
By ChalWahanJaateHain

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Heer Qureshi and Salaar Riaz have been best friends and next-door neighbors since they were in diapers. Life... More

Ch. 1: Blue Butterfly Latte
Ch. 2: Honey Macchiato
Ch. 3: Fall Equinox Formal
Ch. 4: The Scammer
Ch. 5: Secrets and Dates
Ch. 6: Cinnamon Brewn
Ch. 7: Snickerdoodles
Ch. 9: I Love You(s)
Ch. 10: Wounds
Ch. 11: Double Date
Ch. 12: The Photo Wall
Ch. 13: Home Decorating
Ch. 14: Wedding Bells
Ch. 15: The Vanishing Act
Ch. 16: Nikkah
Ch. 17: The Red Ghost
Ch. 18: The Grand Affair
Ch. 19: The Paper Balls
Ch. 20: An Unwanted Visitor
Ch. 21: Confrontations
Ch. 22: Chai & Kebabs
Ch. 23: The Husband Card
Ch. 24: Jenga
Ch. 25: Healing Isn't Linear
Ch. 26: First Date
Ch. 27: Unfinished Business
Ch. 28: Jealousy
Ch. 29: Rihan
Ch. 30: BBQ
Ch. 31: Kashmiri Chai
Ch. 32: Frog Becomes a Prince
Ch. 33: Stargazing
Ch. 34: Treehouse
Ch. 35: Kiss of Death
Ch. 36: Beauty and the Beast
Ch. 37: The Pond
Ch. 38: The Envelope

Ch. 8: Friendsgiving

368 15 2
By ChalWahanJaateHain

Salaar's P.O.V.

My expression faltered at Heer's words.

I was actually looking forward to the Friendsgiving until she mentioned Kamran.

I could see Haniya staring at me in my peripheral vision, a similar look on her face.

"Cool," Haniya murmured, still peering at me, "I'll also invite two of my other friends."


He was Heer's friend and she was mine. But there was something that put me off in regards to him. Yet, he was still her friend. No matter how much I don't want to, I should at least give him a chance to gauge what he thinks and is doing with her.

For Heer.

Heer's P.O.V.

"I'm so excited! It's going to be all of my favorite people in one place," I squealed at Kamran.

We'd just eaten dinner at his flat and were sitting on his sofa.

He rested his head on my lap, sprawling himself across the couch. His hand reached up and cupped my cheek as he gazed at my eyes, his thumb tracing my jawline, "I'm one of your favorite people?"

I ran my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes, enjoying the soothing touch. He intertwined his fingers with my other hand and held it to his chest.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched his serene face. His handsome sharp features that made him look mature and masculine were peaceful and unstrained.

He opened his light brown eyes when I hadn't responded.

I shrugged playfully.

"You're my favorite person."

"Really?" I asked softly, genuinely surprised by his words.

Yes, I'm his girlfriend, but it hasn't been that long.

I've also never been anyone's actual favorite person.

He pressed our locked hands to his lips, "Really."

As his words sunk in, there was a brief moment of silence as he stared up at my eyes.

"It amazes me that you aren't aware of how beautiful you truly are, Heer. Inside and out. You're always surprised when I compliment you, and I don't know what to make of it... One thing for sure is that I want to remind you of it every day until you start to believe it yourself."

He lifted his hand, his fingertips loosely trailing up the curve of my neck. It wasn't sensual, but it was intimate. A path of goosebumps followed his touch and it took everything in me not to shudder.

He brushed his fingers into my hair, cradling my cheek at the same time.

"It's only been a few months since we've met, Heer, and you've made me feel emotions that I didn't know existed. And I never want to lose this... That day when I walked into Hayat and you were crying, I can't explain to you what it felt like. This girl, who would make my day just by seeing her, was upset, and in that moment, all I kept thinking was that if it were in my hands, I would've sent whoever or whatever it was that made you cry crashing and burning. I've yet to meet anyone as kind and independent, as fun-loving as you are."

I was at a loss for words.

So, I did the only thing I could think of to reciprocate.

My arms wrapped around his shoulders as I leaned down and pressed my cheek to his, essentially hugging him to myself.

He chuckled, drawing his arms around my upper-half after moving my hair from his face.

"Also, as adorable," I heard him say.

I buried my face in the crook of his neck, feeling a wave of emotions.

I'd never let anyone in to such an extent, never allowed myself to feel so vulnerable. I hadn't said it, but he'd quickly grown to be my favorite person too.

I felt his hands place themselves on my waist as he moved me away from under him and pulled me down on top of him. My whole body stiffened as I found myself laying on him, and it took me some time to relax into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around me firmly.

I kept my face in his neck as he pressed his lips to my shoulder, holding me tight, "You're perfect to me, Heer."

I relished the warm, protective feeling of his strong arms while the curves of his body hinted to me what lies underneath his navy blue crewneck sweater and black jeans.

He shifted to his right, still holding me, and I was left with no choice but to move my head back and look at him in the eyes. I was sandwiched between him and the sofa.

"What should I bring to the Friendsgiving?"

"No one's bringing creamed corn, maybe you can bring that?"

He gave it a thought, "Alright, it seems easy enough. I'll find a recipe online and you can let me know your thoughts on it."

I grinned, "Okay."

He pecked my forehead, "What are you bringing?"

"Fresh sweet butter bread rolls and pumpkin pie," I then thought aloud, "Perhaps I'll ask Salaar to pick up some whipped cream for the pie."

"I can bring the whipped cream," his tone grew slightly firmer.

"Sure," I gave him a small smile.

"Does he know we're dating?"


"Does anyone know we're dating?"

"No, I-" a glimpse of what seemed like hurt flashed in his eyes.

I placed my hand on his cheek, "Kamran."

His gaze fixated on the headrest of the sofa behind me, and it was as if I could see him trying to figure out why my response was no.

"Kamran, look at me," I spoke gently.

He softened his eyes as he peered into mine.

"Are you unsure of us?" he speculated, "Or-or... are you ashamed or embarrassed of me-"

"Kamran!" I exclaimed, "Why would I be ashamed or embarrassed of you-"

"Because of what Ron wa-"

I raised my voice incredulously, "No! No, Kamran, no! And if I was unsure of us, I wouldn't be here with you right now!"

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. It's just, I want my friends to get to know you first. My circle is a bit small and tight-knit, so I really hold everyone in it close to me. I want you to be in their circle with me too, so everyone becomes intermingled and comfortable. And... and it's not easy for me to talk about these matters," I lowered my gaze, "I feel shy when it comes to things like this, and I'm not particularly comfortable with people knowing my business," my voice grew quieter, "You've had two girlfriends before, but you're my first boyfriend. I'm not exactly used to this or sure on how to go about everything. I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings."

He let out a disappointed sigh, "F*ck, I should've been more considerate." His eyes were filled with concern as he lifted my chin so I looked at him, "Don't apologize, I'm sorry. You can tell whoever you want to on your own terms, babe... Does it bother you that I told some of my mates? I'll tell them to keep it to themsel-"

"No. It's fine. You asked me if you could tell them and I said you could."

He gave me a small smile and laid on his back, keeping a single arm around me. I could tell he was still frustrated with himself.

"Kamran... It's okay."

I moved closer and he looked at me.



"Okay," I smiled then pecked his cheek before resting my cheek on his chest and slinging my arm over his torso, "Let's watch something?"

"Yeah," he kissed my head before using his free arm to grab the remote.

I closed my eyes, nestling my face into the soft fabric, "Just don't let me fall asleep. I need to go home."

Anne and Baba would kill me if I didn't come home. Although, I wouldn't mind spending the night feeling like this.

Salaar's P.O.V.

"Heer! How've you been?" Daniaal wrapped her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground.

We were stood in the driveway of my house, waiting for Api, Umair Bhai, and his sister Hina, whom Api invited, to finish greeting my parents and come outside so we could drive to Haniya's for the Friendsgiving. Heer had just crossed over.

As excited as everyone was, a feeling of dread had started to slowly settle into me.

I cleared my throat loudly, my eyes narrowed.

"Lighten up, would ya? I haven't seen the woman in so long," my cousin, who was younger than us by two years, said as he set Heer down. He continued beaming at her, chuckling, "But sorry, Bhai. I forgot how possessive you are over your best friend. Do you remember, Heer, how when we would have those family picnics and we'd play those games? Salaar Bhai wouldn't let anyone else be your partner during the three-legged-race. He was the only one who could participate in it with you."

A smile tugged at my lips at the memory.

Heer laughed, "Yes! We would have so much fun that we would keep our legs tied together for the rest of the picnic. He went with me wherever I went. Aww, I miss those days. I think we were better off as kids. Adulting is not for the weak."

"You could say that again," I remarked.

"Adulting is not for the weak," Daniaal repeated, earning a soft wack to the head, "Ow! Bhai!"

"Is everything packed in the car already?" Heer questioned.

"Yeah, we're just waiting on Api, Bhai, and Hina. We can sit in the car actually," the car lights blinked as I unlocked the doors using my keys.

"Actually, Kamran's coming to pick me up," she informed with a smile. "I made the pie and bread rolls earlier at Hayat. One of my employees put them in the oven for me, so we're gonna get those then meet you all at Hani's."

"I can take you. There's room for all of us in my car. He doesn't need to pick you up," I stated, my eyebrows furrowed.

"I know. Thanks, Sally," cue a snicker from Daniaal, "But I don't want Kamran to arrive alone," her smile grew, "This will be such a great opportunity for you all to get to know each other!"

"Kamran?" Daniaal's face scrunched up, "Is he your boyfriend or something?"

Heer's expression faltered.

I scowled, "No. They're just friends."

"Sheesh. It was just a question," he lifted his palms up in surrender. "What's got your knickers in such a bunch anyway?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?!" I queried incredulously.

"Who else ask-" Heer began, confused, until we saw a dark car pull up. "Oh! That's him. I'll give you a formal introduction when we get to Haniya's. Okay, Daniaal? Also tell Api and Bhai I'll see them there too. Bye!" she took off.

Daniaal's arm slung over my shoulders while we watched her get in the car, "Bhai?"

"Mm?" I returned Kamran's curt nod before the pair drove off.

"You reek."

"What?!" I brought my shirt to my nose, taking a sniff before letting go of the fabric, "No, I don't. I showered an hour ago and used the cologne Heer got me a while back."

He stared at my face with an expression of discomfort which did nothing but make me feel discomfort. I groaned, "What is it, Daniaal? You look like you're about to fart."

"You reek of jealousy, Bhai. You've got it down bad for Heer."

I shrugged his arm off my shoulders and faced him, "What?"

"You're wearing the cologne she got you!"

"It's my fav-"

"You were watching her go like you're a toddler and your parents left you awake in the cot alone in the dark!"


"Ready to go?" Api stepped out with her husband and sister-in-law following behind her.

I stared at my cousin, his words bouncing off the walls of my mind, trapped.

Heer's P.O.V.

"Ah! Çok güzel, very nice!" I enthused as Kamran lifted the foil on his tray of creamed corn to show me his cooking.

We'd just stopped by at Hayat and were stood in front of his car boot after packing my food into it.

"Thanks, babe," he smiled, "You're going to have to hold me back from devouring all your butter rolls when we get there. They smell amazing."

"I can tell you want one," I giggled.

"I do, but I'll wait till we get there. How are you going to explain the missing piece?"

It was going to leave an empty corner.

I plucked a roll from the tray and took a quick bite before holding it to his mouth, "I'll say that I got hungry."

He let out a moan after chomping up the piece in two bites, "You and your mum make the best bread."

I brought him Anne's cooking for lunch at Hayat earlier this week.

"She would be very happy to hear that."

He kissed my hand, "Her daughter makes me very happy."

I smiled then stepped back as he closed the boot then followed him inside the car.

When we pulled up to Haniya's driveway, I sat there staring at the house. It wasn't like my friends have never met Kamran before, but now that we were officially together, sure unbeknownst to them, I wanted them to like him, especially Salaar. I've noticed that Sally's not the most excited when he hears about Kamran, but that could be because Salaar's normally reserved and we haven't really had a new addition to our friend group recently either, so I could understand the hesitancy. I also haven't been the most transparent about where Kamran stands in my life. I just want my best friend and boyfriend to get along.

Equally as important, I want Kamran to like everyone. As quickly as things have progressed between us, he has become equally as significant to me as Sally, Haniya, and everyone else close to me. There was an irrational fear in my mind that maybe he would decide he's actually not the fondest of me, that I would lose whatever we had before it even went somewhere. He hadn't given me a reason to believe so, but it was just so special that I feared its loss.

"You're nervous," his voice broke me out of my thoughts as his hand intertwined with mine.


He began wriggling his fingers out from mine, "I'll stay 6 feet away from you at all times if you wish, social dista-"

I smacked his arm softly, giggling while holding onto his hand before it slipped away, "Oh, be quiet."

He pressed my hand to his mouth, "What are you so worried about, babe?"

I gazed at his light brown eyes until my head shook with a small smile.


My hand cradled his cheek as I leaned and pecked his other one slowly. As I began pulling back, he stopped me, "Heer."

The concern and firmness made me unable to keep up the small façade as I stared into his chocolatey orbs.

"I'm scared," I whispered, my eyes sullen.

"Of what?"

"I don't know."

"Of your friends knowi-"


He paused to think about it until he uttered, "Us?"

I kept silent.

His eyes bore a sadness I didn't want to see, "Are you having second thoughts about us?"

"No no! I told you at your flat that I'm serious about-"


I took a shaky breath. This man had taken over my senses. He was all I thought about and saw. Whipped would be an understatement to describe my condition.


"Of there not being an us," I whispered softly.

He let out a breath of relief before a smile tugged on his lips, "Heer Qureshi, you will be the end of me. You know that?"


"I would go mad if I lost you."

I couldn't help but let a full-blown smile take a hold of my lips.

"I'm afraid of driving you away with my words, but it's how I feel, Heer," he stroked my hand with his thumb.

I looked down as my cheeks grew warm.

"There's something I wanted to-" his words came to a halt, so I followed his gaze to Haniya's front door opening. "I'll ask you later. Let's go inside, babe."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It can wait," he gave my hand a squeeze before unlocking the doors.

"There you lot are!" Haniya greeted with extended arms, wrapping me in a hug, "Everyone's here. What took so long?"


"That's quite alright," she gave a cheeky grin, "I was able to take some selfies with Salaar while we were all waiting for you. Hi Kamran!"

"Hello Haniya," he smiled while opening the boot.

"Heer, can I ask you a question?" she became a bit more somber, tugging me to the side.

"Yeah, what's up?"

She searched my eyes, "Is there something going on with Hina and Salaar? I noticed Seher Api keeps telling him to talk to her. I made these cute name cards for everyone to designate their seats at the table, and then she even suggested that maybe Hina could be moved closer to him."

I put my hand on her shoulder sympathetically, "Her mother-in-law wants them to get to know each other. And being entirely truthful, she's been vocal about a rishta between them," it was like I could see the light of her eyes grow dim, "So, Api tries to push them closer."

"What about Salaar? Is he interested?" her voice was small.

"He's never expressed to me that he is."

She straightened her outfit and patted her hair, urgency in her tone, "How do I look?"

I tilted my head, "You look pretty as usual, Hani. Come on, is that even a question?"

Her eyes depicted hopefulness, "I decided I'm going to ask Salaar to go on a date with me."

My smile began to falter.

I was afraid of Salaar's response. He didn't want to ask her to the Fall Equinox Formal, but I wasn't too sure if he would accept to spare her from heart break. At the same time, if he says no then she would be dejected. And Sally might be uncomfortable if he says yes, but then it might turn out to be a good thing and blossom into something more. Sally's also not one to put himself out there. I don't want him to-

"Babe, you should put the rolls in the oven on low to keep them warm if it's still a while before they're served," Kamran walked up to us, his arms carrying all our food.

"Oh, let me take some of those!" I quickly took the bag of whipped cream cans and bread rolls from him. "But, yes. That's a good idea. Let's head in."

I glanced at Haniya, whose jaw had fallen, while she mouthed silently, "'Babe?!'"

"Come on," I led the way, stifling a smile.

We joined everyone at the beautifully decorated dining table and set our trays down. There were strings of fake green and orange leaves with small glittery pumpkins adorning the wooden table covered with a red and gold runner. There were also fine cutlery and fancy glasses at each seat with the name of each attendee in cursive on their respective plates. In addition to Kamran's corn and my pie and bread, there was gooey macaroni and cheese, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, string beans, stuffing, roast beef, and a big turkey in the middle. I noticed I was to be seated next to Kamran, directly across from Salaar. Haniya was going to be in front of Kamran and to Salaar's right with Hina on his left.

Haniya frowned, whispering next to me, "I guess someone changed the seating while I was out. You were supposed to be on Salaar's left with Kamran beside you, not Hina."

"It's okay," I murmured back before greeting the girls with hugs, "Hi Api! Hi Hina! Hi Umair Bhai!" followed with smiles and waves to Salaar, Daniaal, and Haniya's other friends.

"What took so lo-" Api paused upon noticing a towering Kamran behind me.

I moved aside and pulled him next to me, "Api, you remember Kamran from Hayat, but, um, Bhai, Daniaal, Hina, this is Kamran, my close friend. Kamran, this is Api, Umair Bhai, his sister Hina, and Salaar's cousin Daniaal."

He gave his swoonworthy smile and extended his hand to Bhai then Daniaal, "Heer's told me a lot about all of you. It's nice to finally put faces to your names."

"Hi," Hina smiled at him.

"Hi," he returned politely.

"Nice to meet you," Daniaal responded before teasing, "Wow, Heer. You even told him about lil old me? Your favorite Riaz?"

Kamran placed his hand on my lower back as he looked down at me fondly, "She has. You have a treehouse in your backyard back home in Bristol, right? You, Heer, Seher, and Salaar would play up there when they'd visit until your parents forced you guys to come down."

Api lifted an eyebrow, impressed at his knowledge, before lowering her gaze as though there were a conflicting thought in her mind.

On that note, he squeezed Sally's shoulder, "Hey mate."

He gave him a nod of acknowledgment, "Hey."

"Let's all sit and eat before the meal gets cold?" Haniya suggested, going to her seat.

Everyone sat down and plates were passed around until everyone had the foods of their choice.

Kamran and I exchanged a warm smile as we ate.

"What do you do?" Umair Bhai engaged him in conversation.

He was fitting in perfectly.

Salaar's P.O.V.

Api glared at me from across the table, so I cleared my throat and looked at Hina.

"Do you like the food?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she smiled, "It's good."

"Would you like some more of anything?"

"Oh no, thank you. That's so sweet of you. I'm fine," she placed her hand on mine briefly.

I nodded with a small smile before letting my eyes wander back to Heer, who was chatting with Umair Bhai, Kamran, and Haniya's other friends as they ate.

I was here, engaging in conversation with everyone. Everything was normal, but I felt invisible when Heer wouldn't look at me. It made me feel like I was nothing but an outsider.

I felt selfish, but it was what I felt—that I wish it were me sitting next to her.

It bothered me to no end when I saw Kamran lean too close to her face just to whisper something to her.

A flash of unfamiliar pain rang through my chest when my mind, out of nowhere, recalled Daniaal's words, "Kamran? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

"Haniya, your roast beef is amazing," Api complimented.

My hand lifted to my chest and I rubbed the feeling away before turning towards Haniya, who was already gazing at me with concern.

She briefly glanced at my sister, "Thank you so much, Api," she then faced me, lowering her voice, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, flashing a closed-mouth smile.

"Then why aren't you eating?"

"I am," I lifted my fork. "Do you want another bread roll?" I asked her courteously when I saw Heer offering them to Haniya's friends.

"Oh, sure. Thanks, Salaar," her eyes turned soft as a small shy smile spread across her lips.

I stood up and Heer extended the tray to me with a big smile. I placed a piece on Haniya's plate along with Heer's, making her playfully look at me with squinted eyes. Before I could finish relishing her adorable expression, Kamran moved closer to her just as she sat down, asking her if she wants another serving of the macaroni and cheese.

I sat down, my gaze lingering on her before shifting to the bread on her plate. I wanted to ask her how she made them, just to hear her voice. I knew if I did, she would tell me its nothing special, but everything was special when it came to her. Nothing was mundane.

"Haniya, you really shouldn't have bothered with these plates. It's really going to be sh*t washing these," Daniaal commented after taking a bite of his pie slice.

"I'll wash them," I stated.

I want to get away for a few minutes. Perhaps, this wall which felt like was between Heer and I, or I don't even know, I wasn't hungry and I just wanted to step away.

"I can help," Hina offered.

"That won't be necessary," Haniya leaned over me, speaking through her teeth, "You're our guest."

"Yeah, that's alright, Hina. Daniaal will help me," I gave him a pointed a look and he returned a scowl.

After a while, my cousin and I stood up and began collecting the empty plates.

"Where are your parents, Haniya?" Kamran questioned.

"They're in Cardiff for a wedding. They'll be back Tuesday."

"Hani, can I show Kamran the hammocks in your backyard?" Heer stood up.

"Go for it!"

She grinned and tugged on Kamran's arm, leading him past the sliding glass doors and out into the greenery.

Everyone shifted to the living room to chat while Daniaal and I were in the kitchen. I absent-mindedly scrubbed the dishes while Daniaal dried them with a cloth.

"You're in some deep sh*t, Bhai."

I snapped out my reverie, "What?"

"You're in some dee-"

"I heard you the first time."

"You better tell her you're in love with her before she goes off having his babies. You'll be stuck as the favorite uncle, babysitting and cleaning dirty nappies while they're ou-"

"Who are-"

"You know quite well who I'm talking about. You study architecture and you know by the simplest misplacement of a pillar whether or not a bridge is going to collapse, yet you're bullsh*tting the both of us, Bhai. Maybe they're already together and she just hasn't tol-"

"If she were with him, she would have told me. I'm her best frie-"

"Girls sometimes don't even tell their closest girl friends when something happens. The Heer I know would be standing here doing the dishes with you, and I'm not even saying that because you forced me into doing the dishes with you. You two are partners in crime and were inseparable."


I haven't felt this far from her in my life.

"I know I've always teased the two of you about ending up together, and what I've seen of you since I've gotten here is different. I saw you nine months ago, and you weren't this knee deep in the Heer Ocean unlike now. Accept and face whatever is running through your head, Bhai. You'll thank me and yourself later."

We suddenly whirled around at the loud sound of breaking glass. Quickly drying my hands on a paper towel, I rushed over to Haniya, "Are you alright?"

Shards of what was once a drinking glass were scattered on the floor in front of her feet.

I searched her eyes, which were gradually pooling with water, until she nodded.

"Are you hurt?"

She shook her head slowly, biting her lower lip.

"Stay where you are. Daniaal, hand me that broom and pan."

He nodded and brought them over promptly.

I began cleaning up the mess as my cousin probed, "You're sure you're alright? Are you crying?"

I looked down at Haniya to find her wiping away the tears that spilled over. She then peered up at me, her voice strained, "I'm fine. I-I think some dust may have gotten in my eye. And, um, s-sorry. The glass just slipped."

"No worries," Daniaal then chuckled, "It's one less thing to wash."

Haniya didn't laugh nor did I. My mind was in the hands of the blue-eyed woman in the backyard.

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