Boboiboy x mha but different

By pydark

50K 2.6K 483

Okay, I know you'll think this is a series like the others when Boboiboy is transported to the world of the M... More

Chapter 0
chapter 1
chapter 2
not a chapter
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 12.5
chapter 13
chapter 14
QaA(Answer ✨✨✨)
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Support you
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

chapter 9

1.6K 91 8
By pydark

Because of the huge wave (Tsunami) that was suddenly caused by someone's quirk appearing in center C, the teachers in school immediately came to deal with the mess

"Candidates please hover over the car, there are already towels for each of you. The teachers will take care of the rest from here" One teacher spoke while guiding the contestants while the others tried to stop the water from spreading out more. Since it's a simulation city, there are always sewers in each battle center but with this large amount of water it would take time so a few other people went inside and dived into places to open the manhole cover to faster drainage

In the car, Air is currently wiping his body as all of his clothes are drenched as he is only wearing normal clothes and not his usual special clothes. Air is wiping his head and then looks at the watch on his hand: 'Luckyly the watch is completely fine, OchoBot once said that it will not be easily damaged by water or lightning or other elements due to its special feature to suitable for him (BBB) ​​to use whenever he uses certain elements'

Air was still looking at it until someone called out to him: "Hey"
He raised his head and saw the familiar head

The haired boy looked like he wanted to say something but he probably didn't know what to say because he opened his mouth but kept closing it and opening it again. Even so, Air calmly waited for him while taking a slightly thick coat prepared by the school so that the contestants wouldn't catch a cold when they got home

Seems to know he look like an idiot now. That boy also said
"Um...thanks.... For helping me just now"
"Eh? Oh! It's nothing, I'm the one who cause you and the others into this so you don't have to say it" Air said quitely with a awkward smile

"...Right but if you hadn't dragged me in then I wouldn't have known where I would have been swept away in that center"

"You may right but I'm sure the teachers will find you"




'Okay, feels like I've seen this somewhere before. Even though there are other people around'

To continue, Air decided to break the silence: "How about we just ignore it and start over? My name is Todoroki Air, just call me Air"

Hearing his name, the boy's eyes widened slightly: "Todoroki?"
"....yeah... But being adopted"
Air can understand since Todoroki is not a normal family name here

"Oh" the boy looked surprised but quickly turned around and said, "Um, in that case my name is Shinso Hitoshi"
After saying that, Shinso really wanted to slap himself right now
'I just said my name to someone I just met, I just wanted to say thank you. WTF?!'

"Cool! So we can be friends" Air said with a smile though his voice sound lazy(don't forget he's still an element of BBB lol)

Hearing the word 'you', Shinso couldn't help but laugh: "Friend? Do you know what my quirk is?"

Air confused: 'What does Quirk have to do with it?'

Looking at Air's face, Shinso thought: 'Maybe not'
When he was about to say revenge a voice cut him off: "Ok everyone please sit down so we can take you back to the front door with the other contestants"

Hearing that, everyone sat down. Air was still sitting in his old seat but Shinso's was taken away so he had to sit behind him

The trip went like this in silence because Air fell asleep and Shinso had to wake him up when the car/bus went down

"Aren't you going home?" Shinso asked when Air didn't go home but waited in front of the school gate. Center C came out later than other centers so there aren't many people now

"No, because my brother didn't see me coming out, he thought I was going to go home first," Air said as he leaned against the wall, looking at him like he was about to fall asleep

"I called him and he said he would come back to pick me up"


"Don't get me wrong, he does it because I'm often distracted by soft things. I once fell asleep on a bed at the mall because it was too comfortable"

Shinso sweats, but then he says nothing thinking about something
"My quirk, it's called brainwashing...I can brainwash anyone who responds to my words"

Looking at the blue hat friend who didn't understand, Shinso continued: "Do you really want to be friends with a villain quirk like me?"

This time Air looked at him, said nothing: 'As expected'
It seems that because Shinso couldn't see Air's expression due to his hat, he thought: 'You're just like everyone else'

But that's just Shinso's thoughts, if he saw Air's face under the hat, he'd see him looking at him with half eyes as if to say: are you stupid

But of course Air wouldn't say that to avoid embarrassing him so he just sighed and said
"I don't know what others say about you but let me say this"

Suddenly Shinso felt like someone was looking at him. Of course he knew who it was, he was still leaning against the wall, still lazily as if nothing could make him lose his temper, looking at him. He said:
"I'm not like some people. To me, quirk doesn't define who you are, it's just something that makes us different"

To Shinso's shock, Air continued with a smile on his face: "Beside..."

"I'm asking you, not your quirk duh"

His last sentence made Shinso laugh: "I thought just super lazy, but it seems you have different thoughts than the others"
Air also laughed and said, "I know, my friend said the same thing"

And then, Air saw a familiar figure coming from afar. He moved and said to Shinso
"My brother's coming, let's exchange numbers"


After that, the two waved goodbye, Air quickly walked forward leaving Shinso who was still watching him until he disappeared. After he left, Shinso also going and looked at his phone
"Yeah mom?"

"Oh nothing, there were a few incidents, but I'm fine. And mom.....I think I made a new friend"

The next day

"Eeeeeeeh?! Really! Are you really okay Air?!"

"I told you I'm fine. No one got hurt so don't worry"

"Heh! It's weak for a stupid like you to be injured by just one tiny f*cking wave"

"Kac-Kachan, don't say that!"

"Shut it! Deku!"

"You two are too loud, we're not in the street you now"

Right now, Air, Izuku, and Bakugou are in a cafe chosen by Air (actually because that store has a special shaved ice sale)

The three decided to come here to talk about yesterday's exam as a way to relax after the exam, especially Izuku. The fact that he defeated only one 0P robot made him feel guilty for what All Might did to him and his friends. Looking at Bakugou talking about how he would definitely got the highest place and Air focusing on eating shaved ice made Izuku feel a little less stressed

But then, Bakugou's words broke him
"How about you, stupid Deku?"

Izuku: (||| ゜ロ゜)
That statement caught Air's attention and focused on him. Izuku had the feeling that he wanted to find a hole and jump into it

"U-um! It's was o-ok! Yeah!uksbevrjngo3kfkd"

Izuku's stammering answer annoyed Bakugou quite a bit, but since they were in a cafe, he threatened him.
"Speak clearly Deku"

"I-I'm sorry!!!!"

Look at the broccoli like he's about to burst. Air decided to be kind to help
"If you don't want to talk,l then it's fine Izuku, and Katsuki, Stop. Your voice is about to sound like Present Mic"

Bakugou: why yoooooooooooou(ʘ言ʘ╬)

"Ahhhhhh! Kac-Kacchan stop! This is not the place"


The following days were nothing special. Unlike the tension in Midoriya's house or the usual noise of the Bakugou family, the Todoroki family remained peaceful as if the UA entrance exam was nothing special. Until......

"Air! Results from UA already!" Fuyumi eagerly handed the letter to her lazy brother who was looking at his phone and looking at the foods in his room. Of course, Air also noticed that
'It's here huh'

Receiving the letter from his sister, Air closed it and sat on the bed, when he opened the letter, there was no paper but something round instead. And then it projected an electronic screen in front of Air
"...Ok, like a movie projector"

Looking at the screen is the icon of UA and then Present Mic standing there with his signature voice
"Hello Todoroki Air contestant, I hope you received this letter! AH! Of course you will!!!!"

'Too noisy, if this wasn't from UA I would definitely throw it out'(;¬_¬)

"Now, talking about your performance. You caught the attention of many teachers, it's amazing how calm you were at that time!!!"

And Air's next 10 minutes went to waste as all he heard was about how confident, laid-back and various other unrelated things he was during the exam. Air sighed
'Should I sleep now to get through this lecture for good?'

"And the huge wave you created was impressive kid!"

'Not surprising, after all, the quirk has very little water related ability in center C so it's not surprising that they found it was me'

"And finally, I want to say that UA's test is not based solely villain point!!!! A hero not just focuses on defeat villains but also has to know how to protect and rescue innocent people!!!!! And that's why we havvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve!!!!!"

The screen changed, there was no picture of Present Mic but his name along with 2 columns saying "villain" and "rescue"

"Todoroki Air!!!! 34 villain points, 40 rescue points. Total score: 74!!!! Welcome to UA High School!!!!!!!!!!!"

Air didn't really care about his points. Right now he is looking at the board with his and 9 other names. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the names of his two friends
'That durian, I'm not surprised that he only knows how to attack. And Izuku is the same but the opposite'
"One with only villain points and one with rescue points. Heh, that's sound right for the two of them"

Even so, Air still wondered: "I wonder about Shinso..."

Air took out his phone


Air threw the device aside, he hugged his plush whale and lay down
"Shinso, it's me"

[Oh! Air, it's you]

"Yeah, it's me. Have you received it yet?"

[From UA? Yes I have...what your class?]

"I haven't watched it yet, I just checked my point"

[How much?]


[, you're in top 2]

"Seem so, but I don't care about rank so I don't pay attention to that. So what your class"

[ 1C, General Department]

"Oh, you sound bad"

[Really?. . .Sorry, my dad calling me, I need to go]

"Sure, good night "

At the end of the call, Air mused as he thought of that day: 'Shinso...sound unhappy. That day, he took the entrance exam to the hero course, but in the end, he didn't '


'I can't help anything either. Man, it's so tiring to think too much'

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