Varg Vikernes x Reader - A St...

By silliestvamp

503 13 18

In this engaging story of tragedy and romance, can [y/n] reach the happy ending she's always dreamed of? And... More

The Return of Varg..

Your Parents Sell You To Varg Vikernes

351 7 10
By silliestvamp

From your POV (your name has to be Oswald btw, sorry)

You open your eyes, the warm sunlight burns them slightly as they are such a pale ultramarine blue. The first thing your eyes land on is the A4 sized amongus poster taped to your wall. You smile as the sight of it always brings a warmth to your heart.

This warmth is short-lived however since you hear a loud, hoarse voice calling you from the floor below.
'Oswald! Get down here now!'
You sigh, knowing that the short amount of peace you had gotten this morning was going to be the last today. Sitting up, you brush the long, pale, flowing blonde hair of your away from your perfect face. After tying it into a low ponytail, you head downstairs.

You are greeted rather rudely as your Aunt grabs your arm the moment you reach the bottom of the staircase.
'What are you doing?..' you ask in a pusillanimous tone, your voice quivering as you struggle to speak the syllables.
'I have a,' she chuckles lowly, hearing it makes you sick with worry, 'well.. friend here to meet you.'
She had been dragging you to the living room by the arm, and you are sure that it is bruised by the time you arrive outside the door. The door is still painted the same eggshell colour that you have seen ever since you had to move due to both your parents dying in a horrific airplane accident, except today it seemed to tower over you, taunting you. Petrified of what could be inside, you swallow and feel yourself begin to shake. Beside you, your Aunt scoffs.
'Well, hurry. You don't want to keep him waiting!'.

Placing your hands on the doorknob, you are comforted slightly by the cool essence seemingly seeping into your skin, and the metallic smell of it. It turns and you hear the lock click, then the familiar creak. Inside, everything looks the exact same. Then, you see him.

Your eyes are instantly drawn to him. His brown hair hangs limply down to his perfectly sculpted waist, which is adorned with a black spiked belt. His facial features are pulchritudinous, he had iridescent azure eyes, a perfectly shaped nose and pink kissable lips. There was a light blonde stubble grazing his chin. You are enthralled.
'Here, this is Varg Vikernes. He's gonna be taking "care" of you for the next couple.. years.' your Aunt snarled, but you barely registered that she was talking.
His eyes lift up to meet yours, and suddenly everything stops. Including your heart. Your mouth runs dry and anything you were going to say before gets dissolved in your nerves.

Bringing you back into reality, your Aunt is pushing past you to get to Varg. You watch in surprise as he stands and hands her 20,000 krone in paper notes.
'..What? What are y..' but you can't finish your sentence, and your query is ignored anyway.
Your Aunt smirks as Varg makes his way towards you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and turning you to face the front door. You feel like you can't speak, let alone breathe. Or comprehend what is happening. Your head is spinning, and you cannot form a coherent thought to save your life. You let him lead you out to his junk-heap of a car, and he gently sits you down in the passenger seat.

'Hey Oswald,' his voice is deep, his accent somehow romantic and calming, 'You alright?'
You manage to nod, albeit slowly and your nervous demeanor probably gave you away. But he slips into the driver seat and starts the engine.

After a short and quiet drive, in which you left town, you both arrive at a modest cabin in a large field, green fur trees fence the edges of the field, forming a forest. The ground is covered in a thin layer of fresh pearly snow, glittering like a spinning disco ball. You snap out of your trance as the car door swings open and Varg scoops you up, and takes your hand.
'You are so beautiful Oswald,' he says, his voice reminding you of caramel, smooth and warm.
You don't say anything in response, yet you smile.

He leads the way, creating a new path of footprints in the previously untouched snow. He opens the door for you, and you giggle. He is such a gentleman. He walks you down a surprisingly warm hallway.
'I thought you would like to see your room,' Varg says as he lets go of your hand to open the bedroom door.
There is a patterned rug sat in front of the door, it is a red with golden yellow flowers arranged in a pattern, the edges of the rug are tousled.

You take a step forward, and suddenly the world goes silent. You lost your footing on the rug due to the fact that snow residue had melted around it, and you feel as if everything is in slow motion. Flawling your arms around to try and grab ahold of something, but it is no use.

You hear the thump of your own body hit the ground, but feel nothing. Then, as if a freight train had rammed into you at full speed, a searing pain seeps into every part of your body. You want to scream, but no sound leaves your mouth. Your vision is blurry, and it takes you a second to realise that most of the pain is coming from the back of your head. Hearing ringing in your ears, a dark haze clouds your vision, slowly closing in as all sounds begin to fade out.

Oswald fucking dies lmaoooo

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