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792 22 19

ใ€€ใ€€๐“‚ƒ ๐‰๐€๐๐€๐๐„๐’๐„ ๐ƒ๐„๐๐ˆ๐Œ ๐”˜“ H. HAREM ๐Ÿƒ ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ ft hinata shoyou , oneshots. ใ€€ใ€€ ใ€€ ใ€€ & every... More

๐Ÿงค - Info.
๐Ÿงค - Character Introduction.
00 - Prologue.

01 - Mornings.

114 5 5

CH. 1 ,, Mornings.

cw. mentions of meds , first simp appearance

6:00 AM the clock reads, loud alarm blaring through the apartment. Shoyo grumbles, arm shooting out the warmth of his bedsheets to turn off the alarm on his bedside table, kicking off the sheets. While he sits up and takes off his sleeping mask and placing it somewhere he'll either forget or remember later. He puts on his bunny slippers and does his daily crisp body morning cracks, deciding to skip his morning stretches JUST for today...

Fun fact: His door is usually open while he sleeps, a habit he had when living with his moms and sister in case they or he needed anything. Getting up to turn on his lights, nearly having a heart attack seeing Yachi leaning by the doorframe, arms and legs crossed. Jumping out of his skin about to scream before Yachi covers his mouth in time, a lazy smile on her face as she stares at Shoyo's bedhead.

He looks slightly down at her outfit, loose beige slacks and a regular white blouse, her usual brown work converse, her sweater also fresh out of the dryer hanging off her shoulders, slightly slipping due to the sudden movement. Her hair was done in its usual high ponytail, having gotten a lot longer since their high school days but glowing brighter. Her messenger bag on the ground with it's lesbian and various other things she enjoys pins and patches on it."

[ image , clothes desc ]

He secretly smiles under her hand, he gets more excited than her over the outfits she wears for the ( weekly : half monthly ) Cafe theme. Although this week is their casual wear week where they get a break from wearing outfits and wear whatever the please to work. He loves to take pictures of Yachi in her cute little outfits like a (facebook) mother. Shoyo is a very much "capture the moment" person.  He also loves her casual wear and uses it as inspiration whenever he needs it.

( Weekly themes ^^, i'll go into more detail about their work schedule and themes later ! If I remember LOL ,, but i don't know if it should be a weekly thing, a two week thing meaning two themes each month or just a monthly thing ,? Please let me know.)

He licks her hand to which she just flares her nostrils, her lips form into a tight line and she just shows him a fake look of disgust, not dropping her hand until she hears Shoyo mumble something about biting her.

She wipes her hand down her blazer before speaking "Well Good morning Sunshine! You look absolutely atrocious by the way~" Singing the last part as she walks away. It wasn't really his fault he was so tired . . . (Lies.) He stayed up watching those (weird building videos,, WHAT ARE THEY CALLED) till 3 am, in his opinion it was peak entertainment in the dead of night. He doesn't usually have trouble sleeping unless he's nervous.

The night before he was confident.. Hell, he even cracked a few jokes with Hitoka! Until he actually went to try to go to sleep immediately getting those nervous sweats which left him sticky and uncomfortable because of the chilly weather, having to get up to wipe himself down of the sweat in case he caught a cold. Of course to get out of his thoughts he watched Youtube videos... for five hours until he decided to call it a night after seeing the time. Apparently the videos worked a little too well because Shoyo completely forgot about joining Hitoka to work the next morning.

He only runs his hands down his face, not having the energy to respond back to her. At least he won't fall back asleep, the scare was enough to make it so he would have trouble doing so. The only reason they had to be early was because today was Yachi's day to open the Cafe, they purposely chose this day so Shoyo and her can get there before anyone else does. This helps Shoyo's nerves and he can collect himself a good half and hour and then some before the rest of Yachi's coworkers file in.

Shoyo drags his feet to the bathroom, shaking off his clothes he turns on the water. As he stands there butt naked waiting for the water to warm up. He doesn't like turning on the light when he showers in the morning, he swears it'll blind him but he can still make himself out to do funky poses in the mirror. After seeing the steam cloud the mirror he quickly opens the window, cleans the steam off the mirror and hops in.

"Hey Alexa, play [ Mornin Getting Ready Playlist ]  "

"Got it, now Playing [ Morning Getting Ready Playlist ] On Spotify"

He gets out after a few minutes, new record. Yachi should be proud he got out before the 30 minute mark. He dries himself throughly before wrapping the towel around his person. (( Habit he didn't grow out of. )) Humming the song currently playing as he dries his hair with a smaller towel.

Before he decided what he was going to do, he had to know how much time he had to get ready so he could mold his morning routine to fit todays schedule.

He leans on the sink staring at himself for 10 seconds before yelling out to his roommate.

"BABEEE. HOW MUCH TIME IS LEFT BEFORE WE HAVE TO LEAVE??" He yells out while wiping down the mirror (Sho & Yachi use terms of endearment on eachother, platonically.)


"WAS THAT A CHALLENGE HITOKA??" Shoyo yells back with a smile you could hear and a playful tone.

"IT SURE WAS SHOYO" Yachi yelled in an equally playful tone.

He smirks and taps the sink, deciding to do his skincare and personal things out of the way first before getting dressed. Grabbing out his Skincare he has in the bathroom specifically.

He applies his sunscreen since he washed his face in the shower, he doesn't do too much in the mornings, especially quick ones. After applying his serums and such he puts in his leave in conditioner deciding to let his hair air dry today. Shoyo walks out of the bathroom before looking down to fix his towel.

He heard a quick whistle but doesn't look up of course already knowing who it came from, almost colliding with Yachi who was on the phone with her girlfriend, but instead of them freaking out they both swiftly avoided eachother wordlessly. It was almost an encounter where they didn't acknowledge the other but Yachi had her palm open by her hip to which Shoyo hit while they swerved one another. As soon as their backs were towards eachother they let out knowing cackles.

Soon enough Shoyo reached his room, closing the door he sees the outfit Yachi picked out for him at the end of his bed. Shoyo drops his towel as soon as the door closes and goes to where his lotions and perfumes are. He purposely grabs lavender calming scented lotion, he puts a generous amount on his hands and spreads it evenly throughout his body. ( I wanna give everyone signature scents. 😭)

He goes over to where the clothes are folded neatly and spreads them out, deciding Yachi did a good enough job picking out his clothes he puts them on.

[ picture , clothes desc ]
(Kinda wanted him to match a bit w Hitoka.)

He excitedly goes to his bedside table to pick out his jewelry. Picking out two rings and necklaces he puts them on. Checking the time he sees he has 15-20 mins to spare before he has to eat something. So he decides to style his hair quickly and re paint his nails.

He grabs his shoes and slides down the hallway to the kitchen, there he sees Yachi resting on the loveseat, petting Angus and STILL talking to her girlfriend.

Shoyo decided to announce their presence after a minute of standing there waiting for Yachi to finish up speaking  ( Like this : 🧍)

"Hey babe, what do you want for breakfast?"

Yachi looks up at him and sits up before mumbling something into the phone and pressing her phone to her shoulder quickly.

"Uhh, well since you're usually asleep when I go to work these days I just pack leftovers but since we don't have much time maybe just some avocado toast? Also you look great baby" She responds with a smile.

"With eggs?" He asks as he's scoring a small embarrassed blush on his face.

"Of course with eggs, su-"

"Sunny side up, I know babe. Tell Kiyo I say hi pretty please."

She sticks her tongue out at him before laying down again and to speak with her girlfriend starting off with a small apology.

Shoyo whistled a random tune while getting out the toaster and plugging it in, he moonwalks to the fridge taking out the eggs and the single avocado they would both use. He grabs the toast from the top of the fridge, kicking the fridge door closed and turning before making eye contact with Hitoka who didn't look the least bit fazed at all the things Shoyo had in his hands. She had ended the phone call and walked up to the kitchens marbled countertop resting her elbows against it while watching Shoyo do his thing.

"How much you wanna bet I can successfully flip this egg..." Shoyo purses his lips whilst
lifting the edges of the eggs on the nonstick pan, turning down the heat.

"I'm betting you have to buy me lunch today, if not then I'm buyin for ya" She yawns a bit at the end but it was still comprehensible. A small accent coming through, she's been spending too much time scolding a pair of twins and their friends who have a similar accent, it seems she's unconsciously picked up on it when she's a little tired. Either Shoyo doesn't notice or he doesn't care enough to comment on it, guess we'll never know. 🤷


In short, Shoyo is going to be eatin good this afternoon.

,,, small timeskip

"Okay sho, you have your stuff now yeah?" Yachi says as she slips on her heels using Shoyo as support. He held her free hand so she wouldn't lose balance.

"Yeah I triple checked, but please run me the list one more time will ya? I'll do the same for you. You start." He fiddles with the strap of his bag, still a little nervous even after taking his meds.

Guess it just doesn't go away so quick.

"Water bottle?"

"Check, and yours too."




They had taken two minutes listing off what they needed for the day before they both pet Agnus, getting a few meows from the little runt. One last scratch under the chin before they both stood up watching Angus retreat to his hiding spot.

Shoyo had texted his friend Izumi to come by in the next half an hour to take care of the fluffy creature. Reminding him that the spare key was placed INSIDE the welcome mat.

( Why do they have welcome mats in front of their apartment?? idk fanfic logic don't ask me i just write the stuff never said it had to make sense )

He only waited 15 seconds before getting a thumbs up on the message. He smiled and pocketed his phone, he was about to open the door before Yachi beat him to it.

Yachi had opened the door for Shoyo in a very dramatic manner.

"Please let me, your majesty" She said in a british accent while bowing jokingly and holding out her hand for him to take.

He straightened his posture and took her hand walking out, going to speak in the same accent. Holding his chin up a little bit trying to hold in this laughter, only letting a smile crack before keeping his composure.

"Why thank you sire, I do appreciate it"

Yachi closed the door and locked it before shoving the keys into her purse and linking arms with Shoyo as they walked down the ,, hallway ? corridor , talking about what they would get for lunch later.

They both stopped in front of the elevator before fully looking at eachother

"Babe you sure you okay enough to go in the elevator? Or didya wanna use the stairs?" Shoyo said while cocking his head a little and pointing his thumb to where the stairs were.

Yachi answered quickly, "I'm tired from waking up earlier so I'm fine with the elevator baby don't worry"

Shoyo only smiled before pressing the arrow pointing down, he too is tired and places his head on Yachi's shoulder before they enter the elevator. As they go down the doors open a floor later and someone walks in, Shoyo not giving a damn keeps his head on Yachi's shoulder. He feels her nudge him quite harshly in his opinion. He whines and gets up giving her a 'Damn what' look, a little peeved she nudged him off like that.

Yachi gives him an apologetic grin before whispering in his ear "Look to the side, don't freak out"

He looks at her weirdly, looks to where she's referring and his eyes shoot open. He fixes his posture and clears his throat. Green eyes piercing into his soul, making his knees weak.

Suna Rintarou, in all his glory. Hands in his pockets as he bores his eyes into Shoyo like he's the most fascinating thing he's ever seen ( spoiler alert he is ), sporting a lazy smirk that made Shoyo wanna spread his legs right then and there. Should be downright illegal.

Suna is, what Yachi likes to call, "Shoyo's Hall Crush" She is very comfortable in her sexuality so she can appreciate a good looking man when she sees one. Shoyo only protests saying it's not a crush he just thinks the dude is attractive, like really attractive.

They've spoken a bit before, either on call / text or hanging out when they both had freetime. Suna's whole existence made Shoyo blush and stutter. Yachi laughs at him every time it happens. All Suna had to do was raise his eyebrow and Shoyo was on his knees it was insane. Shoyo swears he isn't oblivious but he thinks when he's flirted with they're just being friendly ):

( Suna also works @ the cafe, Yachi wanted it to kept a surprise LMAO , he lives a floor below them w the twins ✌️ )

Shoyo waves at him a bit to which Suna just gives him a soft smile, Shoyo swore he died and went to heaven. Yachi was the only thing keeping him upright, he grabbed his phone and buried his face into it. Furiously typing in his group chat that consisted of him, Yachi and Kiyoko. Homie was simping maximum.

Yachi sent a playful glare towards Suna grabbing her phone with her left hand and texting him privately.

hiitoka ^_^
u broke him ya damned fox. 😒

Already getting his phone out when he saw her typing, he shrugs and responds cheekily. There's a small blush coating his cheeks as he found the courage and typed something out. He saw the opportunity, could ya really blame him ??

sunarin o7

... ( sunarin o7 is typing )

i could break them another way if that's what ya want, but never their heart. js their back... okay maybe the bed too 🫶 xoxo

Yachi looked up at him, already seeing him look at her. He was giving a toothy grin and a hand heart to which Yachi lightly scoffed at.

Shoyo in his own world, playing Candy Crush. This elevator ride seems to be taking a long time, Shoyo 'discreetly' taking glances towards Suna. Eventually he got off, on the floor his fellow tall middle blocker was on to wake him up and get to work in the next hour. ( Any guesses ? 😉 ) Shoyo frowned but Suna ruffled his hair before leaving so he wasn't all sad.

Finally, getting to the first floor after getting a few add ons.

They walk to the parking lot, both making sure no one was looking before full on sprinting to where the car is. Both determined to win. Win what exactly? Nothing they just like winning.

Shoyo had made it towards the drivers side a second before Yachi did. Immediately breaking into his victory dance.

"I WON." Shoyo whispered yelled out at Hitoka who smacked him upside the head.

"I HAVE THE KEYS YA STUPID FUCK MOVE ALONG IM DRIVING." Hitoka whisper yelled back at him while giving him a 'shoo' motion with her hands.

It's too early for this.

Shoyo pouted before moving to the passengers side, Yachi already having entered and turning on the car. He gets in and puts on his seatbelt, Yachi already having hers on. Crossing his arms and grumbling under his breath, being a little peeved he wasn't able to drive today.

"Yeah yeah, keep poutin passenger princess" She sets her left hand on the wheel, her right on Shoyo's headseat and backsup. She does the thing you know what I'm talking about.

The drive was only five minutes, while most think it's an extension from the apartment bulging itself it's actually not. The building owners figured it would be too busy, the cafe was more a recommended place rather than it being advertised as such. Kindve a 'rip off" but as is business, besides fanfiction logic says that isn't illegal! But the building owners, whoever they may be also own the cafe. They making BANK. 😁

They soon arrive, and soon begins the best and most treacherous years of their lives.

a/n ,, poser says

2985 WORDS.

they usually wake up early
— suna is shoyous first love interest
— shoyou is hinted trans in one scene.
if you dislike that please click off.


— If I made any grammar or spelling mistakes please let me know


I hope you enjoyed :)

July 29, 2022.
07. 29. 22

January 31 2023.
01. 31. 23.

January 31, 2023.
01. 31. 23

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