"Are You Still Addicted?" Boo...

By RaveHaynes

223K 6.8K 5.3K

A few years have passed since Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin have gotten married. The love they have for one another i... More

"Are You Still Addicted?"
"The Tie That Binds."
"Follow Me Duckling!"
"The Water Is Too Hot!"
"Where Are My Headphones?!"
"My Father, Your Father."
"Great To See You Friend!"
"Dinner Is Served Cold."
"Adorable Little Hands."
"Sexy New Client."
"Wanting, Needing, Waiting."
"A Penny For Your Thoughts."
"The Subject Of Children."
"The Search For A New Home."
"The Movie Star Has Returned!"
"Yang Meng"
"A Troublesome Meeting."
"A Mini Vacation At The Bar."
"Dr. Lee"
"The Devil Within."
"Dinner With Mom, Again?"
"Charity For The Bold!"
"Moving Day!"
"Good News."
"Help Us, Dr. Lee!"
"Jiang Yifei"
"Sweet and Sour."
"Moon Cakes And Kisses." (Short)
"Nurse Zang."
"Wedding Dress."
"Dark Thoughts."
"Fun Things To Do."
"One Month."
"Tong Tian."
"You'll Need New Bras!"
"Those Eight Long Years."
"Traditional Love"
"The Procession."
"Will You Marry Me?"
"Husband and Wife."
"Month Two."
"Quality Time"
"Aunty Zhou's Advice."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part One."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part Two."
"One Scared Fish. One Worried Fish."
"Kiss Me."
"Month Three, With Gu Hai The Wicked."
"Gu Yang Visits."
"Gu Yang's Wishful Thinking."
"The Bodyguards."
"Work In Progress."
"How Can I Be Okay?"
"Rain And Thunder."
"Xiaoping Attacks Gu Hai."
"Seeing Ghosts And Stars."
"Be Still My Heart."
"Sweet Like Custard."
"Bad News."
"Hungry Eyes."
"Romeo And His Lovers."
"So Blessed."
"Month Four."
"Scared Me To Death!"
"Day One In Thailand!"
"The Grand Scheme."
"Let Me Go!"
"Higher Than The Heavens Above."
"Two Missing?"
"Silent Screams."
"The Search Continues."
"The Second Kick."
"I Want To Know!"
"The Comfort Of His Arms."
"Shi Hui."
"Swimming In The Hot And Cold."
"Walking On A Thin Line."
"Next To You"
"Lost For Words."

"Saved By Our Friend."

2.2K 39 56
By RaveHaynes

  That night, You Qi sat in his living room, alone. He had looked all over for Yang Meng but had no luck finding him. His intercom went off and he went to answer it. His security let him know that his sister, You Mei, was downstairs and that she wanted to speak to him. He told security to escort her upstairs and when his sister entered his apartment she smiled at him and even gave him a hug. 
  "Big brother," she said, "I wanted to talk to you about Yang Meng."
  You Qi frowned, but he was curious to know what she had to say. He led her towards the living room and they sat down.
  "Brother," she began, folding a slim leg over the other, "Yang Meng seems nice, but I feel like he will bring unwanted problems to your professional career."
  From the moment she spoke those words, You Qi knew that his brother You Chang had convinced their little sister to talk him out of being with Yang Meng. "Sister, I know what I'm doing. I've already told you that I would give up everything for Yang Meng. At this point in my life, I know what I want, and it's him. I don't care about the money anymore or the fims."
  She sighed heavily, stood up, walked over to the huge windows, and looked out at the city below. "So you would break the relationship you have with your big brother for Yang Meng?"
  You Qi was silent for a while, then said, "Yes."
  She turned to look at him with wide eyes.
  You Qi always thought that his little sister was beautiful. She had porcelain skin and looked just a Barbie doll. "I love my family, friends, and even my fans, but my happiness comes first."
  She turned to look out the window once more and said, "If you marry him, You Chang, mother, father and I will not attend your wedding."
  You Qi was shocked. What had changed her mind? He thought that she liked Yang Meng? "What?" he managed to say.
  She turned to him, locked her small fingers in front of her, and repeated what she had just said.
  "Why? I thought you liked Yang Meng?"
  "I did like him. But then I thought about how he would be ripping this family apart. I changed my mind about him."
  "You Mei, please." He said.
  "I have to think of the family also. This will bring shame to our parents. I'm sorry," she said, teared up, and left his apartment in a rush.
  You Qi heard when her voice cracked. He knew that she didn't really want to be left out of his life and the man that he would one day marry. She had been excited. That much was certain at the dinner with his siblings. Anger rose in his chest. How could his own brother do this to him? His parents were very traditional, yes, but times have changed, he had changed. But he was still their son. Nothing else about him had changed.
  He leaned back on the sofa and felt as if his world was crashing down. As if on cue, his cell phone rang and he answered it. His manager informed him of the hundreds of clients that dropped their support. He was losing millions in endorsements. Yang Meng was gone and his family was not supporting him either. He felt sad.

  Just because he loved Gu Hai and felt a little guilty for doing this, Bai LuoYin wore his military uniform. His mind ran to the past and the first time that he and Gu Hai had their very first serious fist fight. They were in a public restroom and a lot of people had witnessed their war. Men from his unit and women from Gu Hai's company had learned private things about them that day. So, tonight he would make things even by dressing up while he role played.
  Gu Hai lay in bed, pretending to sleep. He had showered and went to bed early in fear of what might happen. He thought, maybe if I went to sleep early, he wouldn't bother me. I am a hard working man, right? He can't be that cruel, can he?
  Bai LuoYin burst through the bathroom door and screamed, "Atten-tion!" When he noticed that Gu Hai was pretending to be asleep, he walked over to the bed, pulled the covers off of him, and screamed, "Wake up!"
  Gu Hai moaned in protest, his eyes remained closed as he said, "Let me sleep. I'm tired. We can do it tomorrow."
  Bai LuoYin was no fool. He knew it was a trick. He went to the bathroom, filled a bucket of water, walked back to the bed, and dumped it all over his husband. "Get on your feet, soldier!"
  Gu Hai kicked like a frog and his arms flailed wildly. His eyes burst open and his breathing was uncontrollable. He couldn't believe what was happening! He looked up at his lover and saw a smile at first, then his expression changed to seriousness.
  "Get up!" Bai LuoYin demanded.
  Gu Hai jumped off of the bed and stood over him, soaking from head to toe. His white T-shirt and pajama pants was drenched and they clung to his body.
  Bai LuoYin fearlessly looked into his eyes. He let the power of his military background drown the room, fill the air, and cover his husband in an authoritative way. "Attention!" he yelled again.
  "Yin Zi, how could you do this to me," Gu Hai said, his voice low, sad, and disappointed. He was trying his best to make Bai LuoYin feel guilty.
  "Silence! You do not speak until I tell you to!" Bai LuoYin screamed, ignoring him. He could be clever also, he thought to himself.
  Gu Hai sucked his teeth and sighed. "I'm tired. Can't we do this tomorrow? Please?"
  Bai LuoYin struck him in the stomach, hard. He put everything he had into his fist and rammed it into his gut. "Shut up!"
  Gu Hai took the punch, towered low for a second, then chuckled. He wasn't expecting it, and was caught off guard. He almost had the wind knocked out of him, almost.
  "Get on your knees!" Bai LuoYin demanded.
  Gu Hai inhaled slowly, looked down at him, rolled his head in a small circle, then bent his knees, bringing his height leveled with his wife's own. "Here, is it a kiss that you want?" He puckered his lips and waited.
  Bai LuoYin grabbed a fist full of Gu Hai's hair and yanked him by the head left and right. He was determined to bring him to his knees!
  "Ow!" Gu Hai hollered. "Stop this now!" He gripped Bai LuoYin's arms.
  Their muscles stiffened and the war began. Gu Hai twisted Bai LuoYin's free hand and locked it behind his back, bringing their chests closer together. Bai LuoYin's grip on Gu Hai's hair tightened. Gu Hai reached up and started pulling Bai LuoYin's fingers from his hair, but every time he pulled his fingers away, Bai LuoYin would latch on to another part of his scalp and pull even harder. Bai LuoYin ground his teeth and his jaw worked from the amount of strength he had to put into getting the task done. Gu Hai, who had made it his business to start working out even harder because he saw that Bai LuoYin had become stronger, increased his strenth and tugged, breaking Bai LuoYin's grip. He winced in pain as Bai LuoYin tore out more than a few strands of his hair.
  Combined military training from them both made this tussle difficult. Every move they made with their arms and legs was like placing a chest piece on a board. It took skill and only the smartest man would win. Bai LuoYin shifted one of his legs behind Gu Hai to make him fall and Gu Hai countered with a move that would bring them crashing onto the floor. They fell as if they were two heavy bags of potatoes. A loud thud was heard and they breathed heavily, still entangled.
  "Gu Hai! You will listen to me! Now!"
  "I promise, we will try tomorrow! Stop!"
  Bai LuoYin brought his knee up and jammed it into Gu Hai's abdomen. He tried to kick him a second time but Gu Hai blocked it with the palm of his hand.
  Bai LuoYin looked down and wished that he hadn't. The vision that he saw before him instantly made his mouth water. Gu Hai's nipples were hard. The little light they had from the bathroom had casted upon Gu Hai's chest at that moment. If his nipples had hands, it would have waved at Bai LuoYin, saying, hello, do you want to play with me, with your tongue.
  Gu Hai saw the opportunity and flexed his chest muscle upward.
  Bai LuoYin almost gasped, looked back up at his husband, saw him grin and raise his eyebrows twice, then pushed himself to switch positions. He ended up on top of Gu Hai, exactly in his lap, straddling him, which was a big mistake. He quickly tried to get off of him but Gu Hai caught his ankle.
  "Don't try to run now!" Gu Hai said wickedly.
  "Humph!" Bai LuoYin grunted. He reached down, grabbed Gu Hai's wrist, twisted it backwards, heard him wince in pain, then palmed him under his chin.
  Gu Hai took the hit, rubbed his jaw, rolled to his side, and they looked at one another for a few seconds.
  "You will yield to me!" Bai LuoYin barked.
  "Yin Zi, you play these silly games tonight, but what will happen when it ends with my massive jiba (cock) deep inside of you and you're screaming out my name?"
  "Tonight, you will slide my diao (dick) into your throat willfully and take every inch inside of your ass. And you will love it just as much as I do."
  Gu Hai laughed mechanically. "My love, you are determined not to walk properly tomorrow," he said, made a serious face and finished by saying, "again."
  Bai LuoYin was furious! He rushed him like a jaguar, gripped his T-shirt and pulled. The tearing sounds that came next were loud, rough, and continuous. They shredded one another's clothing without remorse.
  "Bai-Luo-Yin!" Gu Hai mocked.
  Pieces of clothing went flying left and right. Their grunts echoed throughout the room, sounded sexual, disappointed the four walls because it wasn't what they were used to hearing, and changed the aura of their surroundings. Bai LuoYin picked up the closest thing to him and tossed it. Gu Hai wacked the small flower pot out of the air as if he were a ninja. It went flying onto the bed, the dirt decorating the white sheets as if it were a canvas.
  Gu Hai put his hands on his hips and stood taller than usual, as if to say, try your best, you will always fail because I am the best. They both looked as if a lion had tried to kill them. Their clothes hung loose on their bodies and their skin was exposed all over, in all the right places.
  Bai LuoYin furiously threw more things, a picture frame, the lamp off of the side table, and a bedroom slipper.
  Gu Hai avoided everything as if he were untouchable. He ducked one thing, grinned, ducked another, teased him playfully, and jumped out of the way. "How are you so high in rank? You can barely hit your mark!" he said, pointed, and laughed.
  Now, Bai LuoYin was fully raging. He picked up the side table and launched it across the room. Gu Hai's eyes went wide and he threw himself out of the way. The table hit the wall and broke through the drywall, lodging itself in the wall and staying in place.
  Gu Hai turned his head slowly in disbelief, his hands on his hips once again. His eyes scolded Bai LuoYin. Then, the gears in his brain turned. He had thought of something to say, something beyond wicked. What he said next sent his lover over the edge. "Look what you've done to my bedroom!"
  Bai LuoYin only saw black now. His left eye twitched. That was it! Bai LuoYin knew he wasn't getting through to Gu Hai. He got everything he wanted, and probably always will! It was always his way or the highway! There was no compromise when it came to him. He would always talk his way through everything and anything. Was anything his also? Gu Hai needed to learn that he wanted to fuck him sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes! When the time came for them to name the babies, he wanted his right to do so also!
  Bai LuoYin turned into a human tornado. Everything he saw, he picked it up and either tossed it at Gu Hai or threw it into something. Memories of the day they got married entered his mind. His father saying, Yin Zi, are you sure he wants to marry you? His family is rich and we are considered poor.
  This is also mine, Bai LuoYin thought, as he picked up the computer from the desk in the corner of the room and threw it. He moved to the bathroom and threw everything in their at Gu Hai, the bucket, toothbrushes, towels, robes, brushes. Gu Hai was shocked, but stayed calm. The only thing he could do was avoid his wrath and stay out of the way.
  Another memory popped into his head as he moved to the guest bedroom. The fact that he didn't have to cry to show reluctance, but did when it came time to leave his father's home, a home that had just been theirs for a long time, motherless, but filled with love and respect. He had cried because he was actually happy and that he would miss his father. He knew that moving into a home with Gu Hai would make him happy. He just hadn't expected that Gu Hai wouldn't share everything, including parts of his own body with him. What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours, right? He pulled the covers off of the guest bed and ripped the curtains from their rodes, tossing them down the steps and into the archway below. He smashed the mirror on the wall and moved to the next room, the guest bathroom, and left his mark there as well.
  Gu Hai watched as things went flying from everywhere. He watched, and almost laughed out loud, when Bai LouYin opened the babies bedroom door, hesitate, close it, and went down the stairs to desroy the living room. He folded his arms over his chest, sighed heavily, and followed his love downstairs. He watched as the house got destroyed and didn't even bother to stop him.
  The loudest sounds came from the kitchen. Glasses, silverware, plates and pots went flying. Bai LuoYin threw things and one by one, he slowly felt better. It was almost as if doing all this distruction was therapeutic. He felt like he did not want to stop. He felt as if he could take a hammer to all the walls also!
  There came a knock at the door and Bai LuoYin froze, holding a pot high above his head and aiming for the window. Gu Hai, who was leaning up against the doorway to the kitchen, looked at him and frowned.
  Bai LuoYin's eyes darted left and right as he thought of the police. "Who is it?" he yelled, his anger rising again. Who dared to disturb him?
  Gu Hai didn't move. He stayed in his position and observed.
  "Bai LuoYin?" came a familiar voice.
  Gu Hai turned to look at the font door briefly and wondered why he hadn't heard anything before. Whoever it was must have knocked the door and rang the bell, but he had heard nothing. He looked towards the doorbell and noticed that it was broken and in two pieces, hanging loosely, dead as dead can be. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to looking at Bai LouYin and the guest who had no choice but to use the back door.
  Bai LuoYin stomped his feet towards the door, opened it, and barked at You Qi, "What is it? I'm in the middle of something!"
  You Qi's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped as he looked at the mess in the kitchen. He entered the house in a panic, saying, "Were you guys robbed?"
  Bai LuoYin grew silent and a darkness moved over his entire body.
  You Qi swallowed hard, eyed Gu Hai, who smiled without showing teeth and waved a hand at him while still having his arms crossed over his chest. He said, "Are you two okay?" When no one answered him, he said, "Yang Meng is missing. He ran away and I can't find him. I thought that maybe he had made his way over here by now."
  Bai LuoYin snapped into worried mode. "You haven't found him yet?" After everything that happened with Xiaoping, he felt the need to be extra careful if something happened to anyone he cared about. He felt that Xiaoping could still do evil things, even from behind the prison walls.
  You Qi shook his head.
  Gu Hai was entertained. He continued to watch them interact.
  You Qi noticed their torn clothing and sweat formed on his forehead. "Am I interrupting something?" He felt uncomfortable, nervous, and hot all of a sudden.
  Bai LuoYin ignored him. "Did you file a police report? How come you can't find him? Did you check back with his father?"
  You Qi nodded. "I just came from his father's house and he told me that Yang Meng hadn't even answered his phone calls. I'm worried and so is he."
  Bai LuoYin didn't even bother looking in Gu Hai's direction. He was still upset. He could do everything Gu Hai could do, maybe better! He wouldn't ask for assistance from him. Nope. One thing was for certain though, Bai LuoYin thought, You Qi had just saved his husband. "I'll help you look for him," he said.
  Gu Hai stared at Bai LuoYin. You Qi had just saved his wife, he thought to himself. Because deep inside his mind, he was thinking of fucking Bai LuoYin all over the kitchen counter tops for what he had just done to their home and for throwing a tantrum. He craved ramming himself so deep inside of Bai LuoYin that he didn't want him to walk right for a month. This would teach him to test me, he thought wickedly. He licked his bottom lip and then sucked it into the inside of his mouth. He would enjoy the next few days. He would show Bai LuoYin who is the real alpha in their relationship. He was tired of Bai LuoYin challenging him. It was now time to apply the pressure.


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