
By Plast1cBags

10 1 0

"And so this is what the death of fear looks like: Eternal happiness in you..." A few months after the final... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 2

1 0 0
By Plast1cBags

Orange soon laid down on the couch, placing her head in my lap. This allowed Momo to chew on her hair instead, giving me a break.

I leaned down to kiss out the small tears welling up in Orange's eyes.

She laughed. "P-pink~ Stop! You're tickling me!"

Before I leaned back up she managed to give me a butterfly kiss and I laughed as well.

Orange moved Momo to a different section of her hair as she shifted more comfortably in my lap.

"Now what were the others texting you?"

I picked up my phone. "Well 057 won't stop asking me for pictures of the baby."

Orange laughed. "Figures!"

"And Yellow 01 sent me a 'comprehensive list of must-have baby items' and he is happy we're doing okay. Oh! He also said that would fill in for you at the next few 01 meetings."

Orange's cheeks turned dark orange with embarrassment. "Oh my goodness I totally forgot all about that!"

I gave a slight laugh. "Well we did just have a baby."

Orange laughed back. "We did, didn't we!"

Orange looked up at me with stars in her eyes before saying.

"What are some of the things on Yellow 01's list?"

Knowing that Orange was probably going to ask I had already pulled up the list and immediately began to read off of it. "Pacifiers, diapers-"

Orange rolled her eyes. "I wished we had known that sooner."

I scrolled further down the list. "Teething toys, soft blankets, a crib, and baby monitors."

Orange's eyes began to shine as she looked at me in excitement.

"Pink, let's build a nursery!"


Orange looked at me with shining eyes and I had no choice but to say yes, even though I had the slightest idea of how we would.

Sensing my hesitation, Orange began to plead her case.

"Okay I know what you're thinking! 'How would we build a nursery Orange and where would we do it?'"

I laughed as Orange did a spot on impression of me.

She smirked. "We have a guest room for a reason and who is a more valued guest than our own daughter?"

I was just about to speak but Orange cut me off, continuing her spiel.

"You're right no one! Also the guest room is fully furnished and all we would need is the crib and baby monitor that Yellow 01's list mentioned!"

I smiled. I guess she did have a pretty good point.

Piping in, I said. "And don't forget about toys and decorations! If Momo is to be held as a guest we must make sure everything is to her liking."

Orange laughed before looking at me with a mischievous grin on her face. "We should also paint the walls~"

I smiled as her eyes lit up. My smile was as good as any answer and I soon found myself being dragged by Orange to the guest room. Momo still teethed at her hair and Orange held her in place.

As I thrust the door to the guest room open, our faces fell.

There was still one glaringly obvious problem.

There was a large bed in the middle of the guest room.


I gently removed a tired Momo from Orange's hair as we brainstormed what to do with the bed.

"Do you think any of the guys need a bed?"

Orange shook her head.

"If they did we probably would have heard about it by now and besides they have all been at their current residences for the past few years."

Orange paused for a moment before speaking again. "Oh I've got it! What if we were to donate it?"

I nodded my head before furrowing my brows. "That's a good idea! Wait, but wouldn't it be smart to keep it?"

Orange squinted her eyes at me. "And why is that? It takes up so much room and we no longer have a use for it."

I gave Momo's head a gentle kiss."Because she'll probably need an actual bed in the next couple of years."

Orange's eyes widened. "You're right!"

Orange glanced nervously at the bed. "But that still doesn't answer what we are going to do with it until then."

We both stood in silence once again as we tried to generate more ideas. I closed my eyes and as I messed around with the layout of the room in my head an idea soon formed.

I gently handed Momo off to Orange and she watched in confusion as I pushed the bed from the middle to the corner of the room.

Orange continued to watch me as I paced around the room and moved the bed a few more times.

I eventually decided on placing the bed slightly left of its original position. I stood to the right of the bed and smiled triumphantly.

"This is where the crib will go!"


Orange squinted at me as she rocked Momo in her arms. "And how will moving the bed slightly to the left help us?"

I smiled as I gave her the rundown of my plan.

"If we were to keep the bed we could sleep in here instead of our room if Momo were to get fussy. We could also use the bed as a possible play or diaper changing area as well!"

I stood with my hands on my hips in triumph as Orange gave a wide smile.

"Oh Pink you're a genius~"

Orange gently handed Momo to me as she flopped on the bed.

"Care to join me, master architect?"

I gave an embarrassed laugh as I climbed into bed next to her.

"I-I only moved the bed a couple of inches."

As I placed Momo comfortably on my chest, Orange cuddled into my side.

"A few inches were the thing that separated us from making a mistake we would regret later down the line."

"I guess you're right!" I said as I looked down at my girls.

Orange met my gaze and smiled as she pressed herself even closer to me. I could feel her heart beating quickly as her eyes shined.

She quickly summoned an ad log and I placed my arm around her back.

Smiling, she said. "What's stopping us from looking for nursery decorations now?"


And so we scrolled through catalog after catalog as we looked for the perfect toys and decorations for Momo's room.

About halfway into a toy catalog Orange looked up to me and gasped.

"Pink what are we doing? If it's going to be Momo's room we should be getting her input!"

I looked at her amused. "Isn't it clear that Momo can't talk yet?"

Orange squinted her eyes at me. "Yes...But she does make a whole lot of funny sounds and we could at least try and see the things she responds to."

I laughed as I planted a kiss on Orange's head.

"Alight sweetheart~"

Orange further squinted her eyes at me "I'm only trying to do what's best for Momo."

After giving a raspberry kiss to my neck and having me recoil in surprise, did Orange lower down the catalog to meet Momo's eye level.

And so the hunt continued but now every time Momo gave a slight babble Orange placed the item currently on the screen in the cart.

After being satisfied with our toy and decoration selections we soon moved on to looking at cribs.

It must have been fate as on the top of the second catalog was a pastel pink and orange crib that both Orange and I absolutely fell in love with. We tentatively waited for Momo's response and to our shock she placed a little hand to the ad catalog and Orange squealed with delight.


We awoke the next morning to Momo crying and as I got up to change her diaper, Orange smiled at me from the bed.

Her eyes shone. "This is our first morning as a family ."

My heart beat fast as I looked at the tiny baby crying before me.

Our tiny baby.

Our Momo.

As I finished putting the diaper on Momo Orange pressed against me from behind as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

We both stood there for a moment looking at our daughter in absolute awe. Momo soon broke the silence by starting to cry again.

As we made our way to the kitchen to prepare a bottle for Momo we were met in surprise by a counter overflowing with boxes.

Maybe we had gone a little overboard last night?

Carefully stepping over boxes Orange found a clear space to prepare Momo's formula. As she fed the baby I began to sort the boxes before smiling as I came across the crib.

I carefully opened the box but as soon as I found the directions I frowned.

"Orange the directions for the crib are in Swedish..."

Orange laughed. "And why is that a problem?"

I scrunched my face. "Do you think Momo knows Swedish?"

Orange continued to laugh. "And oh you thought I was the silly one last night when I asked Momo for input!"

I looked up at her.

"Well I know Addison's are spawned knowing a variety of languages but since Momo was 'born' would she know them?"

Orange stared at me as I continued. "She can't even talk..."

I started to panic. "Oh hun, how would we teach Momo things that we were programmed to know?"

Orange looked at me with compassionate eyes as she stepped over boxes. Upon reaching me she placed a kiss on my forehead.

"One thing at a time Pink. We will know what to do when we get there."

I pressed my head against Orange's belly.

"I...I just don't want to fail her..."

Orange carefully held Momo in one arm and placed the other one against my back.

"And you won't fail her because you're not alone. I'm here right beside you."

Orange took a deep breath.

"I'm every bit as terrified as you Pink because of things that happened in the past but, I know that together we can create a bright future for her."

I wrapped my arms around her waist as I looked up at her.

" Togethe r..."

Orange kissed my forehead again. "Always..."


After struggling with Momo's crib for a good 3 hours we were finally able to step back and admire our handy work.

It was even more perfect than it had looked in the catalog and Momo babbled happily as we placed her in it.

After giving Momo a toy, and not our hair, to chew on, Orange and I were able to start decorating the nursery.

Orange's eyes lit up when I brought cans of paint into the room and somehow, as we painted, we had gotten more paint on each other than on the walls.

After chasing each other around with paintbrushes and arranging and rearranging decorations of the room we were finally able to sit on the bed to take it all in.

As Orange placed her head on my shoulder I looked amazed at the stunning sunrise of colors that filled the room.

I chuckled as it seemed fit for the room to be a blend of primarily pinks and oranges.

The decorations of the room helped to tie it all together and besides the crib my favorite things were the star mobile and cloud lamp.

After a few moments Orange turned to me and smiled before pulling me into a long kiss.

My heart started to race but we were soon interrupted by Momo starting to cry.


The next morning I awoke to find Orange cuddling against the front of my body. Her head was placed against my chest and after giving a small yawn I placed a kiss on top of her head.

Orange began to stir and after blinking her eyes awake she gave a small kiss to my chest. She softly smiled and looked down at the baby.

Only the baby wasn't there.

I could feel Orange's heart start to race as she pulled away from me in panic.

"Pink, where is the baby?"

I could feel my heart start to race as well as panic washed over my body. I frantically began to look around the room but just as quickly as it came on me the panic went away.

I pulled Orange into me and laughed as I pointed to the crib.

Orange quickly rolled on the bed towards the crib and after seeing Momo inside of it she started to laugh as well.

Falling back into bed, she put an arm over her face. "We're doing great aren't we Pink?"

I laughed sarcastically. "I'm doing fine but you're the one who thought we had lost our baby just because we aren't used to the crib yet."

Orange squinted her eyes at me as I cuddled into her side.

She gave an eventual sigh. "I-I just don't want anything bad to happen to her."

I wrapped my arm around her waist. "And it won't as long as you and I are around."

Orange turned on the bed to face me and I could see fear in her eyes. "B-but anything could happen in an instant...Just when you think everything is going fine..."

My face fell as I finished her sentence. "It all starts to go downhill."

Orange pressed into me. "I-I just can't stop myself from thinking..."

She began to shake and so I grabbed onto her tighter.

Orange looked at me desperately. "I-I...."

She took a few panicked breaths before continuing. "I just couldn't live with myself if any of what happened to us, happened to Momo....

I'm just so scared Pink...I know we would never harm her ourselves b-but the world can be a cruel place...Neither of us know what we are doing so she might .... she might..."

I could feel fear rising up in my heart as tears started to form in Orange's eyes.

We stared at each other desperately before I took a deep breath and started to talk. "Orange don't forget the man you are talking to almost bludgeoned someone to death."

Orange continued to shake. "B-but people can be quick...what if we wake up one morning and she's gone?"

I pressed my forehead to hers. "We've got to take a leap of faith and trust that it won't happen..."

"But Pink I'm afraid to jump..."

I smiled. "But you're not jumping alone. I'm here. If nothing bad happened when we had no idea what we were doing, who could hurt her now that we have some semblance of what to do."

Orange gave a nervous laugh. "I did throw a dish towel on her...b-but if...."

"But what if we do something right? I won't let anything bad happen to you or her and I know as her mother you would fight to the end for her."

Orange took a shaky breath. "I'm a mother now..."

She looked up to me. "Oh Pink, how did you get to be so optimistic?"

I smirked. "Because I've lived through pessimism."


Upon hearing those words Orange gave an embarrassed laugh. "You still remember me saying that?"

I smiled deeply at her. "I remember everything you've ever said to me~"

Orange's face turned a dark orange and before she could say anything I gave her forehead a raspberry kiss. She couldn't help but laugh and boy did that laugh send my heart racing. As I smiled at her she gave me a raspberry kiss in rebuttal and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

Just as I was about to pull her into a kiss, a knock on the door caused Orange to give a slight yelp in surprise and Momo started to cry.

After frantically scoping the baby up into my arms I helped Orange to put a robe over her pajamas before rushing to the door.

Orange tentatively placed a hand on the door knob. "Who is it?"

On the other side of the door Yellow 01 responded and just as Orange opened the door 057 rushed up to me and the baby.

I stared at 057 in surprise as 205 chased after him. "Ah...I-I'm so sorry about 057! He was just so excited to see the baby."

Amidst all of the chaos Yellow 01 calmly walked in and smiled at Orange. "Get changed because you and Pink are going on your honeymoon."

Orange stared at him in shock. "Wh-wh-what..."

I scrunched my face at Yellow 01 as 057 stared in awe at the baby. "Yellow 01 what is going on?"

Yellow 01 walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "After you and Orange's Wedding you both never stopped working. And soon after that Momo appeared."

He smiled. "You two deserve a break."


We both stared at him in shock before Orange crossed her arms in defense.

"I really appreciate the offer but that is never going to happen."

Yellow 01 smiled. "Oh it's nothing really but I do insist!"

Orange squinted her eyes. "And if we were to take you up on that offer, which we won't, who would watch Momo?"

057 turned from the baby to smile at her. "That's what we're here for!"

Orange looked at him in shock. "You don't even know her!"

205 smiled sweetly. "But we could..."

Orange turned to me in desperation. "Pink a little help here..."

I began to sweat as I looked at everyone. "Look, thank you so much for the offer but we would have to kindly are welcome to stay and get to know the baby though."

Orange scoffed. "Hmm checkmate~"

Yellow 01 smirked. "Then what should I do with the room I rented at the hotel del color?"

I looked at Orange as she began to sweat. When the hotel del color had opened a few months back Orange had talked about it nonstop. In just mere weeks the hotel had risen to one of the top places to visit in all of the Cyber World thanks to its stunning architecture and wonderful service. We had never found time to visit, though, as we were both just too busy with work.

Orange scrunched her face. "This is not me saying yes but, out of curiosity, how long did you book the room for?"

Yellow 01 laughed. "Just one night because I know you wouldn't stand being away from Momo for any longer."

Orange turned to me with a look that was half nervous and half pleading. I walked over to her and held her hand.

I whispered to Orange. "Don't worry Momo is going to be just fine~"

After that I turned to Yellow and 01 and laughed. "You got us Yellow 01! We would love to stay and thank you so much for booking the room."

Orange gave my hand an excited squeeze before excusing herself to go up stairs to clean herself up.

As I watched her run up the stairs in pure excitement I gave Momo's head a slight kiss before turning around to the others.

"Let me introduce you to Momo!"


057 walked up to me excitedly. "Hi little Momo! We've already met but my name is 057."

Momo babbled and 057 looked at me expectantly. "What language was that Pink?

Before I could talk 205 gave a muffled laugh. "Babies can't talk 057..."

057 gave a laugh as well. "Haha that's so weird!"

Finally it was Yellow 01's turn to say hello to the baby and as he walked up to her he pulled a small stuffed lamb from his coat. Momo's eyes widened as he gave her the toy and I instantly knew that he was going to be her favorite.

057 looked at Yellow 01 with crossed arms. "Hey, that's not fair!"

Yellow 01 shrugged. "I'm only trying to make a good impression."

057 squinted his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Before the two could start bickering Momo had started to cry and I hurriedly began to whip up a bottle of formula.

205 looked at her in surprise. "I didn't know that babies could cry! I thought they only made those strange little noises!"

I gave a nervous laugh. "Oh does she cry...a lot..."

Momo soon calmed down as she sucked on the bottle and I turned to everyone embarrassed.

"I'm sorry that we have been such bad hosts so far....Um...would you like anything to drink?"

Yellow 01 laughed as he helped himself to a glass of water. "Don't worry about it, Pink."

After Momo had finished her bottle we all made our way to the living room where I placed Momo gently down on the carpet. 057 had also gotten on the carpet and tried to play peekaboo with Momo as I gave Yellow 01 and 205 the rundown of how to take care of Momo.

After listening to me ramble for a good hour 205 laughed. "Don't worry about a thing Pink, she will be well taken care of."

I fidgeted with my hands. "It's just that there are so many little intricacies involved with taking care of her...L-like don't forget that Momo's bottle can't be placed in the microwave but needs to be heated up in a pot of water on the stove...a-and...and..."

My words caught in my throat as all of a sudden Orange walked into the living room wearing a sleek red dress.

Orange apologized embarrassedly. "I am so sorry that I took so long to get dressed. I to make myself look nice..."

As I stared at her my heart started to race and all I could say was. "You're stunning..."

Orange began to blush. "Oh flatter me. G-go get ready while I give everyone a rundown of how to take care of Momo."

057 was about to interject saying that I had already told them what to do but Orange had already started to talk. I could feel my face get hot as I gave Orange one last look before making my way upstairs.


It felt nice to take an actual shower and not just bounce in and out as I had been doing so for months. I let my mind wander as I let the warm water stream against my body.

I still couldn't believe that Orange and I now had a daughter. Little Momo flashed into my mind and I smiled.

As I thought more about Momo and all of my new love for her, I also thought about Orange which caused me to blush.

How did I get so lucky to have Orange fall in love with me?

My heart started to pound. She was perfect in every way. Sweet, funny, talented, caring, kind, compassionate, smart, creative.

I breathed. "And beautiful..."

I, on the other hand, was just a big dork who had more issues than I could count on my fingers.

But somehow she loved me .

And I was never going to stop loving her.

As I got out of the shower and began to get dressed I laughed as I pictured both Momo and Orange in my mind.

No wonder they looked so much alike. I paused for a moment. I wonder how she'll take after me...

After shaking the bad thoughts out of my head, I put on a jet black suit and red tie to match Orange's dress.

I took a deep breath before walking downstairs to find Yellow 01 and 205 awkwardly listening to the same lecture from Orange I had just given to them. Both Momo and 057 were sprawled on the floor moments away from falling asleep.

Orange laughed as I walked up to them. "You look wonderful!"

Not wanting to hear anymore from the two of us, Yellow 01 began to escort us to the door but, that's when Momo started to cry.

I could see fear wash over Orange's face as Momo desperately reached out for us.

Orange tried to turn back but 205 had picked up Momo and began rocking her.

205 smiled as he talked over Momo's cries. " Trust us ."

I gave Orange's hand a comforting squeeze as we reluctantly let Yellow 01 show us out the door.


I clung onto Orange as we rode on her motorcycle to the hotel and I could feel her heart beating. I held onto her tighter as I knew it wasn't out of excitement but fear for Momo because I could feel my heart racing as well.

Even as we walked into the most lavish place in the entire Cyber World, instead of being awed by the impressive architecture, Orange instead talked about Momo.

It wasn't until we were led by a Blue Swatchling to a table in the ballroom did Orange finally speak.

"Pink, we shouldn't be here. We can't just leave Momo like this..."

I reached for Orange's hand and squeezed it. "I don't feel good about this either but I trust that we left Momo in good hands."

Orange's face became increasingly panicked. "B-But what if something bad happens to Momo? W-we need to be there!"

I could feel worry rising in my chest as I thought back to our conversation from this morning. I took a deep breath to steady myself.

"Besides you there isn't anyone I trust more than Yellow 01, 205, and 057."

Orange placed my hand to her face. "I-I know...I know that Momo is probably going to be fine but I can't stop thinking of her scared face..."

Her breathing started to quicken and my stomach churned. I was terrified as well and I had no idea what to say. Instead of looking for the perfect answer I said what I knew.

"You could try doing what I do when I get bad thoughts..."

Orange looked at me desperately. "What do you do?"

I looked into her eyes and smiled. " I think of you. "


Orange's eyes widened and I could see tears welling up inside of them as she took a deep breath. "I'll think of you..."

I gave a slight laugh. "Lucky for you, you don't just have to think of me because I'm right here!"

She gave my hand a kiss before giving a shaky smile. "I'm here too."

Soon the same Blue Swatchling arrived with our food and after taking a bite of hers, Orange had begun to eye mine.

I laughed. "Do you want a bite?"

Orange looked down in embarrassment. "I-It just looks so good and...and I um want to get a good idea of what everything tastes like."

Giving her a mischievous grin I said. "I'll give you some of mine as long as you also give me a bite of your~"

Orange smiled. "Deal!"

After feeding her a bite of my lobster, with still shaky hands, Orange gave me a bite of her steak. Both of our eyes lit up and instead of eating our own meals we instead fed them to the other.

Orange eventually laughed, starting to forget her fear. "You're the surf to my turf."

I giggled as well before standing up and holding out my hand.

"Would you care to dance with me?"

Orange's face turned dark orange as she finally allowed herself to take in the delicate design of the ballroom before looking up at me.

She smiled. "I would love to."

Orange willingly took my hand and much to my surprise she instantly let it go and did a silly looking dance move.

I looked at her in shock. "What are you doing?"

She laughed. "I guess I'm still trying to distract myself..."

With that we hopped across the dance floor like complete fools scaring most of the other Addison's there. I didn't care though because for the first time tonight Orange looked genuinely happy.

To try and deter us from our madness the live orchestra started to play slower and slower songs. Responding to their cue I spun Orange around before taking her up in my arms.

Blushing, she laughed as she held onto my shoulders and I instantly put my hands on her waist.

I smiled at her and she pulled me into a kiss.

As the orchestra started to play 'Love Me with all of Your Heart', I pulled Orange closer into me and pressed my forehead against hers.

Forgetting all of her fear, our shenanigans subsided as we danced. I could feel my heart starting to beat like crazy and as Orange pressed even closer into me I could feel her heart beating out of control as well.

Soon all we could feel was the rhythm of each other's heart beats as we danced.


As the night began to wind down a Green Swatchling led Orange and I to our room but, that's when we realized:

We had forgotten to pack.

Orange laughed as she threw herself onto the bed after taking off her heels. "At least I chose a comfortable dress to wear!"

Embarrassed at having forgotten such an essential thing I laughed as well. After taking off my suit jacket, tie, and shoes I joined Orange in bed.

As I turned the TV on to a random cooking channel Orange cuddled into my side and I wrapped my arm around her.

After an episode of the 'Great Addison Bake Off' Orange pressed her head into my chest and smiled.

"I can hear your heartbeat~"

My face felt hot as she sat up and looked at me. She was blushing as well and after a moment I asked.

"C-can I?"

Orange gave a nervous nod and as I placed my head against her chest I could feel her heart beating out of control.

We stayed like that and I could feel her heart beating quicker and quicker. Suddenly she gave my neck a raspberry kiss and I pulled back in surprise.

Orange glanced mischievously at me as she tried to give me more raspberry kisses. I tried to doge but I was no match for her as she pushed me backwards into the bed.

I kicked my legs from underneath her. "H-Help! Orange Stop! You're tickling me!"

She was relentless and continued to give raspberries to my upper body so I knew I needed to fight back.

In between raspberries I was able to take her by surprise and as I pulled her into me she gave a surprised yelp.

Now it was my turn to give her raspberries and we soon dissolved into a giggling heap.


I woke up the next morning to find Orange using my belly as a pillow and I gave an amused chuckle as I ran my hand gently through her hair.

Since we had brought no clothes to change into she was still in her red dress. Despite sleeping in it all night, no wrinkles had formed and she looked as beautiful as ever.

All of a sudden, as I smiled at her, my stomach gave a hungry growl causing Orange to spring awake. Upon seeing me she gave a slight scream before starting to laugh.

Orange placed a hand to her mouth. "Oh my goodness Pink I'm so sorry!"

I furrowed my brows in confusion and so Orange kissed her hand before showing it to me. Black lipstick stained her palm and my eyes widened in surprise. I touched my hand to my face and sure enough black lipstick stained my fingers.

I laughed and Orange stared at me in embarrassment. Before long she leaned forward to gently place a kiss on my cheek.

"That at least evens it out..."

After kissing Orange back I got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Don't worry hun it will wash right off-"

I looked in the mirror and I gave a slight gasp as I saw black lipstick staining my entire upper body including my pink dress shirt.

Walking out of the bathroom I was awaited by a nervous Orange. We both inspected the bed and thankfully no lipstick had gotten onto the satin white sheets.

As Orange sighed I rounded behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Thank you for loving me."

As she looked up to me, Orange at first seemed surprised before her face resolved into a deep smile.

"And thank you for loving me Pink."

I buried my head into her hair, taking in her scent. "I'm sorry you had to wait so long..."

Orange reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I would have waited forever."

I breathed. "How did I get so lucky?"

Orange's eyes shone. "I ask myself that every day."

I wrapped my arms around her tighter. "No honesty...why did you pick me out of everyone? I was a mess..."

Orange spun around and before pulling me into a long kiss she said. "Because you saw me ."


After a few moments I smiled and she smiled too. My eyes started to twinkle and I gave her neck a raspberry to get the last laugh.

"Oh you little~"

Before she could catch me I ran to the bathroom and quickly shut the door.

After a quick shower to freshen up and to remove all of the lipstick from my body, I quickly snuck out of the bathroom to get my suit jacket and Orange respectfully turned around.

After putting on my jacket I neatly folded my dress shirt and picked up my tie before placing them into a trash bag to take home. I felt embarrassed but, desperate times called for desperate measures.

Orange gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to take a shower herself.

Soon she came out holding a trash bag of her own.

I looked at her questioningly and she smiled. She opened the bag to reveal a small collection of soaps, shampoos, and conditioners.

I couldn't help but laugh as I asked. "Did you really take all of the complementary bath items from under the sink?"

Her eyes shone mischievously. "Every last one~"

Once we made sure we had gotten everything we locked up the room before making our way down to the continental breakfast, trash bags in hand.

The other guests looked in horror as two of the most successful business people in the entire Cyber World shoveled muffins, cereal, and protein bars into trash bags. Orange and I had no shame because it was so much easier to have pre-made breakfasts at home so we could better attend to Momo. Also who doesn't like free food?

After carefully storing our haul on a nearby booth, Orange and I excitedly made our way up to the waffle maker.

She smiled. "There is nothing like hotel waffles. Especially fancy hotel waffles!"

Finally, after struggling with the waffle machine for a good 5 minutes Orange and I made it back to the booth, waffles in hand.

Orange had placed every single topping on her waffles while mine just featured Blueberries and syrup. I smiled as she scarfed them down.

Before long, she got up from the table and stretched.

She smiled. "Let's go see Momo!"

As Orange checked out of the hotel I texted Yellow 01 to tell him that we were on our way home. Within minutes he responded with a selfie of him, 205, 057, and the baby. I laughed before showing it to Orange.

She gave a sigh of relief. "Looks like things worked out after all."

I gave her hand a squeeze and after taking a deep breath did Orange finally allow herself to take in the scene around her.

The whole lobby was coated in marble etched with gold markings and Orange stared at it in awe.

As we made our way up to the motorcycle, Orange gave an excited squeal.

"I'm so happy that we finally got to go!"

I kissed her on her forehead. "Happy honeymoon sweetheart~"

Orange pulled me into a long kiss and we were soon interrupted by a No man honking his horn.

"Get a room!"

Orange shot him a terrifyingly harsh glance before hopping onto the motorcycle. I sat down behind her clutching the bags of assorted food, bath, and clothing items.

We soon made our way home.


Upon returning home we knocked on the door to have a very excited 057 answer it.

After giving a joking bow he presented Momo to us and Orange scooped her up in her arms.

Momo gave a happy babble upon seeing us and we both kissed her forehead.

As we walked inside, upon noticing that my dress shirt was gone, 057 gave my chest a playful punch.

"I see you tiger~"

I laughed as I punched him back. "It's not like that!"

Upon making our way to the living room Yellow 01 greeted us with bags underneath his eyes. 205 was slumped over on the couch asleep.

I laughed. "It looks like Momo did a number on you all!"

Yellow 01 squinted at 057. "Except for 057..."

057 raised his hands in innocence as Yellow 01 continued. "For the most part she was an angel. Just who could have thought that raising a baby was nothing like running a business..."

Orange laughed as she gave Momo a kiss. "It is something incredibly different."

Yellow 01 rubbed his tired eyes. "How was the hotel?"

Orange's eyes sparkled. "It was incredible!"

She quickly shook her head. "But who cares about some silly hotel! How was Momo?"

057 raised his hand in excitement. "Ooo I can tell you!"

Yellow 01 leaned back gratefully on the couch and both Orange and I looked at 057 expectantly.

After going into great detail into every single thing Mom did and sound she made, 057 slumped 205 over his shoulder.

As they all walked out the door Orange and I thanked them all profusely before slumping on the couch ourselves, happy to be home.


We stayed on that familiar couch for a long time kissing Momo and drinking in each other's scent.

After giving Momo a long kiss on the forehead, Orange took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Pink I think we need to go back to work soon..."

As I stared at her in shock, Orange tightly closed her eyes before continuing.

"I-I feel disgusted with myself for even saying that, it's's just we have a responsibility to our coworkers...and..."

I gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Hun, don't push yourself. Just like you said 'we will know what to do when we get there.'"

Orange gave a slight laugh. "You really do remember everything I say..."

Her face quickly fell again. "I'm still scared... I don't want to leave Momo alone and before you say anything, Yellow 01, 205, and 057 have to work as's just...I was thinking what if we brought Momo to work with us?"

I could feel worry rising in my chest but I smiled at her.

"That's a great idea hun! We could even get Momo one of those baby purses to carry her around with!"

Orange playfully gave my cheek a kiss.

"You mean a baby sling?"

I smiled as I hoped that we were talking about the same thing. "Y-yeah!"

Upon seeing me smile, Orange kissed my cheek again before looking at me worried.

" was also wondering if you could bring Momo to work with you ?...I know it's so much to ask but I'm worried that Momo will be scared of all the loud sounds and bright colors at my office..."

Orange started to sweat as I took a minute to think.

"I think I could actually manage that. My work is pretty low stress and with all of the tea making going on it might not be all that different from home for Momo..."

I started to sweat as well.

"I just don't know how Momo will fare with customers...and how will consumers react to Momo?"

Orange furrowed her brow.

"...Momo did do surprisingly well with the guys and they did do pretty well with her...I-I still don't want to go back to work for about another month maybe before then we could invite some of your coworkers over to meet Momo...that way you won't surprise them when you walk in with a baby and Momo can start to get comfortable with more people?...."

I thought about the logistics for a moment before smiling. "I think that could work!"

Orange put her face in my hair. "I'm so sorry that I'm putting this all on you..."

I squeezed her closer to me. "Don't be and we have to introduce Momo to the outside world sometime."

Orange took a deep breath. "I'm scared b-but you're right...And you'll be with her..."

"I promise that I would never let anything happen to her."

Orange moved her head to stare deeply into my eyes.

"I know you won't and I won't be afraid because I'll think of you "

We stared at each other for a moment before Orange broke the silence.

"We...we could also get Momo used to your job by having you make more tea at home..."

I laughed. "You know you could just ask me if you'd want me to make you a cup of tea."

Orange laughed as well. "I know...then will you make me a cup of tea?"

After quickly brewing her a cup I brought the tea to Orange. Her eyes shone as she took a sip before looking at me and smiling.

"Pink tea is great but, I prefer the real thing~"

I smiled as well before pulling her into a long kiss.

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