
By Plast1cBags

15 1 0

"And so this is what the death of fear looks like: Eternal happiness in you..." A few months after the final... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 4

2 0 0
By Plast1cBags

Orange opened the door to her office in a flurry. After struggling with Momo's car seat and being stuck in traffic for a good hour, she was more than late for work.

When it came to work Orange was very punctual and controlled so it ate her up inside that after only a few weeks back she was already starting to be late.

As she made it through the revolving door Orange gave Momo's head a nervous kiss before taking a deep breath.

This was the first time that Momo had been at Orange's office so Orange had no idea what to expect.

Would all the colors and noise scare or delight her child?

Orange sighed. "There's only one way to tell..."

Orange walked into the office with her head held high and Momo securely in her sling. For a split second all seemed calm as her coworkers just started to take in her presence. Soon though, pandemonium broke loose as coworkers of various colors ran up to Orange.

The office was a storm of questions and Orange tried her best to answer them all while making sure Momo stayed calm.

Voices came from all directions.

"What's her name?"

"How old is she?"

"Why the heck is there a baby?!"

"Hi Momo~"

"Can I hold her?"

Orange shut her eyes in an effort to try and focus on one voice at a time. This was one of the rare times that Orange felt overwhelmed and she had no idea what to do. So she did all that she could do.

She held tighter onto Momo.

The crowd threatened to consume her and Orange's breathing started to quicken. Her mind raced with thousands of ways to possibly silence the crowd but her body wouldn't move. All she could focus on was making sure that Momo stayed calm and didn't feel all the anxiety that she felt.

Heart pounding Orange thought out loud. "Come on Orange, what would Pink do? What would he do..."

All of a sudden a booming voice addressed the crowd.


Somehow the single voice had reached above the crowd and everyone turned in shock towards the source.

Orange's eyes widened before she gave a sigh of relief. She instantly recognized the voice as 057's.



The crowd went silent and you could almost feel the embarrassment hang heavy in the air. Luckily 057 soon broke the silence as he thrived in awkward situations.

057 flailed his arms about. "I know you have a ton of burning questions about Momo!"

A murmur went through the crowd as 057 continued. "Yes, that is the baby's name and you are not here to judge!"

Orange gave an embarrassed laugh.

"When I first met Momo I had a ton of burning questions myself but a whole office of people questioning a single person at once can be quite overwhelming. Try going up to Orange one at a time throughout the workday. Lines are just as overwhelming so don't do that! Wait until you can have a private moment with Orange or...You could come to me: The Momo expert~ "

As the crowd started to partially dissipate and partially swarm 057, Orange took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She looked into Momo's eyes in the moment of calm but of course that is when the baby started to cry.

Orange's eyes widened as she tried to give Momo a bottle but the baby definitely moved her head. She pulled Momo closer to her and focused on steadying her heartbeat. The world seemed to go on pause as she rocked her daughter in her arms.

Momo's cries began to soften and Orange was just about to give her head a kiss when 057 walked up behind her. As 057 tapped her on the back, Orange gave a surprised gasp which only caused Momo to cry again.

Orange whipped around to face him and sighed when she realized it was 057.

She continued to rock Momo in her arms. "S-sorry you started me...Thank you so much for your help back there. I didn't know what to do so I I just froze..."

057 smiled. "Hey don't worry it happens to the best of us!"

Orange looked at him embarrassedly. "I just feel as if I'm off my game..."

He squinted his eyes at her. "This is only your third week back after literal months of being gone."

Orange opened her mouth in protest but 057 continued.

"Also you've just had a baby which no one could have ever imagined to be possible! You've been trying to go back to work acting as if you were the same woman who left all those months ago but, you're different now ..."

Orange looked down sadly as 057 waved his hands.

"N-not that that's a bad thing! You just have to be patient and meet yourself where you are. You're here now with Momo and that's okay!"

Orange snorted as she looked back up to 057.

"When did you get to be so wise?"

057 smiled again. "Roughly the same time I became the Momo master, which was about 5 minutes ago."

She laughed. "And who allowed you to be the Momo master?"

057 started to make funny faces at Momo and she eventually stopped crying.

He shrugged. "She did."

They both started to laugh as the work day truly began.


Even though her coworkers had calmed down, Orange's work day was still hectic. She put on a brave face as she had to balance Momo, talking to clients, helping coworkers, and answering numerous questions about Momo and her existence.

Orange was thankful for the few breaks she had throughout the day and for 057 graciously helping her.

Orange sighed as she leaned back in one of the chairs in the breakroom. After feeding Momo she dug around in her backpack hoping that she had remembered to pack some sort of snack in the morning.

Instead of a snack, in surprise, Orange found a whole brown paper bag at the bottom of the backpack. She squinted at it in confusion.

"Did Pink forget to unpack this the day he went to the hospital? Oh gosh how old must this thing be..."

Out of morbid curiosity Orange tentatively opened the bag and peered at its contents.

She gave a slight laugh as she pulled out a marmalade sandwich and one of the muffins they had stolen from the hotel. At the very bottom of the bag was a note that Orange was very shocked to find was in Pink's handwriting.

"Thank you Pink~"

'Hey Hun~

It's currently 1 in the morning and even though my head hurts like crazy, I

haven't been able to fall back asleep. So, I decided to at least try and do something

productive and make you lunch. I know that today is going to be extremely busy for

you and I am so sorry that some of that busyness is partially my fault...I'm

sorry...I know lunch is literally the least I could do for everything I have put

you through...If it counts for anything I also told Momo to be good to you

today. After all of that I guess I just wanted to tell you that I love you

and I wish you the best at work today. You are going to do amazing!

Love, your Pink'

After reading the note Orange instinctively laughed. She brushed her fingers against the note and could feel Pink's heavy handwriting creating bumps on the back of the paper. Smiling, she showed the drawing of the peach to Momo who happily babled, finally having calmed down fully.

Orange closed her eyes for a second and pressed the note to her chest.

"Thank you Pink~"

She laughed again as dispute Pink, who was supposed to be trying to rest, had decided to make her lunch. Orange could feel her face go hot.

Wiping her finger across the side of the sandwich, Orange collected the excess marmalade onto her hand to give Momo a taste.

Momo's eyes widened and Orange smiled at her and Pink's daughter.

Leaning back further into the chair Orange took her first bite of the sandwich and blushed.


Orange could feel the bags starting to form under her eyes as the work day finally came to an end.

After profusely thanking 057 again for all of his help Orange closed down the office. As she climbed into the front seat of the car Orange gave a little stretch thankful for the day to finally be done.

Looking at the back seat through the driving mirror Orange smiled at Momo sleeping safely in her carseat.

She closed her eyes but had quickly opened them once more as the timer on her phone came blaring to life.

Momo had started to cry as well and Orange looked at the phone in shock. The name of the timer was:

01 meeting .

Placing her hand to her face Orange gave a tired desperate laugh before turning on the car and speeding down the highway. As she drove, Orange sang lullabies at the top of her lungs which only made Momo louder.

After bursting into the office building Orange quickly pressed the up button on the elevator. The elevator did not move fast enough for Orange's liking so she began to press the up button very quickly.

She sighed. She didn't have time to wait for the elevator. After taking off her high heels Orange began to run up the 10 flights of stairs to the top of the building.

Once she had collected herself on the top flight of stairs Orange marched confidently into the 01 office room.

Orange was the last to arrive but Yellow 01 smiled at her as she walked in.

"I'm so glad that you could make today's meeting Orange."

She smiled back at him as Blue 01 made his way up to her and shook her hand.

"It's nice to have you back, Orange!"

"I am so happy that I get to be back and thank you all for patiently awaiting my return."

Orange was just about to take her place at the table when she noticed Pink 01 scowling at her.

He quickly turned away and turned to Yellow 01.

"Do you really think she should be allowed back in here after missing so many meetings?"

Yellow 01 cooley looked at him. "Sit down Pink 01."

Pink 01 scoffed. "You really mean to tell me that she's allowed to come waltzing back in here with that.."

He looked at Momo in disgust before Orange wrapped her arms around her, blocking Pink 01's view.

" That thing... "

Not looking up from the documents he was looking through, Yellow 01 spoke. "I'm trying to start the meeting Pink 01..."

This time Pink 01 turned to look at Yellow 01 in disgust. "Who says you're in charge of the meeting? I'm the top businessman in the entire dark world."

Yellow 01 sighed. "The Queen gave me the jurisdiction to run and take notes on all 01 meetings."

Pink 01 laughed. "Sweetheart, talk to me again when you live in her mansion~"

He smirked. "Oh wait, that will never happen because I'm the current Big shot invited to live there."

As the two continued to bicker Blue 01 made a big show of rolling his eyes causing Orange to give a muffled laugh. Orange stuck out her tongue and the two continued to make funny faces before Pink 01 whipped around to face them.

Orange and Blue 01 froze in shock.

"Blue 01 get that hideous look off of your face!"


Blue 01 started to sweat as Pink 01 smirked and walked up to Orange.

"Fine I'll let you take charge of the meeting Yellow 01 but before we start I want to ask Orange 01 about all of the terrible things 02 forced her to do to get that thing to spawn into the world~"

Pink 01 placed his hand with sickening gentleness against Orange's face. Anger washed over her face as she grabbed Pink 01's nose and yanked it hard.

He gave a small yelp and tried to pull away but Orange yanked it harder.

"I never said you could touch me..."

Pink 01 struggled against her grasp. "I'm-I'm sorry I said anything just let go of my nose-"

Orange stared at him coolly as she continued to talk. "Don't you ever insult my husband or daughter ever again."

She smiled as let go of Pink 01's nose and took a seat next to Blue 01. Now that Pink 01 was quiet Yellow 01 could finally start the meeting.


Instead of paying attention to term updates and results, Orange's mind was instead full of things she didn't want to think of.

She felt sick, and tired, and really just wanted to go home...

Upon noticing that Orange started to slightly shake Blue 01 reached over and squeezed her hand.

Orange looked at him in surprise and he whispered.

"I for one think you have a lovely family..."

Orange sighed before giving a slight laugh.

"Thank you Blue 01..."

As the meeting progressed later into the night Momo started to become fussy in protest for staying up later than she would have wanted to. Orange gently rocked her in her arms and tried to put a pacifier into her mouth. Momo kept spitting it out and Orange looked apologetically at Yellow 01.

"I'm so sorry...would you mind if I excused myself from the meeting until Momo isn't fussy."

Yellow 01 smiled. "Of course I don't mi-"

He was cut off by Pink 01 crossing his arms. "I mind!"

Orange gave him a harsh look. "Really?"

Pink 01 scoffed. "Yes really~"

He leaned over the table and smiled at Momo.

"Just do what I do when I want someone to be quiet~ Tell them to shut the [heck] up~"

With that Momo puked on him before starting to laugh.

Orange placed a hand over her mouth and began to laugh as well.

"Oh my goodness that was her first laugh!"

Orange smiled in delight as Momo continued to laugh.

Blue 01's eyes widened in surprise.

"I didn't know mini Addison's could laugh!"

Orange laughed. "T-this was her first time ever!"

Yellow 01 smiled. "Good work Momo."

All of a sudden Pink 01 gave a scream. "How dare that thing defile me and then proceed to laugh!"

Orange smiled at him. "Her name is Momo, Pink 01."

He continued to scream. "I don't care what it's called!!! How dare it humiliate me!"

Yellow 01 patted Pink 01 on the back. "I think you are humiliating yourself. Just go home, Pink 01."

Pink 01 was about to say something in protest but Yellow continued. "Meeting adjourned."

As Pink 01 began to sulkk out of the office room Orange laughed. "Don't forget Pink 01 that I made these suits to be dry clean only~"

He stormed out of the room and after wishing the other's well Orange made her way down the stairs and to the car.

She was just in time to see 01 drive off frantically in his pink Lamborghini as she kissed Momo's head.

Orange tapped the side of the car, the exact opposite from 01's Lamborghini, and smiled before making her way home.

Once back home Orange carefully cleaned off Momo before taking a shower herself.

After slipping into a warm pair of pajamas, Orange made her way to the bedroom.

She smiled as her eyes rested on me and she climbed into bed.

Kissing my forehead, Orange whispered.

"Momo laughed for the first time today~"

I opened my eyes quickly in shock.

"I missed it?"

Orange gave a slight laugh. "Don't worry, knowing our daughter, laughing will be a common thing for her~"

I laughed as Orange continued. "Also thank you for the lunch today."

"I-I know it wasn't much but-"

Orange cut me off. "Shhh~ It was everything to me.

She soon pulled me into a long kiss.


And so, for the next few weeks things continued as such.

My head slowly but surely started to feel better and as Orange had said Momo turned into a giggling machine.

I could feel my heart swelling upon the first time I heard Momo laugh and I could barely believe how fast she was growing!

Orange continued to work and I continued to rest until at the end of two weeks I was finally free.

That Saturday night Orange returned home to find me waiting outside for her in my finest suit.

Orange quickly hopped out of the car laughing.

"Pink what are you up to~ Shouldn't you be resting?"

I smiled. "It's already been two weeks and I feel better than ever!"

Soon I began to fidget with my hands. "I-I know that you said that you wanted to treat me to dinner I hope you don't mind that I've beaten you to the punch..."

Orange's face turned dark orange. She was about to say something but thought better of it and instead, looked up to me and smiled deeply.

"Thank you for always thinking of me Pink...even though you were sick..."

I looked back at her. "It was the least I could do..."

She wrapped her arms around me. "No, I mean it...Thank you for the sandwiches, the notes, the kisses...thank you for giving me all of your love~"

As she continued she pressed deeper into me. "Just don't forget to give some of that love to yourself..."

I took a deep breath as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her even closer to me.

"I-I'm sorry I'm still learning how to do that...just thank you for showing me all those years ago that I could be loved...I'm sorry for all the pain I've put you through.

I began to shake. "I-I-I'm sorry that there is so much wrong with me..."

Orange looked up at me with sad eyes. "Please don't say that..."

I couldn't meet her gaze. "I just hate how you had to find me raging in the hallway...trying to kill myself another time...and half dead on the ground another..."

"And what if I hadn't found you?"

"Maybe you would be able to sleep at night..."


Orange continued to stare into my eyes. "Pink I don't regret a single thing I've done and neither should you..."

I looked at her desperately. "What about when I smashed my head into the street..."

She gently kissed my forehead. "That...that wasn't you. That was all of the hate and lies that had built inside of you trying to come out all at once."

I opened my mouth to talk but Orange continued.

"Look Pink, my love for you isn't like a business deal. You don't owe me anything and you haven't tricked or...or forced me into it. I love you because I chose to love you through it all."

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "B-but..."

Orange sighed. "But if it means anything, you found me too ...

We stared at each other for a moment and I could see tears welling up in her eyes as well.

"I love you Pink...just show me that you trust me..."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "I trust you."

As I nodded, Orange pulled me into a long kiss. I soon placed my hand on her cheek and she winced.

I pulled back and her eyes widened in shock. She stared at me before speaking.


Orange took a deep breath. "A-and because I trust you too you remember me telling you how Momo first laughed after she threw up on 01 at the 01 meeting..."

Confused, I nodded.

"Um well...since it was my first meeting back, 01 was...was being extra rude."

Orange started to shake as long forgotten memories came to the forefront of her mind.

"He said something about you forcing me to do things...and then um...then um he touched my face...wh-which I know isn't a big deal b-but..."

I stared at her in shock. "But it was a big deal to you."

Orange stared at me as tears began to roll down her face. She soon pressed into me and I wrapped my arms around her and began to stroke her back.

Hot tears rolled down my neck as she continued to cry and I held onto her not wanting to let go. I could feel her shaking in my arms but she soon began to stop.

I buried my face into her hair. "What would you like me to do hun? I could go straight to the office and talk to him if you'd like..."

She took a shaky breath. "N-no I um took care of it...and Momo already got revenge for me..."

Orange pressed herself even more against me and I wrapped my arms around her tighter.

"I um...just wanted you to know that you help me a lot as well...anyone else would think I sound ridiculous..."

I continued to hold her. "I know you've been through a lot and I don't care if it sounds funny. I only care that it made you uncomfortable... I only care about you ..."

She smiled before pulling away and looking deep into my eyes

I met her gaze and as I slowly reached out my hand to touch her face she closed her eyes. "It's just me..."

She opened her eyes and pressed against my hand. "My Pink~"

As her face turned the color of burnt sienna I could feel my face go hot as well as I said. "My Orange~"


I was just about to pull her into another kiss when Momo started to cry. Orange turned around to the car in shock.

"Oh my goodness we almost forgot about Momo!"

I laughed. "We may love each other but do we love Momo?"

Orange squinted her eyes and gave my cheek a raspberry. "Of course we do!"

She quickly got Momo out of the car seat and gave her head a kiss. I kissed Momo too and as Orange looked up to me her eyes shone.

"I um wouldn't mind going out to dinner now..."

I smiled. "Sure hun, just wait here in the car as I go put Momo down~"

After putting Momo to bed I quickly turned off the stove, thankful that the entire house hadn't burnt down. I carefully scooped pasta into two dishes before lighting a candle and walking out the door.

Orange stared at me in confusion as I opened her car door and bowed. She squinted her eyes at me before they suddenly went wide with realization.

"Pink! Y-"

Smiling, I said. "I did~"

As I led her out of the car I could see her starting to blush but, once I had led her into the kitchen her entire face turned dark orange.

She smiled as I pulled out her seat and she sat down.

I bowed once more. "Welcome to 'home.'"

Orange tried to stifle a laugh as she said. "Oh Pink I can't believe that you've taken me here! I've heard only good reviews about the food. I've also heard that the chef is pretty cute~"

My face felt hot. "Well, when I was making the reservations the chef told me that all of his guests are pretty cute as well~"

She snorted. "We are so bad at flirting!"

I shrugged. "Flirting is flirting."

Orange gave my cheek a quick kiss. It had been such a long time since we've gotten a shred of alone time so as we ate, we enjoyed every second of it.

Orange had quickly scarfed her pasta down but she had saved one extra noodle. As I continued to eat I pretended not to notice as Orange put half of the noodle on my plate and the other half in her mouth.

In fake shock I watched as the noodle I slurped up led not to my plate but to Orange. We both giggled as we kissed 'Lady and the Tramp' style.

I smiled at Orange's shining eyes as I pulled her into a long kiss. Soon I kissed the sauce off of Orange's cheek and she pulled me closer to her.

Suddenly I gave a slight yelp as I fell onto the table and Orange stared at me in shock. Pasta sauce had gotten all over me and my nice suit.

Orange placed a hand over her mouth before looking at me with a mischievous glare. She leaned down to kiss the pasta sauce off of my face and I began to laugh.

We eventually cleaned my suit.

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