Cats and Mouse

By jezzabelle50

46.5K 1.4K 331

Running away from the MEN that were obsessed and dead set on making me theirs, I forced my feelings for them... More

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By jezzabelle50

Dax Petrov

It's been a month since our little birthday rendezvous and to think we all assumed to wake up with the little minx that started it all. Only to be shocked to find ourselves in bed with no one else but each other. We literally jumped out of bed in disgust at the three of us laying together, but what made it even worse was that it was the first time ever in all 3 of our lives that a woman we slept with had ditched us the next morning.

With all of our track records, we've always been the first one to sleep and dash. Now that it was done to us for the first time, we were flabbergasted. What had made this little minx give us her virginity only for her to leave us so quickly right after?

Not only that but her brothers had decided to tell us the same morning that she was going to be gone for a while due to a family emergency. Which we all found strange due to their overprotective selves always being with her when it came to family stuff. Also, if there was a family emergency, then why the hell weren't they with her?!

I mean, it didn't make any sense. She slept with us on her birthday and gave all 3 of us the night of our lives, just to get up and leave for a family emergency the next day. And not tell us anything? Not even a slight warning? Everything was just confusing and strange.

When we found out she was going to be gone for a while, we all interrogated her brothers and even her best friend to try to give us a hint on where she was and how long she was going to be gone. But we were only met with no one having a single clue of where she was and how long she wasn't going to be around.

And with that knowledge, we all had reacted to her sudden disappearance in 3 different ways.

Kane being Kane, decided to do everything he could to go look for her while forcing his job to be used as a distraction at the same time. Every time he tried to find her, we'd end up in a dead end. He scoped out all her family houses and anyone related to her, but they all seemed to have no idea or know of where she was. It frustrated Kane due to him always finding answers for everything so he distracted himself with his job, even if he was still looking for her secretly alone behind our backs.

Sinn's bruised ego decided to turn down a path where he tried to make it seem like he didn't care about her. He turned to distracting himself with multiple women, bottles of liquor, and even joining our best friends fight club. Sinn always had a powerful rage inside that always came out when he didn't get what he wanted and with that being said, I knew he was only using all those methods of distraction to cope with his little hellcat leaving him right after he had the night of his life and thinking she was going to feel the same way he had felt so happily the morning after.

I can actually haven't seen him this angry since the time that little jackass had pushed our little minx off the playground many years ago, which resulted in her having a broken arm only at the young age of 7. We may have been pre teens at the time but it didn't stop us from breaking more than just one bone in that stupid kids frail body.

Me on the other hand, I wanted to keep my head on straight in case one of my brothers was going to end up exploding on our best friends for letting their little sister leave us so quickly without a warning. I made sure that all 3 of our businesses were going the right way and I also made sure to help out the best I could to figure out where our little siren had gone off too.

"So you're not going to do anything?!" Sinn shouted at Kane for the hundredth time today.

"Does it look like I need your hulk self breathing down my neck every 5 seconds?" Kane responds with a frown as Sinn glared at him.

This back and forth arguing between my 2 older brothers was literally the funniest and the stupidest thing I've witnessed all day. One was sexually frustrated while the other was calmly steaming. It was like watching two bulls going head to head in circles.

"You told me you were looking for her, how long does it take to find one girl?!" Sinn snaps as Kane rolls his eyes.

"First of all, why the hell are you always asking me to find her when you've been busy fucking more than half of the chicks in the city. Second of all, if you wanna find her so bad why don't you get your whore ass out there and look yourself! Me and Dax have been busting our asses off trying to find her while all you've been doing is drinking your kidneys away and getting your STD having ass dick wet!" Kane retorts back with an irritated look.

"Don't get mad at me for going back to the way I was before that night. While you two are busy fawning over one measly girl, I'm having the time of my life with every chick that's dying to be with me" Sinn defends himself before I let a loud scoff out making Sinn turn to me.

"What the fuck are you making that noise for lover boy?" Sinn snarls resulting in me rolling my eyes.

"I'd rather be a lover boy than the boy in denial" I reply with a snicker.

"I'm not in denial!" He shouts like a child having a tantrum.

"If you weren't in denial, you wouldn't be hounding me everyday about where our little koshcheka is and yet deny having any feelings for her" Kane piped up while typing on his computer.

"I'm only asking for her because her fucking brothers don't have a clue where she is and it's already been 4 weeks. Who the fuck doesn't know or go look for their little sister after a whole month of her being gone?!" Sinn rants, pacing in front of Kane's desk irritatingly.

"We already know they're hiding something about her disappearance from us, but what we can't figure out is why. Why is this the very first time they're keeping something from us and why they're so nonchalant about her not being here anymore?" I point out as Sinn and Kane nod along in deep thought.

"Sorry to interrupt Mr.Petrov but both Mr.Jackson's are here to see you" Kane's secretary that Sinn had just recently been with announces after opening his office door.

"Send them in Lacey" Kane responds while continuing to type away on his computer.

Lacey nodded before winking at Sinn and walking out. Rolling my eyes at Sinn's look of regret on his face, I turned towards the open door seeing our two best friends walk in together with the lunch bag they usually bring over for Kane.

I don't know why the fuck my oldest brother never remembers to bring his own food or order food for his lunch but I guess when your best friends hot little sister has been bringing food to you for a whole month personally, I'd pretend to skip my meals as well.

"Seems like you got to the new secretary before I did this time" Jason snickers as Sinn rolled his eyes before fist pumping his personality twin.

Jason and Julian may be twin brothers, but Sinn was like the younger and buffer version of Jason. They were both the biggest walking STD's I've ever met.

I'm no way near being a virgin but when it came to my sex life, my body count would probably have to be at least 5 percent of whatever Jason and Sinn's were put together.

I at least had morals and kept my sex life to a minimal due to my mothers sex lectures she's had on all 3 of us since we learned how to speak. She made sure we all knew the safety and cautions of having sex and every disease we could catch with that so we all had made sure to wrap it up every time. Me and Kane made sure to not bang everything with a hole while Sinn was the only dumb ass between the three of us that didn't give a fuck about where he stuck his dick in. I may be the youngest but judging by our mentality, I would say I had more brains than my second oldest brother did.

Jason and Sinn were 2 years apart in age but mentally they were the same at acting like immature asshats that don't give a shit about who they sleep with or what they do. Jason had a track record of sleeping around with older married women while Sinn slept with any female that opened their legs for him. Which wasn't that hard for him considering he was the typical bad boy of our city that every female fantasies about spending the night with.

Julian on the other hand may have been the tough looking brother on the outside due to his roughed up underground fighting body and face. But he was like an angel compared to his older twin.

Julian wasn't a man whore, sure he had dated a lot of girls growing up but unlike his brother he never cared about taking it further the first night that he would take them out. He was respectable and kind with all the women he's been with and was never one to sleep and dash in the middle of the night. Unlike Jason who was known for doing that when he was sleeping with married women that had possessive and crazy husbands coming home right after he was done with them.

"I'm not hungry" Kane chimes in while pushing away the bag of food Julian placed in front of him.

"What are you talking about? According to the sexy blonde outside your office, you haven't ate at all today" Jason snorts while taking a seat beside Sinn.

"What my brother means to say is, where's his favorite lunch drop off lady? He personally preferred to eat with the woman who makes his food better than you two do, no offense" Sinn chimed in with a suspicious look.

I admit my brother had a short temper, but when it came to things he really wanted he'd stop at nothing to get what he wants. I'm pretty sure he would definitely go as far as ruining his long childhood friendship with the Jackson brothers just to find his precious hellcat.

"First of all, rude! We may not be the best cook in the world but at least we have the decency to make you food every day and drop it off because you seem to starve yourself every time you start working. And second of all, I already told you guys. My sister isn't going to be around for awhile due to-"

Before Jason could finish the same excuse he's been repeatedly saying this whole month, Sinn's temper got the best of him.

"I swear to god if you say family emergency one more time, I'm going to lose my shit!" He explodes while jumping out of his chair before I pull him back down from a fight that he'll regret starting later.

"What my short fused brother here is trying to say is, what's the real reason why your little sister isn't here? We've been best friends for more than half of our lives and yet you lie to all of our faces about where your little sister is" Kane explains turning to both Jackson brothers who were now doing that twin thing where they magically spoke through their eyes.

It was Julian, as always, that was the first one to break. Julian may be a big man that could knock the shit out of any man twice his size, but he was the easiest to break when it came to being the soft and gentle one between the two.

"Might as well tell them since they're the best chance we got at figuring where she's at" Julian sighs as Jason rubs his forehead with a strained look.

"All we know right now is that she's going to be gone for a few months and the only way we'll know she's safe is by asking our cousin Lorenzo. He's the only one that knows her location and he's the type of person that'll rather die than budge about a secret he's keeping" Jason let's out with an exhausted sigh.

"Lorenzo Jackson, 6'8, 31 years old, light brown eyes, occupation: undercover agent" Kane speaks up making all of us turn in surprise.

"The dude has done major time in the pen and have been involved with a ton of shady people. He's never settled down, likes to sleep around and was caught sleeping around with the presidents daughter a few years ago but never claimed to be in a relationship with her. The government label him as an undercover agent and are hiding most of his past due to how much trouble he's caused around the world" Kane continues to read the file on Lorenzo Jackson.

"We may not be able to get him to tell us where she is but we can try to find out how he's keeping contact with your little sister by trying to hack his cellphone" He mumbles before typing swiftly while having that serious look we all knew he had when he was deep in his work.

It took a while of all four of us staring at my oldest brother typing and clicking around on his computer before turning his computer screen towards us.

"There may not be any way to find his location due to his non-traceable phone, but the short messages he's sending through to your sister show that he's been asking her if she's settled into the place he dropped her off at the day he took her to, the morning after her birthday" Kane explains, showing us a screen with text messages.

"He's good at wording things to make sure no one knows exactly where she's at. It's as if he knew someone was going to hack his phone so he's been texting in short answers and avoids the main location of where she's at. He texts in an unusual code that seems like only them two can understand. I wonder how he knew someone was going to hack his phone-"

Just as Kane was explaining his thoughts, his computer screen suddenly shut off and the work phone on his desk started ringing like how horror movie scenes would happen. We all exchanged shocked expressions till Kane decided to pick up the phone and put it on speaker.

"Kane Petrov, 6 foot 8, 26 years old, and the oldest child of Demetrius and Regina Petrov" A disoriented voice speaks through the speaker.

"Who the hell is this?!" Sinn shouts as the robotic like voice laughed.

"Someone you shouldn't be messing with. Let's just say if you five idiots continue putting your nose in something you all have no business looking in, you won't like what'll happen in return"

"Five idiots? There's no one here but me and my brothers" Kane suspiciously states trying to see how the stranger knew there were 5 of us in the office.

"You should never underestimate the person that can easily hack through all your company's network in a matter of a few seconds. There's eyes everywhere in this world and if you continue looking for Jezzabelle Jackson then you'll end up seeing what happens when those eyes catch you sticking your nose in something you shouldn't be" The voice retorts back.

"What do you mean something we shouldn't be sticking our nose in, it's my fucking baby sister that I'm looking for and I have all the damn right to look for her!" Jason snapped before a loud laugh rang through the speaker of the phone.

"I guess you really didn't head the warning your father gave you two. You're either the dumbest people in the world or the bravest" The robotic voice scoffs out.

"What warning?" Kane cautiously asks turning to the twins.

"That if they dig into her whereabouts, we'll personally deliver their coward of a fathers head in a box on their front door. And now that the three Petrov brothers are involving themselves into this, we'll give you idiots a warning as well. Stop searching for the girl or you'll also end up with a little human head as a gift on your front door" The anonymous person threatens as we all turned to each other in suspense.

"You can threaten us all you want, we don't give a shit about anyone that doesn't already know how to take care of themselves" Sinn scoffs while rolling his eyes confidently.

Of course he would say that due to the fact that our parents were the only people we actually cared about besides our best friends that were sitting with us right now. Our parents may be retired mafia leaders but they're also the most unkillable duo we knew of. Many people have tried to force themselves, sneak in, and even try to sleep with the 3 us to get into our lives to kill them and no one has succeeded.

"Oh really? Not even the cute little 5 year old that goes by the name of Mia that goes to school at-" before the voice could continue explaining, Sinn's temper once again got to him.

"How the fuck do you know about her?!" He shouts as the voice lets out a sinister laugh.

"Like I said, there's eyes everywhere in this world. And if you three know what's good for you, you won't suffer their wrath" The voice answers before hanging up.

The computer screen lit up again as the call ended and we all let out a shocked sigh not even knowing how all of us were holding our breaths the whole time we were listening to the call.

"Kane what the fuck?! I thought you made sure no one knew of her existence?!" Sinn shouts as the twins eyed them both confused.

I guess it made sense since our family was the only ones that knew about the cute little 5 year old that we basically raised since she was born into our lives 5 years ago. She may not be any of our actual blood child but she was the child of our last cousin that was born the same night both of her parents had been shot dead.

Mia Petrov, but according to literally everyone else in the world, she was Genesis Garcia. Due to our lives, we made sure to change everything about that little girl so we had no connection and she was in no harms way of our deadly lives.

5 years ago, our last blood relative besides our parents, had ended up protecting his pregnant girlfriend that died during childbirth. I mean she was giving birth all alone in a drug warehouse bathroom while her baby's father was dying in a shoot out right outside the door.

By the the time we got there for backup, she had wrapped her baby in sweater and hid her baby's bloody body with toilet paper in the trash can beside her. And Kane being the responsible one between the 3 of us, he made sure to have the crying baby girl taken care of right away.

Our cousin, Mathew, who died in that shoot out had told us the week before what his girlfriend had intended on calling their daughter before she was born. So to us only, we call her Mia Petrov. Due to no one else having to know she's related to us, we named her Genesis Garcia. Genesis Garcia was the nanny that raised us so we decided to use her name as a decoy so people wouldn't connect her with our family.

The reason why our best friends don't know about her was because Kane was very strict on just our family knowing about her. He didn't trust anyone outside of our bloodline to know about her due to her true identity getting out and being used against us just as the anonymous voice on the phone had just did.

"I'm sorry but who's Mia? Did Sinn get someone pregnant that we never heard about?" Julian asks as I laughed at his assumption.

"Out of the three of us, it would be Sinn that would get a random chick pregnant" I snickered, earning a slap on the back of my head by an annoyed Sinn.

"She's our niece that we have been hiding out of our lives due to our lifestyle. Which makes no sense as to how whoever the hell just called my work phone and hacked my private network, knows who she is and how she's connected to us" Kane answers before getting his phone out and starts typing away in deep thought.


"So let me get this straight, you guys were pissed off at us for keeping our knowledge of our sister being gone. But when it came to this mysterious little girl that we know nothing about, it's not wrong that you guys had not told us about her?!" Jason snaps at Kane who was now watching our niece playing with her toys.

After we explained everything about Mia to Jason and Julian, Kane made calls to have her moved to one of our underground safe houses for security measures. In the whole amount of time of us leaving his building to go to the outside of the city, Kane made all the calls to get everything set up for our 5 year old niece's safety.

Underground bullet proofed and well hidden building, check. Armed security guards with no electronics but walkie talkies and ear pieces to alert us of anything that would happen, check. No internet connected cameras or electronics that could be hacked inside this place, check. Finger printed entries and laser detectors on every door into this building, check. Kane was a well organized man and he made sure to pull out all the stops of having our niece protected by every mean necessary.

If the person keeping my princess had gotten his way through Kane's personal work materials and found out about our secret family member, there was no way we would be skipping any steps on making sure everyone in our bloodline was now safe and well protected.

Even with our parents enjoying their retirement on their private island, Kane had made sure to fly out extra men for precaution. He had all of now using disposable burner phones and hammered in our heads about only calling now instead of texting. And if what we wanted to say was really important that can't be said through phone, we should get our lazy asses up and drive all the way to each other and make sure to relay the message after making sure no one was listening.

Kane was the type of man that hated being beaten at his own game, so if this anonymous person was really going through all this to get to us then Kane would stop at nothing to get the upper hand. He was always known for being level headed and organized about everything he did, now I could tell his mind was going into overdrive about how we were going to find our little runaway princess without getting caught by the mastermind behind her disappearance.

VOTE AND COMMENT FOR MORE ❤️ In the next chapter it'll be mostly about the runaway future miss assassin's training and who she'll be meeting there that will be a permanent person in her life 😉 PS the other 2 love interests for this book won't be brought up till after she's done with her training so HOLD TIGHT for them two to show up 😏

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