapter 28 - Quick Sand
Chapter 29 - Collide
Chapter 30 - Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter 31 - Don't Give Up On Me
Chapter 32 - Dynasty
Chapter 33 - Insanely Drunk Poet
Chapter 34 - Talking To The Moon
Chapter 35 - When It Hurts
Chapter 36 - Walking The Tight Rope
A/N - Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - Ricochet
Chapter 38 - Full Steam Ahead
AN: Chapter 38
Chapter 39 - At Your Service
Chapter 40 - DNA
Chapter 41 - Atah Girl
Chapter 42 - How I Love You
Chapter 43 - Twilight Zone
Chapter 44 - Braveheart
Chapter 45 - Conundrum
Chapter 46 - Full Circle
Chapter 47 - El Final Del Paraiso (The end of Paradise)
Chapter 48 - Like A Dream
Chapter 49 - Heaven In Hell
Chapter 50 - Sunrise In Heaven (Part 1)
Chapter 51 - Sunrise In Heaven (Part 2)
Epilogue - Forever Afterall
Bonus Chapter -My Forever Girl
Teaser - A Crystal Love

Chapter 11 - Little Moments

2.4K 117 21
By bellamerce

"Oh, can i have a bite of that, i'm starving." I utter, grabbing Shala's folk from her hand, so that i can have abit of the potato salad that's in the ball in her hands.

"Hey, not all of it" She protests, when i keep eating.

"I thought you went out for lunch? Why are you still hungry?" Dawn wonders.

"We didn't have time to eat" i say absentmindedly.

"Then what were you doing? Oh my God! Did you..." she asks, making the demonstration with her fingers and i burst out laughing.

"Ewwww." Shala mumbles after looking at Dawn.

"What are you guys even talking about, i didn't know you left the hospital, where did you go?" she asks in confusion.

"No, we were just talking." I answer Dawn.

"Hello!! Talking to who?" Shala asks.

"She went out to have lunch with Aaron Bishop." Dawn says as she eats...popping the P at the end of his name.

"Wait, you are seeing him again? When did that happen? I thought you said you two are not gonna work out" Shala asks, remembering the last conversation i had with her after that night she saw me and him acting weird around her.

"Yes, and we talked Today." i say, standing up.

"Where are you going? You need to fill in the gaps here." She protests my departure behind me, when i start to leave.

"You can fill each other in..i have to be somewhere." I mutter.


I can't help that i feel warm and fuzzy in my chest and stomach after my conversation with Aaron earlier today.

I don't really know how things will play out, but i feel like this is nice too..just having these little moments that makes my heart full and happy when i think about someone.

Life is a journey full of ups and downs, at the end of which we take nothing with us..at the end of the day, all that really matters or what we remember is how every twist and turn made us feel..and i like how Aaron makes me feel right now.

"Well hello." I mouth, when i walk to Rafael's room, standing by the door, and notice that there is another doctor already attending to him.

I haven't checked on him since the day before yesterday, and just wanted to see how he was getting along, since i don't have any pressing matter on my plate right now.

"Well, well, look who decided to show up." he says sulkily.

"Hai." i say, standing inside the room, but near the door, out of the way of the other doctor.

"Scrubs have never looked so sexy." he says and i frown, then blush, when the doctor, writing a few notes in his chart finally looks back to see who he is referring too.

I have seen him around alot, but never really worked with his directly.

"Oh, don't worry about him, he is really cool." Rafael says, referring to the other doctor who smiles and looks back at his chart.

"I told you to stop talking like that." i utter.

"My birthday is just around the corner, then i will be legal and you won't have to feel ashamed of us anymore." he says.

"Is this kid bothering you." the other doctor asks me with a smile, as he puts his pen in his pocket, and chart under his arm pit.

"Back off Dr Toscano.. this one is already taken"Rafael continues.

"Yes...when is he leaving." i say to the doctor in sarcasm.

"Tomorrow." he says.

"Aww..that's great..right." i say, but then notice that he doesn't seem excited about it.

"Yeah, i guess." Rafael responds, his humor and sarcasm gone.

I know It's how he processes his emotions, and sadness, by hiding it under humor and jokes.

"C'mon, isn't this great..you can go home..get your life back." i say, walking closer to him.

"I know and I'm grateful for that, i really am...it's just that, it's been months..so much has changed..i will never get my life back, and all my dreams, it's too late to pursue those.... especially now with all the rules i have to follow now, it will be months before i can get it together again." he says lowly.

"So start a new life...new dreams..trust me, you will figure it out, you are too smart not to." i say.

"Will you visit me?" he asks, his naughty smile returning and i roll my eyes.

"Bye Rafael." i mutter, turning back.

"Hey, will i see you before i leave tomorrow?" he asks loudly.

"Maybe..bye." i say over my shoulder, leaving him with the other doctor.

It's always the same, every time i leave his room, i'm always mumbling something over my shoulder at him.

I will surely miss having him around, he always brightened up my day with his craziness.


After a long tiring day, i finally get home and go straight to bed as soon as i get home.

I wake up pretty early the following morning and immediately reach for my phone.

It's still very early in the morning but there is a message from Aaron.

It's a short message and i can read the whole text over the pop up screen.

'Good morning.'

It was sent at 5:02am and i'm genuinely surprised he is up so early.

'Good morning.' i simply respond too.

His reply is almost instant.

'Video call?'

I immediately touch my face.


I just woke up.

I run my fingers through my hair, then reply.


A few seconds later, my phone rings.

'Hi.' He says when i accept the video call.

'H, i'm still in bed.' i murmur, pressing my head further into the pillow, as i hold the phone up to capture my face.

I can see his head and upper chest.

He furrows his brows for a second, as he puts his phone on something in front of him, and then his body from his waist to his head appears in the frame.

He appears to be in a gym, and where he has placed his phone allows him to continue with his workout while talking to me.

"Good, I was hoping to catch you while you were still in bed.' he responds.

'You're up early.' i remark.

'I'm usually up around this same time everyday.' he admits.

'Well, it looks like you could use some extra hours in the gym .. maybe you should try working out twice a day, or starting abit earlier.." i tease him, and he bites his lip then laughs.

His hair is wet, and body shiny from sweat but he looks really hot and i feel a blush creep up on my face, as i'm left to watch his muscles contract and expand with his moments.

We talk for a few minutes, until he stands up from the equipment and unhooks his phone from where ever he had put it.



I watch him walk through the room and into a corridor, his eyes focussed on where he is going.

'Get out of bed, i want to see you.' he says.

'What if i sleep naked?' i say and he stops walking to look at the screen.

'Get up.'

'I can't, my bed feels way too comfortable to leave right now.' I murmur and he laughs.

He pushes a door open amd walks into what looks like a bedroom.

Then walks across the room and into the bathroom.

I like watching him...with his hair wet and his body sweaty, i'm definitely enjoying the view.

I finally sit up and stretch, allowing my whole upper body to be seen in the screen.

He stops to watch me.

'What?' I ask.

'I would like to wake up next to you...next time.' He says and i blush.

Aaron stretches both hands on the counter top, his palms on a surface with the phone between them and just.. watches me.

'I want to see the rest of you....what you wear to bed.' He says.

I craw out of bed and walk to the bathroom too, allowing as much of myself to be seen by him.

'Shouldn't you be taking a shower or something.' I murmur.

He looks behind him and frowns.

'I prefer looking at you.' He says, then quickly adds.

'I'll talk to you later?'

'Later.' I agree, just before he hangs up.

I watch the warm glow of my face in the mirror and softly pat my cheeks a few times.

"Whoooo" i mutter, pulling my thoughts out of the gutter where they went.


After carrying out my usual morning routine, 45 minutes later, i'm ready for work and walking out of my apartment, with a takeaway coffee cup in my hand.

I literally live on caffeine.

I walk out of my apartment building and onto the sidewalk.

Even though the distance to the hospital by car is short, it's even shorter if i walk and use a shortcut...so on days when i expect to get off work a little early like today, i prefer to walk.

A few steps in, i notice a dark blue SUV drive up ahead of me and stop on the road on my side.

But before i can walk past it, the drivers seat door opens and out steps Paul.

He smiles at me and i pull out one side of my head phones and start walking towards him instead.

"Hai Paul." I say as he opens the passenger's door.

I imagine Aaron sent him here to take me to work, but a body sitting at the back seat gets my attention.

Aaron smiles when i come into view.

"You? What are you doing in this area?" He asks sarcastically.

I laugh, as i sit down next to him.

"Hai Raquel." he says more casually, unnecessarily saying my name once again.

"Hello Aaron." I say sasilly.

"Need a ride?" He asks.

" I was going to walk, but sure." i say, putting my bag down nicely on the seat next to me and slightly facing him.

"Walk? why? what happened to your car?" he asks, furrowing his brows, as the car starts moving.

"Nothing, it's fine, but yeah, i do like to walk sometimes when i know i will get off abit earlier from my shift" i say.

"And you, what are you doing in this part of town at this time of the day?" i ask.

"Decided to take a long cut" he says turning more towards me.

"You won't be late?" i ask, looking at the morning traffic through the window.

"I told you, i make time for things that are important to me." he drawls softly, watching my face.

I feel it heat up and shift in my seat abit, before looking towards the window briefly.

"I think i liked what you were wearing earlier ." i say, looking at his all black suit and shirt now.

He smells incredible too, and i watch the way his thighs are spread apart, such that one is slightly brushing against my knee on the back seat.

"You mean what i wasn't wearing...you know, if you just want to see me naked, you just have to say so, and it will be arranged." He says proudly.

This time, there is no avoiding how flustered i get.

"I.... this is my stop." i say, happy for the distraction, when i notice that we have arrived at the hospital.

"He looks over my shoulder past the window, then leans towards me.

"That was a short drive."

"I told you, completely walkable." i murmur.

Every time he gets so close, or touches me, it feels like i'm suddenly butter and i'm melting.

I can see that he is going to kiss me, and feel my chest thunder with a thousand heatbeats and wonder if he can hear it.

Suddenly, he tilts his head back, his eyes hooded towards mine, as if he read my mind altogether.

Then touches my face, his thumb brushing my cheek.

When he starts to brush his thumb against my lip, i put it between my teeth, and he uses his thumb to gently force it out, then winks when i meet his eyes.

Damn it!

I hate when he does that to me and i smile...it makes me react like an infatuated little girl and he knows it.

He finally leans forward to kiss my jaw, the corner of my mouth, and finally my lips.

I couldn't melt any further, and hold back an audible expression of delight.

I touch the side of his face and his hand covers mine, pushing his fingers between mine on his cheek, before bringing both to rest together on his lap.

I pull away first and look at his face, immediately getting engrossed in his grey gaze.

"I should go." i whisper.

"So should i." he responds, his thumb gently brushing my chin.

He turns to his side and opens the door, then steps out of the car.

Our hands still connected, i quickly follow, then turn back to grab my bag.

I look around at the busy area around us, then focus on him.

"Thank you" i murmur gratefully.

This is definitely an amazing way to start my day.

"The pleasure is all mine" he responds like a total gentle man, then leans towards me again and pecks my lips.

Aaron?" We hear his name called out and both turn in the direction of the voice.

He sighs, and lets go of my hand.

"I thought that was you...I told you that was him." An older woman, probably around the age of my own mother, says to her male companion of a similar age.

"Hai Stella, John.." Aaron murmurs seriously.

The two seem very interested in me and look at me eagerly.

"Hai, good morning." i murmur to both of them, and they both smile and return my salutation.

"Well, i should go" I say to Aaron, seeing as he does not seem like he will offer any introduction.

"Sure...." he replies.

".....Call me when you get the chance." he adds and i nod, and look at the two strangers.

"Bye." i mumble, before going off on my way.


I put my hands in my pocket, as i watch Raquel walk towards the hospital entrance.

It still baffles me, that she is a surgeon, well soon to be one officially.

I feel really proud of her for doing something so incredible and different, especially when her whole family went in the opposite direction.

She wasn't afraid to stand out and choose her own path.

I respect that about her.

I also understand the journey to become a surgeon cannot be easy, so more respect to her for sticking it out.

And to top that off, she is such a beautiful girl and i'm enjoying learning all these new things about her and her character.

"Mhm Mhmm." Stella clears her throat, and it brings my head back to the present, and i remember that they are still here.

I wonder if they saw me kiss Raquel so publicly, even if it was quick.

"What are you doing here? i hope there is nothing wrong?" i ask.

"No...we are both good, just came here for a regular check up." John murmurs quickly and i smile at the man.

I have always liked John, and i guess, even loved him, i still do..he is a good man.

"That's good...well, i should be on my way now." i say, half turning to leave.

"What about you, what brings you here?" Stella asks quickly, looking back to where Raquel disappeared off too.

"C'mon honey, we should go and let the man get on with his day...Good to see you again Aaron." John mutters, his hand already turning Stella in another direction.

"You too John, Stella." i say and step towards the car and get in.


Later, I sit down to join my brothers for lunch, at a place close to the office.

This is one of the first really enjoyable casual meals we had had together since the accident.

Everything has being moving in high gear, and it's nice to finally have things slow down and... normalise.

Somewhere towards the end of the meal, my phone rings and i unconsciously smile at the name on my screen.



'Having lunch, you?' i Consider excusing myself from the table to talk in private, but the guys are engrossed in their own conversation, so i carry on.

'Slow day... but that's always a good thing..' She says happily.

'So, Umm, do you have any plans after work?' she asks.

I smile.

'Nope, why?' i lie.

I do have plans later, but they can change.

'Well, i wanted to invite you to something.' she says.

'Ok, what?'

'Can't say now, but are you interested.' she murmurs.

'Well, when you put it like that, yes..i'm definitely interested, and curious.' i admit, and the guys suddenly start paying attention to me.

'Ok, i will text you the address.'

'What time?'

'7pm' she says.


'Oh, and ...it's casual, so please just..dress casual.' she murmurs and i laugh, as i look down at my suit.

'Wear something casual, got it.' i say.

'Ok well, bye, enjoy your lunch.' she says and quickly hangs up.

I take my phone away from my ear, and turn to find both brothers looking at me curiously.

"Who was that?"

"None of your business."

"Oh that's what you are calling her now." Marco taunts.

"How's that going?" Nick asks and i shake my head.

"I don't know what you are talking about." i mutter.

"C'mon, spill" i say.

"There is nothing to spill"

"What does that even mean?" Nick asks.

"It means, it's none of your fucking business..so why don't you focus on your family." i say to Nick.

"...And you, on expanding your family with Ella, and stay out of my relationship with Raquel." I say to Marco.

"Relationship???" they both say at the same time.

I frown and stand up.

"Liaison, involvement, whatever you want to call it." i say.

"...You will find me in the car." i add, as i start walking out, pushing my dark shades over the bridge of my nose, to cover my eyes.


I arrive at the address Raquel gave me and find that it's somewhat of a pub, a bit more crowded than i am comfortable with.

"Are you sure you got the right address?" Max and Paul ask over my shoulder.

"I did." i say, looking at the high vibe and spirits of the people in the room.

"Ok boss." Paul chuckles, as they both make themselves scarce.

I arrived early, a habit of mine..i like to be either on time or early to every appointment.

I look around again, not expecting to see Raquel, but just assessing the place.

I sigh again, then decide to give it a chance.

I walk across the room and find a table somewhere at the back of the room, on my way there, getting flirty stares or greetings from some women in the room.

They can probably tell that i'm new here.

I sit down and order a drink, something strong to get me through what looks to be a very peculiar evening ahead of me.

I keep my eyes mostly at the entrance and Raquel arrives a few minutes later and looks around the pub.

She's wearing a long lavender colored flared dress, that's off the shoulder. Her hair is worn down in a nice loose braid, with strands of loose hair around her her face...even from afar, she's a whole lot of view. She looks beautiful.

I watch her look for me and struggle to find me, until a man walks up to her and start chatting her up.

Now I stand, with the intention of going to her, but she sees me and smiles, then starts to walk towards me.

"Hey." She murmurs when she nears me.

"Hai." I return, looking at the way the thin layered chiffon dress is hugging every curve of her upper body, making her boobs look nice and perky against the material.

"You came." she murmurs, sort of in relief.

"Ofcourse, was i not supposed to?" I chuckle, giving her a hug.

"You look nice " i say, helping her sit down.

"Thank you, you too." She replies.

She looks around us.

"I know this is not exactly your kind of scene..but just give it a chance." she says, putting her hands over the table.

I grab her hand, then tag her to come around the table to my side, until she sits down on a chair next to me.

"Ok...If you like it here, i'm sure i will like it too." i say and she gives me an appreciative gaze..

"So, what are you having? i will go and get .......... ." she says, starting to stand up.

"Sit down" i mutter, pulling her back down by her shoulder.

"I owe you a drink, remember?" she murmurs.

"You will settle our score one day, but not today...." I say, and ask her what she wants to have, then leave to get the drinks myself.

A few minutes later, a friend of hers arrives with her partner.

"This is Tessa, you guys already met." Raquel says, pointing to her blonde haired friend.

".... and her boyfriend Reggie Knowles." Raquel says.

They sit down and we chat for a few minutes before Tessa leaves and to my surprise, gets up on the stage and takes the Mic, the band positions themselves behind her, the instrumentals starting to play out.

"She sings?" i ask Raquel.

"Yep...every Thursday and Friday night here." Raquel replies proudly.

"I come here often with the girls, when we have free time at the same time...it's kind of our spot to cool off and unwind." she whispers into my ear.

Tessa greets the crowd and hypes them up a bit, then takes a stool and sits close to the edge of the stage.

"I had a line up of songs for tonight...but i think tonight's a special night...." She says and the crowd cheers and whistles in agreement.

I smile as i look around at the reaction in the room.

".....and my heart is pulling me in a special direction..so i will sing what's come upon my heart...and i'm going to dedicate this song to all you guys who have come here for the first time tonight, and to all the new lovers in the room." she utters in her country accent, as the crowd applauds again even louder.

Raquel cheers too, very loudly, and it makes me laugh.

Tessa takes on a country song, a very laid back song about 'a love song' and her voice just smooths over, very evident of her country roots.

I put my hand at the back of Raquel's chair and she turns to me briefly, as we share a quick gaze, before both turning to watch her friend sing.

"Alright, let's get a little louder in here." she says after her first song.

The next song is a duet, with a guy and true to her word, it's very upbeat, and Raquel sings along, already familiar with it.

I have to admit, this is far more enjoyable than i thought it would be when i walked it and i find myself having a very good time.

Tessa comes down the stage and walks around the room as she sings, and at one point, stops by her friend's side to share the Mic during the chorus of one of her songs, before returning to the stage.

Raquel is literally on my lap most of the time the band is on, with how much we are leaning in to each other, while we enjoy the rest of the music, until Tessa ends her set and returns to our table.

We all enjoy a few more drinks as a different person sings, before calling it a night.

Raquel and i walk out of the pub and into the fresh air outside the pub on 5th and main street.

"Where did you park your car?" i ask her.

"I took a cab..i figured you would want to drive me home afterwards." she says cheekily.

"Correct." i smile, and hug her again, my hands running over the exposed part of her upper back and feeling her breasts softly crush into my chest.

"Do you want to take a walk? before we head back?" i say, against her ear.

"Sure." she replies.

We interlace our fingers and start walking down the sidewalk, the top of her head, just going a little over my shoulder in height.

"What about your car...are we coming back this way?"

"Paul will catch up with us with it." i say.

"Right." she murmurs.

"So, can i ask you something, you don't have to answer it if you want?"

"Shoot." i say curious as to what's going on in her head.

"So who was that we met at the hospital, this morning?" she asks and i sigh before answering.

"Stella and John Leon...They are my Ex Wife's parents." I say.

"Oh..I see."

"How long have you been divorced?" she asks.

"Oh, am I not supposed to ask that?" she adds quickly, remembering my redline.

"It's fine...Close to two years now since the divorce was finalised, but we were separated for some time too before that." i say.

"Ok...well, that's almost as long as Vince and i have been apart." she says, putting the spotlight on herself and i'm glad for it....because that was just about the only thing i was willing to discuss about my past relationship.

"How long were you two together..?" i ask.

"Met him when i was 17, but started dating over a year later....kind of on and off until we ended for good about two years ago aswell." she says.

"That's a long time to be with someone....and to just walk away" i say.

"Yeah... i guess...but sometimes walking away is the best you can do for yourself." she says.

"Why did you break up?" i ask, unable to resist curiosity.

"..It just got hard..being together...Loving someone shouldn't hurt as much as it did."

"So why did you stay with him so long if it was so hard?" I know I'm asking questions I myself am not willing to answer, but if she is willing to response, then it's all good.

"I thought every relationship has issues, and i'm not one to give up easily on anything..so i tried to make it work even when i knew it would never get better......and i think i was just scared..scared that he was the one, and i would never get over him...scared that i would never fall in love again, or find someone better....I didn't know what was out there, so i held on so what was familiar...even though i knew that i deserved better." she says.

"It's sounds silly right." She chuckles uncomfortably.

"No..i understand what you mean." I say.

"So, your friend can really sing." i murmur, changing the subject and she chuckles.

"Tess? yeah, she's really good...."

"How did you meet?"i ask, and for the next few minutes, she talks about her friend and how they met and bonded over horses, and her home back in Vermont where they had alot of them, and abit of her upbringing aswell.

I look behind and notice Paul and Max with the cars following slowly behind us, though at a reasonable distance to not be a bother.

"That's really kind of creepy." Raquel murmurs, looking where i'm looking.

I stand closer and wrap my arm around her waist.

"Ignore them." i murmur, cupping both sides of her face, as we stand under the lights of a street lamp, the light shining over the top of her head like a halo.

She wraps her fingers around my wrists, as she looks up at me, then our heads move slowly towards each other for a slow and soft kiss.

I hold the back of her head, as she twists her head to the side, her fingers, running through the hair at the back of my head.

I don't want to stop, but we are in a public street.

I pull away and kiss the top of her head, then we walk the short distance to my car, and Paul goes to join Max in the other car, then drive back to her apartment.

"Do you want to come in?" she asks, after opening the door.

I let my eyes briefly look over her shoulder into the room.

"Sure." i say and walk in ahead of her.

There are atleast three pairs of shoes carelessly thrown around on the floor and i imagine she couldn't decide which one to wear tonight.

I turn and face her.

"Can i get you something to drink?" she asks, picking up the shoes that are close to her from the floor.

I pick up the other half of one pair that's close to me, and when she reaches out to take it from me, i withdraw my hand, pulling her towards me instead.

"Tonight was.....surprisingly great....." i say, as she holds two and a half pairs of shoes in her hands between us.

She licks her lips anxiously, as she looks up.

"Do that again." i whisper.

"Do...what?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper.

"Lick your lips again." i say, and literally see her face blush, even though she smiles.

"Slowly." i add.


"Just do it." i say, my eyes focusing on her mouth, until she does it.

I bend down and catch her tongue with the tip of mine before it disappears back into her mouth, then slowly flick her moist bottom lip with it from one corner of her mouth to the other, before tagging her upper lip between mine.

It's the softer of the two, and i love how it has this soft silky texture that feels like it could melt in my mouth.

I imagine somewhere else that would have this texture and feel a rush of heat in my body.

I grab the back of her head as i deepen the kiss, her hands still trapped between us, along with the shoes.

Her head tilts further back, as she returns my kiss, her actions exposing her neck and i trail my lips there.

Every part of her body feels soft, delicate, and i'm to afraid she will break and crumble in my arms.

She gasps and drops her shoes, when i kiss and suck her on her neck.

I pull away slightly and she uses the opportunity to step back.

"Sorry." she says apologetically, before bending down to pick up the shoes.


"Yeah?" she replies, looking up from her position below me.

"Can i stay?" i ask, squatting down to her level.

She looks at me and purses her lips, her dimples showing and i just love how that always makes her look so sweet and adorable.

"I would like that..." she says.

"But?" i ask, grabbing her hand and encouraging her to look at me when she speaks.

"Just not tonight." she says softly.

I would lie if i say that I'm not disappointed, but i did agree to do this on her terms and I would like to be a man of my word.

"Ok." i say, standing up.

"Walk me to the door then." I ask her.

"Ok." she replies.

Before i open the door, i turn to face her again, and find that she left the shoes on the floor.

"I had a great time tonight." i tell her.

"I'm glad..me too." she murmurs.

"Goodnight Raquel." i say.

"Goodnight Aaron..thank you." she says.


"I don't know," she murmurs with a shrug, then rests her back on the wall behind her.

I can't get myself to leave, so i step towards her instead.

Her hands are around my neck as soon as i'm within her reach, and we kiss again, with her pressed against the wall.

I pull away, not trusting my self control to last any longer.

My fingers, slowly travels down her neck to the valley between her breasts, exposed by her dress.

Patience is one of my strongest traits, but even this is stretching it...i feel hungry, starved and i only want her... she's the only thing on the mind.. the only one that will satisfy this yearning.

She tilts my head up with her fingers so that my eyes can meet hers when mine lingers too long on her chest.

"I'm up here." she murmurs.

"I know..but what i want now, is down here." i say and she smiles.

"You're shameless." she murmurs, biting my lower lip lightly.

I kiss her back, but briefly.

"Good night" i say with a wink.

"Goodnight." she replies.

I give her one last look, before walking out of the door.

A/N: hope you guys are ok....cheers

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