☆ Mystic Messenger ☆ One Shot...

By MultiFandomAccount0

452 74 9

As the title implies ~ A compilation of short X reader stories REQUESTS OPEN ★ More

A/N ~ Introduction
Like Father Like Daugher (Saeyoung X Reader)
Side Character (Vanderwood X Reader)
Lost Lamb (Unknown X Reader)
Horror Film (Yoosung X Reader)
Emergency Alert (Vanderwood X Reader)
Elizabeth the 3rd Approves (Jumin X Reader)
Misinterpretation (Saeran X Reader)

Amusement Parks (Vanderwood X Reader)

20 7 0
By MultiFandomAccount0

Background: Takes place some months after the party. Vanderwood is on the RFA messenger. He and Seven are no longer agents.

Word Count: 2195


[Y/n has entered the chat]

Vanderwood: Oh, hey y/n

Saeyoung: Y/N!

Y/n: 708!!

Saeyoung: ?! Who's 708?!
Are you friend's with another number? T_T

And Yoosung!!

Yoosung: Y/n!!

Vanderwood: The three of you together...are like a natural disaster

Saeyoung: Incoming ~ Hurricane y/n

Saeyoung: Wind speeds at 707 mph

Saeyoung: With a 100% chance of Yoosung


Saeyoung: You always get my jokes ♡w♡

Vanderwood: I'm rolling my eyes right now

Yoosung: I'm so excited ~!

Y/n: Me too~!

Vanderwood: I don't know how the hell I got roped into this...

Y/n: Uhhh because I asked? That's how ^_^

Yoosung: I knew it was a good idea to have y/n ask him. He can't say no to them lolol

Vanderwood: You conspired against me?!

Y/n: Aww, don't be mad... :(

Vanderwood: Don't pretend to be hurt, I know what you're doing

Y/n: :(

Y/n: :'(

Y/n: T_T

Saeyoung: Aww, look how sad they are!

Y/n: So sad... T-T

Vanderwood: You're just as bad as Seven...alright, whatever

Yoosung: See? He always caves to y/n

Saeyoung: I know, right? They're so close these days ♡w♡

Y/n: Haha ^^

Y/n: Oh, btw I'm bringing a camera, so be prepared for pictures!

Vanderwood: I'm not gonna survive the night...


"You'll have fun, too, Van," you insisted to Vanderwood. The two of you sat in the back seat of Seven's car on your way to the park.

"I don't ride rollar coasters," Vanderwood responded with reluctance.

"Then just enjoy the atmosphere with me!" You insisted happily. "I don't care about the rides much either, as long as I'm with people I like being around."

Thankfully, Yoosung and Saeyoung were having their own conversation up front. So they didn't hear the hesitation in Vanderwood's voice. "You...like being around me?" He asked in shock. He then proceeded with a laugh, "all I do is nag at you for doing stupid, impulsive things."

"Yeah, but," you agreed, pausing to think of how to reply. "But you only do that because you care about me, right?" You asked him.

You laughed when Vanderwood's face twisted with fluster. "Wha-of course I care about you," he scoffed, trying to not let his feelings show, "you might be a pain in my ass, but that doesn't mean I'll let you put yourself in dangerous situations."

You smiled brightly at him and dramatically blinked your eyes in a theatrical, flirtatious way. "Aww...such a gentleman," you teased him again.

Vanderwood rolled his eyes and elected not to reply. But a small grin pulled at his lips.


When you finally arrived, the park was alive with happy people and loud rollar coasters. It was night, making the brightly colored rides look magical.

Still near the entrance, Vanderwood was analyzing a map of the park. But Saeyoung grabbed the map out of his hands and declared, "come on, Madam, this is supposed to be fun. Maps aren't fun."

Vanderwood glared at Saeyoung and reached down at his hip, but only grabbed air. You laughed loudly. "Did you just reach for your taser?!" You continued to laugh, "we don't need a map, it's okay."

"You'll get lost!" Vanderwood argued, "I have no doubt that you will get lost, y/n."

You rolled your eyes and paced around in a circle. "I toooold you," you said dramatically, "I'm sticking by your side tonight! So as long as you don't get lost..." You glanced at Vanderwood and gave him a cute wink.

"Are you done bickering? Come on, we only have a few hours until this place closes at midnight!" Yoosung whined.

"I second that," Seven agreed. He then smiled brightly and shouted, "and we're off!"

Saeyoung grabbed Yoosung's hand and started to run. "Ah-?! Let me go-," he complained, but still laughed. And before he could be pulled past you, Yoosung grabbed your hand.

Realizing you, too, were about to be yanked forward, you quickly reached for Vanderwood's hand. "Hey-" he stated in a shocked tone. Before you knew it, you and Vanderwood were now also being pulled along.

Seven continued to run, weaving the four of you through crowds. You and Yoosung were giggling as you bumped into countless people. "This is so childish," Vanderwood sighed as you pulled him along.

But when you looked back at him, he found himself unable to complain further. He could see it written all over your face that you were having the time of your life. It felt like time had slowed down for a moment. The colorful lights that were sprinkled all over the park reflected in your eyes like fireworks.

"Aww, don't be like that," you begged playfully. Then finally, your pace slowed and stopped.

"Now this!" Seven announced, holding his free hand out as if to showcase the ride he'd led you to. "This, is more my speed."

Yoosung's jaw dropped. "Saeyoung, that's like the biggest rollar coaster in the park..."

"Are you scared?" Seven challenged.

Yoosung frowned. Yes, he was a bit scared. But now he was determined to prove that he wasn't. "Let go of my hand now, you weirdo," he scoffed, "I'm not scared, I'll ride it!" Seven laughed, a mildly unhinged look in his eyes. Yoosung looked back at you and asked somewhat nervously, "you're coming too, right?"

You looked up at Vanderwood expectantly. "What? No way," he asserted, "I am not getting on that thing."

You rolled your eyes and gave Yoosung a wink. "Sorry, Yoosung. But hey, have fun," you teased.

Yoosung gave you a weak smile, then he left for the ride with Saeyoung. You laughed as they disappeared into the crowd of people. You were still holding Vanderwood's hand, but you pretended not to notice.

"This was a bad idea," Vanderwood sighed, "Seven is gonna torment that boy all night."

You rolled your eyes dramatically and began to walk toward a short set of stone stairs, pulling Vanderwood along with you. "Loosen up just for tonight, please? For me?" You asked with an innocent smile as the two of you sat down. More people were sitting, scattered all across the stairs, but you two had enough personal space to feel comfortable.

"For you?" Vanderwood repeated with a short laugh. "What makes you think I'll do something just for you?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" You asked and laughed, "Van, you already do everything I ask anyways. Have you really not noticed that?"

Vanderwood felt his face heat up. He wasn't sure how to respond. He was aware that he gave you a lot of free passes for acting crazy, but was it really that obvious? Before he could try to force out some awkward reply, you asked again, "pleeease?" You squeezed his hand in both of yours now.

Feeling your hands wrap around his made Vanderwood's heart leap. He could already feel himself giving in to you. Again. He sighed, annoyed at himself, then clarified, "well, I'm not getting on that thing." He pointed to the monstrous rollar coaster that Seven had taken Yoosung to.

"Aww, you're scared," you teased him.

Vanderwood raised his eyebrows. "I didn't leave my life-threatening agency just to put my life in danger at an amusement park!"

You laughed. "Alright, fair," you compromised, "but let's do something! Wanna get food?"

"And just leave those two here?" Vanderwood asked. He wasn't entirely opposed to that, especially if it meant getting to be with just you.

"Seven has the map," you reminded Vanderwood, waving your hand in an 'it will be fine' manner. Then, you sprung up from the stairs. "Alright, come on!" You then began to skip off in search of a good place to get something to eat.

Vanderwood stumbled after you. Once he caught up, he took your hand back. When you gave him a surprised look, he simply said, "stop running away."

You smirked. "Oh, you're sooo mistaken if you think this can stop me," you warned him. Then, you yanked your hand out of his and did exactly what he'd told you not to do.

Vanderwood stood in shock for a second before moving to chase after you. You ran as fast as you could, laughing to yourself as you went. Even Vanderwood found entertainment in running after you. And unfortunately for you, he was much faster and stronger.

Before even a minute of running, Vanderwood caught up to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you from the ground like that. You let out a surprised shriek that quickly turned into maniacal laughter. "You're such a problem," he accused, but even he was laughing, his voice right next to your ear.

When your feet hit the ground, you immediately tried to run again. "Wha-?! Hey-" Vanderwood tightened his arms around you as you giggled and tried to break free. "Why are you being so difficult right now?" He questioned, pulling you out of the open area. All the while, you struggled and laughed. Vanderwood gave up on trying to be mad.

"I'm not difficult, you're difficult," you meaninglessly returned the accusation with a giggle.

"You're so immature, y/n," Vanderwood laughed.

Finally, you gave up on struggling and just leaned back against Vanderwood, out of breath. He was hesitant to loosen his arms, unsure if you'd escape again, but he didn't want you to be uncomfortable. You placed your hands on his arms and sighed in satisfaction.

Vanderwood blushed again. "What-is this what you wanted?" He asked, embarrassed and shocked.

"Of course," you replied as if it were obvious. But you couldn't hide the hint of shyness in your voice.

Vanderwood felt his heartbeat pick up pace. "Well, you could've brought it up sooner..." His voice was calm now. You smiled and leaned your head back so that you could plant a kiss on his jawbone. "Hey..." Vanderwood exclaimed quietly, "what's with that?"

But as soon as he looked down at you, he felt one of your hands land on his cheek. Within seconds, your lips met his. You'd meant for it to only be a quick kiss, but then Vanderwood removed one of his hands from around you and gently held your face in place, not letting you go just yet. You tried to stop yourself, but a smile spread across your mouth, and you laughed against his lips.

"What are you laughing for?" Vanderwood asked, finally letting you pull away.

You freed yourself from his arms and held a hand out to him. "You're cute," you told him as he put his hand in your, "now let's actually go find some food." Vanderwood gladly let you pull him along. He was afraid that after tonight, he'd never be able to say no to you again.


[Y/n has entered the chat]
[Vanderwood has entered the chat]

Yoosung: Y/n! Vanderwood! Where'd you guys go?!

Yoosung: You left me alone with him T_T

Saeyoung: He's fine, don't worry. We're having a great time ☆w☆

Yoosung: Can we ride something more low-key next?

Saeyoung: Ahh...okay, okay

Y/n: Sorry for ditching you guys. We went to get something to eat. Wanna meet us?

Yoosung: Yes! I'm starving...

Vanderwood: We're near that big orange ride. The tall one

Yoosung: Uh...I see like three different tall orange rides T-T

Saeyoung: Don't worry, I'll just track his phone

Vanderwood: >:

Saeyoung: But anyways...you two having a good time?

Saeyoung: Wanna see this cool picture I took from the top of a rollar coaster?

Vanderwood: Not really

Saeyoung: (Sends picture)

Saeyoung: That's from the big one we rode in the beginning. Nice picture, right?

Vanderwood: Kinda blurry, actually

Y/n: I think it looks really cool! You're so high up

Yoosung: Oooh, is that that one picture? :)

Y/n: Hm?

Saeyoung: Hehe...

Saeyoung: Zoom in ♡w♡

Vanderwood: ...

Vanderwood: Oh my god...

Yoosung: You guys are so cute!

Y/n: Omg, how did you see us from all the way up there?!

Saeyoung: I have the eyes of a deep sea creature O_O

Yoosung: Aren't...most deep sea creatures blind..?

Vanderwood: ...

Y/n: Van, your face is all red ^_^

Saeyoung: I always knew you're a softie ♡w♡

Vanderwood: Get away from me with those hearts! >:

Vanderwood: Why would you take a picture of us kissing?! I swear you're so weird

Saeyoung: Whoops, gotta track your phone now! Bye bye!

[Saeyoung has left the chat]

Y/n: But it is kinda nice to have a picture of it, hm? ♡

Vanderwood: ...

Vanderwood: Don't look at me like that

Yoosung: LOL

Yoosung: Well, we're on our way to you now

Yoosung: See you soon!

[Yoosung has left the chat]

Vanderwood: ...

Y/n: You're totally embarrassed, aren't you lol

Vanderwood: Stop that >:

Vanderwood: And get back over here, why are you sitting so far away?

Y/n: I could ask you the same question

Vanderwood: I will pick you up again if I have to

Y/n: I wouldn't mind that :)

Vanderwood: Well then, if that's how it's gonna be...

[Vanderwood has left the chat]

Y/n: Uh oh...

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