The Immortal | Prequel Story...

By IredescentRose

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Once upon a time, there was a vampire. A mystical water brings fictional books to life on a faraway land cal... More

Regarding The Immortal
Chapter 1 ~ The General of the East Lands
Chapter 2 ~ The Cruelest Vampire in the Land
Chapter 3 ~ Leaving the Fortress
Chapter 4 ~ "We Meet At Last"
Chapter 5 ~ Mallen's Castle
Chapter 6 ~ Vampire Blood
Chapter 7 ~ Reborn
Chapter 8 ~ The Story of the First Vampire
Chapter 9 ~ When Worlds Collide
Chapter 10 ~ A Peaceful Rain
Chapter 11 ~ The Fortresses are Attacked
Chapter 12 ~ Katlyn and Olivia
Chapter 13 ~ All Four Fortresses
Chapter 14 ~ The New Vampire Leader
Chapter 15 ~ Írásom Cvetkov
Chapter 16 ~ Growing Trust
Chapter 17 ~ Can't Hold Back the Feeling
Chapter 18 ~ Talk of Rebellion
Chapter 19 ~ Iérti's Castle
Chapter 20 ~ Trésora Martel
Chapter 21 ~ The Barracks
Chapter 22 ~ Vampire Bats and Horses
Chapter 23 ~ The Tower Room
Chapter 24 ~ Írásom's Decision
Chapter 25 ~ Vampire Overlords
Chapter 26 ~ A Beautiful Winter Night
Chapter 27 ~ Dacian Words
Chapter 28 ~ The Wedding
Chapter 29 ~ Romena and Ardai
Chapter 30 ~ Out of Commission
Chapter 31 ~ The Most Powerful Creature in the Land
Chapter 32 ~ The Secret Library
Chapter 33 ~ Tavaly's Folly
Chapter 34 ~ Dragons Attack
Chapter 35 ~ Evacuation
Chapter 36 ~ Leaving Planet Verdamnt
Chapter 37 ~ Vampires in Outer Space
Chapter 38 ~ Extinction on Three Planets
Chapter 39 ~ From Martel to Glins
Chapter 40 ~ The Phoenix
Chapter 41 ~ Planet Magarra
Chapter 42 ~ The Ileín
Chapter 43 ~ The Merry Bunch
Chapter 44 ~ Mallen's Claim on Iérti
Chapter 45 ~ Christmas Eve
Chapter 46 ~ A Broken Command
Chapter 48 ~ Electric Avenue
Chapter 49 ~ Drowning in Sorrow
Chapter 50 ~ The Ileín's Prophecy
Chapter 51 ~ Mason and Ian
Chapter 52 ~ "I Killed Dracula"
Chapter 53 ~ Revisiting the Land
Chapter 54 ~ The Csa Pravni and the Csa Zyrani
Chapter 55 ~ The End of a Favorite Chapter
Chapter 56 ~ "To Us Brothers"
Chapter 57 ~ What Could've Been....and What Wasn't

Chapter 47 ~ The Csa

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By IredescentRose

All the vampires gathered around, the Ileín in the center as they faced the field of dead bodies. Some were confused. Others were horrified. Iérti noticed most of the vampires were from different ships, the ones that landed first on planet Magarra prior to them. He saw recognition on some of their faces as they surveyed the dead, some of that recognition turning into guilt.

Írásom came to stand at her husband's side, careful not to stand too close, knowing he was angry with her. Iérti stood at Mallen's other side, watching the Ileín as he turned to address the crowd. There were neither humans nor Magarrans among them, only vampires.

"Nearly two hundred Magarrans died," the Ileín spoke, his authoritative voice carrying to the back of the crowd, allowing everyone to hear every word clearly. "None of them have any injuries. They were all drained dry of their blood."

The Ileín turned into his true form, yellow dust spiraling all around him as vampires stepped back in astonishment. The Ileín's face was unrecognizable as he maintained his glowing yellow humanoid form, completely becoming the yellow dust in this form.

The Ileín spoke firmly, saying, "My people were killed by your kind. I brought them here to protect them. Your leader advised you all not to give in to temptation, forbidding you from feeding on humans of a foreign planet. But some of you disobeyed and went against his orders, giving in to your thirst and breaking his command. Now nearly two hundred of my people are dead. The same people I fought hard to give them a new life. To see their new life end so suddenly...."

The Ileín glanced at the dead, his voice dropping its lamenting as it began taking on a grave tone. "Your kind has managed to successfully wipe out humans on three planets. Not one, but three. And now my planet is being threatened by your kind. I understand you need human blood. I was going to supply you with what you needed, had you simply waited. But most of you gave in to temptation, and now innocent humans are dead."

The Ileín's eyes blazed yellow in vengeful anger. "You all shall cease to be vampires. Those who have taken what's forbidden will die and vanish from this earth. Those who resisted will remain alive, but you will turn into the Csa: a kind of being that no longer feeds on humans. Instead, you will feed on yourself."

The vampires were utterly shocked. "WHAT!" were a few of their reactions. Mallen suddenly gripped Írásom close, stunned by the Ileín's words. Iérti felt a total let down; he had been hoping to become human again. Blaise looked repulsed. Romena's face was that of astonishment, lined with confusion.

Iérti stepped forward, saying to the Ileín, "I don't understand. Why give us this fate? Why can't I become human again? Am I not worthy to become human? Are my crimes too great to absolve?"

Mallen lowered his eyes, wishing Iérti didn't feel that way.

The Ileín regarded Iérti with kind, gentle eyes. "You are most certainly worthy, and there is one with crimes far greater than yours, yet those crimes can be pardoned," he told Iérti. "However, the path you want will keep a dark truth hidden, and you must learn this dark truth before you leave the land of the living. There is only one path assigned to your kind; that is the path you must follow."

Iérti surprised everyone by unexpectedly throwing himself at the Ileín's feet and pleading, "I beg you, Ileín, please turn me back into a human! I want nothing more than to reunite with my wife and daughter. The only way I can is to be mortal again. I never wanted to be immortal. Please, Ileín....turn me back into a human. That would be all I would ever ask of you. If you won't grant me this request, then let me touch you so that I may die and finally be with my family again."

Iérti reached out to touch the Ileín, knowing that anyone who touched the Ileín would die immediately, but the Ileín's yellow-tinted force field kept Iérti from getting too close. The Ileín looked sadly at Iérti, who stood in frustration, tears streaming down his face.

"It's not yet time for you to die," the Ileín told Iérti. "I assure you, the path you go on will lead you back to your wife and daughter. Your race will cease to be dominant; there will be nothing but a few remaining vampires on other planets, especially once the Crimson Phoenix eliminates all those of destructive nature on planet Mijoria. The entire Csa race will end on Iredescent. When that happens, only then will you be reunited with your family."

"May that day come swiftly then," Iérti said firmly. He tried to touch the Ileín once again, but the Ileín's force field prevented him from touching him. Feeling hurt and wounded, Iérti went to resume standing at Mallen's side.

Mallen was quiet, not saying a word though his mind was racing. He felt the Ileín's eyes on him as he looked at each vampire individual, carefully studying them. Mallen's dark eyes locked with the Ileín's, his intent made clear in his eyes.

"I know your deepest desires, the ones you keep hidden even from yourselves," said the Ileín, continuing to look at every single person, yet only speaking to a few. "Blaise, you want music to be heard all over the world. Your love for music will inspire the world and surrounding galaxy.

"Romena, after seeing much chaos and destruction on your land, you wish for things to be in order. However, your intentions will be the very undoing of the entire Csa race.

"And you," he said, looking directly at Mallen, "will no longer fear that which you fear. You will hold to what is good, and you will find redemption for your past actions. There will be a moment when what is hidden will be revealed, but instead of fear, you will have long-awaited peace."

The Ileín turned away, leaving the vampires to reflect on what he just told them as he surveyed the dead bodies once again. He glowed even brighter, a vivid luminescence that spread out, though it dared not touch anyone. The vampires watched in astonishment as the yellow dust arose from within him and swirled around as if in a dance, the Ileín's shimmery dust-like powers reaching out towards the dead bodies.

Iérti couldn't believe what he was seeing. Mallen was frozen in place, a silent witness to the most powerful alien in the galaxy. Írásom's eyes were wide in astonishment as she continued to cling to Mallen, fearful of what was going to happen next.

The yellow dust's powers lifted the dead bodies about half a man's height in the air, keeping them suspended in place as yellow dust particles swirled around them in the clear night sky, the stars above glittering yellow in the pitch black. The bodies crumbled into dust, disintegrating into specks of white. Then the most astonishing thing occurred.

Swords were forged seemingly out of nowhere, long daggers with double-edged blades materializing in thin air as the yellow dust worked his latest creation: a deadly weapon, black matte silver in color with a shiny black pommel. The swords were black-edged, metallic gleaming silver on the blade.

Yellow dust guided wind spread out towards the vampires, separating them into two groups. Írásom cried as she was pried out of Mallen's arms, Mallen rushing towards her, but the yellow dust wind pulled him away. Iérti was pulled close alongside Mallen in the same group. Írásom was placed in a separate group.

Blaise, Romena, Stellan, Bly Basko, and Trandafira were in the same group as Mallen and Iérti. Mallen noticed Vajir was in the same group as Írásom and felt a sinking feeling in his heart, realizing why they were in the same group. He turned to the Ileín, mentally pleading with him to please spare his wife, but the Ileín sadly shook his head, saying, I'm sorry, Mallen, but she must face the consequences of her actions just like the others. You will eventually see her again in the afterlife. Just not anytime soon.

"No! Not my wife! Not Írásom! Please, spare her! I beg you!" Mallen yelled, tears falling from his eyes as he tried hard to run towards Írásom, but he was forced to stay in place with the others. Iérti tried to help him, but he was also set in place. Iérti put a hand on Mallen's shoulder, but Mallen was unable to be consoled. He continued crying, repeatedly pleading with the Ileín.

You didn't spare Iérti's wife; this is your own consequence, the Ileín responded, forcing Mallen to blink back tears, his heart feeling like it was being destroyed to the core. He cried out when he saw the yellow dust start to disintegrate the vampires in Írásom's group, making them vanish in a shimmer of yellow dust.

Írásom looked at Mallen through tear-filled eyes. "I love you!" she said to Mallen, sobbing as the yellow dust disintegrated her next.

Mallen couldn't stop crying, feeling as though he had just been staked directly in the heart. He dropped to his knees, his head lowered as he wept uncontrollably. Iérti knelt beside him, gently holding him in a brotherly embrace. Blaise had tears in his eyes, the other vampires sympathizing and feeling sorry for their vampire leader.

Mallen pulled out several ribbons from his pocket, his tears falling on them as he held them in his hand. One of the ribbons was Mallen's signature olive green; the other was Írásom's periwinkle blue. The Ileín watched as Mallen sobbed, his tears continuing to wet the ribbons, the only thing he had left of Írásom.

Iérti looked up, shocked to see the Ileín had golden tears in his eyes. The Ileín's tears vanished, melting away into his form, as he proceeded to disintegrate the rest of the group, wincing at all the cries and screams. As if the vampires in Mallen's group weren't traumatized enough, the yellow dust went over to them, swirling around each individual. Some of the vampires cried in fear, trying to move away, afraid they were going to get disintegrated, but the yellow dust spun around each person, turning them from vampires into the Csa.

Mallen and Iérti were lifted up and made to stand, the yellow dust swirling around them in an individual circle, creating a wind that blew on their hair and made them close their eyes. The yellow dust extracted vampire blood from each one of them, draining them of their vampire blood. The vampire blood glided over to the swords, going inside the see-through blades. As the vampire blood settled inside the sword, a glittering opal white liquid of unknown origin merged inside, floating in with the vampire blood and creating a lava lamp effect as the two remained in the blade, put together but never mixing, like oil and water.

Each vampire's name was written on the blade soon after their vampire blood merged in with the shimmering white liquid inside the blade. Mallen's full name Mallen Zaliċ appeared on top of the blade, on the black edge part of the blade. Iérti's full name Iérti Keresi appeared on his own blade. Each blade was personal, a part of their past kept with them as the yellow dust proceeded to turn the vampires into the Csa.

Their youth and immortality remained. Their physical appearance remained. Their strength and speed were increased to ten times that of vampire strength and speed. A sparkling opalescent shimmer permeated into their pale skin, illuminating them to make them look more radiant than ever.

Gone was the painful agony of thirst. The dawn suddenly broke through the middle of the dark night sky, shocking the former vampires who were able to finally feel sunlight in their new form. Mallen stood staring at his own hand as it shimmered in the sunlight, wondering if this was real or just a dream. Iérti looked up, amazed to be able to feel the sun again. He stretched his arms out, soaking in the sunlight.

A silvery black matte sheath appeared at each former vampire's side, embossed with their individual name and emblem. The swords moved over to their individual owners, patiently waiting for them to take hold of them for the first time.

Mallen watched his sword glide over to him. He carefully took the sword, holding it with one hand as he stared at the blade and its unique, personal design. He touched the blade, feeling it firm and hard like a diamond. His vampire blood floated inside with the unknown white liquid, something the yellow dust created to preserve it. Unbeknownst to the Csa, part of the white liquid was made of the Iredescent n-r element. The sword was lightweight, the word featherweight coming to mind as Mallen hefted it, noticing the liquid contents were what gave some weight to the sword. The glass-like casing looked and felt like a thin diamond layer, allowing the viewer to see the sword's contents.

Iérti studied his own sword, feeling it had some weight to it, though the sword was still lightweight. He traced his hand across his permanently etched name, the black writing set with tiny gold glitters. It was an elegant sword, crafted exclusively for each former vampire. Iérti touched the outside of his mouth, relieved to feel there were no longer any hidden retractable fangs. He turned to Mallen, noticing they were wearing different clothes. He realized the yellow dust had materialized new clothes for them to wear.

All the Csa wore an edgy black and silver outfit. It was slim-fitting, mostly shiny matte black with metallic silver, much like their sword design. Tiny gold glitters appeared on the metallic silver, adding an ethereal appearance to the alien material. Their clothes were of soft comfortable material, firm and strong like steel and cotton, but an interesting fabric design. There was a chain mail sort of design on the sleeves and on the shoes, creating a cool futuristic fashion. Their jackets trailed down to the floor, with a hood that covered their face in shadow. Even the women were wearing pants instead of dresses. They were still getting used to wearing stylish, comfortable form-fitting pants for the first time, having worn dresses and skirts for centuries.

Each of them had a ribbon in their pocket with a tiny ribbon of their color embedded in the sword handle, further adding to the personalization. Mallen had his signature olive green ribbon in his pocket, and there was a tiny olive green ribbon permanently embedded in his sword handle.

Each ribbon was a different color to differentiate the owner. Iérti's ribbon was dark maroon red. Romena's was mauve pink. Blaise's was a metallic steel blue. Stellan's was ice white with light blue streaks icecapping it. Bly Basko's was divided into yellow and sky blue. Trandafira's was an iridescent purplish green. And so on.

The Ileín gave the former vampires a moment to adjust to their new form. His glow dimmed significantly as he turned into his Conrad form, though a halo-like yellow glow remained. He waited a few more minutes, then the Ileín got everyone's attention by saying, Csa.

They turned to look at him, all excited murmurs and conversation immediately silenced. The Ileín's eyes scanned over each person, as if satisfied in what he was seeing.

"Instead of the vampire race, you are now the Csa race. Mallen is the sole leader of the Csa. Each of you has your own sword; you are to carry it forever. You are still immortal, yet there is only one way you can die. You are free from all former vampire restrictions. No longer are you bound to darkness; you will no longer be burned by the sun. No longer will you drink human blood; instead you will cut yourself with your sword and revive that way. You will 'feed' once a month by cutting yourself with your sword. This is in remembrance of all the victims you've slain in the past. All those wounds outwardly inflicted with sharp fangs, now self-inflicted with a sharp blade.

"You will not be harmed by any plant or metal; no silver nor garlic nor any other thing shall harm you. You are immune to disease and sickness. You will never bleed unless bled by your own sword. Like the Phoenix, your skin is impenetrable. Only your sword can cut you. You will be able to switch forms by transforming into a ribbon, a crow, or your true Csa form."

"A ribbon?" Blaise couldn't help asking. "Wha – a ribbon?" He repeated in disbelief.

Iérti was confused as well, but the Ileín clarified by saying, "Yes, a ribbon. Because a deep love was lost from selfish choice, your ribbon form will forever be a symbol of that lost love, a reminder to all – you reap what you sow."

Mallen just stared hard at the Ileín. A thousand emotions arose from within, yet he knew he deserved to have his own wife taken away. If it's payback for taking away Iérti's wife, then I understand, Mallen said to the Ileín. I accept the consequences of my actions. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt worse than sunlight burning my skin.

Blaise spoke up, asking the Ileín, "How come we are given this new form? I like it, actually. We're more powerful than vampires. I mean, we can finally walk in sunlight. We're no longer weakened by garlic and silver. And best part is we're no longer being stuck with the worst part of being a vampire – that awful thirst!"

A shadow of a smile touched the Ileín's features. "Some of you wanted great power – now you have it. Use it wisely, or else a worser consequence awaits."

The Ileín started to leave, but Iérti called out, "Wait! How do we die? I don't want to be immortal, yet I'm still immortal. You said there was one way we could die. What is it?"

The Ileín regarded Iérti, looking at him the way a father looked at a son. "I know you are ready to die, Iérti, but I've kept the bond between you and your creator so that he may keep you from seeking death too early. You will both meet your end on planet Iredescent. It is on Iredescent where both of you will find peace and redemption, but only after you learn a dark truth."

Iérti was about to ask him something, but the Ileín teleported elsewhere, the master of avoiding questions. Iérti remained standing, already planning to go to Iredescent as soon as possible.

Watching Iérti with his gorgeous olive green eyes, Mallen sheathed his sword, knowing he would have to distract him. Since the Ileín publicly declared Mallen as the sole leader of the Csa, Mallen eagerly reprised his position, making Iérti a secondary authority, but not the main authority.

Nobody leaves yet, Mallen mentally commanded, his mental link restored and thus enabling him to telepathically reach out to all the Csa. Go enjoy the sunlight. Later I will plan our next course.

Mallen glanced at Iérti, who turned and headed for the ship. Blaise came up beside Mallen, saying, "So you're back to being the leader of the vampires – er, Csa now?"

"Yes," Mallen confirmed. "I was the leader over vampires and humans; now I'm the leader over the Csa."

"So that's what we're called now – Csa?" Blaise asked. He pronounced it tsah, kind of like the word tsar but without the r. Tsar is the word for a Russian emperor. It can also mean king or male monarch in the Russian language.

Mallen nodded. "We're a new kind of being now, one more powerful than vampires could ever be. We can finally walk in the sun and cast away all former weaknesses. We're close to invincible, but I think our blade is where our weakness is." He looked again at his sword, noticing it had a new emblem on it: a black crow in flight.

It was the first time he had ever had an emblem.

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