The Love Life of Saiki K. [Sa...

By SlytherinScum

10.5K 617 316

Saiki Kusuo finds his life being flipped upside down by the arrival of a beautiful, alluring and impossible-t... More

πŸ’œ Chapter 2 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 3 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 4 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 5 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 6 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 7 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 8 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 9 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 10 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 11 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 12 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 13 πŸ’œ
πŸ’œ Chapter 14 πŸ’œ

πŸ’œ Chapter 1 πŸ’œ

2K 62 51
By SlytherinScum

Saiki Kusuo had never considered his life to be anything near normal or a regular person, no matter how much he desired it to be so. He had still accepted this fate and allowed himself to exist as well as he could without being the centre of any attention. He was supposed to remain a wallflower amongst the loud students of P.K Academy that were his classmates.

Even today had been all sorts of regular – Kusuo had woken up and gotten ready for school, arriving on time and finding his seat to sit and wait for his homeroom teacher to arrive. He was supposed to attend his classes on their first day back and he was supposed to simply return back home afterwards.

Yet there had been some irregularities today that Kusuo had noticed since he stepped out of his front door: someone had moved into the home next to them, and their teacher had not yet returned back to their classroom when she was not usually this late.

And then, everything made sense as the door to the classroom slid open and a pleasant waft of flowery scent entered the room as everyone turned to find their homeroom teacher accompanied by another person: a teenaged girl that none of them recognised.

"Welcome to your new class," said the teacher to the girl as they came to the front of the class. "Everyone, this is Minamoto Nadeshiko, I want you all to be nice to her. Introduce yourself now,"

Minamoto Nadeshiko was a very Japanese-esque name, an epitome of ordinariness, if possible, with her slender figure, pale skin and her black hair. Yet still, somehow, she subverted those expectations by a huge margin.

This Minamoto Nadeshiko had long black hair that were not straight, they were curly. Her eyes were a brilliant shade of violet and she was taller than average, carrying herself with poise. Her pretty pink lips were pulled into a lovely smile as she looked at everyone.

"My name is Minamoto Nadeshiko, as you have heard," Nadeshiko introduced. "I am from Kyoto and moved here last night," She bowed deeply. "I hope we can all be friends,"

"Good," said their teacher. "Well, you will be taking your seat..." She browsed around. "Yes, you'll be taking your seat by that window over there, the desk next to Saiki-Kun. Saiki-Kun, raise your hand,"

There was no need for Kusuo to raise his hand because everyone had turned to look in his direction, giving away his presence to Nadeshiko. She smiled at him as she walked over and took the seat to his left, and she sat in a way that was so elegant and light that it took him a moment to realise it.

If the thoughts had been overwhelming earlier, they were almost deafening as everyone tried to find their opinion about the new girl – there was curiosity, eagerness, jealousy and apprehensiveness, all of them targeted right toward the blissfully ignorant Nadeshiko.

Kusuo glanced toward the girl from the corner of his eyes while the teacher spoke about whatever, and as he entered her mind, he felt a strange feeling rush through his body that took him by surprise.

It was a liberating feeling, when Kusuo looked into her mind, the vastness of it, the peacefulness of it, the sereneness of it – it felt as if he had fallen off of his chair and right into the elysian fields.

There was a quietness of it was almost overwhelming but Kusuo found that while her mind appeared to be clear of any intrusive thoughts, it wasn't entirely empty like Nendo Riki's – there were thoughts within there but they didn't come to him as they were meant to.

In short, Kusuo could not read the girl's mind, and that made him a bit suspicious. Although he admitted he could do without having to read another mind but he couldn't help being curious about it.

Riki was stupid, that was the reasoning behind his mind being so empty and Kusuo for not being able to read his thoughts. But what was up with this new girl? Kusuo wanted to figure her out quickly.

After their homeroom teacher had finished with her morning lecture, the class was told that they needed to go down for the morning assembly, making the class groan and complain about their principal putting random showcases like this. Nadeshiko stood up from her chair.

Everyone tried to get a position behind her in the line but somehow, 'conveniently' Kusuo found himself standing behind her before Teruhashi Kokomi could rush in and 'bump' into Nadeshiko.

Nadeshiko seemed to shed flowers as she walked, catching the attention of students from other classes as they entered the gymnasium. Kokomi's thoughts were the loudest in anger.

Kusuo continued to focus on Nadeshiko's mind, slowly beginning to find it to be a rather welcoming place to be if he wanted himself to doze off mentally. He wondered what was up with this girl – he wondered and wondered all throughout the morning assembly in the gymnasium.

It was almost at once that Kusuo noticed that Nadeshiko was a little bit taller than him, and it took him a moment to compose himself and not make himself taller than her. Thoughts like that were now coming to him for some reason. Kusuo was not keen with such things.

At the same time, he also wondered if his thoughts were conveyed to Nadeshiko. He couldn't hear her thoughts, could it be that she could not hear his as well? That would be inconvenient, so Kusuo tested it out with the simple words 'Excuse me', which he found himself cringing at in a second.

But Nadeshiko heard him because she turned around to look at him from the front row, her bright violet eyes looking at him curiously but before he could think of anything, his vision went dark.

"Guess who?" came the voice of Nendo Riki, who had put his hands onto Kusuo's eyes from behind, which Kusuo did not appreciate at the moment at all. "Hey, pal, let's go have some ramen after school,"

Now, both Nadeshiko and Riki were around him, and it was a shame, because Riki had taken the opportunity to haggle Nadeshiko when he noticed her to be looking at them.

"Oh!" Riki exclaimed. "Nice to meet you!" He thrusted his hand forward. "My name's Nendo Riki, your name's Minamoto Nadeshiko-Chan, right? Why don't you join my pal and I –"

However, before Kusuo could do something about the situation at hand, someone not far from them fell to the ground with a loud thud. Nadeshiko, Kusuo and Riki all turned to look at that direction as well as everyone around them panicked at the situation and their principal stopped yapping.

"Someone suddenly collapsed!"

"An anaemia attack?"

"Ahh!" shouted Riki, taking both Nadeshiko and Kusuo aback as he went running to the boy who had fallen. "What's wrong?! What happened to you?! Hey! Wake up!"

"Whoa!" said one of the students who had gathered in a circle around the boy. "It's Nendou!"

"Are you dead?!" asked Riki, and for some reason, he began to punch the fainted kid. "Are you dead?!" Kusuo glanced at Nadeshiko, who was at a loss for words.

"Hey, what are you doing, Nendou?!" shouted the students.

"Don't die!" Riki shouted before he suddenly decided that he needed to give mouth-to-mouth CPR to the fallen Takahashi. "Dammit! I'll perform mouth-to-mouth!"

"Eww!" gagged one of the girls. "He kissed him!"

"What are you doing, Nendou?!" exclaimed one of the teachers, Igarashi. "Hurry up and take him to the nurse's office!"

"Hm?" Riki asked. "Oh, that's right! The nurse's office!"

"Ah, Saiki," Igarashi said, turning to look at the pink-haired boy. "Go with them. I'm not sure if Nendou can take care of him alone,"

Kusuo was frustrated at being caught with those two, tsking within himself as he was forced to go. He glanced at Nadeshiko, who was looking at him curiously but his vision of her was swarmed as some of the other students swept in to talk to her in his place. He sighed in annoyance.


The next time that Kusuo saw Nadeshiko again was in their classroom after he had escaped the clutches of Riki and the paramedics. He met eyes with the girl as soon as he stepped into the room and she appeared to smile at him for some reason, tilting her head slightly. But as he walked back to his seat next to her, it appeared that she was happy to see him return.

But neither of them said anything to each other as the teacher was in the room, and for the next few hours, the classes commenced. Kusuo soon found out that Nadeshiko was not stupid or dumb – she was an excellent student and was getting all the praise from the teacher. So, it was not stupidity at least, and strangely, it was a relief to him.

Soon enough, break time came around and the students were left on their own – everyone was observing Nadeshiko from afar as she sat at her desk, making her notes and none of them seemed to find the courage to come closer. Kokomi had been taken out of the class by her 'friends'. Riki was missing as well, which was perfectly fine by Kusuo after what happened in the morning.

Nadeshiko did not talk to anyone either, seemingly busy with her first day in a new school and Kusuo simply sat aside, observing her to try and figure out what in the world was going on in her head. He was growing more and more suspicious about her but he had no idea how to ask her about it.

Kusuo conducted an experiment as he sat, using every single one of his powers on Nadeshiko yet nothing seemed to happen to her no matter how much he tried to do or how hard he tried.

From trying to apport the pencil from her hand, possess her, use elemental powers on her to petrify her, find any precognition about her, to anything and everything. Nothing happened to her: it felt like there was some sort of invisible wall around her that kept his powers at bay.

Almost accepting defeat for now, Kusuo looked over when Nadeshiko finally finished with her work and began to put her things away. Her attention seemed to be captivated by a conversation going on.

"Hey, did you see the news this morning?" spoke one of the boys. "They said a venomous snake escaped,"

"Seriously?" responded another. "That's bad news!"

"Can you say for sure it 'escaped'?" came the insufferable voice of Kaidou Shun, whose appearance seemed to compel Nadeshiko. "That's just the sort of ploy that 'they' would come up with. But I, The Jet-Black Wings, shall not be fooled by their devious deceptions! Someone set that snake free!"

"What're you saying, Kaidou?!" asked the boys. "Do you know something? You mean some guy named The Jet-Black Wings did this?!"

"Hmph!" retorted Shun. "The Jet-Black Wings is me! I speak of an evil secret society named 'Dark Reunion'! They have finally set their 'Mankind Sorting Plan' into motion!"

"Dark Reunion?!" responded his classmates. "Like hell! Geez... that was a waste of time,"

"So, I guess it's up to those of us with powers to tackle this, right, Saiki?" Shun asked coolly, moving to pose next to Kusuo's chair.

By now, Nadeshiko was observing the two of them very curiously, her head tilted again and even when Kusuo glanced at her, she didn't look away, clearly deep in her thoughts that he couldn't read.

What is Minamoto Nadeshiko thinking?

Don't tell me that she is actually convinced by it.

"Saiki, what do you think?" continued Shun. "I have a bad feeling about this. This snake, which I've tentatively named 'Murder-Dragoram-Snake,' is likely no ordinary snake. It's likely that this Murder-Dragoram-Snake is a vicious monster created in their top-secret research facility,"

That's pretty dramatic for a tentative name.

Minamoto Nadeshiko did not laugh at it.

"It's up to us," droned Shun on and on, and he seemed to playing it up even more, knowing that Nadeshiko was listening in. "We have to protect mankind from Murder-Dragoram-Snake – worry not, Minamoto-Chan! As long as I am here, nothing will touch you!"

Such a stupid thing to say, Kusuo thought to himself, he was sure that Nadeshiko would not need that sort of protection from anyone, especially Shun. He was stunned at his own line of thoughts.

"It is alright, I am heading to the staff room," Nadeshiko replied normally, giving a standard smile before getting up from her desk. And as she walked away from them, cherry blossoms seemed to follow her.

Now, Kusuo was upset with Shun, who had come at the wrong time. There had been so much more that he had wanted to try on Nadeshiko. He halted his thoughts, finding himself to be oddly threatening now.

"Good news!" shouted one of their male classmates as he slammed open the door before Nadeshiko could reach it but she seemed to be anticipating it, much to Kusuo's curiosity. "They caught the snake!"

"Thank goodness," replied a female classmate. "Where did they find it?"

"Right next to the school gate," responded the bearer-of-good-news. "Apparently, it was half-dead when they found it.

"Why was it half-dead?" asked the girl.

"I heard some neighbourhood kids were swinging it around," replied the boy.

"Dark Reunion isn't that scary, is it?" commented the boy who had first brought this story into the classroom, and he appeared to be teasing Shun. Kusuo noted that Nadeshiko had stopped by the door.

"Don't say that," replied the second boy, also rather teasingly. Kusuo noted that Nadeshiko seemed apprehensive now. "They're an evil secret society,"

"You'll be sorted in the Mankind Sorting Plan!" added the girl and they all burst into laughter.

"Laugh while you can," Shun exclaimed, clearly looking close to tears as he went off toward the classroom doors. "This is only the prelude. D-Dark Reunion is closing in on us,"

Shun left the classroom in a hurry, rushing to the direction of the bathrooms. Kusuo noted that Nadeshiko finally left, too, walking off to the staffroom while catching all sorts of attention from their peers. He was curious about her – the way she had looked at him and Shun, the way she was observing everyone.

When Kusuo saw her again later after break time was over and they were supposed to gather in the lab, everything seemed to be normal with her. She was smiling at the teacher who talked with her regarding the subject at hand but now, many girls of their class were glaring at her.

Kusuo walked over to his bench and noticed that Nadeshiko had already placed her stuff there, and she turned around to be surprised to see that they were bench mates. She appeared a bit reluctant.

"Hey, Kaidou," spoke the teacher as he looked at Shun, who was sitting with a strange, arrogant pose. "What's with your attitude?"

"You better watch what you say..." responded Shun. "If you don't wanna fall victim to my Judgment Knights of Thunder,"

"Come to the teachers' room, now!" shouted the teacher angrily.

Nadeshiko turned to look at Kusuo as she sat down on the seat next to him, almost as if she was expecting some sort of explanation from him. He kept his eyes to himself, wondering what exactly she was inquiring when she knew like everyone what had happened in the class earlier.

... what is going on with her?


As the school day came to an end, Kusuo had figured out two things for sure – that Nadeshiko was a strange anomaly in his world and that the two of them were neighbours. He kept his cool as he stepped out of the school, looking toward Nadeshiko, who was clearly visible in the distance with how she carried herself with those flowers. She seemed to be heading away from their home.

Kusuo was now confused: the direction that Nadeshiko was heading on would take her on the longer route, passing through the market and not directly home. He wondered if that was the only pathway she knew and he sighed, deciding against better judgement that he would follow after her as well.

Just to make sure that she wouldn't bite more than she can chew.

Just that, alright? I have no other interest in her outside of school.

Nadeshiko was a curious individual to observe from afar. She seemed to have a very strange disposition that now made it obvious that she was a new character in his world – and she was totally different from him, opposite: she was extraordinary in the most human of ways.

It was soon obvious to Kusuo that Nadeshiko was not lost on her path: she had really intended on coming this way. That was because she took a stop at the nearby shopping complex to buy some things, ingredients it appeared, for some sort of dessert.

Everywhere that they went, Kusuo tried to catch her off by surprise and read her mind but all he got was the blissful silence of her head or the strange, stuffy thoughts of those around her and about her. He pursed his lips at the young cashier ringing her up.

But Nadeshiko did not stick around to talk to the cashier and simply walked out of the store when she was finished paying, and Kusuo wondered if she was a cold beauty character now.

No, she smiled from time to time.

Although Kusuo was certain by now that Nadeshiko knew what she was doing, he still stuck around, keeping himself at a safe distance to keep a watch on her in case she went somewhere wrong.

He's just looking out for a neighbour,

nothing more, nothing less.

The sweet, flowery scent of Nadeshiko carried in the air as she continued to walk with her vision straight, a neutral expression on his face but way behind her, Kusuo had run into none other than Teruhashi Kokomi, who suddenly seemed relentless in her attempts to get his attention.

And at the same time, Kusuo caught sight of Riki in the distance. He had no choice but to put a stop to his stalking – no, him making sure that Nadeshiko reached her home safely.

Kokomi looked stunned at him disappearing but to make it worse, she went and intercepted Nadeshiko's path. Kusuo sighed, having wanted her to hurry so he could return back down ahead.

"Oh, Minamoto-Chan~!" spoke Kokomi in that overly sweet voice of hers, and Kusuo watched as Nadeshiko stopped to acknowledge the blue-haired girl.

"Yes, Teruhashi-San?" Nadeshiko replied, turning to look at her with a passive expression. "May I help you with something?"

"Nothing, there's nothing I can't do," Kokomi replied, smiling intently and Nadeshiko tilted her head at her. "I was wondering what you were doing with Saiki-Kun,"

"Saiki-Kun?" Nadeshiko repeated, glancing around with only her eyes. "I apologise, Teruhashi-San, but I have not seen Saiki-Kun. The last I saw of him was at school, in fact,"

"T-then, just now?" Kokomi asked, shocked. "Oh, could I have gotten a heatstroke to imagine such a thing? It's because I'm always working so hard, walking to cram school when I could've gotten the bus – of course, I worry about the environment so much!"

"It is 14-degree Celsius today," Nadeshiko pointed out, eying the way the girl talked but Kokomi seemed to not care what she had to say, getting into a rather tragic pose.

"I must've gotten a heatstroke and imagined it!" Kokomi insisted. "But why Saiki-Kun of all people..." She grabbed her cheeks, her eyes wide. "Could it be I fell in love with him? And now I'm imagining him all over the place...?"

"I suppose," Nadeshiko replied, appearing to be rather confused while Kusuo sighed from above. "Excuse me, Teruhashi-Kun, I have to leave. Glad tidings to your newly acquired feelings,"

"Wait!" Kokomi exclaimed and Kusuo noticed a change in Nadeshiko's demeanour when Kokomi snatched her back by her arms. "Listen to me, Minamoto!"

"I apologise but I would like it if you did not touch me like that, Teruhashi-San," Nadeshiko replied, freeing herself from Kokomi's hold. "Now, what is it that you wanted to say?"

"You better stay away from Saiki-Kun, okay?" Kokomi told her, and it seemed like for the first time that her true nature came out. "He's in love with me and I'm in love with him!"

"I have no intentions of coming between a couple," Nadeshiko said calmly. "I am new in this town. I do not know you nor do I know Saiki-Kun. Please excuse me, goodbye,"

Kusuo stood by the street that opened toward their neighbourhood from the market, waiting for Nadeshiko to appear. He thought back to the change that he had noticed in her momentarily – she was quiet, she disliked anyone touching her, and she seemed oddly perceptive.

Nadeshiko seemed to be nearing the street so he turned around and began to walk slowly, pretending to be on his own way back, 'accidently' dropping his wallet as he went. He waited for her to notice him and give her his wallet.

"Saiki-Kun," came that soft voice, and Kusuo turned around to look at Nadeshiko take wide steps toward him, holding out his wallet to him. "You seem to have dropped it,"

"Thanks," Kusuo replied telepathically. He stared at her as Nadeshiko tilted her head at him for a moment but then smiled. "Minamoto Nadeshiko, right?"

"Yes, and you are Saiki Kusuo," Nadeshiko mused as they began to walk together. "I see that you are my neighbour. It is good to know someone from school and neighbourhood like this,"

It took a lot of self-control for Kusuo to not turn and demand from Nadeshiko what was up with her just so that he could rest his mind easy. He stared at her from the corner of his eyes, taking in her pretty appearance. He didn't have to say anything and still, the atmosphere was light and comfortable. It was unnatural for him to feel that way.

There was that thought in his head again but Kusuo shook it out, and the two of them continued to walk together. Nadeshiko seemed alright with not speaking, but then again, he had already noticed that she was a quiet person so that should not be surprising.

However, Kusuo hoped that Nadeshiko was not going to take Kokomi's words seriously. He almost felt annoyed that Kokomi had asked her to stay away from him. He didn't want that.

Just because I want to know more about her.

There's nothing else that is behind it.

Everything had been working perfectly fine when Kusuo's head suddenly met with the thoughts of his father, and he looked up to find Saiki Kuniharu sitting despondent outside their home. Kusuo did not want to be caught dead with his father in Nadeshiko's presence.

But as fate held it, Kuniharu noticed that his son had arrived and he jumped to his feet, "Ah! Welcome home, Kusuo-Kun! You're late! I'll come straight to the point, Kusuo-Kun. Could you unlock the door? I couldn't get in,"

Kuniharu then noticed the girl who had come to stop next to Kusuo when the patriarch had suddenly decided to jump and greet his son. Kusuo noticed that she was curious, her head tilted.

"Oh!" Kuniharu exclaimed. "And who is this?" He moved forward dramatically. "Are you our Kusuo-Kun's little girlfriend? Why don't you come in as well?! Kusuo-Kun's never brought anyone over!"

"Good evening, Saiki-San," Nadeshiko greeted, bowing deeply. "I apologise, I am not your son's girlfriend... my name is Minamoto Nadeshiko. It is nice to meet you,"

"Ah... I thought my Kusuo-Kun finally got a girlfriend," mumbled Kuniharu. "Even if you're just a friend, come on inside! Kusuo-Kun, open the door for us!"

"Um, actually, I did not come home with Saiki-Kun," Nadeshiko replied. "Rather, I did come home with him but my home is right next to yours... I mean to say, I am your new neighbour,"

"You're the daughter of the Minamoto family!" said Kuniharu, finally realising who she was. "I met your father in the morning! You should all come visit us sometime!"

"Thank you for the invite, I appreciate it," Nadeshiko said, bowing her head and Kusuo glanced at her as she smiled again. "Well, Saiki-Kun, I will be taking my leave... see you, take care,"

With that, Nadeshiko disappeared off in the direction of her home, leaving Kusuo and Kuniharu.

"You know, your Oka-Chan and I were just friends once a upon time, too," Kuniharu commented.

"Isn't every couple?" Kusuo asked, sighing to himself.

Suddenly feeling very bored now that Nadeshiko's peculiarities were gone from his vision, Kusuo walked over to the front door, opening it with the help of his powers, much to his father's pleasure.

"Whoa!" cheered Kuniharu. "Just as you'd expect from a psychic! That's very sneaky! You should show that trick to your friend from next door! She'll love you!"

"One, don't call it 'sneaky'," Kusuo replied. "And two, I'm sure she would be terrified instead,"

"Kusuo..." Kuniharu said, suddenly serious. "Don't you think that there are other, better uses of your power?"

"Just keep those thoughts to yourself," responded Kusuo.

"You're back, Kuu-Chan?" came his mother, Saiki Kurumi's voice through the now-open door.

"We'll talk about it later, Kusuo!" said Kuniharu before he went rushing inside. Kusuo walked inside to find the usual – "You changed the lock again!"

"Welcome home, Kuu-Chan!" Kurumi spoke to her son, completely ignoring Kumagoro. "We're having pork cutlet for dinner tonight,"

"Don't ignore me!" Kuniharu exclaimed. "Besides, today's dinner is supposed to be steak!"

"Oh, it is?" Kurumi asked. "Sorry, can I serve you a leather shoe?"

"A leather shoe is still a shoe!" responded Kuniharu.

Kusuo sighed as he got caught between the pair of his parents, who were at each other's throats every single evening, yelling and screaming. This was a stark difference from how lovey-dovey they used to be when he was younger. He wondered if the Minamoto Family could hear them.

Minamoto Family... Kusuo wondered if Nadeshiko's parents were like this, too. He also wondered if Nadeshiko would grow up like this, too, and he wondered how he would deal with that.

What? Where is that coming from?

Why do I have to deal with it?

Not a single occasion came to his mind where he, of all the people, Kusuo would have to deal with Nadeshiko's post-lovey-dovey era volatility except if they somehow ended up marrying like his parents. Even then, Kusuo did not understand why he was thinking this way.

The rest of the dinner had been a meltdown for his parents, costing him his pork cutlet and almost costing him his coffee jelly until he had telepathically linked their minds to get them over it.

As they calmed down, Kusuo reached to eat the last one of his coffee jellies when his mother snatched it from him and instead presented it to his father, declaring her love for him. Kusuo stood up, feeling his limitation being crossed when the doorbell rang, cutting through them.

Just to get away from them before he broke all the windows in the house, Kusuo walked off toward the front door, opening it with far more force than needed only to find himself face-to-face with none other than Minamoto Nadeshiko.

Nadeshiko had left her long hair open to sway in the nightly breeze, and she was dressed in casual clothing – an oversized violet jumper and long socks, and a mauve-coloured apron on her front. And in her hands, she was holding two boxes. She smiled when their eyes met.

"Good evening, Saiki-Kun, we meet earlier than expected," Nadeshiko spoke up. "Since we moved here, I thought about making something for everyone in the neighbourhood..." She held out the two boxes. "Here is for you, there are Green Tea cookies and Coffee Jelly in there,"

That was it for Kusuo – Nadeshiko was now the best person to ever exist in the entirety of the world, from past to future. There was no one who could come close to this level of incredibility.

"Thank you," Kusuo said, speaking it out for real before he realised it as he received the boxes from her. He froze for a moment but Nadeshiko was smiling normally at him.

"I hope you enjoy it," Nadeshiko replied. "I have to go now, there are more people to give them out to... good night, see you tomorrow, Saiki-Kun,"

Kusuo wanted to offer to walk her around as she gave out stuff to the neighbours by herself at this hour but at the same time, he knew that by saying that, he may insinuate that it was a bad neighbourhood. Still, as he nodded at her, he used his powers to create a barrier around the street.

"Who is at the door, Kuu-Chan?" asked Kurumi as she walked over to the door, and she perked up at the sight of a girl standing with him. "Oh! Is this your girlfriend, Kuu-Chan?"

"Good evening, my name is Minamoto Nadeshiko," greeted Nadeshiko. "I am your new neighbour next door. I just stopped by to drop some things... I will be leaving now, good night,"

"Minamoto?" repeated Kurumi as Kusuo closed the door. "Oh, the new neighbours! Wah... Nadeshiko-Chan is even more beautiful than her mother! Is she your girlfriend, Kuu-Chan? I always knew my son would have such a sweet girlfriend!"

"She is not my girlfriend," responded Kusuo. "She's just my classmate," He looked at the boxes and passed the one with green tea cookies to her. "She made these for you, the other is for me,"

Before any of them could question about it, Kusuo took the box and made a beeline for his bedroom, satisfied with what dinner had become for him.

Night was pleasant with a belly full of Coffee Jelly, and Kusuo laid in his bed, closing his eyes and thinking back to everything that had happened that day as well as the arrival of Minamoto Nadeshiko in their town, in their school and in his life.

It was the very first time in his life that Kusuo was struck by someone, but Nadeshiko's mind was a bliss, her scent was sweet, she was quiet, she was not overbearing, she had made him the tastiest Coffee Jelly, she had caught his attention in a strange way that kept her floating around in his head rather than the other way around – Kusuo suddenly sat bolt up in his bed.

Am I in love with Minamoto Nadeshiko?!


A/N: First chap, pretty eh but will change some stuff later possibly.
Give me time for writing with a personality like Saiki, I will improve on it.
Nadeshiko's pov coming soon.

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