Little Bit Yours πŸ’œ

By ashbrat488

33.5K 2K 298

~~COMPLETED~~ Audrey Parker grew up in Boston and worked at the DA's office during her last semester of law s... More



1.4K 91 14
By ashbrat488

Audrey knocks nervously on Andy's office door the following morning after dropping Braeden at daycare. She pushes the door open slowly to find him standing up from behind his desk. "Morning..."

"Good morning, Addie." He offers her a small smile, the tension between them now awkward. "David won't be in this morning, so he wanted me to show you to your office." He motions for her to follow him as he leads her to the office directly next to his with a small chuckle. "Long walk, I know."

She chuckles, entering the office, looking around. It was bland and empty, minus a cabinet with bookshelves, a large desk and a laptop and two chairs for clients. "Thank you, Andy."

"Of course." He plops into one of the client chairs as she takes her place behind the desk. "I wanted to apologize, Addie."

"For what?"

He sighs, leaning toward her. "For Braeden. I do understand why you kept him from me, even if I don't like it. I may have been a bit harsh last night with my demands regarding him. I do want him to have my name and I've already drawn up the paperwork. And I do want to see him and get to know him. But I don't want either of you to feel like I'm trying to take him away from you or anything. I would like to take him Saturday for the day to take him shopping for stuff so I can make him a room at my place. And then, when he's comfortable, I would like him to spend the night, eventually moving to one week on and one week off. Equal custody."

"That's fair, Andy." She sighs, nodding. "It is a big adjustment still though. For both of us. I've never spent a night without him... And neither has he without me."

"I know. When you are both ready, okay?"


"Good." He stands up, smoothing his tie. "I would also like to give you money for child support for the last four years."

"What?! No way." She scoffs, shaking her head and her hands. "I don't want your money, Andy. We are fine."

"I want to."

"No!" She stands up, leaning on her desk. "I don't want it, Andy. I won't keep you from your son, but I don't want your money!"

"Fine!" He sighs, opening the door, looking out before glancing back at her. "Your boyfriend is here," he spits, brushing past Adam without a word.

"Adam, what are you doing here?"

He glances back at Andy before entering the office, shutting the door behind him. "I came because I heard about your dad. I wanted to see how you are doing."

"Oh..." She crosses the room to him, letting him wrap her in a hug as she sighs. "Thanks for checking on me."

"Of course..." He pulls away to look down at her, cradling her chin between his fingers. "What's the matter?"

She shrugs, sitting back behind her desk. "Just a lot of stuff. Andy knows about Braeden. All we've done since he found out is fight about it. And then with my dad... I'm just really tired."

"I get it. Do you need anything?"

She shakes her head, giving him a smile. "Thanks. You're sweet, but I'm okay."

"Sure." He hesitates at the door before turning back to her. "So... are you getting back together with Andy?"

"Gosh, Adam, I don't really know. Honestly, I'm not thinking about any sort of relationship at all at the moment. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He smiles and shrugs. "You just got here and have a lot going on. I get it. I'll be here if you change your mind."

"Don't wait too long, Adam," she cautions, nodding.

He shrugs again, smirking. "Hey, I've waited this long, what's a little longer?"

She groans after he leaves, feeling worse than she did when she arrived. She rests her head on her desk for a few minutes before losing herself in her work.


Audrey gets a knock on the door after lunch and the door opens before she can respond, surprised to find Lily in front of her. She waves her hand at Lily, "Andy's office is next door," and looks back at her computer.

"I know where his office is," she scoffs, closing the door.

"Okay? Then is there something I can help you with?" Audrey watches her cross her arms over her chest and she already knows she is going to regret coming into work today.

"Yes! You can stay away from my boyfriend. He was mine first. What the fuck is your problem? You have a kink for men that are already taken or something?! You're really that desperate to lie to Andy about having his child just so that he would come crawling back to you? Well, I can tell you that it will not work. We've been together for more than a year, and no one will be coming between us, especially you. Fucking slut."

Audrey shakes her head, normally having more fight, but already feeling emotionally drained. "Braeden is his and he knows it. As far as anything else goes, I'm not interested, nor do I care who he fucks." She could tell Lily that she had only ever had sex with Andy at the time and he knows it, so there is no denying who the father of Braeden is, but she doesn't. "Besides, technically he was mine before he was yours. Just fuck off."

"I don't care about your lies, just stay away from Andy! He's mine!"

Audrey rolls her eyes as Lily stomps out of her office. She rests her head on her desk again, this time letting the stress of everything overwhelm her, tears streaming her cheeks. After about ten minutes of crying silently, she hears her door open and close, looking up to find Andy. "Just leave me alone."

He shakes his head, moving to stand beside her behind the desk. "What did she say?"

"Nothing." She shrugs, avoiding looking at him as she wipes her tears with some tissue. "Nothing I haven't heard before. Remember, I have been the other woman before. I've heard it all. Just leave me alone, Andy."

He sighs, shaking his head. "Place your hands on the desk and listen to me."

She swallows hard, her thighs clenching at the familiar command as she glances up at him, recognizing the familiar fire in his eyes. "Andy..."

"Hands on the desk, princess." Her heart races as she sits up straight in her chair, placing her palms flat on the desk. She closes her eyes, forgetting how much she loved hearing him call her that. "Now listen..." He stands behind her, leaning down to rest his hands on hers, nuzzling her neck as she moans softly at the contact. He smiles at the small slip up. "I broke up with her yesterday. So, you aren't the other woman and never will be again. She's trying to lay claim to something that isn't hers. It never was. Don't listen to what she or anyone one else has to say. Okay?" He watches her only nod as he nips at her neck, causing her to whimper, making his cock twitch in his pants. "Words."

"Okay," she responds softly.

"Thank you." He kisses her neck, just below her earlobe as he links his fingers through hers on the desk. "I miss you so much. There hasn't been a day since you left that I haven't thought about you, princess. I just don't know if I'm ready to start over yet. You understand?"

"Yes," her answer is breathy as she breathes heavily at his closeness, her eyes squeezed tight. "I miss you too. And for the record, I'm not with Adam."

He groans, resting his forehead on her head. "Good." He stands up abruptly, both of them immediately missing the contact as he pulls away. "Don't cry. I don't like seeing you sad." He leaves the office quickly before she can respond, left reeling from their interaction. 

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