Fly Away


263K 6.2K 3.7K

Love Rejection Heartbreak -------------------------------------------------------- Mia has spent her life liv... Еще

01 - what's the difference?
02 - you're the only one
03 - maybe i should just run
04 - get your bitch away
05 - i would never do it otherwise
06 - all of a sudden, I wish i wasn't here
07 - nerves and nerves and nerves
08 - just follow my lead
09 - entertaining delusions
10 - it seems you got lost
11 - hard-to-breathe syndrome
12 - woah, tattoos
13 - i dont want to feel alone anymore
14 - i'm a coward
15 - unraveling the truth
16 - not.attractive.
17 - fireworks and a goddamn zoo
18 - i want cherries
19 - death wish
20 - cherries aren't a meal
21 - anticipation
23 - things that shouldn't happen in an office
24 - echoes and bursts
25 - two innocent souls
26 - you're the only one who remembered
27 - daddy issues
28 - garfield 2.0
29 - the sound of a flat line
30 - moth to a flame
31 - mumbling and grumbling
32 - asserting dominance
33 - hysterics and kisses
34 - memories and the sound of ringing
35 - panic attack
36 - home?
37 - entertainer
38 - giving in
39 - flying away from reality
40 - anything for you
42 - cold fire
42 - glass proofing
43 - am i dreaming?
44 - savour me
45 - pretty boy
46 - moving on
47 - cherries and wine
48 - i love you
49 - reminders of her
The Hijabi and The Streetfighter

22 - it's tempting

4.8K 150 114

Song: Chase Atlantic - Falling (slowed + reverb)


My lips are still tingling from his touch as we take the elevator down to the basement.

My mind is reeling and completely aware of his body standing next to mine, just a few inches away, and it's like theres a rope urging me to move closer and touch him.

The last piece of resolve is shattering, and all I know is that if we take the motorbike, I'm doomed.

When the elevator doors open, revealing the black shiny cars and the single bike in all it's glory, we step out into the cool atmosphere and grey walls of concrete, me following behind Rocco as he walks towards his motorbike.

I'm a dead girl if I'm going to sit behind him on that thing and touch him without doing something embarrassing, but I don't know if I have it in me to say so.

He passes me a helmet and puts his own on while I just stand there, contemplating what I should do and say.

When he moves to sit on his seat, he looks back at me and I see a frown on his face through the open hatch of the helmet.

"Put the helmet on, cherry." He seems impatient, and I'm sure it's because he has to get to work and I'm just wasting his time standing here.

When I don't say anything, he gets up and walks towards me, taking the helmet and placing it on my head.

My breath hitches at his proximity, and I focus on his dress shirt, the buttons, the fabric, his chest as it moves up and down, solid.

I imagine my hands running over the muscle, his skin, the heat, tattoo's, and i'm so lost in my daydream I don't notice that Rocco has already sat back down on his bike, the engine turned on and ready to go.

I almost tell him to leave without me, but his expression makes me walk forward and climb on behind him.

I try to keep my distance, leaving some space between our bodies and putting my hands on his shoulders instead of around his waist, but he doesn't seem to like that because he take a hold of the underside of my thighs and pulls me flush against him.

I think I'm getting deja vu.

My heartbeat hasn't seemed to slow from earlier, but now it seems to quicken at the feel of his legs touching mine.

He twists around slightly and looks at me through his helmet, his muffled voice aimed straight at me.

"Cherry, put your hands around my waist if you don't want to die." His voice is suddenly calm and cool as he regards me, and just because I can't help it, and that rope tugging me towards him wins, I slide my hands down his back, his muscles bunching up under his suit slightly, and around his waist.

His back is hard and broad and my breathing is laboured at just the feeling, even through his clothes.

My hands are tingling with sensation as I bring them around his waist loosely.

He grabs my hands with his and pulls me forward so my chest is pressed up against his back, and tightens my hold around him.

"I swear to God, cherry. Hold on to me tightly. I need to make sure you won't fly off my bike." his voice is sensitive, and I catch onto the timbre of his voice like a dog to a bone, letting it bang off the walls in my head.

I give up and allow my body to melt into his, securing my arms around his waist tightly, splaying my fingers over his abdomen in a tight grip.

I can't help but run them over his tensed muscles, feeling the dents of his abs.

My nose brushes his back, and I breathe in, his smell consuming me and clouding my brain in pleasure.

I hear him breathe in once, and then he says something in Italian that I don't understand, but it makes my legs squeeze the tiniest bit from the slight accent.

"Mi stai distraendo cazzo." [you're fucking distracting me baby]

I desperately want to know what he said, but I just shout over the roar of the engine as he revs the bike up.

"What?" He seems to have heard me, but doesn't say anything else as he pulls out of the parking spot and drives towards the exit and onto the main road.

The immediate brush of wind in my hair and on my face is sending a wave of euphoria through me, and I tighten my grip as Rocco accelerates down the road and turns off into another street.

Every time he steers, the muscles in his back bunch and the flaps of his blazer hit my knees. His hands are gripping the handlebars firmly as he pulls into a small side street, past a bunch of small cafes and restaurants and onto another main road.

He weaves through the cars, and I tempt myself with the thought of standing up and spreading my arms out like a bird.

This feeling is exhilarating, and I want to stay in this moment forever.

He finally starts to slow down, and then he's turning into another parking garage similar to the one under the apartment building we live in.

The only difference is, this one is almost completely empty with the exception of an orange Ferrari and another black SUV parked up.

We pull into a spot near the elevators and I climb off the motorbike on wobble legs, nearly toppling over.

All the adrenaline seems to have worn off, but it reignites itself as Rocco grasps me around the waist to stop me from falling, his large hand a support against gravity.

"Easy there." His voice grounds me and I take a step closer to him, wanting to feel his warmth and the feel of him against me.

I don't know why my mind and body are suddenly feeling all these things for him, but I know for a fact that I like it. A lot.

I raise my hands up to push off the helmet on my head, but Rocco lifts my chin with one hand and starts to loosen the grips underneath, his knuckles grazing the hot skin, making sparks fly and spread all over my body.

He seems to have taken off his helmet already, with one hand at that, and pulls me closer with his arm around me.

I can smell him again, and I watch as he slowly pulls off the helmet, placing it on the bake of the bike before bringing his hand up to smooth the static hair, all messed up from the wind.

His fingers are gentle and careful, and he's looking into my eyes so intensely that if it wasn't for his arm still wrapped around me, I'd probably be a puddle on the floor right now.

My breathing deepens, and he notices, because he flicks his eyes towards my lips once, his gaze searing into my skin.

I almost move forward, but then he moves back and gets off the bike, smoothing down his already perfect blazer and gesturing for me to follow him to the elevator.

I do.


My control is running thin right now.

I want so much to just press her to the elevator wall and touch her everywhere she would let me, but I keep myself intact.

I'm waiting for the right moment, if there ever will be one, and I don't intend to do it in my work building, even though I own it.

I could just as easily order everyone out and fuck her against every surface, marking myself on her, but I know that's just my dick speaking.

It's tempting, I know, and she's making it so fucking hard with her cherry breath and those fucking jeans, making the curve of her ass ready for my hands.

That thing I pulled in the morning didn't help either.

I can still feel the warmth of her lips, the wetness of her mouth, the sweet cherry taste, the smoothness of her hair.

It took everything in me not to slip my fingers between her legs. I can only imagine what she would taste like. Sweet and sour like a cherry, I bet.

Fuck. And even my body betrayed me, my heart beating at a pace it never has before except for the time my father put a gun to my head.

It wasn't even a proper fucking kiss, but it felt like everything I've missed out on in my life.

Nothing has ever felt like that before, and I already know that nothing else ever will.

I know she was overthinking as she stood there, still as a fucking statue before I told her to get on my bike, but when those fingers of hers were touching me, and her thighs were clenching, I nearly picked her up and dragged her back up to the penthouse.

The elevator doors open to the ground floor, and I know she's following me by he noise of those boots of hers hitting the floor.

Just her presence makes me so aware, and I force myself to remember why I'm doing all this.

I need her trust. I need information.

Everything is going to shit, and I know my father is getting angry because he threatened Mia if I don't get this shit done quick enough.

It pissed me off more than I care to admit, and I felt like smashing my phone against the floor just so I wouldn't hear his fucking voice again.

I know it isn't that easy, though.

I climb a set of stairs leading to the first floor, two at a time, and push open the double doors at the end.

My office isn't as big as the one at home, but it's a sizeable space fit for a sofa and a TV mounted on the wall opposite. Plus a desk.

I stop in the middle of the room and turn to face Mia, watching as she takes in the room, her eyes lingering on the small window behind my desk.

Her cheeks are slightly flushed, and the dark blue of her eyes are as captivating as ever.

Her cheekbones are harsh but soft against the contours of her face, and I want to run my fingers over them, feeling her skin beneath me.

Her neck is exposed and just as inviting as every other part of her.

A small part of me wished to have a wife who isn't so pleasing to the eyes, so it would be easy to resist her, but with Mia, she's like the fire and I'm the moth.

Stupid in a weak moment.

Her eyes find mine, and I force myself to look to the door.

"Stay in here. I have a meeting. I'll be an hour at most." She nods her head, and I walk towards the door, but her voice, so smooth and strong, makes me stop in my tracks.

"Rocky." That fucking nickname of hers. I can't bring myself to make her stop saying it because I like the sound of it too much, coming out of her mouth and ringing in my ears like an annoying bell.

But it isn't annoying.

I turn to face her, and she's clenching her clasped hands together, obviously nervous. I take an involuntary step towards her, wanting to be close and smell the fresh scent of her body wash.

Cherries, of fucking course.

I don't think I could ever dislike them now.

She doesn't speak for a moment, and I take another step. Her eyebrows are furrowed and her soft lips are slightly pouted in thought.

She's making it so fucking hard not to kiss her right now.

"What is it, bella?" I'm surprised at the nickname that comes out of my mouth, and she finally looks up at me, clearing her expression with a small smile.


"Nothing, don't worry." She smiles wider, probably thinking it will reassure me, but I know better.

If it wasn't for that fucking meeting right now, which is too important to miss, I would fucking make her tell me whatever is on her mind.

I narrow my eyes at her instead and nod once before opening the door and leaving, her eyes burning a hole in my back on the way out.

You guys are making it so hard not to wait to post right now. (Rocco's words, not mine.)

Anyway s p a m the c o m m e n t s.

b y e .

oh and v o t e


l o v e y o u

p.s next chapter there will be a little surprise 😏😏

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