big hero six the series x fem...

By MelvinJaye

60 0 1

during the fire at sfit there were more than just Tadashi Hamada and Professor Callahan inside the building w... More



22 0 1
By MelvinJaye

Rena pov

Hey there my name is Rena Lionheart I am a robotics and genetics major at sfit or was until a accident caused by Professor Callahan AKA Yokai he caused a fire during the college fair and he took a lot from people like hiro Hamada he took his brother away from him as for me he condemned me to a fate worse than death now I know what you're thinking what fate can be worse than death well let me explain and I'll tell you

Now I'm going to take you back just a little bit before my accident to tell you exactly how my life went to hell

Day of college fair at sfit
location Rena's home

Today was like any normal day I had just woken up and was ready for my college fair to see all the new inventions that people came up with to help life the better and how I could see all the new people that would soon come into college to make the world a better place if only I had known just how bad that fair was going to go I would have never gone

Good morning fam

Mom and sis : morning Rena

The people who just said good morning are my mother and sister Fiona and Lisa Lionheart my mother is a scientist that work s overseas most of the time

and my sister Lisa is working at sycoraax  for liv Amara this is my sister's first job since you got out of sfit so she doesn't exactly have the money to get her own place yet so she's staying with me and Mom

Mom: so are you ready for the college fair today

Yes Mom I'm ready I can't wait to see everyone and all the new inventions that are going to help change the world

Lisa: Haha I remember all the times that I went to the fairs when I was at Exit it was really nice I got to meet a lot of good people

Wow sis you really are old aren't you if your reminiscing about your college days now

Lisa:(annoyed) what was that I don't think I heard you right

That was a mistake she was so mad that she actually got me into a headlock

Ok ok come on I was just joking and you're choking me

Lisa: Apologize and I'll think about letting go

come on why should I have to apologize for a joke

Lisa: Then I guess you won't mind if I make the headlock tighter

Wait wait wait wait wait wait okay I'm sorry for calling you old now can you please let me out of the headlock

Lisa: Hmmm...hmm

Are you seriously taking the time to think about letting me go

Lisa: Yes yes I am and I decided I will

Mom: ok enough messing around  you have to he'd to sfit to get ready

Oh you're right

Just like that I leave my house and head to sfit where I go to work on my project but as I continue to work through the night I meet Tadashi Hamada's brother for the first time

"Sfit night"

I continue to work on my robotics project before the fire I was working on combining both technology and humans together so I could help people who had lost their limbs I had originally got the idea from a tv show a bionic limb that would be just like the original  connected to the nerve so they would be able to move like a regular arm or leg would be able to and the limbs look so real like their actual parts of the body also in case the person who has it want's to defend themselves they would have some type of ability most likely energy in it. As I was working though I hear someone open the door I look to see you and it is Tadashi with his little brother hiro

Tadashi: hey Rena

Hey Tadashi oh is this your other brother

Tadashi: Yep this is hiro want to tell him what you're working on

I had known the reason why Tadashi had brought hiro here for as long as I've known him he was always wanted his brother to get out of bot fighting he always said that hero is a good kid and he's wasting his genius as a botfighter I figured that he finally brought him to sfit to get him to join

Hey there hiro you see I'm working on a way for people to get bionic limbs now I know what you're thinking that's been done before and that it's already happened but not the way I'm doing it the way I'm doing it it will be fully like you gotten the limb back even better actually

Hiro: ok but if I can ask why limbs

Well you see for me I have an uncle who works in the army and he's told me so many stories about soldiers that have lost their limbs and things to that effect he said that they got Replacements but it's never really felt the same so I thought that with my robotics and knowledge of genetics I could find a way for people to get their limbs back not fully but enough for it to feel like it was never taken

Hiro: that's really amazing

I know right I honestly believe if I keep to it I will be able to actually get it ready for live testing

Hiro: Wait it isn't been tested yet

Well not really I'm only a college student they're not going to let me give a bionic limb that's barely out of testing to an actual person who's lost something so I have to wait till I get it to Perfection and then I have to find someone willing enough to try it since it's new I'm thinking that won't be for a while

Hiro: You are right about that it is most experimental so not many people are going to let you

True but I figure I'll just do the long game also why you here you should check out the other stuff I highly recommend GoGo and honey lemons projects

Tadashi: ok hiro let's go see them

But before today she leaves completely I grabbed him too talk

So finally got him to nerd at school huh

Tadashi: I really want to show him this to get him out of bot fighting and want to come to the school

He seemed interest in nothing what I was working on think it will work

Tadashi: hope so but if he doesn't have to sing all that we can do here I always have my secret weapon

You mean Baymax

Tadashi: I also wanted to thank you with the help on the exoskeleton it was really helpful in creating him

No problem it also helped me figure out how I could help with the human spine so I figured it was a win-win

But as we were talking I heard a loud explosion and saw honey lemon colored in pink because of her project it was honestly really cute and I've been looked over to go go and saw her working on a new wheel for her bike so it could be faster than before

Tadashi: yeah keep staring at them I'm pretty sure if you do you're somehow communicate your thoughts and they'll know that you like them

Come on man shut up I don't want to talk about it here people could hear you

Tadashi: oh don't worry most people know it's just you through that out of the loop for geniuses you really are dense when it comes to most stuff

What do you mean most people know

Tadashi: Well you aren't exactly discreet you get distracted whenever they're in the room where you look at them so people will figure it out pretty quickly but the question we want to ask is why haven't you asked out go go or honey lemon yet

Come on dude you know I can't do that

Tadashi: But you like them why not at least try to ask one of them out

Because we've had a good thing going with our friendship for these last couple years and if I tell them I like them I am afraid that it will ruin our friendship

Tadashi: Come on it's not going to ruin your friendship

Really you know how awkward it would be to interact with them after telling them I love them

Tadashi: I'm just saying you never know if you don't try you're a scientist we push the boundaries all the time and take multiple risks in science why not try with your life

Stop making sense and go show hiro Baymax now

Tadashi: will you just have to promise me you're going to think about it at least

Fine I'll think about it now go make sure hiro comes to nerd School I want to show him the ropes when he gets here

Tadashi: well hopefully after this he will talk to you later

After today she left everyone continue to work on their own little projects but I think back to tadashi's worries about taking risks and against my better judgment I go to talk to go go and Honey Lemon

" okay you brain filled with stupid hormones I know we don't get along but please please don't make me say something stupid.  I'm begging you let me have a normal conversation with them without me going acting like a fool!!!"

Hey GoGo honey lemon how are you doing

" I said a sentence without shuddering "

Gogo: Hey

Honey lemon: How are you Rena

I'm good just wanted to see how you guys were doing

Honey lemon: me and gogo are doing fine but we're going to head over to the lucky cat so we can help hiro with his project for the college fair

Gogo: Yep you want to come with us

Um yeah sounds nice see you there

"Yes I'm going somewhere sure maybe with other friends and people but still it counts"

For the next couple weeks we continue to go to the lucky Cat Cafe to help hero with his project and I also got to talk to GoGo and honey lemon a lot more I was also considering asking them out after the fair depending on if you got in so would be happy occasion....Finally it happened the day of the fair the day that we have been working with hiro and trying to make sure that he got in and then it happened hero blew away people with his presentation and got accepted into sfit we are about to go celebrate at the Lucky Cafe when it happened boom and a fire engulf the building

I ran to to make sure people were okay it's my surprise to see Tadashi and hiro there to as the fires raging a woman comes out to us

Hey are you OK

Women: yes but Professor Callahan is still inside

As those words I said of sign of worry flash both me and tadashi knowing what to do both of us try to run in but hiro held back Tadashi

Hiro: wait what are you guys doing no don't go in there

Tadashi: Callahan is still in there someone has to help

He's right and don't worry we'll be fine

How wrong oh how wrong I was about that after saying those words you rushed into the building you go in trying to find Professor Callahan but in those few minutes that we go to look we don't find him there's so much fire everywhere so many things burning

Tadashi I don't see him I think we might have to assume the worst

Not yet will keep looking for for a little while if we don't find him we both run out of here got it

Got it

And then whatever was inside this building caused an explosion it was so big so much fire everywhere not only that but I think the ceiling caved in I feel an enormous weight on me I'm riding in pain because of the fire and I can't see anything because of all the smoke

Tadashi are you still there!!....Tadashi!!!

There is a sharp silence in the building I don't want to think it but

Tadashi please respond to me if you're still there!!

Rena!!Yeah just barely

Tadashi I can't move I can't even see anything here I'm...I'm afraid

Don't worry you'll be fine you will be as for me I don't really know

Tadashi I may not be able to see right now but I know you're going to be fine you're a good person you won't die in here

I I really do hope you're right but if I don't make it out of here I need you to tell you or something for me

Come on don't talk like that you're going to be fine

Please please just in case

Fine tell me

To be truthful after that moment I had blacked out it'd been a couple hours after the fire had been contained and I was pulled out of the rubble by firefighters I was brought to the hospital but I hadn't woken up until a few days later

Ugh it hurts so much

Lisa:Mom Mom wake up renas awake

Mom: oh my God she's finally awake

Mom what happened I-i can't move or see anything

Mom: Sweetie I need you to remain calm I'm going to tell you what the doctors told us but I need you to be calm

Mom you're kind of freaking me out what happened

Mm: When you got trapped in the fire the smoke from it blinded you and the rubble from the building falling apart crush your legs and arms they say that you'll be able to move your arms soon since they didn't take too much damage but your legs on the other hand

What about my legs

The doctors told us that they were too broken broken Beyond repairs what they said even if you do get the ability to move your arms again you will never be able to walk as for your eyes you will be able to see but you'll never see clearly again

I'm never going to be able to see or walk again that can't be right

I'm sorry to say but it is

At that moment I thought to myself how my whole life had just falling apart I was completely destroyed but before I was about to go completely into my sadness and depression I asked one single question

What happened to Tadashi and Professor Catalan

No one had answered me for a a couple minutes before speaking up

Lisa: I'm I'm sorry to say Tadashi didn't make it as for professor Callahan he didn't either to be honest you had just missed the funeral for them it was not to long ago

My worst fear had been confirmed I had not only lost my abilities to move and see I had also lost one of my best friends and a professor who had encouraged me for many years

How is tabashi's family taking this

Lisa: They're taking it as well as you can imagine I mean they just lost their family so they're not okay but they're okay in a sense

I need to talk to Hiro now if it's possible

Lisa: Rena you need to stay put for a while so the doctors can help you

I know but I have a message from Tadashi For him he said that just in case he didn't make it he wanted me to tell him something I promised him I tell hiro if he didn't make it

I couldn't tell but I think they look worried

Mom: Okay I'll call passing tell her I also called your other friends tell me to finally up till then just rest for a little while we'll tell the doctors you're up

I waited for a couple hours the doctors had come then basically told me exactly what my mom and sister said but I would not be able to walk or see anything again

Mom: rena is me hiro and Cass are here

Cass hello Rena how are you feeling

I'm feeling about as well as you could expect but enough about that back to the important thing that you came here for

Cass: Were not here just because of what you said about a message from Tadashi we're all so here cuz we do care about you as well

That's really nice of you to say but I think it's time I told hiro what Tadashi told me step forward please

Hiro: hey Rena I'm right here

All right here's what Tadashi told me before

"The fire"

Ok if something happens what do you want me to tell

Tadashi: hiro I'm sorry but  I won't be able to have your back like I once did but don't worry cuz I'm always going to be here watching over you I also try not to make any more trouble for on cass it's the least you can do and I want you to go to this nerd School not for me but  because you you told me yourself that you want to go to this school and no matter what you need to that I support you no matter what you do in life because I love you little brother


Those were Tadashi Hamada's last words to me I truly believe that he loved you up until his dying breath

After I had finished telling them to that she's last word I couldn't see it but I felt something drip on me think that here was crying as I told him

Hiro:T-thank you rena thank you for telling me

You're welcome here and I'm sorry I wasn't there for the funeral

Cass: it's fine you were here we never knew exactly when you were going to wake up so it's fine

Thank you but I want you to know Tadashi Hamada was one of the best friends that I ever could have asked for I am truly happy I got to know him and I am so sorry so very sorry he's gone

Cass: It's fine really is and I'm happy for you so happy that you're still alive

Thanks and hiro I hope you do go to sfit it would truly be great to see you

Hiro: I will one day I think but for right now I just need time

I can understand that you're right take all the time you need

Hiro: You as well I hope to see you get better soon

Yeah me too

After that conversation both hero and his aunt left then the next visitors I got were Wasabi go go Fred and Honey Lemon

Wasabi: hey how are you doing Rena

Well like I told hiro I'm doing as well as you can expect but how about you guys

Fred: we're doing all right but we really want to know how you're doing right now

To be truthful not too well

As I said that I believe honey lemon frantically said

Honey lemon: w-what do you need more water another pillow and a blanket what do you need

Easy easy honey lemon I I'm not on my deathbed

Gogo: yes honey there not dying

Honey lemon: I know but there

Gogo: But they're fine they may be in the hospital but they are still alive

Yep I'm alive and I'm-im okay

To be honest I couldn't in my heart tell them that there's a possibility that I won't be able to walk or see again so I lied and told them I was okay they continue their visit for a little while we talked caught up on things that happened while I was asleep and then we said see you later

Damn it damn it what did I do to deserve this death might have been a mercy compared to being in this place I can't see I can't move if I ever find the person who did that fire who ruined my life and took Tadashi I swear I'm going to kill them

After that final thought I went to sleep more days have passed I listened to on the news that a villain called the Yokai had tried to destroy krei tech by opening a portal above it and found it was Professor Callahan the news had also said that Professor Callahan had purposely set the fire to fake his own death so no one will believe he was Yokai I was so angry and sad and Confused so many emotions were boiling up inside of me and I wanted revenge on man that ruined my life and killed Tadashi Revenge so badly that I would have agreed to anything to get back at him then one day while I was still in the hospital getting treated he showed up

???:Hello there Miss Lionheart I know this  is a question you're probably tired of hearing but how are you

Me : What the who are you I don't recognize your voice and you're not one of the doctors or nurses that are taking care of me

???: True I am not but I'm one of the only people that can truly help you

Me: The hell do you mean by that

???: right to the chase I like it what I mean is I read up about you on the files they have here from what they say you're not going to be able to do anything anymore not going to be able to walk form see again hell you're probably not even going to be able to move your arms without feeling pain for the rest of your life

Me: but why do you even care I'm some random person that just got hurt in an accident

???: True that you are but I as well was hurt by one of my teachers so I think that can feel the pain that you're feeling right now knowing that Professor Callahan caused it with no regard for your safety

Me: .....

???: What's the matter speechless or did I hit the right nerve all I want to do is help you all I want to do is make sure that your future isn't taken from you because of someone else's choice

Me: Fine but how can you help me specifically sir

I was also looking into your research about bionic limbs I believe you were doing but they would actually be better bonic limbs fully integrated with the nervous system so they would be better and stronger than most Limbs and look a bit more human correct

Yeah but it was all still in the development phase I haven't even tested most of it yet and the final test needs a human subject to accept it

???: And the perfect human subject is right in front of me

Me: Are you seriously suggesting that I try and my bionic limbs that were in the testing phase it's crazy there's no real chance that they're even work

???: Yes you're right there is no real chance that they're going to work but what have you got to lose really

Me: What do you mean I have everything to lose

???: Not from my perspective you don't I mean come on you're not going to be able to continue your work at sfit you're not going to be able to walk use your arms or see again unless you take this chance unless you take this risk from my perspective you have nothing really left to lose

"I honestly hated to admit it but the man was right I had nothing left to lose and even if I did die from the process it surely had to be better than living like this then being this way I really going to roll the dice on my life with this strange man this person I can't even see hell I don't even know his name"

Me: Fine  you're right about all of it I have absolutely nothing left to lose at this point besides my life but what do you have to gain from this. Even if I did trust you enough to do what you want to do to me I don't even know your name or who the hell you are how can I trust someone I don't know

Obake: Ah now Wear my manners my name is obake and I know that you have no real reason to trust me but it's your life all I'm asking for is your choice taking a risk and getting your real life back or not taking that risk and staying As You Are forever you're truly smart girl so I think you'll make the right choice

Me: Fine thanks Mr Obake but you still haven't told me what you get out of helping me like you said I'm a smart girl and this girl knows that you don't get anything in life for free

Obake: You are right about that you see what I want is your let's just say loyalty if I fix you if I make you better than you were before you have to give me your loyalty and do things less than lawful from time to time if I need it.  believe you me you will still have a normal life someone you'll just be a bit different than everyone else

Me: You must really be off your rocker if you think I'm going to agree to that

Obake: I know you think that risky that it's bad but I am extending the hand of friendship to you and saying that I can help you

Me: Yeah I'm sorry but I'm not interested

Obake: Fine fine it's your choice but let me ask you do you really think time is going to stand still

Me: What

Obake: Miss Lionheart you know as well as I do that the second you get out of this Hospital Everything Changes you won't be able to attend sfit anymore your research will be abandoned sure your friends will come visit you every now and again but.......

Obake:  you still always be just out of their reach you have the brain's to become something great all that's hindering you from doing so is your body let me improve it and you can be better than you were before

Me: Yeah I'll be better but this is what most people call a deal with the devil he gives you exactly what you want but takes your soul in the process and not to be rude or anything I like my soul so I think I'm going to say no

Obake: GoGo and honey lemon was it you like both of them don't you do you really think they want to be with a person who can't move on their own who can't see who can't do anything by themselves

Me: Shut up!

Obake: Think about it for a sec I know you're smart they're going to move on from you they're going to leave you behind in the dust while you're stuck in a wheelchair blind

Me: Shut up!!

Obake: But don't worry you'll still have your soul you'll still have your morals what's love what's scientific achievement what's a life in contrast to morals

Me: SHUT UP!!!!

Obake: Quiet now miss Lionheart you'll wake up the other patients

Tears are now streaming on my eyes I feel them going freely

Obake: Please miss Lionheart just let me help you let me make you better stronger so you never have to feel this type of pain again all you have to do is say yes for letting me help

"I listen to his words once more and continue to cry if there is any chance he can help me any possible way that I can get my life back I'll agree"

Me: Yes I give you permission to let you help me if you can give me back my life or any chance at it I'm giving you permission to do it now

Obake: There you go I knew you were smart now but I'm going to do is put you under anesthesia so I can get you to my lab so we can do the operation to save you I just need you to let go and trust me

I do as obake say's and let go it takes a few seconds but I drift off into the realm of sleep

Obake : Miss Lionheart you can wake up now

Me: If you're waking me up then does that mean it worked

Obake: Well open your eyes and see for yourself

I you open my eyes I can see I can see everything again I can finally see what the person who helped me looks like

I can't believe it it actually worked I can see again

You can do a lot more than that now take a look I've given you new arms and legs

Me: They look so good really good actually but how I may have been ahead in my research but I wasn't this far

True I improved a bit on your research I just have to add the coating to make it look like regular human skin but it is a bit different in a few ways

Me: How so

Obake: First off they technically still are your limbs just a bit more improved everything  I also gave you a few bionic abilities also I found something a little more interesting about you

Me: What do you mean interesting

Obake: Huh so they neglected to tell you not all that surprising but I will reveal that to you in due time Ms Lionheart for now why don't you test out your abilities

Me: But how

Obake:It's simple just think of an attack and it will happen

Lightning bowstaff

Me: Wow how did I just do that

I Marvel at what I did I just summoned a lightning bowstaff

Obake: You did it by using your new bionic ability abilities now let's have a look at your new eyes

He passes me a mirror and I look at my new eyes

Me: What can my eye's do

Obake:  your eye's can now analyze people not to mention other things try taking a look outside

Me: Hey look outside there's stone walls I can't

Obake: Just try

Me: All right I'll try

Me: I can't believe it I can actually see outside hell  I can see the entire city
from here. Thank you obake 

Obake: Your welcome miss Lionheart but now I have to make the limbs and eye's look human so people don't know

Me: Ok obake but what am I going to tell my family

Obake: I've already taken care of it the doctors were payed of to lie and say you underwent surgery to fix everything but it was experimental and you have to come to the hospital every now and again to checkup that will be the lie for when you are doing missions for me

Me: Ok obake I truly mean I will do what ever it takes to pay you back for this now what do I do first

Obake: First you rest and recuperate then we get to work this will be the start of a very good partnership but before we do that I need to give you this

Obake: this is the mask you will be wearing when you go out on missions from here on out you are Kitsune

Me: Yes sir

This was the day Kitsune I was born the day I went down a rabbit hole I would never come back out from this was the Kickstart for many things that happened in my life and this is my story give it a read if you will

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