Від GamingLichdom

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Thrust into a world of transforming aliens, Momonga must use his new-found powers to help the Autobots in the... Більше

Chapter One - Momonga's Arrival
Chapter Two - A Day At School
Chapter Three - Unnatural Occurrences
Chapter Four - Darkness Rising, Part 1
Chapter Five - Darkness Rising, Part 2
Chapter Six - Darkness Rising, Part 3
Chapter Seven - Darkness Rising, Part 4
A/N: Character Sheets (1)
Chapter Nine - Con Job
A/N: Character Sheets (2)
Chapter Ten - Convoy
Chapter Eleven - Deus Ex Machina
A/N: Character Sheets (3)
Chapter Twelve - Speed Metal

Chapter Eight - Scrapheap

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Від GamingLichdom


The Groundbridge opened. Bulkhead and Bumblebee wandered through with a frozen containment pod they'd found during their mission to the Arctic. Both Mechs left the base while Optimus, Arcee, and Elita planned to search for clues to their recent find.

Currently, Ratchet was showing a small device to the Prime before he spoke,  "I'm not letting you go out until your sensors sound."  He pointed the device towards Optimus, Elita, and Arcee which resulted in their Autobot insignias flashing blue.

"Remember,"  he continued,  "once your core temperature drops into the blue zone, system failures aren't just likely. They're immanent."

Before either of them could respond, the sound of engines was heard from the main entrance to the base, and Bulkhead and Bumblebee drove in. The latter was carrying Raf and Momonga while the former had Miko and Jack.

"Miss us, Doc Bot?"  Miko asked as she and Jack got out of Bulkhead. Raf and Momonga were quick to follow their example and exited Bumblebee's alt mode.

"Shouldn't they be in school?"  Ratchet complained, though he was genuinely confused by their sudden arrival.

Momonga shook his head.  "We don't have school on a Saturday."

"We have the whole weekend off... to spend with you!"  Miko yelled happily before throwing both arms in the air. The Overlord sighed at her actions before noticing Jack walking towards Elita and Arcee, and he followed.

"I wasn't expecting the carpool."  Jack said as he walked over to his guardian.  "What gives, Elita?"

Momonga stood beside Jack. The pink Fem looked at the two before she answered the latter's question.  "Sorry Jack; Arcee and I are going with Optimus on exploration duty."

"How unfortunate,"  Momonga said while turning to face his partner.  "I wouldn't mind joining you on such adventures, it would be like the days with my comrades."  He offered a lite grin.

"Arctic exploration,"  Arcee clarified, raising an optic ridge and placing a hand against her hip. The Fem began tapping her pede against the floor in a rhythmic motion, expecting the man to give in.

Unfortunately, Momonga did the exact opposite as he replied.  "Is that all? I used to travel all around the world with my friends!"

"Wait, you've travelled the world?"  Jack asked his friend with widened eyes.

Arcee ignored Jack's inquiry and turned to face the Overlord.  "I'm sorry, Suzuki. it's still no."  She offered an apologetic look, knowing how much he enjoyed reminiscing about his past, and attempted to change the subject.

"Anyway,"  she started,  "how's your research going?"

Her simple question earned a look of jubilation from Momonga as he pulled out his notebook, the craftmanship still amazing everyone on Team Prime.  "It has gone marvellously. So much Cybertronian ingenuity. So many types!"

Arcee sighed, realising that her partner wasn't going to stop mumbling about research for the rest of the day. She was sure Ratchet wouldn't mind, though; the Medic always enjoyed seeing others take an interest in his work, even if he wouldn't admit it.

Momonga eventually stopped rambling as he looked at Arcee.  "Be careful out there,"  he said warningly,  "I am aware of your vulnerability to immense cold."

The Fem sighed but smiled at her friend's concern.  "Don't worry, I can handle myself. I won't be too long,"  she added before walking away, leaving Momonga somewhat reassured and contempt to let her go.

"The Arctic?"  Raf gushed.  "I've always wanted to see snow."

Momonga stared at the boy before he replied,  "I'm sure they would have invited you to join, Raf. But the conditions are much too extreme."  He noticed Optimus nodding along with him, grateful that he'd explained it to the boy. 

"I... understand,"  Raf said disappointedly.

Optimus turned to leave, Arcee and Elita at his side, but stopped and glanced back at Raf.  "But I will bring you back a snowball."  Momonga stared at him questioningly, which earned a quiet chuckle from Arcee.

"That would be awesome!"  Raf exclaimed happily.

Everyone watched as the three walked out of the Groundbridge, the green haze glaring from the cave. The Overlord still found himself intrigued by the design and wandered if he could somehow alter the Groundbridge.

"Groundbridge travel successful,"  Ratchet announced and went to deactivate the bridge. Unfortunately, as he moved, the controls suddenly short-circuited.  "By the AllSpark,"  he muttered so no one would hear, though Momonga still heard him.

A few minutes passed, and Momonga was standing beside Ratchet as he took more notes. The Autobot Medic would sometimes look at the Overlord's notebook and offer him more details on a specific topic, earning a simple "Thank you" from him.

Momonga was knocked out of his notes when he heard Raf calling out from behind them.  "Hey guys! Look what I found!"

"We're busy!"  Ratchet said with annoyance, only to let out a horrified scream when he saw what Raf was holding in his arms.

Momonga lifted his head as the Autobots stumbled away from Raf, activating their blasters and pointing them at him. Momonga was about to yell at the three, but then he noticed the tiny creature and managed to put two-and-two together.

This creature was very dangerous.

"Hey, hey!"  Miko yelled as she and Jack ran in front of Raf, protecting him.  "What's with you guys?"

"Scraplet! Scraplet!!"  Bulkhead yelped.

The Overlord couldn't help but feel intrigued by their reaction; if the Autobots were terrified of such a small, insignificant creature, then what were they capable of as a species? How strong were they? All these questions made him want to experiment.

"What's a Scraplet?"  Raf asked.

"The most dangerous vermin to ever crawl upon the face of Cybertron,"  Ratchet replied darkly, his optics completely focused on the small monster.

Jack and Miko looked closer at the creature in Raf's arms.  "This? Are you kidding me?"  Jack scoffed, unconvinced by their claims.

"You're giant robots! Scrappy here is... teeny,"  Miko said dryly. This earned a bitter look from Momonga, the man unimpressed with both children who thought themselves smarter than ancient alien lifeforms.

"You have no idea the damage that teeny thing could do!"  Bulkhead retorted fearfully. He continued pointing his blaster, albeit with shaky aim.

"Aw, he wouldn't hurt anything,"  Raf argued as he looked down towards the Scraplet. It wasn't long before the Scraplet in his arms came to life and took notice of the Autobots, causing Momonga to ready himself to jump at the creature.

As the Overlord expected, the Scraplet opened its jaws and revealed razor sharp teeth. It broke free of Raf's arms and advanced towards the Autobots at a rapid pace.

With a scream, Bulkhead and Bumblebee started shooting at the Scraplet as it rushed on them. Unfortunately, all their shots missed the metal monster, and it took the chance to jump on Bumblebee's leg and start eating his frame.

The yellow Mech fell to the ground and made to brag the Scraplet, only for it to bite down on his arm. Bumblebee started swatting with both hands, eventually managing to knock it to the ground. However, it immediately got back up.

Seeing his chance to strike, Momonga leapt from the railing and barrel-rolled towards the Scraplet. He used his arm to hold the creature in place as he reached into one of his pockets. The Undead cast [Create Greater Item] and summoned a dagger.

Momonga yelled while raising the blade above his head and slammed it down into the Scraplet's frame, easily cracking the metal shell and piercing its spark chamber. The monster released a pained squeal before its optics went black.

The humans and Autobots turned to look at Momonga as he held the stained dagger in his soaked hands, the remains of the Scraplet falling towards the ground from the sharpened end of his weapon. They were all amazed by his display.

"Whoa... that was awesome."  Miko remarked as Raf and Jack approached the Autobots to make sure they were alright.

"Where did you get that, Suzuki?"  Raf asked while checking Bumblebee's arm and leg; the boy seemed worried for the Mech's condition, even when he stated it was a mere 'flesh wound', as the humans would say.

Momonga motioned to his jacket's inner pockets.  "It doesn't hurt to be overly cautious,"  he said with a small grin stretched across his illusioned face. Raf looked concerned by his answer but chose to ignore it for the time being.

"Is he gonna okay?"  Raf asked Ratchet as he scanned Bumblebee's damaged limbs.

"It was only a mesh wound. He'll be fine,"  Ratchet replied with a hint of relief. The older Mech looked towards Momonga.  "However, I am rather concerned that you were carrying such a lethal weapon in your pocket."

The Overlord shrugged.  "I always leave my house with a knife or gun on hand; you never know when you'll require protection."  He gestured to the dead Scraplet for emphasis,  "And it seems I was right to carry it."

"Now do you believe me?"  Bulkhead asked.  "All Scraplets do is dismantle machinery and eat anything metal! Especially living metal!"

Momonga shifted in place. He wasn't sure what the Scraplets would think of his Divine-Class gear.  'Could they sense the material through my [Illusion] magic?'  he thought to himself. He may be just as vulnerable as the Autobots.

Then again, considering how the Autobots were only level 5, he wasn't expecting the Scraplets to deal any significant damage to him; Assuming they could breach his defences to begin with, and were classed as a high-tier monster....

"Well... the bug's squashed. Game over, right?"  Jack said hopefully. The Overlord looked at his friend with a hint of concern, though it didn't last long.

"No. When it comes to Scraplets, there's never just one,"  Ratchet explained to the children and Momonga.  "And I fear I know how they got in."  Everyone looked at the Medic with concern written on their faces.


Ratchet led the others through a hallway connected to a small bay, where they'd stored the Arctic pod. As the Medic had suspected, the pod now had a large hole in it. The other two Mechs quickly backed away.

"It's a Scraplet trap,"  Ratchet announced.

"Hmm... It would appear this 'trap' it empty,"  Momonga added, scratching the bottom of his chin in deep thought.

"It was most likely ejected into space, eons ago, only to wind up in the Arctic, where the sub-zero temperatures kept them in stasis,"  Ratchet said as he approached the emptied trap with immense caution.

"But now that we brought the thaw--"  Jack spoke.

"They're wide awake and ready to brunch,"  Miko finished while standing beside the taller boy. Momonga stared at the two before walking closer to the massive pod. He placed a hand against the metal ball and tried to think of a plan.

"So... how many are we talking about?"  Raf questioned the Medic, a nervous glint in his eyes.

Ratchet thought for a moment before his optics fell to the ground, defeated.  "A thousand."  He looked around cautiously,  "Power malfunctions and the Groundbridge damage are sure sings that their infestation is well underway."


"Ratchet to Optimus, do you read me? We have a situation."  The medic tried to contact Optimus and inform him of their recent developments, but only static came through.  "Scrap! The Scraplets must have gotten into the com-link system."

Momonga stood on the railings beside Ratchet.  "I suggest we deal with these creatures immediately, before they destroy the entire base."

"Well, I say we bug out of here and let 'em keep it!"  Bulkhead shouted and swung his arms in the air. Bumblebee whirred beside him in agreement, his door wings laying against his back to visualize his fear of the Scraplets.

"I'm afraid that isn't an option."  Everyone looked at Momonga, who now stood with his arms crossed against his chest.  "If we don't fix the Groundbridge, Arcee, Optimus, and Elita will be left in the Arctic. Their deaths will be certain."

"W-what?"  Jack asked, fearful for his partner's life.

Miko walked over to Bulkhead with a surprised look on her face.  "Bulkhead, you never run."  She failed to understand the reasons as to why her guardian would act with such terror. The Overlord watched them with a piercing gaze.

"Miko, you haven't seen a swarm of these things devour a bot."  Bulkhead retorted with a cracking voice.  "I have! And trust me, it isn't pretty."

Momonga grew interested in the knowledge Bulkhead could unveil, and immediately put his full attention on the over-sized Mech; he wanted -- no, he needed to know more about these creatures if he wanted to efficiently deal with them.

"They pick you apart from the inside out,"  Bulkhead continued,  "going for the small, juicy bits first. Fuse by fuse... Circuit by circuit, 'till there's nothing left, and I mean nothing! Not even your optics..."

Momonga raised his hand and grabbed the Autobots' attention, leaving them silent in his presence. He gave them an emotionless glare that seemed to look straight through them, only to shift his gaze towards Raf, Jack, and Miko.

Bumblebee wanted to question the Overlord, but his attention was turned back to Raf as he said,  "We're not made of metal."

'Good. He's finally realized,'  Momonga thought as he focused on the three human children. He was glad to see them coming to their own conclusions, especially when it could help reinforce their usefulness to the Autobots.

"Typically, I find your fleshiness to be your least inviting quality."  Ratchet mused.  "But it would appear to provide an advantage under these circumstances."

During their conversation, Momonga was trying to think of a way for himself and the others to deal with the Scraplets. He almost gave up hope, but then he remembered a random fact Punitto Moe told him about fire extinguishers.

"We could use the high velocity of CO2 gas from a fire extinguisher to freeze the Scraplets,"  Momonga suggested calmly. He scratched the bottom of his illusioned chin and stared at each member of Team Prime for a response.

Ratchet thought for a moment before replying.  "That's a good idea. There are some fire extinguishers in the storage rooms, we can use them against the Scraplets."

Momonga nodded before racing off towards the storage units, returning five minutes later with a total of five 6kg fire extinguishers in his arms. In truth, the Overlord found three but decided to experiment with [Create Item], managing to produce two more.

"These should be enough... I think."  Momonga said while placing the red tanks upon the ground, motioning for the humans to grab one.

"How did you manage to carry all those at once?"  Ratchet asked with bemusement.  "Humans aren't strong enough to carry such weight."

Realizing he'd revealed too much of his true strength, Momonga ignored Ratchet's question and gestured to Jack and the others.  "Stay here and with Ratchet. Bumblebee, Bulkhead, follow your humans and terminate the Scraplets."

"What about you, Suzuki?"  Raf asked.

Momonga chuckled and walked towards a random hallway.  "I'm going to search for their nest and lure them out into the open."  In truth, he just wanted to experiment with the Scraplets and learn more about them. He was actually rather excited.


Momonga wandered down a hallway, using a basic [Fire] spell to illuminate the nearby walls. His crimson orbs scanned the nearby vicinity for any sign of a Scraplet, yet nothing stood out to the Overlord who proceeded down the halls, determined.

Currently, Bulkhead and Miko were paired up and checking the East wing of the base. This left the North to the care of Bumblebee and Raf while Momonga himself chose to deal with the West wing. Jack stayed with Ratchet in the main chambers while the medic tried to fix the Groundbridge.

Momonga continued walking before the lights flickered off, accompanied by a loud -and girlish- scream that caused the undead to freeze in shock. He quickly deduced that one of the Autobots had freaked out after the power outage.

It didn't take long for the lights to come back on. Unfortunately, Momonga was unable to celebrate due to the horde of Scraplets that loomed at the end of the hallway. The group of metal-eating monsters were searching for food.

"At least they won't try to eat me,"  Momonga sighed as the Scraplets fixed their optics on him and opened their jaws. He stared back with a worried look, slowly backing away, as the Scraplets launched themselves towards him.  "Why are they attacking ME?!"

Almost immediately, he activated his [Despair Aura I], watching as his foes collapsed upon the ground and became dull in colour. Their pained screeches were like music to his ears, providing an assurance that the Scraplets were offlined.

In just one attack, Momonga had eliminated thousands of Scraplets.

"Now then,"  he spoke.  "Let's see what kind of summons you'll make."  Momonga lifted his claw, a strange purple mist gathering in his palm in preparation for the spell's casting. There was a long pause before he finally utilised his chosen spell.

"[Summon Undead: Zombie Horde]."  A powerful light emanated from the graveyard of Scraplets, followed by a pile of ebony sludge that lunged from the ground and swallowed the corpses whole. Once the casting time was complete, he would have an army of undead at his disposal.

Momonga stood in anticipation for what he'd see. The sludge eventually took shape, giving form to a legion of rotting corpses that differed greatly from a traditional undead summon. Unlike those from Yggdrasil, these [Zombies] were upgraded.

Their lower bodies were comprised of 100% rusted metal, an abundance of wires and cables latching onto alloy chunks. Their left arms were entirely robotic too, with a pair of hook-like claws fused onto their artificial fingers to create an efficient weapon.

However, amongst all these changes, the most important feature of these summons was their level. While normal [Zombies] capped at level 6, these new undead creatures gave off an aura of strength comparable to a level 12 monster. 

Momonga was very impressed.

Momonga didn't waste any time. He summoned a [Gate] behind the horde and ordered them to walk through and begin development of an underground facility beneath his house. They all bowed in respect, surprising the Overlord, before leaving.

"This has been a very fulfilling experiment."  Momonga muttered before shifting his body towards the exit and returning to the main room.

When he arrived, he found the Autobots trying to fight off a massive group of Scraplets who were flying down from the ceiling vents. The humans were trying to eliminate them with their fire extinguishers.

Momonga grabbed a nearby pipe he found on the floor and aimed it towards a group of Scraplets hovering around Bumblebee's head, throwing the rusted utility with incredible precision. He continued this process until all the Scraplets were dealt with, leaving the children to finish them off with fire extinguishers.

"Did we get them all?"  Jack asked.

Before anyone could answer, a loud hiss echoed throughout the depths of the silo. Ratchet's optics widened for a moment before his gaze fell towards the ground, silently berating himself for the oversight.

"Unfortunately, not"  Ratchet replied.  "These were just scouts."

The group seemed to freeze up at the medic's words before Bulkhead and Bumblebee sprawled out on the ground. Momonga watched them with pity, though still clueless as to why the Scraplets would be so interested in his skeletal form. He considered his MP to be the issue, but he doubted it.

"I assume the rest will know our current location?"  Momonga asked curiously, earning a strange look from Raf, Jack and Miko; they weren't sure if their friend actually cared about saving the Autobots, considering his laidback attitude.

Ratchet nodded his head.  "And if we allow ourselves to become their next meal, Optimus, Elita and Arcee will never make it home."  He clutched his side in pain before continuing.  "We must get the Groundbridge operational."

"Then we could send the Scraplets anywhere on Earth,"  Raf said.

"Why not back to the Arctic?"  Jack suggested, lifting up a fire extinguisher for emphasis.  "We already know they don't like the cold."

Miko grinned before cheering.  "Sweet! One-stop shopping."

"Given the body mass of the Scraplets, sub-zero temperature should freeze them on contact,"  Ratchet explained thoughtfully while resting against his desk.  "Come on, think Ratchet! If the Groundbridge is still not receiving power--"

Ratchet and Momonga spoke in unison,  "Then there must be a breach in the Energon fuel line."  The former paused before staring at the Overlord in shock.  "What?"  Momonga defended himself.  "You taught me how to use the Groundbridge, remember?"

"If we weren't breaching,"  Bulkhead muttered while failing to stand up,  "one of us could get back over there and fix it."

There was a long pause. Raf, Jack and Miko offered a reassuring smile towards their alien friends before moving forward. A physical inclination of self-nomination.

"Where do we find it?"  Jack asked.

"And how do we fix it?"  Raf added, standing beside Jack with a confident grin on his face. This earned the shadow of a smile from Momonga as offered the group an approving nod; he was proud to see them so willing to run into danger.

Ratchet gave them a repair kit and instructions on how to fix the fuel line. The trio looked towards Momonga, but the man simply nodded in refusal.  "I will stay with them, hold off any Scraplets that get too close."

Though somewhat fearful for their friend's safety, they eventually gave in to his demands and left to find the Energon fuel line. Now, there was only one 'human' standing between the Autobots and an army of metal-eating monsters.


Momonga stood on the platforms with a large axe in his hands, ready to throw down with the Scraplets should they make a move on the injured Cybertronians. He paced from one side of the flooring to the other, somewhat bored from the lack of recent attacks.

"So,"  Bulkhead spoke while struggling to sit up.  "If we-...... when we get the Groundbridge open, do we send the creepy crawlies out or bring our bots in?"

"Optimus and the others wouldn't last long against the Scraplets."  Momonga sternly replied, expressing his disdain for the wrecker's suggestion of the latter; it would only end in catastrophe for the entire group.

Ratchet seemed to agree, as he nodded in agreement.  "If we bring them in first, the Scraplets will have no reason to leave. We'll need bait."

"And where are we going to get bait?!"  Bulkhead complained.  "The Scraplets have already helped themsevles to everything here!"  The green Mech motioned his arms out to the rest of the chambers, revealing the lack of fresh materials for the Scraplets to feast on.

Before anyone could respond, one of the ceiling panes burst open with tremendous force and the army of Scraplets began their final push against the Autobots. Momonga glanced at the mechanical horrors before readying his axe.

"Ratchet!"  Fortunately for Momonga, there was no need for his weapon as Jack ran into the room with Raf and Miko right behind him.  "All systems go!"

Ratchet struggled to stand at first, but he eventually managed to get up and grab the control lever. He pulled with as much force as he could muster, and he just managed to activate the Groundbridge before falling to the ground.

As the portal took shape, Momonga ran towards it and stood in the centre of the tunnel.  "I suppose an item could work."  He opened his inventory and began digging, eventually pulling out a useless relic item he'd kept over the years.

"Hey, boys!"  He screamed, getting the attention of both his comrades and the horde of Scraplets.  "You like this shiny, metal item? Come and get it!"

The Scraplets bared their fangs and charged toward Momonga, who proceeded to exit through the Groundbridge while swinging the item in his hand. He could practically feel the Scraplets following him, their teeth mere inches from his illusioned form.

As soon as he reached the end of the tunnel, he jumped through. Optimus, Arcee and Elita staggered toward him with shock reflected in their optics.  "Get down! Now!"  He roared and leapt into the snow, the legion of Scraplets flying over his head and continuing toward the Autobots.

Optimus stared at the creatures in shock and placed himself between them, Elita, and Arcee. Fortunately, his sacrifice proved unnecessary as the Scraplets immediately froze into useless balls of metal, their bodies pelting the Autobots leader.

Once the rain of comatose Scraplets was over, the three of them looked up to find Momonga casually walking towards them like the calmest man on Earth, crushing a few Scraplets beneath his feat in the process.

Before anyone could question him, he spoke up.  "I understand the confusion, but I would suggest waiting until you see the state of the base."  Momonga chuckled at his own joke, earning a quiet breath of humour from Arcee and Elita as they followed directly behind Optimus.


When Optimus, Elita and Arcee returned through the Groundbridge, they hadn't expected the whole silo to be virtually shredded by the recent Scraplet invasion. It seemed that Momonga wasn't exaggerating.

This was only driven further by the visage of Bumblebee and Bulkhead laying on medical berths while Ratchet sat beside them against the wall. Arcee and Elita quickly joined their teammates due to spending too long in the poles.

Ratchet watched Raf, Jack and Miko as they tended to the medical equipment, meanwhile Momonga had positioned himself beside Arcee's berth to no one's surprise. They were partners, after all.

"Report. Bio circuitry status?"  Ratchet requested

"Levels are rising,"  Jack gave him a thumbs up accompanied by a confident grin.

"Excellent."  Ratchet praised before looking towards Raf and Miko.  "Rafael, keep a close watch on Bumblebee's electro pulse monitor."  The medic looked towards the girl of the group.  "Miko, check Bulkhead's interface patch."

"It's steady,"  Raf replied.

"Looking good!"  Miko excitedly yelled before -much like Jack- offering a thumbs up. This notion seemed to calm the Autobot medic somewhat as his shoulders lowered. He was obviously tired from recent events and needed some rest.

Momonga watched them interact with an uncaring aura -his crimson orbs piercing through them- before his attention moved to Arcee, the Femme's optics widening slightly as she awoke from her temporary slumber.

"Greetings, Arcee."  He welcomed her.  "How do you feel?"  Though many wouldn't think as such, Momonga was actually interested to know her physical -and perhaps mental- condition before moving on from the topic.

"I feel.... like I'm gonna kick your aft."  Arcee responded with a disapproving voice.  "Thirty minutes, and you end up getting chased by Scraplets."

Momonga released a chuckle, though it always sounded a little forced on his part.  "Well, I'm happy to know you haven't received significant damage to your mental sta-"

She glared at him like a scornful mother.  "Watch it, Suzuki."

"Shutting up now."  Momonga quickly acknowledged, knowing better than to test the patience of a woman. He remembered doing something similar to his friend Bukubukuchagama during the early days of Ainz Ooal Gown. 

It didn't end well for him.

Arcee laughed.  "I'll let you off this time, partner. Though I'm still angry about you running out of the Groundbridge being chased by Scraplets."

Momonga chuckled once more.  "I'm sure you are."

Before Arcee could offer another witty response, a loud, girlish scream tore through the air and attacked their 'ears'. Both of them looked around in shock while Elita jumped up from her medical berth, slightly groggy due to her resting.

"What the hell was that?"  Momonga asked with a look of surprise on his illusioned face.

"Scraplet?!"  Jack asked as he and Raf grabbed the nearest items available. They were downright terrified of those little creatures now, and probably wouldn't sleep for at least a couple days.

However, all tension in the room died when Miko screeched the word "Spider!" and almost jumped out of her skin. Everyone stared at her in disbelief.  "G-get if off!"

"This is ridiculous."  The grumpy retort from Momonga earned a lively chuckle from Arcee, who watched as he grabbed a nearby piece of rubble -a metal spike- and threw it directly at the spider, totally crushing its minute form.

The group were shocked by his impeccable aim, even Optimus had to do a double take to confirm what he'd just witnessed. The only person who didn't care was Miko, who continued looking for the arachnid that had been scurrying beneath her.

"Oh god, please tell me it's gone!"  Miko practically begged him.

"Obviously..."  Momonga chastised before approaching Arcee's berth and sitting down, his body positioned beside her leaning form that continued to face the rest of Team Prime.  "...Damn fool"

"You're a pretty good aim, Suzuki."  Elita complimented.

Momonga nodded with gratitude.  "Thank you for the honest praise."  He pulled out his notebook and began making notes about today's events, including his new summonable monsters. He couldn't wait to experiment on them.

"It's true Suzuki, you are a very good shot. But that doesn't explain why the Scraplets wanted to eat you as they almost did us."  Ratchet spoke up from the side of the wall, his optics glaring at the Overlord in question who immediately froze.

Momonga was once again reminded of his recent problem; Why did the Scraplets want to eat him? He wasn't crafted from metal, so what were they so interested in? Perhaps they could sense the quality of his Divine Class items?

"I-I.... I honestly have no idea, Ratchet."  Momonga replied honestly, though the medic didn't seem contempt with his answer. Nevertheless, he believed the 'man's' confusion to be true and decided to let him off the hook.... for now. 

Momonga shuddered for a moment, worried he'd blown his cover, before looking up at his guardian.  "Hey Arcee, could you take me back home after you've recovered?"

Arcee smiled at him.  "Sure."  She leaned back down on the medical berth, releasing a strained sigh.  "Just don't ask me to take you to the arctic, or I'll slap you."

"Of course not."  The Overlord laughed alongside his partner. He was glad to know everything would be alright, especially after such an incident.

I suppose this is just life, when you're with Team Prime.

       [END OF CHAPTER]       

A/N: Finally, another chapter completed! This took so long because I've been lacking the proper motivation to write just about anything! Honestly, I'm still not all that motivated.

Anyway, remember to check out the inspiration for this story -"Enter Dante, The Rev-9"- by DragonLord39. It's an amazing story that I always find myself rereading.

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