The Sister of Ayanokouji Kiyo...

By KiyoPon_AK

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This story is based on a story made by me, making some corrections to create something new. (You are free to... More

Monologue: Ayanokouji Kaede
Chapter 1: A Common Month (Part 1)
Chapter 1: A Common Month (Part 2)
New things to tell
Chapter 2: The Trouble Began
Chapter 3: Coincidences Can Be Strange
Chapter 4: Double-Sides
Chapter 5: I want to see Horikita's Future
Chapter 6: Before the Exam
Chapter 7: Sudou's Problem Begins
A Random Scenario (1): Ichinose wants to know how to turn downโค
Chapter 9: A Good Ending for... Class D?
Chapter 9.5: A Good Ending for... Class D?
Chapter 10: Uninhabited Island
Chapter 11: The Test on the Uninhabited Island
Chapter 12: The First Days on the Uninhabited Island
Chapter 13: The End of the Special Examination (Season One Finale)
Chapter 14: The Beginning of a New Special Examination
V8 Y 2
Breaking News

Chapter 8: Sakura Airi

818 36 3
By KiyoPon_AK

Damn my computer keyboard that stopped working from one day to the next! I was about five days without my computer keyboard and therefore without having material to be able to write anything and without having the ability to enter my computer, as it has a password.

My complaint aside, I leave you with today's chapter.



After Chabashira made Sudou's problem known, and said that all the classes were aware of the matter, Kushida, that girl of supposed goodwill, seeing Chabashira and Sudou leaving the classroom, called her classmates to talk about the matter involving her red-haired classmate.

"Guys, can you listen to what I have to say?" - Kushida stood up and tried to muffle the commotion. - "What our teacher said seems to be true. Sudou-kun might have been in a fight. However, he was dragged into it."

"Kushida-chan, what do you mean, do you believe Sudou?"

After the question, Kushida recounted the story Sudou told the previous night to the whole class. He told them how Sudou was chosen as a candidate to play as a starter on the basketball team. He also described how some students in the club envied Sudou, and how they called him and threatened him to force him to quit the team. He also explained that Sudou, acting in self-defense, had beaten them up.

Most of the class listened to Kushida's heartfelt words in silence. If anyone who knew about the matter beforehand tried to explain the situation in the same way Kushida did, it would not have been as effective. Possibly Kaede could match that, but she doubted it. She believed that her participation would not cause the same effect.

Despite Kushida's words, not everyone in the class readily believed the story. Sudou's typical bad behavior made it difficult to assimilate, no matter how reasonable it sounded.

"I'd like to ask them again. If anyone knows anyone who saw what happened, whether it was someone in the class, a friend, or an upperclassman, please let me know. You can contact me at any time. I would sincerely appreciate it."

Basically, Kushida had said the same thing as Chabashira. However, the class had a very different response. Kushida had an innate ability to connect with people. His presence shone so brightly that I could almost feel it.

Instantly, silence enveloped the classroom. The first to speak was not the witness, but Yamauchi.

"Hey, Kushida-chan. I can't believe what Sudou said. I think he lied so he could justify what he did. He talked about hitting kids all the time in high school. He even told us how much fun it was to hit people."

After Yamauchi voiced his concerns, the rest of the class murmured their dissatisfaction with Sudou.

"I saw him grab a boy by the neck just because they bumped into each other in the hallway."

"I saw him get in line at the cafeteria and yell when someone tried to tell him it wasn't right."

Kushida's plea for Sudou's innocence didn't seem to reach anyone. They had already given up on Sudou, because he was surely going to make them lose their hard-earned points.

"I want to believe him."

Hirata, the class hero, uttered those words in support of Kushida. He was clearly not intoxicated with the same anti-Sudou aura as everyone else.

"If a student from another class doubted him, I could understand, " Hirata said. - "But I think it's wrong to doubt a classmate right away. Shouldn't friends do everything in their power to help someone in need?"

"I agree!"

Karuizawa, the heroic Hirata's girlfriend and leader of the D-class girls, shouted in agreement, pushing aside her bangs with her hand as she spoke.

"If it's a false accusation, it would be a problem, wouldn't it? In any case, you'd feel bad for him if he was innocent, wouldn't you?"

If Kushida lived with her supposed softness of heart, Karuizawa lived with the strength of her will. Perhaps it was because of the influence of Kushida and Karuizawa that many of the girls began to express their support.

This is typical of the Japanese. They do the same when someone assumes leadership. Although they are likely to mock him in their hearts, they would help Sudou a little. Sudou's critics stopped, at least for the moment. Hirata, Kushida, and Karuizawa attracted the admiration of the rest of the class as good class influencers.

"I'll try asking my friends!"

"Well, then I'll try asking the older students I know at the soccer club!"

"I'll ask around too."

Starting with those three young men, he started with the investigation to prove Sudou's innocence.



It being lunchtime, and being in the cafeteria, while we were talking about Horikita about her apparent refusal to help Sudou, my sister and Kushida went to another place to look for witnesses. I was going to follow them, but Kushida stopped me, whispering that I should get closer to the boys in my class. I asked her why to which she only replied:

"The girls don't want Hirata-kun to turn... You know... They don't want Hirata to bat to the other side."

I had to investigate further what "batting to the other side" meant.

In the end, my sister also supported Kushida, though her reason was to hang out more with guys my age, so I stayed with Sudou and the other two who made up the now familiar Three Idiots group.

"You're going all out for someone like Sudou, Kushida-chan. That's so cute." - Ike, completely spellbound, remained pinned to Kushida's back as he walked away. - "I should seriously confess my feelings for Kushida-chan....".

He muttered.

"No way. do you really think she'll stoop to your level, Ike?"

Yamauchi said.

"I have a better chance than you.

It's not like there was a difference between them.

"If I were to go out with Kushida-chan.... Ahhhhhhhhhh...".

Ike started drooling, lost in his fantasies. He was most likely thinking of indecent things.

"Hey. Why are you fantasizing about my Kushida-chan like that?"

"N-no, I'm not...".

He said, but he seemed enamored by her sweet fantasy.

"Hey, what are you fantasizing about, let go!"

Yamauchi apparently couldn't stand the fact that Ike could do whatever he wanted in his fantasies.

"What do you mean, what am I fantasizing about? Obviously, I'm thinking about hugging her. Naked."

Apparently, Ike was able to imagine the scene thanks to the power of male delusions, or something like that. I don't know, I've never done that, and I don't intend to. I have a sister, and I don't want to disrespect her by thinking about a woman's naked body.

She crossed her arms and smiled confidently. What he was doing looked like he was stalking her. If he takes another step forward, it would be wise to involve the police.

"Realistically, Kushida-chan is out of our league. She wouldn't stoop to our level. But what if she aspired to a rank below her?"

They had accepted their reality but still decided to look for a girl who could be on their level.

"Yeah. Well, I couldn't have an ugly girlfriend."

"Yeah, when I think of us walking side by side together... It has to be at least a 7 out of 10."

I guess Ike and Yamauchi really want girlfriends. Their fantasies may be delusional, but they can't give up their high hopes.

"Ayanokouji, do you want a girlfriend?"

Sudou decided to bring me into the conversation.

"Yes, I suppose so. If it were possible."

If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't suffer so much.

"Among all the girls."

"So, is there anyone you like? I mean, Sudou seems to like your sister, and Yamauchi likes Kushida-chan. You have to take stock of your rival's targets."

At the mention of my sister, I was a little weirded out by that.

Was Sudou in love with Kaede?

That question was answered when Sudou attacked Ike while looking embarrassed.

I feel sorry for Sudou somehow. Kaede would never have anything with him, or so I think. I don't know what my sister's tastes are.


"Oh... Come on. There must be someone specific. Tell us, which girl would it be? Or rather... Which one would be your special girl?"

What a nosy little prick.

I really didn't see the problem with not answering. I mean, this is something a guy my age would talk about, right?

"I'm serious. Anyone would be fine with me. I don't have a taste as such for choosing a person to be my partner."

I replied.

"We should have a contest to see who can get a girlfriend first. The winner will have to buy everyone lunch! Sound good?"

I wondered if participating in such a blatant competition would make me his friend. It sounded difficult.

"What's the matter, Ayanokouji? You're not thinking of running away from this competition, are you?"

Ike said.

"No, I was just wondering why the first person to get a girlfriend has to invite everyone else."

"Well, that's just the way it is. Think of it as a kind of envy tax for the guy, get it?"

"A man is happy when he has a girlfriend. Because he's happy, he invites people over with joy."

Although it's fine for them to be enthusiastic, Sudou's problem has not yet been solved.


"Did you have your youthful moment with boys your age, brother?"

As lunch ended, and I was a bit away from the group, Kaede was walking next to me.

"I guess so. The talk was strange, though."

I replied.

"What was it about?"

"Nothing important. But apparently, you have a fan, Kaede."

"Huh?" - Kaede was confused by what I said. - "That's true. Speaking of fans, you have a group of fans too."

Saying that, Kaede took out her cell phone, showing me a list that was titled; "The most handsome boys of the first year". I looked at the contents a bit, discovering that I was in the third position on that list, being beaten by Hirata and a boy Kaede said was from Class-A. Wow, it's funny to have such a high ranking.

I guess I have a better chance than I thought I had of being able to get a girlfriend.

"Anyway, did they get a witness?"

I asked Kaede, who denied it.

"No. But, I think I know who might be a witness."


"Sakura." - So her friend, huh? - "When Chabashira-sensei and Kushida asked if there was a witness, she was the only one who lowered her head. I can't confirm that she knows, but if she really is a witness, she can be of help to us."

"Why don't you say something to her?"

"I will in due course. I want to see if Sakura, on her own, will participate to defend Sudou. If not, then I will act."

She replied. At least we can have something we can use for Sudou's problem.



Now our way is to go to Class-B.

It was really very brief conversation. The ones who took the conversation were Kaede and Kushida. Ike and Yamauchi, who were accompanying us were behind us. For my part, I stayed in the middle of everything.

The next morning, it was the same. The search came to nothing.

However, on this day, the price of how much it costs to change classes had been found out by Chabashira-sensei. 20 million points were needed for that. It was also said that points could be earned for extracurricular activities. With this, there was a reason why Sudou could be saved.


After I finished looking for witnesses for Sudou, without clear success, I went to Sakura's room. She's the one who had kept quiet all this time. I had a suspicion that Sakura was that person Sudou had felt on that day. Possibly Sakura's help was not going to prevent Sudou's innocence from being completely proven, as it was possible that she was only at the time and place where Sudou was beating up the D-Class students out of self-defense. But at least her help could buy us a little time to look for something that would actually prove Sudou's innocence.

I had something in mind to prove that Sudou was innocent, but I still needed to do something to prove it. It's a bit of a stretch, but there's only hope left to hope that my plan will work, and with that, my class will benefit at the end of the day. I just hope that the last part of my plan to end this problem with a great benefit for the class will actually work.

When I arrived, I knocked on the door of the room. From inside, Sakura asked who I was, to which I just made my voice recognize so that she would recognize him. Soon after, Sakura had opened the door to her room, wearing a pink kitchen apron and casual clothes. She too was no longer wearing her glasses that I knew were fake. To tell the truth, if she didn't wear her glasses, she would be quite popular with the boys, although that wouldn't be like her. She's too shy.

"Come on in."

Among all the people in the class, Sakura only talked to me once in a while. I've invited her to have lunch with me, but she always refuses. I have also invited her to hang out at Keyaki Mall, but she is also quite reserved about that matter. She barely agreed to let me help her with midterms.


I walked into her room, taking off my shoes.

Her room had few things in it, but it was more decorated than mine. Her bed was the one that seemed to be the most decorated with girly stuff.

"Excuse me... Would you like something to drink?"

"If you have coffee, that would be great."

I said in reply.

Sakura nodded and went to make the coffee.

She really has changed. At least with me. She doesn't speak as softly as she used to, and she talks perfectly with me. It's a breakthrough.

I sat on her bed to be more comfortable, but not before asking permission to sit down.

After a while, Sakura handed me the coffee. I tasted it a little, and it was quite good, to tell the truth.

"Why did you come, Kaede-san?"

While I had sent a message to Sakura before we got here to meet here, I never told her a reason.

"Tell me one thing Sakura, did you see Sudou's fight?"

With the question asked, I could see Sakura's hands shaking.

If you are a person who clearly sees every action of the subject, then you will know if they are lying or telling the truth. You will know if the person has something to do or not. Simple actions speak louder than words, which can carry weight if you know how to say the right words. At least that's what I believe.

"First of all, I want you to calm down before you say things to me. Your trembling hands let me know that you know something. It's useless to deny that you don't know anything."

Sakura didn't say anything for a while. It's normal. Right now, she must be hesitating whether to say what she saw.

Well, I have this day for Sakura.


After a while of waiting for Sakura to speak, she finally chanted everything she had witnessed. She admitted that she was in that place, witnessing what she saw and heard. She said that the boys, after being beaten by Sudou, had told her that she would regret it later. In the end, they achieved their goal. They managed to get Sudou in the palm of their hands. Sudou fell into the trap.

Also, in the conversation, she had the courage to tell me about her other life. Life as an internet idol.

"Thank you for telling me this. But why didn't you tell it in class?"

"I wasn't ready. My other life... I just can't make it known to just anyone. Besides... The-There's-there's someone who's been harassing me these days."

"Stalking? Who?"

Could it be a student who fell in love with Sakura completely?

"I've been receiving some messages to my account recently. They're really scary messages." - Sakura took her cell phone and showed me the messages. To tell the truth, I was disgusted by what I read. - "I've also felt like someone's been watching me. Re-Really, I'm scared."

For a shy girl like Sakura, it's normal for her to feel afraid. No, any girl would be afraid of having a stalker.

Well... I can't let this go on, can I? After all, Sakura is my friend, and she's the first person I talked to in this school.

"Sakura, with the matter of your stalker, I'll help you. But I also want your help. I want you to help in Sudou's case. While your help may not be enough to prove Sudou's innocence well, for even with your picture, that doesn't prove that you were at the start of the fight. However, you may give us a little more time to think of something else."


"You don't need to tell everyone. You can tell only Chabashira-sensei, and she will keep the secret. On the day of judgment, you should only tell what you saw. I will help you as much as I can by that time, okay?"

Sakura looked at me for a moment. I could only smile at her.

After a while, she nodded.

"Okay... I will. But please come with me when I tell everything to Chabashira-sensei."

"Of course. Thank you."

And with a witness achieved, that day finally ended with good news, as well as a new problem Kaede volunteered to face in order to help her classmate, Sakura Airi, one of the shy girls in the class. 

To be continued...





Wow, it only took me a day to bring the chapter despite my problem, although I really wanted this chapter to be long. But well, not everything can be done in life.

Anyway, before I say goodbye, I just wanted to say that I can possibly write another chapter this week. While that chapter is not part of the original story, I want to do that chapter to try a new way of writing. I hope it turns out well.

Anyway, with nothing more to say, I hope to upload that chapter this week. Bye!

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