
By Plast1cBags

10 1 0

"And so this is what the death of fear looks like: Eternal happiness in you..." A few months after the final... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8

Part 6

1 0 0
By Plast1cBags

And so Orange and I stayed in the hospital bed for quite some time crying in relief that Momo was okay. Between sets of tears we took turns kissing Momo or cleaning off her nose with some nearby tissues.

After a while Orange started to laugh. "Just thank goodness that our daughter is going to be okay!"

I gave her a quick kiss and smiled. "She's really going to be okay!"

Orange gave a happy nod before laughing some more.

"I just can't believe the one who gave us the news was a doctor that reminded me so much of 057!"

This time I laughed too. "Oh my goodness that's who he reminded me of!"

She snorted. "Imagine 057 as a doctor!!!"

I didn't want to imagine 057 as a doctor so instead I gave her neck a raspberry.

After collecting ourselves we soon made our way back home from the hospital. It was so nice to finally be home and it seemed like Momo agreed as well because she had finally calmed down.

We soon ordered a nose suction for Momo and it surprisingly only took us 5 minutes to figure out how to use it. What was even more surprising was the amount of mucus that came from Momo's nose! I'm not going to lie, I love my daughter but it was pretty gross!

From there we soon fell into a routine for the following week where Orange and I took shifts going to work and taking care of Momo. After much hydration and mucus removal later Momo started to finally perk up.

Finally on the morning of February 14th Orange and I awoke to Momo crawling around her crib, back to her old self.

I leaned down into Momo's crib and gave her forehead a kiss before giving a happy laugh as Momo grabbed my nose.

"I'm glad you're feeling better sunshine~"

After shaking off Momo's grasp I turned to Orange and smiled. "Our Momo is back hun~"

I could see tears welling up in her eyes as she nodded. "She's back..."

After looking into each other's eyes for a moment Orange said. "Happy Wedding Anniversary Pink~"

We pulled each other into a very long kiss.


After finishing our kiss Orange gave my cheek a quick peck before scooping up Momo into her arms.


Orange's eyes lit up as she stared down at our daughter in her arms.

"Yes sweetheart it is Mama~ I'm here~"

She began to rock Momo in her arms after giving her forehead a quick kiss.

"I'm so happy that that yucky illness finally went away and I know you are too! I promise I won't let anything like that ever happen again to you again! You're safe here~"

I wrapped my arms around Orange's waist from behind and I could feel her heartbeat quicker as I put my head on her shoulder.

"We're safe here~"

Orange pressed her head into mine and rubbed her cheek against my face. I smiled down at Momo who was staring intently at us.

"Hi Momo~"


I could feel my heart swell as Momo said my name because-

"You never really get used to it do you?"

Orange pressed more against me as she continued to speak.

"I remember when I was young I always dreamed of having a family...Of having this ...but, as I got older, I thought I had given up on that dream...And I did...but then I met you and for some reason I was ready to fall asleep again...

I wrapped my arms more tightly around her.

"Somehow this is real but it all still feels like a dream...I still can't believe that after everything that had happened to me I was able to fall in love...And more so I can't believe you fell in love with me ..."

I gave her cheek a gentle kiss, not knowing how else to say that I felt the same way.

"Every kiss, every heartbeat-

She smiled as Momo grabbed onto my finger.

" Every moment ...You never get used to it...It all feels forign and surreal and each time feels as if it were the first but... isn't the first considered to be the best?"

Orange suddenly twisted in my arms and looked up at me with embarrassment.

"Ah! I'm so sorry I started to ramble...I-I don't know what I was going on abou-"

Before she could finish I pulled her into a kiss and after a moment of surprise she closed her eyes and reciprocated it.

I soon gently pulled away from her and smiled. "How was that for a first time?"

Orange gave a deep smile. "Beyond my wildest dreams~"

We soon both kissed Momo on the cheek and our faces felt hot.


Even though it was the morning of our wedding anniversary both Orange and I had no desire but to spend time with Momo.

What was a better anniversary gift than our daughter feeling better?

As we soon made our way downstairs, a thought popped into my head.

I gently wrapped my arms around Orange. "Hey hun~"

She snorted. "I know you want something Pink."

I pressed my forehead into her hair.

"I was just thinking~ Since Momo's feeling better could we make her her favorite food~"

She wrapped her free arm around my neck from behind and laughed. "Are you asking more for her or yourself?"

Before I could answer she twisted around and gave my neck a raspberry.

As I soon stirred ingredients together, Orange wrapped her free arm around my waist and we both happily pressed against each other. She gave my neck a quick kiss but in doing so her grip on Momo was loosened enough for her to wriggle out of her arms.

Orange gasped as she felt Momo leave her arms and quickly whipped around to see our daughter covered in flour. Orange sighed in relief but her eyes quickly widened.

Momo had not just fallen into a pile of residue flour but the entire bag.

A stark white Momo giggled at our terrified expressions and after a moment all we could do was laugh as well.

Orange soon quickly scooped Momo up in her arms, getting flour all over her pajamas.

"Oh Momo I'm so sorry I dropped you! I think the problem is that your Dad's just too darn cute!"

She glanced at me mischievously.

"But I know that we can fix that can't we~"

I quickly turned around just in time to see Orange coming at me with Momo. She soon started to gently shake the baby at me, getting flour all over the countertop as well as myself.

"Wait Orange stop!"

She had no intention of stopping as she soon wrapped her arm around me. Momo sneezed before grabbing onto my nose and I had no way to escape as Orange mercilessly gave my neck raspberries."

"O-Orange stop that tickles~"

To my luck Momo let go of my nose allowing me to break free of Orange's grasp. We all soon became a giggling mess as I chased them around the kitchen before Orange quickly ran upstairs.

"I'm going to go give Momo a bath!"

I laughed. "Sure escape while you can but Momo can't bathe forever hun~"


Orange soon returned downstairs to find a large plate of pancakes and Momo's eyes widened.

Momo grabbed at the air. "P-p-p-"

Orange gave her head a gentle kiss as she began to carefully walk towards the pancakes as I was nowhere to be found.

"I know sweetheart...I know~"

Orange gave a slight gasp as I appeared behind her with a bottle of syrup. I smiled and she eyed me suspiciously.

"Are you not going to try anything?"

I laughed. "Now why would I try something hun~"

She snorted and we soon cut up a few pancakes for Momo and placed her safely in her highchair.

Upon returning to the kitchen to get pancakes of our own I gently wrapped my arms around Orange's waist and I could feel her tense.

"Pink what are you doing?"

I giggled.


All of a sudden I took a deep breath and gave her neck a large raspberry, causing her to give a slight scream.


As I gave her more raspberries she wriggled in my arms and was eventually able to make her escape. We soon chased each other around the house until we both collapsed on the couch, laughing in exhaustion.


After catching my breath I gently got up and took Momo out of her highchair. She looked at me with tired eyes as it seemed all of the excitement and pancakes had worn her out.

I laid back on the couch with Momo on my chest and Orange tiredly pressed into my side. She wrapped her arms around me and I wrapped one of my arms behind her back. The other hand I placed gently onto Momo.

I could feel both of their hearts beating and I couldn't help but smile at my girls.

We stayed like that for a long while until Momo and Orange both fell asleep. The gentle rise and fall of their chests threatened to make me fall asleep as well.

Before that could happen I smiled at a sleeping Orange before kissing her forehead.

Nothing happened and so I kissed her again which caused her to stir.


After a moment she slowly opened her eyes and smiled deeply at me.

"Hi Pink~"

She gave a small yawn and stretched her arms.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep, you're just too comfy~ Mmmm I wish we could stay like this forever~"

I gave her a kiss and her cheeks turned dark orange.

"Mmm I wish we could hun but aren't we meeting some friends for lunch?"

Upon hearing that her eyes quickly widened and she sat up.

"What time is it?"

I carefully sat up as well trying not to wake Momo.

"I think it's about 10 Am?"

"I only have an hour to get ready?!"

I wrapped my arm gently around her back.

"Hey it's okay hun I think you look lovely no matter what~"

She squirmed out from my side and off of the couch.

"It's not that...I-I have a phone call to make!"

Orange quickly ran upstairs and I watched her go in confusion before I got up as well to put Momo in her crib before getting ready myself.


At the end of an hour I waited for Orange by the front door with Momo in my arms. As I waited, I put back on one of Momo's shoes that she had thrown off before straightening my tie.

As I looked down at Momo I could hear Orange before I could see her.

"Ahhh Pink I am so sorry that I kept you waiting!!!"

I quickly turned around before I found myself staring at her in total awe. She was wearing a stunning white dress that lightly sparkled as she walked towards me. I could feel my face getting hot as I smiled.

"D-don't worry about it!"

Orange's face turned dark orange and we soon gave each other a kiss before walking out the door.

Soon we arrived at the Cyber Grill with not a moment to spare and as we walked in Yellow 01 waved to us.

Orange ran up to him. "I am so sorry that we are so late!"

He laughed. "Please do not worry about it and besides 205 and 057 have yet to arrive."

She gave a sigh of relief as Yellow 01 gestured to the table.

"Please sit down."

As I sat down next to Orange, Momo caught Yellow 01's eye and he smiled.

"Hi Momo."

Momo stared at him with wide eyes before grabbing onto his nose causing him to laugh.

We had all soon started to talk but that's when someone burst through the door and headed right towards us .

I instinctively puffed out my chest and put myself in front of Orange but soon relaxed as a flustered 057 stared at us.

He was sweating profusely and in addition to a wrinkled blazer he was wearing jorts and crocs.

We all stared at each other in a moment of awkwardness before 057 scrunched his face and spoke.

"I-I'm so sorry we're late! I overslept!"

I laughed. "Join the party!"

With that, as 057 sat down as flustered 205 walked up to us.

"I'm so sorry we-"

Yellow 01 patted the seat next to him.

"Just sit down."

After ordering drinks and food and catching everyone one up on how Momo was doing we found ourselves talking about anything and everything under the sun.

Orange laughed as she fished a cherry from out of her Shirley Temple. "This is just like old times!"

057 threw down the chicken wing he was eating. "Stop it, you're making me feel old!"

Yellow 01 glared at him before laughing. "Is that even possible? Besides, were we not all together just a few weeks ago?"

I smiled. "I think I get what you mean Orange! Ever since Momo things started to move really fast and we didn't have as much time to hang out so it's just really nice being all together."

Orange nodded and 205 smiled. "It is!"

057 gave a large smile. "I guess the gang's all back together!"

Momo sneezed and he placed a hand behind his head.

"That is plus one!"


We found ourselves talking way longer than expected and somehow it was already dark out. After staying for over 4 hours the waiter started to give us harsh looks and we knew it was time to leave.

Before saying our goodbyes we planned to meet up again for lunch next week and it felt nice to fall back into old routines.

Orange was still buzzing with excitement and it was contagious so on the way back home we found ourselves talking about the most random things.

Even though we found ourselves in our driveway we just couldn't stop laughing and my side hurt.

"Wait hun I can't take it anymore!"

Orange scrunched her face trying not to laugh but her puffed out cheeks just made us laugh even more. Momo soon started to laugh as well and it was all over for us.

Walking into the house we continued to laugh but as soon as I opened the door my breath was caught in my throat.

Orange burst into laughter once more as she looked at my surprised face.

"What's the matter Pink!"

All I could do was point into the house and as she looked inside her eyes grew wide.

The interior of our house was covered in beautiful white decorations that included everything from roses to an arch leading into the living room.

She soon looked at me and her face instantly turned the color of burnt sienna.

"I forgot about this..."

All I could do was stare at her as I stumbled on my words.

"Wh-wh-h-how did you do all this?"

Somehow Orange's face kept getting darker.

"I um had one of my coworkers, 07, do it."

I could feel my face get hot and my heart start to beat quickly as we stared at each other.

Orange eventually took a deep breath before giving a deep smile.

"Happy Wedding Anniversary Pink~"

As we walked through the house I was instantly transported back to our wedding day.


I remember everything.

I remember the nervousness I felt as 057 and 205 helped me to get ready. The feel of the white silk dress shirt, the orange ribbon in my hair, and the white suit against my skin.

I remember the excitement of seeing the wedding venue for the first time. The sparkly white decorations hanging on the walls as they do now in our house. Roses, tables, arches, candles.

I remember Yellow 01 nodding at me as I stood at the wedding altar. The lights dancing on the guest's faces. Everyone holding their breath.

What I remember most is the world stopping as the doors opened and Orange slowly walked in.

I stared at her for what felt like hours but in reality was only seconds. She had on a silken white ball gown that trailed at the ends and sparkled as she walked. Intricate designs of petals and flowers were subtly woven into the fabric. A pink rose was in her hair and a long lace veil followed behind her.

My heartbeat brought me back to reality and I could not stand one more second without her.

Yellow 01 had tried to grab my sleeve but I had already begun to run towards her and in that same instant she began to run towards me as well.

We soon collided into each other and to stop the momentum I spun around as I picked her up.

As we spun she held onto me and we both laughed.

I soon slowed down and the laughing stopped as we stared into each other's eyes. Tears followed as she smiled at me.



Finally I put her down and we both nodded at each other before saying.

"I'm ready!"

We looked at each other in surprise as the cadence of our voice's matched. She took my hand and we walked up the aisle together.

As we made it to the top and took our places Yellow 01 gave a slight laugh before starting the vows.

"I Pink take you Orange, to be my wife,

to have and to hold, from this day forward,

for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,

in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,

excluding all others, as long as we both shall live.

I do~"

"I Orange take you Pink, to be my husband,

to have and to hold, from this day forward,

for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,

in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,

excluding all others, as long as we both shall live.

I do~"

In pure ecstasy we gently slipped the wedding bands onto each other's fingers before pulling each other into the first kiss of our marriage.

A spark ran through our bodies as we kissed and neither of us wanted to let go. As we stood there, lips pressed together, I took in Orange's scent and the warmth of her body against mine.

We stood there in the magic of our first kiss for the longest time, so long that Yellow 01 eventually gave a loud cough. With wide eyes Orange quickly pulled away.

"Oh right!"

She threw her bouquet out into the audience before wrapping her arms tightly around me and pulling me into another kiss.

As later revealed in the recording of our wedding, Yellow 01 had looked at us with a hilarious mixture of surprise and disgust.

He soon loudly coughed again and this time both Orange and I slowly pulled away.

I stared at my wife and she stared at her husband .

After a moment I quickly picked her up and spun her around again before yelling.

"Everyone look at my wife!"

And running into the crowd.


After mingling with the guests and bathing in the excitement of all of their congratulations, we soon found ourselves contently on the dance floor.

As we slowly waltzed we pulled each other into another kiss.

I could feel my heart beating out of control as Orange soon pulled away only to give my lips multiple soft kisses.

She smiled deeply at me.

"I like kissing you Pink~"

I could feel my face getting very hot.

"I-I like kissing you t-too!"

Orange wrapped her arms tightly around me and as she pressed against me I could feel her slightly shaking.

"That was the first time someone's kissed me and I didn't feel afraid..."

She pressed deeper into me and I lightly stroked her hair. We stayed like that for a moment before she started to murmur.

"I-I'm really not scared..."

After a second she looked at me excitedly.

"Pink, I'm not scared!"

I gave a slight laugh.

"I'm not scared either!"

Orange looked at me more intently.

"No-no it's not like that! I'm really not scared! I don't feel afraid I-"

I gently placed my hand on her cheek.

"I just feel you~"

She stared at me as I spoke.

"Thank you for showing me that I don't have to be afraid anymore."


After putting Momo to bed, Orange and I stood in our mini wedding venue of a kitchen.

I wonder if she was thinking about the same things I was?

Once we had stood silent for a moment, Orange wrapped her arms around me and placed her head against my chest.

My heart began to beat quicker and she smiled.

"Thank you for making me brave..."

I guess she was thinking about the same things.

She continued to speak as I traced circles in her hair.

"The world for the longest time seemed like such a...such a dark place...but for some reason when I first saw your eyes...

Orange gave a slight laugh as she listened to my heartbeat for a moment.

"The world started to seem a bit brighter...I don't know why but you saw me and the Dark Web lost a bit of its grip..."

Still gently messing with her hair, I scrunched my face.

"I love you hun but please tell me you're not talking about the time you found me after I beat up 01?"

Orange gave a small laugh.

"No, it was some other time...Sometimes when you start remembering you just... you just remember it all...I-it was no big deal... "

She shook her head before giving me a kiss. "Mmm I still like kissing you~"

I sincerely looked into her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry I don't remember...but I could..."

She shook her head again and gave my neck a raspberry.

"Haven't you heard me talk enough today?"

I smiled.

" I could listen to you forever ~"

She looked at me with wide eyes before smiling and leading me to the couch.


10 years ago Orange had become an 01.

She remembers that for the first few months of her new position everything moved in slow motion. Quietly watching as the world around her was transformed.

Soon she found herself in the halls of her new office helping the Icon Woman architects design the layout and interviewing potential coworkers in secluded corners.

One day the world finally caught up to her and the nirvana ended as two Pink Addisons walked through the door of her newly established office.

Orange tried not to shake as bad memories quickly flooded her mind. It had been years since she had last seen a Pink Addison and quite frankly she never wanted to see one again.

To say the least they were rough .

As the pair walked up to her she took a deep breath before putting on a contrived smile.

She wanted to run but instead said. "How may I help you two?"

The darker Pink Addison looked her over and as he did Orange couldn't help but notice that he seemed slightly familiar.

"Save the formalities sweetheart~ We're only here to see Orange 01."

Orange felt sick and wanted to lie but she smiled once again.

"Then you're in the right place because I'm her!"

The Pink Addison glared at her.

"Orange 01's a girl... and a young looking one at that..."

She put her arms behind her back to try and hide her shaking hands.

"I'm the first female and youngest 01 ever and I'm really pro-"

"No one asked!"

Orange's eyes widened and her breathing quickened as the Pink Addison leaned closer to her.

"That's right no one [Freaking] asked. And besides it all doesn't matter really, because soon you're going to fall from grace."

She stared at him. "Wh-"

The Pink Addison cut her off again.

"Did I say you could speak? I'm Pink 01 the top of the top and you'll never be on my level! I've brought about the end of a lot of 01's."

Orange shivered as he practically whispered in her ear.

"I'm the top and you'll always be at the bottom because everyone has their




Did he know about the Cy-

01 pulled back and scoffed.

"Look at her 02 like a deer in the headlights~"

Orange looked at the Pink Addisons in true unhidden panic and after a second she choked out.

"W-what...what are you trying to do?"

01 mocked her.

"Wh-what are you trying to do? Aww the poor little princess has no idea what's happening! We're here to ruin you and your business before it even gets off of the ground sweetheart~"

Orange's breath was caught in her throat and 01 sneered.

"And I bet you're wondering how we're going to do that~"

He wrapped his arm around 02.

"Well 02 here can find blackmail on just about anyone in under an hour and we've got time don't we~"

Orange felt terrified that she still had no idea how to say no and soon she found her leading 02 to one of the tables in the corner of the office.

Within the Cyber City she had heard the name 02 been thrown around a couple of times and the comments were the same across the board.

'A genuine monster who would do anything to get to the top'

Orange shifted uncomfortably as they both sat down and 02 pulled out his lap top.

If 01 had almost given her a panic attack how much worse would 02 be?


Orange shrank in her seat and felt sick. What felt like hours had gone by and she hadn't dared to look up at 02.

The click of his computer keys rang in her ears and eventually Orange forced herself to look him in the eyes.

To most anyone his eyes would have seemed to be full of rage and raw ambition but to Orange there was something more.

She had seen those eyes before.

They were her eyes all those years ago.

Orange studied his eyes and after a moment he looked up and snapped.

"What the heck are you looking at?"

She quickly looked up at the clock behind him.

"I was just checking the time as 01 said you should only be an hour..."

He glared at her before returning his gaze to the computer screen.

"Don't press your luck Orange Addison."

It took Orange all that she had not to look into his eyes again so she was thankful when she noticed that she could see a reflection of 02's computer screen on the clock above him.

Orange took a deep breath to further calm her nerves as she watched him try and break codes and scroll around various gossip websites.

The peace was short lived as she watched in horror as he typed 'Orange Addison 039'.

Her mentor's old number.

Orange began to greatly shake as even though the police had sworn to have deleted everything a lone link popped up.

A link for the Cyber Café .


039 had recorded every little private 'event' that had happened within the backrooms of the Cyber Café and posted it all to the website.

Orange's breathing became rapid as old memories consumed her. It was almost like she was back there again.

Her thoughts soon turned to the present and the present real danger sitting across from her.

After finding out what she was he could easily follower her to the bathroom and-

Orange desperately gripped the leg of the table in a panic.

Please don't hurt me!

Please don't hurt me!

I can't go through this again!

Her eyes flashed opened just in time to see 02 as he...

As he finished running a string of code through the Cyber Café website.

Deleting it.

Orange stared at 02 frozen in shock as he shut down and put away his lap top.

"You're lucky I couldn't find anything."

He stood up and stared Orange in the eye.

"Just watch your back~"

For the brief moment he looked at her before turning away she once again studied his eyes.

They were the same eyes looking at her in the present moment.


As we sat on the sofa together Orange twiddled her thumbs.

"And um... yeah...but I guess your eyes are pretty different from how they were then... for one thing there's no more sadness in them..."

She stared into my eyes before continuing to fumble with her words.

"I-I guess...I guess it's just really funny... what people something so meaningful to me was just an afterthought to you...m-maybe it's for the best that you don't remember it..."

But I did remember that day.

Only bits and pieces of it though unlike Orange' comprehensive memory. I do remember clicking on the link and the video I saw...

It was bad .

Unknown tears started to well up in Orange's eyes and she shook a bit.

"I-I know I shouldn't think about these things...b-but I can't help but w-wonder if you did remember what you saw...what would you think of me?"

Her breathing quickened a bit as she shut her eyes in anticipation of my response. For some reason bits and pieces of the video came to my mind and I felt sick.

Without thinking I gently took her hand in mine and smiled. "I wouldn't think any less of you."

She shook her head. "No-no I w-want you to be honest with me!"

I just continued to smile.

"I am. You are the bravest person I know and...and..."

My voice trailed off not wanting to lie to her and she pulled her hand away.

As I began to talk again, Orange had scrunched herself together and the woman who had once seemed larger than life looked small.

"And...and I um...I do remember parts of that day almost in a blur...In fragments...I remember clicking on the link and poking around...and i-it was only the beginning but I remember seeing...I remember seeing a video of you ..."

All color drained from her face.


I looked at Orange with sympathetic eyes as she stared down at the floor, frozen. She shook but I knew it was not my place to say anything or do anything at the time.

So I sat frozen with her.

It was as if we were mere characters of a book suspended in motion by the author putting down his pen.

Eventually I was shocked when Orange looked up to me smiling but her eyes said it all.

Perhaps this was what my eyes looked like back then.

"Okay do your worst."

I looked at her in confusion. "Wh-"

"Oh don't be coy with me! You've known this whole time that your wife worked for the Cyber Café so I bet you've been wanting to have your own 'experience' with me!"

I furrowed my brow and shook my head. "Orange no I-"

She furrowed her brow back.

"Stop being a good little Addison and get on with it!"

"Orange! I-"

"I'm giving you permission, now stop toying with me!"


"Pink just do it!"


She angrily got up and stood over me.

"You're supposed to be a Pink Addison ! The least you could do is say how much I disgust you to make me feel better!!!"

Orange huffed angrily at me but as soon as she realized what she said she placed her hands over her mouth and crumpled onto the floor.


"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm...

I looked at her taken a back as she turned into a pile of sobs. My head spun as I tried to make sense of all that just happened.

I felt confused

And angry.

And sad.

Did she really believe I wanted to do all that? And to call me a Pink Addison... hurt...

Every instinct wanted me to yell back but I was now more than that.

Even when I was horrible to her she stuck with me so I wasn't going to abandon her after the first mean line she had ever spoken to me.

I just had no idea what to do so I took a deep breath and did what she had done for me.

She continued to repeat 'I'm sorry' in between sobs as I sat on the ground next to her.

My heart grieved for everything she had to go through and everything she was feeling right now.

Tears started to form in my eyes and I took a deep breath to steady myself as I searched for the words to say.

"Shhh I forgive you hun~"

With that she continued to sob and scrunch her body together. "I don't know why you would...I'm just horrible and dirty and-

"And loving, and compassionate, and you are the bravest person I know...I know I wasn't able to finish earlier but what I wanted to say was..."

As I talked Orange just stared at me as tears rolled down her face taking streams of makeup with it.

"Was...just because I saw the video doesn't make me love you any less...if anything you are so much braver than I ever could have imagined because you have walked through Hades and back numerous times...and if anyone should be saying sorry it's me...

I'm sorry for everything you've been put through Orange."

She looked at me with dull eyes full of desperation.

"Please just stop...I-I'm being've been through way worse...I'm just selfish and useless...I could've done better ..."

My heart broke just hearing that. "What do you think you could have done differently?"

She began to shake even harder.

"I could have said no more times, better, louder. I could have screamed and shouted for help. I could have fought. I could have run away...I could have..."

I breathed. "Your mentor ran a multimillion dollar organization...could you have really done any of that."

She looked down and let out a shaky sigh.

"It does all sound so stupid when you put it like that...I'm stupid...Why does it all still bother me ? I've been through therapy...I've done everything why...what is wrong with me ?"

I moved in front of her to look her in the eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with have been through the unimaginable and despite it all look at all that you've accomplished.

You're strong."

"If I'm strong, why can't I stop the nightmares? The bad thoughts? The worries?

About once a month I wake up in a cold sweat because I think I'm back at the Cyber Café. It's terrifying and I hate the pleasure of it all...but what I hate the most is that sometimes I enjoy it...I wake up disgusted with myself and that's when I see you sleeping beside me and I wonder what you would think of me if you knew...

But you do know ..."

"And I still love you."

We stared at each other and Orange seemed so small against the couch. She looked as if she was a young Addison again, reliving every memory. She eventually sighed.

"Sometimes I just hate myself Pink..."


I sighed as well.

"You're telling that to a man who tried to kill himself...And no the world would not be better off without you."

She gave a slight laugh.

"You're just saying that because you'd miss me..."

I shrugged.

"Nah I'm saying it because Momo would."

Orange let out a soft cry.

"I'm not going to kill myslef... Can I just ask you something?"

I gently nodded.

"I've been um wondering this ever since I first saw you...w-why...why did you delete the website...I was a complete outsider...Just someone in your why?"

" Because your eyes reminded me of my own ..."

With that her eyes widened and she grabbed hold of me. I've seen Orange cry before but not like this. Normally she was a silent crier, trying to keep it all in but for the first time, possibly in her whole life, she let it all out.

She wailed .

And it was so genuine and pure that I found myself starting to cry as well.

I just wished I could make things better for her but perhaps being right with her was enough...


We sat like that as Orange let all of her pain out.

She felt like a small child in my arms and I soon found myself comforting Orange as I would Momo.

I rubbed her back and stroked her hair.

"Oh my sweet girl~ It's okay I'm here...I'm here...You're safe..."

Orange grabbed onto me tighter and I could feel hot tears rolling down my back.

She was getting weaker and more tired by the moment but still she continued to cry. I was worried that she might pass out from exhaustion so I did the only thing I could think of to try and calm her down.

I began to sing.

"When the light is running low

And the shadows start to grow

And the places that you know

Seem like fantasy

There's a light inside your soul

That's still shining in the cold

With the truth

The promise in our hearts

Don't forget

I'm with you in the dark"

Orange shifted and looked at me with tired eyes before pressing her forehead against mine.

"I'm with you in the dark..."

She stared into my eyes and I gently moved her hair out of her face. "Thank you..."

I gave a sincere smile.

"Of course hun~"

"I feel as if I'm bothering you but can I ask you one more thing?"

I gently placed my hand on her cheek.

"When you love someone they're never a bother."

She looked at me with tired bloodshot eyes.

"Why is it that back then...and um even now...I feel as if you never looked at me lustfully? Most men mind even fabricated that our...that our um friends did at one point...I know my body i-is hard not to stare um...why?"

For some reason I couldn't meet her eyes and so I looked down.

"When you've been abused for long enough you tend to see other things...b-but I-I've always thought you were beautiful..."

She placed her hand against mine on her face.

"Thank you for always just seeing me ..."

After a moment she also looked down.

"I-I'm also sorry for the things I said and tried to're more than a Pink Addison and that was horrible of me..."

I leaned down to meet her gaze.

"You had me really scared there for a little while...but I don't need any of those Cyber Café fantasies to make me happy...I just need you ...

You're enough for me."

Her eyes widened and I nodded my head as I repeated myself.

"You're enough."

The words held silent in the air as she let them wash over her. For the first time in her life she was enough .

After a moment she spoke.

" You're enough Pink ."

And perhaps it was the first time I had ever heard those words as well.

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