Bottom!Louis One Shots || Lar...

Von runningwatermelon

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Some Bottom!Louis One Shots written by me :) ! Larry Stylinson One Shots ! These are mine, so please don't re... Mehr

|| Info ||
|| No Control || 1 ||
|| No Control || 2 ||
|| Let's do art || 1 ||
|| Let's do art || 2 ||
|| Let's do art || 3 ||
|| Temporary Fix || 1 ||
|| Temporary Fix || 2 ||

|| Temporary Fix || 3 ||

2.3K 32 31
Von runningwatermelon



Tattoo Roulette!Harry&Louis from the Late Late Show 2015

Idea is based on an episode of Modern Family, in which Claire wants a fun night out with Mitch and Cam, who bring her to a boring restaurant instead. Then, they tell her about a boutique opening she wants to go to immediately.


Louis is a model campaign owner and goes to a boutique opening since that means he doesn't spend his night in a boring restaurant. He doesn't wonder about whose boutique opening it is... and that it could be someone he already knows from his past in Highschool.

! Disclaimer: In this one shot, the topic top and bottom is discussed a lot as if people just casually talk about it. Plus, people can switch and do whatever they want and it doesn't define them in any ways. This one shot is written by fun, so please don't take it too serious and enjoy the chaos :)

|| Part 3 ||

!! Smut in this part !!


Louis felt so fucking stupid, while he hid in this room.

At the end of the opening party, Harry had said some more words to his guests. It also had taken a while for them to leave the area of the boutique that would be closed now. After Harry's speech, Louis had walked into the other room, where Gemma had told him to go into one of the dressing rooms.

So while the other guests had started to leave the area of the boutique, he had hidden in a fucking dressing room while texting Zayn he didn't need to worry about him disappearing. That was what his life had become. Yepp.


Harry turned to the door of the dressing room that opened, had to laugh slightly.

"I'm sorry about that", he said while he walked towards Louis, who rolled his eyes.

"I quickly told Maya I'm leaving and well... us leaving the second the opening is done wouldn't help your try to not have the attention on you"

Louis had to smile about Harry's explanation and his want to tell him that it wasn't like he was ashamed to leave this party with him.

"It's alright. I slowly start to get used to those dressing rooms, you know?"

Harry laughed once more, before he took the last step towards the smaller man. His hands already reached for his waist as if it had belonged there for years.

"Sorry that you had the feeling to hide tonight. I partly understand and it's kind of you to not want any drama. But you really didn't have to do that; I'm not ashamed to know you"

"You made me hide in a dressing room", Louis answered with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't even know why you did that"

"Gemma told me to do that"

Now the taller chuckled and shrugged.

"Maybe she was more afraid than me then, because I didn't tell her to make you do that"

Louis frowned in wonder. It probably was like that, yeah. Gemma had seemed to worry about Harry and this boutique opening a lot when she had talked to Louis earlier.

"Whatever", the smaller man then said and took a step towards Gemma's younger brother Louis hoped to have for himself now. His hand was already landing on his upper arm, his lips planning to land on Harry's lips soon as well.

"Let's forget about that", he said lower, while leaning up to him.

"Instead, we could continue where we stopped earlier"

His eyes were on his lips first, which made him lick over his own lips briefly. Harry's lips always had been so plump and pouty, had attracted Louis often and made him feel there was a magnet inside of them. In some way, they always had looked so adorable and cute, color matching the rosy color of his blushed cheeks when Louis had said something cheeky.

The way those lips turned into a smirk was something that was new to Louis; but definitely not less attractive. No, for his plans, this smirk that was leaning down to him, was perfect, made Louis' breath stop in want already.

"You mean when you noticed I top by now?"

With a playful grin, Louis pulled him closer by his shirt, but his eyes were still staring at the lips he craved to taste again, craved them to kiss him like they had done before. And even more. His whole body was feeling lighter in excitement at the thought of the boutique opening officially being over now. He knew what that meant; both did know that. Didn't make things less exciting.

"No, when you noticed that I'm a bottom by now", he answered cheekily. Then he held back a sound when Harry's arms wrapped around his waist to pull him to Harry's front, while he seemed to tower over the smaller body of Louis. Before he could bite his lip to help himself to not make a sound, Harry's lips laid on his. Louis wouldn't complain, instead replied the greedy kiss full of passion, deepened it by the grip on his shoulders he pulled him further down with.

Now a sound escaped his mouth, when he finally had the taste of Harry's tongue back in his senses, couldn't do anything against Harry's legs that were walking him backwards. But because of the tight grip around his waist, he didn't stumble, before his back met the closed door of one of the dressing rooms; soft enough to not break their kissing, hard enough to make Louis' dick twitch in his pants already.

"Being pressed against a wall starts to become a new hobby of mine", Louis panted while both their mouths were free for a few seconds to catch some air. Breathless, Harry chuckled, eyes already back on Louis' lips his mouth seemed to have missed so much over the last years. The highschool-him inside of him was making him swallow to realize this was seriously happening, while he licked over his lips he still tasted Louis Tomlinson's lips on. The adult-him, though, made him put his knee between Louis' sinful thighs to keep the smaller man where he was, while he was leaning down to take what he craved to taste.

"Pressing you against a wall becomes a new hobby of mine"

"Don't get too smug; I didn't say being pressed against a wall by you in particular"

Only for a few more seconds did Louis have the chance to catch air after the cheeky answer he only had managed to say because of his sassy character. The knee between his thighs had made his voice quieter already, though, before he saw the smirk on Harry's lips, which attacked his own a moment later.

When Harry's upper body was also starting to press him against the wall, Louis was sure, that oh, right now it definitely only was Harry he wanted to be pressed against a wall by. So his hands tensed on his shoulders, while he let himself be kissed like this, body feeling the urge to finally get topped by this man, who seriously was the small Harry Styles. Well, not small anymore.

"Uuhm... guys?"

Both men flinched at the sudden voice that didn't belong to the guy they were kissing, turned to the door through which people could enter the part of the dressing rooms from the boutique.

The way Gemma lifted her eyebrows with this look in her eyes felt like a flashback for them... and Harry's and Louis' caught faces probably felt like a flashback for the woman as well.

"Gemma", Harry widened his eyes and quickly stood up straight again, knee disappearing from Louis.

"What are you doing here?"

Before Gemma answered, she kept her eyes on Louis, who was wiping over his mouth with the back of his hand while looking away.

"I wanted to talk to you, since I assume you will... leave soon"

Her pronounced words and her eyebrow raise at Louis made the smaller man of them two purse his lips and look up to her brother. The latter was clearing his throat and put one of his hands on his waist, while the other rested on the door, over Louis' head.

"Oh, uhm, and what's wrong?"

This position was way too cringe for Louis to not chuckle, but he tried to keep it quiet by looking down. He didn't want Gemma to be mad at him, after she had caught them almost like she had done in the past. Yeah... Louis never had managed to make a good impression in front of her.

"The doors are closed now so if you leave, take the back exit"

"Always the back door", Louis couldn't hold back his tongue. He had kept his voice low enough for Gemma to look at him asking, while Harry breathed out with a laugh.

"Sure, Gem. Thanks for your help tonight"

Gemma nodded, glanced at Louis, who was by now looking down to the wrist of her brother he traced over with his finger.

"I googled you"

While Harry gave her a warning look, Louis turned his head to her.

"Oh... I'm surprised you did that just now"

"Gem", Harry said with raised brows to silently tell her to not say anything mean now. He partly understood her less enthusiastic reaction; if it was the other way around he would worry as well. But it still was his life.

"Whatever. I actually wanted to inform you that Nick just arrived; late as always"

"Oh, really? That sucks, I actually wanted to greet him. But I'll be on his show in a few days anyways"

This answer and the fact Harry seemed to prefer Louis over Nick didn't surprise his sister. But something else did.

"Nick Grimshaw?"

The Styles siblings looked to Louis, who raised his eyebrows as Gemma nodded.

"You can say hi to him, but I definitely won't enter this room again"

"You know him?"

"No, but he knows me", Louis answered, turned his head to add something with a quieter voice: "And my DM's"


In disbelief, Harry's eyes widened, before he laughed slightly.

"He's annoying", Louis chuckled.

"After he texted me sometimes, I told him I'm not interested... it definitely wasn't about an interview. And well, when I tell a man once and he doesn't stop, I block his ass or ignore him"

Harry's mouth opened, he still was surprised about this, before he looked to Gemma.

"You know what, just say hi to Nick and then tell him I left with Louis Tomlinson"

With a grin on his lips and a roll of his eyes, Louis leaned against the wall again.

"I'm joking", Harry laughed.

"Don't want him to stalk us in the end"

This made Louis twist his mouth to the side slightly, while he looked back up to Harry. The things they had planned for tonight entered his mind again and back was the tension between them. Even Gemma felt that, didn't feel like spending more time here, sighed.

"So I'll just say hi to him from you?"

Harry blinked and looked from Louis' blue eyes to his sister.

"Uhm, yeah, that would be nice. You can tell him that, uh... that I left with a former highschool friend to talk"

"Alright", Gemma answered, started to walk past them. She didn't address the words 'to talk' on purpose. Louis had to grin, pressed his lips together to hide it. Talking?

"Take care... and don't forget you're still in the hallway of your dressing rooms"

Caught, Harry looked down to Louis, who followed Gemma with his eyes as she walked towards the back exit that probably only was for staff.

"Good night, Gemma"


Harry looked to the door through which Gemma now disappeared, watched how it closed behind her.

"Don't mind her, she's very stressed lately and like every protective sibling"

"Yes, of course", Louis nodded, before he looked back up to him. As nice as he found Gemma, he definitely wouldn't let this situation distract him from his plans. So he put his hands on Harry's chest, stroke over it.

"So... you only want to talk to me tonight?"


Harry looked down to him with a surprised face. It didn't change much, while Louis looked up to him teasingly.

"To be honest? That would be nice"

Perplexed, Louis blinked and his hands lowered on his chest, rested on his upper arms. Had he misheard or had he misunderstood the whole last hours?


Shy, Harry looked down to the floor, nodded.


Louis was too surprised to talk, wondered what Harry had said over this evening and what he could have meant with that. Meanwhile, the taller leaned down to his ear, for what his chest was almost touching Louis'.

"I'd like to talk dirty to you, while you're underneath me and make noises I've never heard of you before"

Those words said into his ear by this deep voice made Louis' eyes widen; the knee that was back between his legs made him gasp, while his hands tightened their grip on Harry's arms.

"You let yourself be fooled quite easily, Louis", he heard the smirk on Harry's lips, breathed in to not moan already. He hadn't expected... that. It gave him shivers over his back that was against the door; he definitely was into men that managed to surprise him like this.

"Maybe you can make use of the fact that I still see you as the blushing curly"

"I figured", Harry answered, before his lips weren't on his ear anymore due to him lowering his head more so his face was on his neck. The shivers on Louis' back got more and wandered all over his body when he felt Harry's lips start to kiss and softly bite his skin. His own lips had craved those lips all the time, but now that they were touching his neck so sinfully, Louis leaned in to the touch with a sigh, felt his knees go weak for this man.

"Shit, Harry, you can't just say this"

"I can"

While Louis bit his lip about this answer, the knee between his thighs slid upwards and closer to his crotch.

"Since I now can give you what you want"

Harry always had tried to give Louis what he wanted; Louis had tried the same. But they both just hadn't known what they themselves had wanted. Wasn't like that now, though. By now, they definitely knew what they wanted. With closed eyes and a lowered head, Louis answered.

"You shouldn't make big promises like that"

The sassy answer made Harry smirk.

"I think I'll be able to handle you"

Louis lifted his head and pulled it to the left more so he was able to look at the face that had been in his neck previously.

"You don't know me anymore, curly"

Although he felt so small and caught in-between the door and Harry's tall body that leaned over him, his voice had been confident. The confident sparkle in his eyes disappeared as soon as a gasp left his mouth when the knee lifted even more, was now touching his crotch. His hands on Harry's upper arms tightened their grip surprised, while his feet were torn between standing on their tippy toes to stop the friction and not doing that to keep the touch.

"I don't need to know you to know what you want", Harry answered with his lips just above Louis. The latter's eyes wandered back and forth between Harry's lips and his eyes.

"And you don't know me anymore as well"

So from the kind, still slightly clumsy Harry, he just had become this out of nowhere...?

Louis swallowed because his mouth was seriously drooling for this man, before he whispered a short "Fuck". Then, he couldn't stand it any longer, wrapped his arms around Harry's neck to hold him still while connecting their lips.

It increased the want they had felt a few hours ago in one of the dressing rooms. At some point, Louis' arms tightened around Harry's neck and he stretched up to the taller man more, enjoyed the difference in their height a lot.

The way Harry kissed him back made him feel drunk, more drunk than the alcohol he had drunk over this evening could make him feel. The way his knee was pining him still against the door and his arms were now wrapped around his waist was so... so good.

"Mmh, maybe we should just stay in a dressing room for real", Louis mumbled into the passionate kiss after some time. Harry chuckled, kissed him again for a moment, before he answered, also with quicker breathing.

"No, let's go to my place", he replied, sounded overwhelmed about his lust while leaning his forehead against Louis'. He seemed to force himself to hold back, which was quite nice for Louis. It wasn't like he disliked the fact that he was making this handsome man go crazy.

"Depends on how far away it is", Louis decided with a grin. The thought of having to drive through the busy streets of London was a cockblocker. But Harry chuckled against his lips, while his arms wrapped tighter around Louis' waist.

"It's only an elevator ride away from here"

Louis opened his eyes, leaned his head back to look into the face he still couldn't fully believe was the same face he had looked at years ago.


"Yeah, I've got an apartment in the two upper floors of this house"

"That's... surprising"

"And smart since my boutique is down here"

Louis laughed and nodded.

"Now that you're saying so... and Gemma has the other floors?"

Harry nodded, already loosened his grip to put his hand on Louis' lower back to silently tell him to leave with him. Louis of course walked where the hand guided him, to the end of the hallway they were standing in.

"Yes, she also has an apartment here plus more rooms for her work"

"The whole building's yours?"

"Well... yeah"

Harry looked as if he just now noticed, but maybe he just wasn't enjoying to talk about that when they were about to leave to... you know. Louis actually had to grin softly, because Harry was trying so hard to not sound like he was bragging.

Meanwhile, they walked through a door that only was for staff, walked through the big room they used for a small stock and more. At the end of the room, there was another door they walked through, which lead to the entrance hall of the house. It probably was the door Gemma had talked about earlier. In the big entrance hall, there also was the elevator of the house, where they were heading to.

Harry used a small keycard to make the elevator doors open, before the men stepped in. Already with a grin on his lips, Louis followed Harry, turned around next to him so they both were facing the exit that still was open, while Harry pushed the button for his apartment. Louis licked over his lips because their short walk had made his whole body tingle in excitement and now this. An elevator. What a cliché.

"We could also take the stairs, don't you think?", he teased, voice actually normal, but sounding so loud because of their silence. The music and the voices of the people were almost gone in the entrance hall, which made their surroundings very quiet. But the chemistry between them was getting louder when the doors started to move, was increasing more and more the smaller the part between the two doors was getting.

Harry had to chuckle and grinned, which made Louis look at the dimple on his cheek. The eyes of the taller man stayed on the closing doors, though.

"No, I don't think so", he answered with the same amusement in his deep voice. Louis hummed, watched the doors, didn't know if he should expect anything to happen the moment they would be closed completely. But he would find out soon.

His heart was beating faster while both their eyes laid on the part between the two doors; it felt like minutes, hours.

Still, after a short silence, Louis was able to answer.

"Why not?"

His voice was quieter, showed his excitement, while his eyes stared at the thin spot between the doors.

"That wouldn't be a cliché", he heard Harry's deep voice, while Louis' body tensed up the second the doors touched the other, shutting them off from the entrance hall finally.

Harry's body didn't hesitate for a moment; the second he finished his words and the doors closed, he turned to push Louis' body against the wall. He didn't let him react really, because his lips were already on the elder's, while his hands were pressing into the flesh of his hips.

Louis, not sure if it was because of the kissing, because of being pushed to the wall, or because of the knee that was between his legs holding him still there again, moaned into the kiss, while he pulled Harry closer by his neck.

"We have like 15 seconds", Harry panted into the kiss, which made Louis grin. His hands already reached for the buttons of his shirt and started to open the ones that were closed.

"Let's not waste time then"

The moment he had said that, his neck got attacked by Harry's lips, which made the smaller bite down on his own lip. He also felt the hands on his waist wander down to the end of his shirt to wander underneath, which gave him shudders.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable or if I do something you don't want, tell me"

His words were nice, while his hands were wandering over Louis' skin, leaving a hot feeling on it. Turned on and with closed eyes, Louis hummed. His hands were done opening the buttons, wandered over his naked chest and slid the shirt off his broad shoulders so it landed on the floor of the elevator, revealed several tattoos on his arms and even more on his upper body.

"Same goes for you, curly", Louis answered, felt the pleasure and lust fogging up his head more because of finally being able to touch more of Harry's skin.

"Anything you don't want tonight?", he heard.

"Being the top"

There only was a short chuckle, before Louis got lifted. Just like Harry had promised did Louis find himself back in his arms, legs around his waist while his back was against the wall. It made the elder do a sound, before he greedily kissed Harry.

"You won't top", Harry said into their kiss, hands touching Louis as if he had no control over them anymore.

"I hope so", Louis panted back, before they were making out again, only partly noticed how the elevator came to a stop, before the doors opened slowly.

Briefly, Harry fixed the hold around Louis, before he began to step back. Because of their lips not leaving the other for even a second, he had to stop for a moment, though, got lost in the feeling and the big lust he felt in his whole body while holding this breathtaking man in his arms. His skin he touched under the fabric of his shirt was so warm and familiar as if they hadn't not seen each other for many years. Louis' smell, his taste and the feeling of him were so much for Harry right now. So much that when he started to move backwards again, the doors already started to close. He quickly stopped them with his foot, made them stop midway and then they opened fully again. His surprised sound made Louis laugh against his lips.

"Got distracted, huh?"

His teasing voice reminded Harry of the past; his teasing voice that had showed Harry that Louis was making fun of him thinking about their first time while he had been in his own classes. It gave him goosebumps, while he nodded with a slight laugh.

"Yeah. You're very distracting"

Louis smiled more, before he put his lips back on Harry's. This answer was new to him. He only had gotten blushed cheeks and a few stuttered words in the past. Harry had walked out of the elevator completely now, stopped their kiss only shortly for a question.

"Do you wanna drink something?"

"Sure", Louis answered, so Harry was apparently already walking towards the kitchen.

"And if you could cook something, I'd appreciate it a lot"

Because of a slap against his naked chest, Harry understood that Louis had been joking, stopped his steps while also stopping the kiss.


"You seriously have manners", Louis chuckled, pulled his head back towards him to kiss the younger man passionately.

"Carry me to your room and fuck me, idiot"

Harry hummed into the kiss, walked into another direction than before, which made Louis' heartbeat quicken.

"Your wish is my order"


The moment Louis' back touched the soft mattress, his lips were still being kissed by Harry's. But it was the moment Louis realized more that this seriously was happening or rather what was about to happen. The exciting feeling in his body and the lust filled his brain, he let his head drop on the pillow and opened his eyes. Harry followed him, leaned fully over him to put his lips again on Louis'. The elder's hands were in his long curls and held them back from falling between their faces. After a few second, Harry seemed to notice that, hummed and stopped the kiss to sit up.


Since his hands couldn't reach into his hair anymore, Louis traced them over his naked chest, while Harry lifted his arms. When he understood what Harry planned, Louis chuckled amused, followed the hair tie, that had been on his wrist and was now used to hold his hair back, with his eyes.

"Is that your sex hair tie?"

Harry grinned, while he put his hair into a bun. It looked very good on him; so good that Louis bit down on his lower lip at the sight.

"No", Harry answered, put his hands next to Louis' head while leaning back over him towards his waiting lips. Harry's lips looked even more plump so Louis couldn't resist and closed the gap between them, took his lower lip between his teeth briefly. It made them turn into a grin, while one of the younger man's hand had disappeared into the drawer of the bedside table. When it found what he had been looking for, he lifted the hand between their faces.

"That's my sex hair tie"

Surprised, Louis looked at the blue hair tie he held between his fingers, before he let out a chuckle and quickly slid his hand through it so that it was on his wrist. While doing so, he already reached for Harry's neck to pull him down so that they could make out more.

"Let's see if you can fuck while not wearing it then", he panted against his lips.

"I think I can handle this challenge", Harry answered, started to lift Louis' shirt. Still not fully used to the comebacks of the curly man, Louis laid his arms above his head down on the mattress. Just because he wasn't used to it, didn't mean he wasn't enjoying it. Louis definitely was in for surprises like that. Same went for the surprising feeling on his skin that suddenly made him shudder. While goosebumps formed from the part around Louis' bellybutton over his whole body, Louis pulled in the air out of astonishment. While his arms were still laying on the mattress, he looked down to where Harry's lips had touched the revealed skin of his stomach.

"I always liked your tummy"

Breathing out and forcing himself to calm down and not cum just by Harry Styles kissing his stomach, Louis looked up to the ceiling. But as hot as this man was; he still was Harry Styles. So Louis really shouldn't be stunned at the next question.

"Is it healed and can I, like... touch it?"

While his hands were holding his waist and also the fabric of the shirt there to hold it back from sliding down, Harry looked up into Louis' eyes that were looking at him now.

"Yeah", the elder got warm about his consent. Still, a grin started to form on his lips, when Harry eagerly leaned down immediately to let his tongue touch Louis' skin, before it touched the cold metal of the piercing that was running through his belly button.

"You don't seem surprised", he said while closing his eyes at the sensitive touch and leaning his head back down on the pillow.

"Again did your researches, huh?"

"Maybe... I mean I can barely say I expected you to have this piercing because it suits your old self so much"

This made Louis laugh.

"There's much stuff my old me wouldn't allow me to do"


This short word sounded way too inviting from Harry, who looked up at him, his green eyes already darker.

"What for example?"

Besides of a deep swallow, Louis could hold the eye contact, before he answered.

"I wouldn't let you undress me while just laying here"

He hadn't even finished his sentence, when Harry's hands were already starting to open the smaller man's pants, not without keeping the stare into Louis' eyes.

"Would be a shame if you allowed that to happen", he replied, already pulling down his pants. Louis hummed and lifted his legs to help Harry take them off. Just the intense contact of their eyes could make him half hard probably. Meanwhile, he reached for his shirt to take it off as well; he really didn't want to waste more time after having to wait hours.

"Would be a mess if I let you fuck me"

Harry chuckled and threw the pants on the floor carelessly, before he crawled back up over Louis, who did just the same with his shirt. His lips were ghosting over the skin of Louis' upper body while he did that, stopping at his sharp collarbones he began to give extra attention.

"Gonna make you be the mess soon", he mumbled against it, before biting into the skin, which made the body underneath him tense up. Those words made Louis groan, while he tilted his head back against the pillow. Greedily, his hands went down to Harry's trousers to open them.

"Let's not waste even more fucking time then"

He felt the grin of Harry's lips against his throat that was exposed to the man above him as the taller answered.

"You're in a hurry, huh? Thought we're gonna have a long foreplay first"

"Oh yeah?", Louis asked skeptically as he lifted his eyebrows, hand disappearing into Harry's pants, receiving a moan when his hand met his cock that still was in his briefs. The younger's head lifted now to then go higher, face in front of Louis'.

"You're right, let's not waste more time"

Louis grinned at the impatient voice, lifted his head so their lips met again. He could let his head drop down again soon, because Harry followed the movement immediately. Meanwhile, Louis' hands were sliding down Harry's pants between their bodies. He frowned frustrated into the kiss.

"Your pants are definitely too tight!", he mumbled against his lips at some point, which made Harry laugh.

"Hold on", he said, before he sat up on his knees to take them off fully. Louis pressed his lips together as he watched him, watched every move of his body. It amazed him. He himself had grown of course. But not as much as Harry, whose smaller body had gotten so tall and broad. Louis was a rather smaller man, but with him, he felt even smaller. In the way he liked a lot.


Asking, Harry looked up after having taken off his pants fully now. All he saw was Louis mustering his body with lustful eyes, which made him feel both lust and shyness. Latter he pushed away for now and leaned over Louis again to kiss him, while his hands reached for the elder's underwear.


"Fuck, Harry"

Those words coming from Louis Tomlinson weren't completely new to Harry Styles; he had heard them in the past already. What was new, though, was the tone in which Louis' higher voice said them. Just like the sounds that came with that; they were rather a whine as the man laying on the mattress arched his back more, hands in the curls of Harry, whose head was between his thighs.

When the finger inside his hole that was next to Harry's tongue pushed even deeper, Louis made another sound, felt how his elbow touched the bottle of lube that laid next to him on the mattress, just like a condom.

In some ways, Louis still couldn't believe this was happening. But he wasn't complaining at all, because Harry felt and did amazing. Unlike in the past, he could allow himself to completely fall. He got so lost in this that at some point, after Harry's fingers had stretched him enough, he made an impatient noise he had never ever allowed himself to do in front of this guy in the past, pulled on a few strands of Harry's hair that were already falling out of his bun.

"Common, we agreed on not taking too much time!"

Actually, Louis always enjoyed a nice, hot foreplay. But he felt as if he had waited years for this guy to finally fuck him. Harry indeed stopped, probably was also interested to go on, kissed and licked his way up quickly to meet Louis' lips again.

"Okay, okay", he mumbled while doing that, voice a bit hurried, just like their quick breathing and their kiss.

"Tell me if something's wrong, yeah?", he talked on against his lips, his hand already reaching for the condom next to Louis. The latter nodded quickly, arms wrapping around his neck, while his lips always tried to land on the younger one's between their shared words.

"Stop when I tell you to... otherwise just fuck me"

Harry chuckled into their kiss, forced himself to stop the contact of their lips then to be able to look down between their bodies. He cursed when the packaging of the condom was harder to open than normally because of his fingers; the lube he had used to stretch Louis made them slippery. And since he had heard that opening it with his teeth could make it rip, he'd rather not do that.

"I hate condoms"

"I'm clean", Louis answered, already waiting for Harry's answer. He hadn't expected the taller to look from the condom to him, uncertainty in his green eyes. The elder's face changed.


"No, I don't have anything noticeable", Harry clarified, then looked down again, where he finally managed to open the packaging.

"Just have some wild weeks behind me"

"Wild weeks?", Louis chuckled, was more amused than Harry apparently, who seemed to rather skip the topic about him having sex with a number of people over the last weeks.

"Whatever, we wanted to not waste time"

With another chuckle, Louis shook his head, while Harry rolled the condom over his dick. He wasn't that interested in the topic now, when he let his head drop back on the pillow as two fingers spread the lube on them around his hole. He loved how Harry seemed to know so well what he did; maybe he knew from his own experiences that it hurt less with much lube.

Whatever it was, Louis didn't care. All he cared about was the dick that was in front of his hole, slowly pushing in. Harry paused at some point to let Louis adjust. The man under him felt like already loosing his mind about the stretch and to have Harry finally inside of him, exhaled loudly, while a short moan escaped as well. His hands pushed him more over himself, connected their lips. Harry hummed, let one forearm drop next to Louis' head as he slid further inside. It made Louis do another sound into the kiss, his leg already flew to Harry's waist for what the younger used his free hand to place the other leg around his waist as well, before both his forearms were now on the mattress to tower over Louis.

"God, fuck", Louis panted, pushed Harry closer by his hip with his legs so his dick slid inside more. The taller exhaled deeply as a try to control himself, one hand quickly reaching down to check if the condom was still fully on.

"You feel amazing", he said with a groan, when Louis pushed him even more so he was almost fully inside him. His hand rolled the condom back once more, before he dropped it back down on the mattress again, leaning over Louis and kissing him. The elder made a noise that sounded hurt and turned on at the same time. It made Harry stop the kiss and open his eyes to check his expression. It looked just like his noise.

"You okay?"

"Mhmm, gimme a second", Louis mumbled with a sigh, stopped him when the taller wanted to move his hip back to slide out partly.

"Okay... just tell me; I can stretch you a bit more"

Louis nodded, opened his eyes after a few breaths.

"No, it's okay"

To relax his muscles and to calm his body, he stroked over Harry's chest, feeling the tattooed skin and his muscles underneath it.

"You're just quite big"

After having said that, his hand wandered up to his neck, pulled him down.

"Just stay like that and make out with me"

With a nod, Harry already leaned down, meeting his waiting lips that opened immediately to welcome the taller man's tongue. The way he kissed made Louis relax even more, because he literally felt like melting. Between their lips, they both did some noises more often, Louis hated to hold himself back (or rather to hold Harry back), but he knew that he'd regret it a short time after letting him move too quickly.

That was why he was glad Harry was one of the smarter men, who let him adjust and gave him more time than just a few seconds. He had experienced other men in the past as well, so he seriously had to be glad about that.

"Move a bit", he breathed against the plump lips he couldn't get enough of after a short time, followed by a whine when the dick inside of him moved back, before it slid back inside. His hand tightened the grip on Harry's neck, while they panted against each others lips.


This time, it was Harry, who said this word breathlessly.

"You feel so good already"

Louis brought out a slight laugh, but he'd agree, it already felt better than some sex he had had before. Because sex just wasn't only the actual penetration. No, sex was also what Louis was feeling, when Harry's lips left his own to wander further down, started to attack the sensitive skin on his neck and throat.

It made Louis moan, while Harry groaned against the skin he bit into while he was still moving in and out slowly.

"God, I could probably just get off on your sounds", he mouthed against his throat he then licked over. The hand in his hair gripped it tighter as a reaction, followed by another one of those noises he couldn't get enough.

"We should have met earlier than ten years", Louis brought out, not without moaning after this sentence.

"Fuck, do more"

Louis' voice was high, raspy, turned on, whiny, all together just... so hot it gave Harry the headache he had felt in the dressing room before. His quick breathing and the way his body reacted to every little thing the taller did to his smaller body made him grin, while he quickened the rhythm slightly, his dick always going in completely when he slid in. It made Louis' legs tremble at first and his sounds got louder.

"Depends", he still answered, actually too late, but as if one of them cared about that.

"After how many years would you have allowed me to do this?"

Louis really hated this answer. And although he loved Harry topping now, he felt his stubborn head get pissed by this smug answer.

"You know, I-"

He interrupted himself with a moan, when the pleasure in his body was too big for his small body, had to escape somehow through his mouth that couldn't hide those sounds. His hands tensed, pressed Harry's head against his throat. Harry didn't mind, just bit the skin there harder and sucked on it, already imagined the color that would paint Louis' tanned skin soon.

"I hate you for this", Louis then managed to finish his words. But he ignored them himself, pulled Harry's head up in the next second when his dick entered him again and it drove him crazy. Still, it wasn't enough. Now, his one hand was on Harry's back, arm tightly holding him close, while his other hand was between both their bodies on his shoulder.

"Fuck this, now fuck me", he demanded against his mouth, eyes opening. Harry's opened as well and for a moment they looked into determined and lustful blue eyes, before the taller leaned in to connect their lips, while his hips increased the rhythm of his thrusts. It immediately triggered some sounds into his mouth from Louis, just like nails that pressed harder into the skin of his back as the smaller body underneath him shook at the now harder thrusts.

"Oh god, Harry", Louis moaned again his lips, followed by panting noises that didn't stop as Harry kept moving like this. As long as Louis was making those sounds and didn't tell him to stop, Harry would focus on his lust only, deepened the thrusts by putting one hand on Louis' thigh, grabbed the flesh tightly as he now had even better access to Louis' tight hole, which made him groan.

It didn't take long for their pantings to adjust to the rhythm of Harry's thrust; Louis hadn't felt this good for a long while, when he was laying there and only was feeling, smelling and hearing Harry plus his own and Harry's groans and moans that sometimes interrupted the sound of their skin colliding.

When after a few more minutes of them going like that, one hand of the elder was back in Harry's hair, the taller got reminded of the hair tie that still was around the other man's wrist.

"And?", he panted against Louis' mouth.

"Can I fuck without wearing the hair tie?"

Louis' whines were enough answer, but Harry really felt like passing out but at the same time like doing this for hours. His sounds, his smell, the reactions of his smaller body was driving Harry crazy, just like the tightness around his cock.

"Shut up. Want you to, nngh, god"

Louis groaned again, before his mouth could try one more time.

"Want you to fuck me in my fave position"

Distracted by this order, Harry's hips slowed down and he lifted his head to look down at him. Panic flew through Louis small body immediately.

"No, no, no, don't stop", he panted, his feet already pushing his hips towards himself. Harry only chuckled slightly, kept a slower but steady rhythm.

"Hands and knees"

Harry shouldn't be surprised about those words, but it still had been ten years, so he chuckled.

"What, that's still your favorite?"

"Well, in another way now", Louis answered, had to grin as well. His neck relaxed as they talked, therefore his head fell onto the pillow again after having reached up the previous minutes.

"Oh, how sad", Harry replied, leaning after him, lips ghosting above Louis', hips never fully stopping their thrusts.

"Thought we're gonna switch now"

Louis' mouth escaped a breathless laughter.

"Never, you fuck way too good for us to switch"

As if he wanted to prove Louis' words to be right, Harry's movements went deeper, somehow harder but slower, for what the laying man threw his head back as he pressed his lips together. Therefore, the moan he made was muffled. Harry watched him do that, could watch him forever. He looked so pretty, while he looked all pleasured and messed up.

"Whatever you want", he said quieter, received another moan. Apparently, Louis really enjoyed this answer. And apparently, he enjoyed it way too much, because he then slapped his chest a few times.

"Fuck, now, otherwise I cum like this"

Harry leaned down to bring their lips together into a long peck, while he carefully slid out.

"Have to prep myself first, though", he couldn't help but say, while he already slid back to make room for Louis to turn around.

"You can be glad I'm this turned on and don't want to throw you out", Louis mumbled, also began to move.

"This is my apartment", Harry frowned, watched Louis' movements. Unsure about if they needed more, he took the lube before Louis would kick it away while turning around. Then, he checked the condom around his dick.

"For this meant-to-be-a-joke, I could be allowed to throw you out of your own apartment", Louis replied, dropped down on the mattress with a sigh.

"Now do your woke", he talked on, swung his hips a bit. His back was arched already, it wasn't like he was in this position for the first time. But well... it was Harry's first time seeing Louis Tomlinson in this position. And he felt his mouth drool, his hand just carelessly dropped the lube so it landed on the mattress next to his knees.

Louis didn't notice, only noticed that Harry's dick still wasn't inside of him, wasn't even near to his hole. So he frowned impatiently, but suddenly there was a different feeling on his bum; or rather on his cheek.

He sighed, almost was annoyed, when he got that Harry couldn't hold back.


Behind him, Harry hummed against Louis' skin, bit into it.

"Seriously, Louis, if there was a price for the best ass, you'd win it without anybody having a chance"

The other man turned his head, although he couldn't see Harry anyway, while he answered: "First, what an absurd compliment. Secondly, rather prove to me that you think so by fucking it, idiot"

Those words seemed to spur him on, because Harry sat up and slid closer to Louis on his knees. Louis turned his head back forwards, preparing himself to probably let it hang between his shoulders or press it down on the mattress because of the pleasure he'd feel soon.

Just when he felt Harry's dick starting to enter him, he decided to drop down on his forearms, hummed and closed his eyes. It didn't stop to enter him, which he welcomed. Still, it felt slightly different than before, stung a bit more. But not too much, so he ignored it and the pleasure was winning over it anyways. So he moaned one more time, before he said: "Remember how you saw me for the first time and then got to know I'm a bottom?"

He paused briefly to bite his lip in pleasure.

"Do what you wanted to do to me in that moment"

Harry didn't answer directly, was focused on looking down, where he could see his own hands on Louis' waist and his dick between Louis' cheeks.

"I'm in the middle of it actually", he then replied as he slid further inside, noticed something being different than before, though. Louis apparently let that slide, moaned because of the feeling inside his hole. Harry tried that too, but kept looking down skeptically.

Louis meanwhile was waiting for Harry to start fucking into him fully, increasing the speed and making them cum. Because of the position, his dick was deeper and in a different angle inside of him, which was already a win for the smaller. The moment Harry slid out, he prepared for him to slide back in. But it didn't happen.

"Shit", he heard.

"The condom just ripped"

Louis opened his eyes.

"Are you serious?"

With that question, he looked behind himself, where Harry was already taking it off. Louis breathed out, annoyed to not get fucked in this second.

"Then get a new one!"

"Yeah, yeah, already on it", Harry replied, reaching for his bedside table he opened the drawer from to get another one.

Louis sighed, let his forehead drop down between his shoulders so it touched the mattress. Without Harry's beautiful, big, amazing feeling dick inside of him.

"Told you I hate condoms. Probably should've used more lube"

Louis heard how Harry said this while being busy putting on the new condom, closed his eyes.

"Harry, use the whole fucking bottle of lube if that means you're gonna fuck me into the mattress now finally"

All he heard was a chuckle and the bottle of lube being opened. Harry poured some of the liquid on his cock, just like on his finger to spread it around and in Louis' hole.

"Maybe my dick's too big", he said the words every normal human being hated to hear from a guy.

"I saw a video, where a girl puts a condom over her fucking foot", Louis replied, although he was glad he knew Harry was making fun of this statement himself. A broad body crawled over him from behind now; Louis' body reacted immediately, made the smaller feel safe and hot by them being closer than before. Now that he had opened his eyes, he could see Harry's arms and hands, could also see his head if he would turn his own. But he was distracted by the mouth that was close to his ear now.

"Maybe my dick is bigger than her foot?"

Louis breathed out, turned his head. Through that, their faces were very close, lips almost touching. On them, Louis' eyes lay at first, before his blue eyes looked into Harry's.

"If you don't put it inside me anytime soon, I'm seriously going downstairs and ask Grimshaw to fuck me"

Harry laughed deeply, kissed him then. One of his hands went back to guide his cock into Louis' hole.

"You wouldn't do that", he answered lowly into the kiss, which ended as soon as he was deep enough for Louis to gasp in pleasure.

"God, finally", he moaned, which made Harry chuckle. He put his hand back on the mattress to support his weight above Louis, who was already arching his back even more greedily. He was at his previous rhythm soon and while Louis let out his moans and whines as he felt the pleasure clouding his head completely, the elder wondered how he had ever forbidden himself to do this.

He closed his eyes, when he focused on the way Harry was thrusting into him, making his own body shake, his arms and legs feel exhausted from holding him up as Harry went down on him. How had he lived on without that he had gotten fucked by Harry Styles?! It didn't make any sense to him, when he was making the elder feel like that with his dick, his groans and thrusts and words, when he told Louis how good he felt.

It clouded Louis' senses so much, he had to drop his head completely, turned it to the side to be able to still catch some air that was already hard to receive, when Harry was fucking him like this.

"Harry!", he moaned, felt his high coming nearer every time Harry's dick slid back into him and hit his sweet spot. It felt as if he wasn't able to control anything about his own body anymore, turned his head again to press his face slightly into the mattress. His hand was meanwhile gripping the bedsheets tightly, one could worry about it getting torn.

The younger man above him was also close already, couldn't handle Louis moaning his name like that while falling apart underneath him. His hands tightened at Louis' tiny waist he wanted to hold forever. He pressed his face into Louis' sweaty neck, loved to smell not only his perfume, but his body, his sweat, the sex they had, the lust, everything.

While his high was coming closer, the feeling of exhaustion also was crawling nearer and he moaned in lust, his teeth again sinking into Louis' skin. In the back of his head while his orgasm overwhelmed him, let his hands grab Louis' waist even harder, just like his thrust got harder, he heard the sweet music of the elder's moans.

And the whiny scream Louis let out, pressed it into the mattress that swallowed it almost fully. His small body tensed up, shook as he came hard, eyes squeezing shut.


After his orgasm, Louis collapsed fully on the mattress, still could feel Harry breathing against his neck in a quick pace, hummed as his hand softened the previous strong grip on the bedsheet.

"Did you cum?", he heard, only was able to chuckle shortly, because apparently, Harry had been so lost in his own orgasm and wondered about this now.

"No", he answered, before he paused briefly, while Harry opened his eyes.

"Went to gay heaven"

Harry's deep laugh gave Louis' exhausted body goosebumps and he pressed his face more into the mattress. The thoughts of the last minutes felt like he had just woken up from an amazing sex dream. No matter if they had needed two condoms or not.

"Fuck, that was amazing"

Unlike after waking up alone after a wet dream, though, he was fully satisfied. Moreover, there was a body above him, who moved now.

"More than that to be honest", the deep voice said into his ear, which made him grin. Harry's voice was still so deep and raspy, giving Louis goosebumps over his exhausted body.

"Gonna pull out, yeah?"

Louis just hummed approvingly, frowned as he noticed that a part of his body didn't want him to, since it would separate them. Again.

Harry focused on other things, threw the condom into the bin; the room quieter than it had been the last few minutes with the two men in it. Louis felt it because of the movements of the mattress and also heard it by the ruffling sound of the bedsheets, when Harry looked around.

"Any idea where I put the ripped condom?"

Laughing, Louis turned his head to the side, happy to be able to breathe better now.

"I stole it to sell it on the internet"

"You're crazy", he heard, before he felt how Harry gave up, dropped down on the mattress to the right of the smaller man.

"As if you needed the money"

"Imagine", Louis laughed more, started to move now as well, turned to land on his back. His hand drove through his ruffled hair.

"I bet Camille Rowe would pay me a lot!"

While Louis still laughed about that, Harry's head rushed to the right, watched his former crush startled.

"What did you just say?"

"You're not the only one who knows how to use Google, curly", Louis answered, turned his head with a grin as well. The teasing and amused sparkle in his blue eyes brought Harry straight back into Highschool.

"You make such a cute couple"

Harry snorted, reached for one of the small cushions next to his head to put it on Louis' face. His heart still was beating faster because of the fact that they were so comfortable with each other even after having sex.

"Shut it!"

Underneath the pillow, he heard a muffled laugh, before Louis took the pillow away.

"When's the wedding?"

"When did you google me?"

"While I was hiding in the dressing room and waited for you", Louis replied, laughter falling now.

"I didn't expect so many rumors about your private life"

Harry sighed and looked back at the ceiling, the joking atmosphere gone now.

"It's not that funny actually"

A short silence was in the room again, while Louis carelessly put the pillow above their heads on the mattress. He turned on his left side towards Harry, watched his side profile for a moment. Actually, he had only expected articles about the younger man's work, his friendship to Cara and Alessandro, his boutique and other talents.

But it had shocked him; Harry had been right when he had told Louis that he got sexualized for almost everything he did. Plus, so many articles only seemed to be interested in his love life, created scenarios Louis immediately was sure of them to be false. One only had to know Harry a bit to get that.

But even if they knew it was false; media didn't care.

"Media's shit"

"It is"

Again, they were silent for a while. Louis frowned thoughtfully as he kept watching Harry, who put his hair into a new bun since the previous one had gotten ruffled. The little boy from school, who had only been able to talk about sex, when he had been alone with Louis and even then had avoided his eyes, now struggled with people forcing a life full of sex and people on him to be able to write about him and to make money through his existence.

Although he hadn't seen this man in years, the elder felt the urge to protect him from this all. It was one thing that he himself was in this bad light and was used for stuff like this. But Harry?! Not this kind, sweet, amazing boy he had maybe fallen for more than he had been able to admit in the past.

"Don't worry; I won't sell the condom to her"

Watching the dimple appear on Harry's cheek felt like a win, made Louis proud as if he had achieved something incredible. He bit his lip with a soft grin.

"Very kind of you, Toplinson"

Louis gasped, while Harry turned towards him with a grin.

"Call me that again and I'll call Camille, idiot"

"Do that, I don't mind", Harry chuckled. Both their bodies reacted at the same time, now that they were turned towards each other, slid closer.

With an acted sigh, Harry wrapped his arms around Louis, who hated himself that he felt his cheeks get hotter through that.

"I'll give Grimshaw your number"

"What -"

With another insulted gasp, Louis slapped his chest, that moved quickly because of laughing.

"Don't you dare!"

"No, I'll sell it to him for a lot of money"

"I dislike this guy so much"

"I'll tell him to stop bugging you"

Louis chuckled, watched his finger trace over one of the birds that were tattooed on Harry's chest.

"My knight in shining armor. No worries, curly, I think I can handle men like him quite well"

"Still", was all Harry replied, face relaxing as his fingers were stroking over Louis' back. His soft skin felt familiar and warm as if they had laid like that every night for the last years.

The silence between them made both men realize how exhausted and tired they were; Louis' eyes already fell closed within minutes.

"You can stay the night, if you want"

Harry's voice seemed loud after the quietness; but not less soft. Louis' lips formed a soft grin, eyes still closed as he answered against Harry's chest.

"Already on it, babycakes"

Louis heard a chuckle about the stupid nickname from the past, before Harry shifted to get into a more comfortable position.

"And by the way: You don't even have my phone number"

The mumbling made Harry stop his movements. It wasn't that funny to him, though. Because although Louis was laying here, was planning on sleeping here... what if he just left before Harry woke up and he won't see him again without a chance of contacting him?

"That's right... will you give me your number?"

Because of the fact that his voice was normal, Louis realized it was a serious question and not a joke.

"Sure. Tomorrow, yeah?"

Harry hated it. He hated himself for not being happy with this answer. It increased the fear of Louis pissing off tomorrow and himself waking up with empty arms and not a hint of Louis ever having slept here with him. He couldn't bare this disappointment and humiliating feeling one more time.

Louis noticed his body tensing, opened his eyes. His head lifted to look up, saw Harry's uncertainty about the smaller man's answer.

"Or I can give it to you now?"

"No, it's okay!", Harry immediately answered, wasn't able to look down at Louis. He felt like wrapping his arm tighter around the little body and to not let him go. In the past, he had wished to do that, too.

"I just..."

Now he wasn't even able to answer fully. Louis frowned and shifted, which made Harry loosen his arms now and with a sigh, he fell backwards, was laying on his back again.

"I just don't want you to piss off... like you did in the past", he managed to say; but had to look at the ceiling. Louis frowned more, leaned slightly over him to look into his face confused.


His voice was confused, but still strong. Unlike how Harry felt as he swallowed. The pause and lack of explanation made Louis stubborn and also a bit of angry. He dropped his head on his chest to not look at him as he opened his mouth again. Now he also wasn't able to look into his face when he was saying his following words.

"I didn't piss off; you ignored me"

"What? I ignored you?!"

Harry's voice was stronger now as well; confused and slightly angry about the attack.

"Yes! After I was out of school, you became so popular, always spent time with Gabrielle and her stupid clique"

Louis hated it. He hated himself for still knowing this girl's name and still feeling the anger and disappointment he had felt back then. He still hadn't moved on from this. After everything he had been through, this story still was hurting him. Because it really had hurt his heart.

"I just got more friends, because I wasn't only spending my free time on you, Louis. I couldn't immediately run out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang to see you in our breaks. Because you weren't there anymore"

Stubborn and maybe because he didn't know how to response to that, Louis kept quiet, stared at the wall opposite of the bed. He felt Harry's change in mood by his slightly tensed body language. But his own was tensed as well.

"And by the way", Harry then talked on, calmer but not less touched by the topic.

"You were the one who pissed off; had your whole new life after school and didn't even bother to come to my prom"

Now it was enough. Louis sat up to look down at him.

"Are you fucking serious?"

For a moment, Louis just stared into Harry face, which told him that, yes, he was serious about this.

"I wasn't allowed to go to your stupid prom, idiot"

Harry slid up to lean on is elbows.

"Since when weren't you allowed to go out at night, when all you did in the past was bragging about being 18 and being able to buy alcohol?!"

Louis couldn't believe Harry was acting this way. And although he knew Harry's kind side, he definitely saw himself in the right position. Because Louis was right!

"Harry. Despite your good grades in the past, I wonder how you even finished school if you don't get that this wasn't my prom"

Now Harry only looked confused and without understanding. It made Louis more furious.

"I know it was only my prom, but I was sad the whole night since you weren't there"

Louis snorted, shook his head.

"You were the sad one? Don't say that"

"Well, I was!", Harry now sat up more, also got angrier about the other wanting to be right.

"You were finished with school and didn't care one bit about my good grades... or my prom"

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't ask you about your grades or wished you a nice prom with your cool new friends, while I was sitting at home sad!"

Harry looked overly startled, wanted to answer, but Louis didn't let him. It was a too tough topic for him. It still hurt him, because to this day he was unsure about what he had done to deserve this. His voice was calmer, though, showed how hurt he still was.

"So if you seriously think it was wrong of me to close off after I wasn't allowed to go to your prom, since I didn't get an invitation, I don't know what to add to this conversation. I blamed a lot on myself, trust me. I often wondered if you had been too young for what we did or if I forced you into anything. But seriously, Harry, I won't take the blame on me when it comes to this topic!"

Harry's face changed with that. Louis just stared at him, gulped. Did Harry seriously just now understood that the elder had waited for him to invite him to his prom, where only people with an official invitation had been allowed to join?!

"You... you didn't get my invitation?", Harry asked softly. Not only his face changed now; Louis' loosened. They looked at each other for a while. The younger was the first to open his mouth then, looked back and forth between Louis' blue eyes.

"I did invite you"

He sounded startled, but calm; as if a lot was making sense now. At least partly.


Louis cleared his throat when his voice broke and leaned back as he blinked confused.


"All the time, I thought... I thought you ignored my invitation, because you had your own life outside of school then and didn't want to see me anymore", Harry talked on, still with the startled expression.

"Harry, seriously... I never got anything", Louis reassured him, frowning as well.

"Could it be that you sent it to a wrong address or something?"

Harry chuckled.

"As if I hadn't brought it to your mailbox myself. I was too shy to ring the doorbell and give it to you, so I put it in the mailbox in front of your house"

Louis' shoulders fell. He felt like his whole life had been a fucked up lie.

"You did?"

Harry just nodded, the hurt from the past written in his green eyes. Louis exhaled deeply, looked away.

"I often checked the mailbox", he replied, his jaw tensing when he understood what could've happened.

"And every time... there was nothing"

"Oh", Harry just replied, frowning sadly.

"Do you think someone forgot to -"

"My dad", Louis just answered, leaned away completely now so he was just sitting on the bed.

"He hid it from me for sure"

"What?", Harry sat up, watching him stare angrily at the door of the bedroom.

"Why do you think so?"

"He never was fond of our friendship, probably sensed that it was more. Once, he also made a hint; it was before my last exams -"

"When you barely had time for me"

Louis nodded, looked down at his own hands.

"I blamed it on the exams. So the only explanation for me is, that he saw the invitation and wanted me to not go there. Suits him; I barely am in contact with him by now"

To be honest, Harry couldn't focus that much on this. His brain was full of 'It was a misunderstanding', 'Louis wanted to go to my prom' and 'Louis didn't forget me after school'.

Louis breathed out deeply and let out a dry laugh as his head lifted again.

"I can't believe it. All these years, I thought you dumped me and wondered what I did wrong"

"While I thought the same about you", Harry had to grin, felt like in the past with his quickly beating heart.

"We should have, you know... talked"

Louis nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah, but you know how I was; bragging about being 18 and being soo cool. I was too dumb and immature to communicate with you. I got stubborn and didn't want to ask you about the prom... or about us"

Harry chuckled with a nod, played with the fabric of the bedsheets.

"And I was too shy to ask you about it"

Now Louis was the one to chuckle. Yes, Harry had been so shy and clumsy. The silence now was calmer than the ones before, while they both seemed to think about the past and this misunderstanding.

"About your words earlier", Harry then started, nudged Louis' arm with his hand. He had slid back again, was leaning on his elbows, while the smaller was still sitting, so Harry saw mostly only his back.

"You never forced me into anything"

Louis didn't reply, so Harry added: "I wanted everything we did"

"Did you?"

Now, Louis turned his head to look back at him skeptically.

"Or did you just think you wanted it, because I said that?"

"I didn't think I wanted it, I knew I wanted it; because my body said that"

Louis' eyes blinked caught back, which made Harry chuckle.

"You think I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't enjoyed something we did?"

The other man breathed out and looked back forwards to his hands again. Harry let him, looked at the back of his head as he realized: " You didn't enjoy our sex"

"I didn't dislike it", Louis made clear. He spoke lowered and softer as he fumbled with his fingers.

"It wasn't because of you, but just... the fact that I felt so vulnerable and unsure. I never knew what I was doing really and that made me insecure"

"I never noticed"

"Yeah, I was a pro in hiding such stuff to act all tough, strong and as if I had my life under complete control"

After a shot pause, Louis chuckled dryly.

"Still am", he added.

"I mean I was able to act as if I didn't care about this all having happened for years just to now be hit by my feelings about this"

Harry sighed and sat up again, shoulder behind Louis', since he was sitting a bit further up on the mattress. At first he hesitated, but then he pecked Louis' shoulder blade.

"Imagine what we could have prevented for all these years if we had talked"

Louis snorted, cheeks getting hot still.

"We'd be married by now", he joked, which made Harry laugh. This laugh made Louis smile now.

"I probably would have proposed to you the moment I turned 18"

"Idiot", Louis laughed and rolled his eyes.

"I didn't notice how far gone I've been for you back then", Harry admitted, still with an amused tone in his voice. Louis kept the smile, but it softened as he turned his head to look into Harry's face.

"Me neither", he said quieter, eyes falling to the plump lips he had craved so much in the past, before forgetting about them for some years. And still... they managed to pull Louis towards them just like when he had been a stubborn, careless teenager.

"Maybe we were too young to understand it", he spoke in his quiet voice.

"Probably", Harry answered, voice just as low and eyes on the lips of the other man. Louis then inhaled deeply and turned his head forwards again.

"It seriously took us ten years to talk about this"

Harry laughed, before they paused briefly. After some seconds, Louis turned his head back to ask him something. But apparently, Harry had the same idea.

"Do you -"  "Would you -"

Startled, they both stopped their sentence, before they laughed, feeling embarrassed and shy as they quickly avoided their gazes. Both felt so stupid about everything.

"You start", Harry decided, nudged his nose against Louis' shoulder, which made the elder, who had turned his face away again, smile. But to ask this question, he looked back at the other man.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

He hated it. Louis hated himself for being nervous about asking this question; plus to even ask this question after he had hated on men after his breakup. The answer let his slight smile drop, though.


For a moment, Louis just looked at Harry stupidly, before the taller talked on.

"I'm very tired right now, but in the upcoming days, I'd love to"

With a gasp, Louis slid away form Harry, dropped to his right side, back towards the laughing man.

"Fuck you, Styles!"

Although Harry's laugh behind him made his heart beat faster, Louis felt how disappointed, confused and sad he had been with this short 'No' from Harry.

"Thank god you look so good; as a comedian you would never have come this far!"

Still amused, Harry slid after Louis, who immediately slid away.

"You know what? I'm gonna leave now!"

Harry kept laughing, before clasping Louis' tiny body, holding him still there, while the elder kicked his small legs.


"I'm sorry", Harry said into his ear, still laughing slightly.

"I wanted to ask you the same, by the way"

"Well, too bad, because you ruined my want to go on a date with you", Louis huffed and now stopped kicking his legs.

"I didn't", Harry replied, before he pecked Louis' temple. It made Louis blush and turn his head away even more.


After another chuckle, Harry pressed his face into Louis' neck, his scent clouding his head.

"Let's sleep now, yeah? Does taking a shower and then having breakfast in bed sound good?"

"No", Louis answered, which made Harry frown. He was confused, since Louis wanted to go on a date with him, but didn't want to have breakfast with him?

Then, Louis slightly turned in Harry's arms, thumb and index finger holding Harry's chin.

"Because I will sleep so long that it will be lunch"

Harry exhaled, while watching Louis grinning up to him evilly. Then, Louis turned away happily.

"Good night"

"Night", Harry mumbled insulted about this revenge, which made Louis grin. But then, he turned on his back again.

"Oh and", he added, took his chin again, which made the younger open his eyes.

"Fresh orange juice is a way to crawl into my heart and make me want to go on a date again"

After having made this clear, he turned back around and closed his eyes. He heard a chuckle.

"Good night, curly"

Harry first didn't answer, because his hand had already reached for his phone on the bedside table to send a text to his sister, who hated him already probably. Then he laid back down, arms tightening the hold around the man, who always had been able to make him weak and helpless.

"Good night, Louis"


> Harry: Can you buy oranges and bring them to my apartment for breakfast with the spare key I gave you? Quietly please. I'll make it up to you! H. xx <


<< *STAR!NEWS* presents: Harry Styles finding his true love in this man? >>

Louis Tomlinson (28) is well known for the way he chose to get to his current job; model and campaign owner (we informed). Could it be that Tomlinson is now stealing the heart of Harry Styles as well? The 26-years old designer and newbie-model caused many discussions because of him being the first man to be alone on the VOGUE cover in may, moreover because he was wearing a dress.

Fans already started to speculate in February, after Tomlinson had been seen in London near Styles' new boutique he had opened a day before the pictures were taken. There are no further informations about if Tomlinson really took a visit to Styles' boutique opening. Fans were holding on to that theory because of a blue hair-tie around Tomlinson's wrist, while the campaign owner himself has short hair, unlike Harry Styles.

Now, Styles and Tomlinson were caught in London as they seemed to enjoy a little morning walk on Tuesday. A big debate started on Twitter, where Styles' fans weren't amused about those pictures and the imagine of the two men dating:


*Username censored*:

If this Tomlinson guy is trying to steal his boutique imma riot!!

*Username censored*:

Not Louis Tomlinson thinking he could fool Harry like he did with Jackson help, it's getting booooring Louis


Tomlinson's fans were rather amused about those accusations, were defending their idol:


*Username censored*:

Lmao y'all need to chill! As if Lou wasn't fame and rich enough to be able to open ten of those boutiques this Harry now opened

*Username censored*:

Louis' taste is almost as good as his bum for real. Harry Styles is fine as f*ck!

*Username censored*:

Gonna call them Larry Stylinson :) see you at your wedding hotties ;* @ HarryStyles @L.Tomlinson


The last tweet got popular quickly; just a few hours later, the hashtag #LarryStylinson was on the top ten hashtags worldwide! The two men haven't expressed their opinion on the dating-rumors so far.

Stay tuned for more news; maybe we'll soon inform you about a planned wedding for #LarryStylinson! >>


LMAO what are you saying, should I open a magazine?

Condoms are shit tbh but soo important :) I hope you enjoyed this part plus the smut I tried to make more realistic and chaotic

I'm so glad this is finally finished, I think I started to write this One Shot a year ago or at least half a year ago haha

Stay safe!

I'm happy about every vote and comment <3

! See the pictures for the one shots also on one of my Instagram highlights: larrykiwi28 Bye for now xx


(Twitter: larrymelon28; Instagram: larrymelon28, larrykiwi28, larrybanana28; AO3: runningwatermelon)


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