Incendio | A Dark Mafia Roman...

By addy117

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INCENDIO - A DARK MAFIA ROMANCE Valeria Camorra's entire world was ruined in a single night. Promised to the... More

Capitolo Primo | Chapter One
Capitolo Due | Chapter Two
Capitolo Tre | Chapter Three
Capitolo Quattro | Chapter Four
Capitolo Cinque | Chapter Five
Capitolo Sei | Chapter Six
Capitolo Sette | Chapter Seven
Capitolo Otto | Chapter Eight
Capitolo Nove | Chapter Nine
Capitolo Deici | Chapter Ten
Capitolo Dodici | Chapter Twelve
Capitolo Tredici | Chapter Thirteen
Capitolo Quattordici | Chapter Fourteen
Capitolo Quindici | Chapter Fifteen
Capitolo Sedici | Chapter Sixteen
Capitolo Diciassette | Chapter Seventeen
Capitolo Diciotto | Chapter Eighteen
Capitolo Diaciannove | Chapter Nineteen
Capitolo Venti | Chapter Twenty
Capitolo Ventuno | Chapter Twenty One
Capitolo Ventidue | Chapter Twenty Two
Capitolo VentitrΓ© | Chapter Twenty Three
Capitolo Ventiquattro | Chapter Twenty Four

Capitolo Undici | Chapter Eleven

574 15 2
By addy117

Chapter Eleven

The tormented daughter of Sergio Brando Camorra had become blind.

Visually impaired to the real struggle that she was to partake in.

Her grief had made her lose sight of everything else.

She knew her mind was settling and going back to normal when she registered the love she felt for her people here.

They did their best.

Her bitterness had not allowed her to see that as she was focused on one situation at which they had not even been present.

The conversation with Lorenzo had opened her eyes in a way like never before. Since then, she had started paying more attention.

To the children, women, men and every person who still came to her even after she had treated them like they were nothing.

Most of all she was grateful to her Rosetta, Davide, Vito and Domenico for being there for her.

She wouldn't have been here without them. Che diavolo, if it weren't for Rosetta, two of the people she adored so dearly would also have been dead.

Her focus had been on what she had lost but never on what was already there.

The people who had worked so hard to keep her safe, clothed and alive while she had been so deranged and sick.

They didn't have to. Their loyalty was to her papà. They could have left her but they loved her just as she loved them so she made a vow.

As long as she considered them famiglia, she would protect them and be loyal to them. She was theirs as they were hers.

They would die, mourn and fight as one.

Her papà had never seen it coming. In order to protect the syndicate her ancestors had built she would become fierce.

But she knew she couldn't do it alone.

That was why she currently found herself in the hall at dinner time for the first time in this place.

They hadn't noticed her near the entrance yet as they all talked, told stories and laughed together while they ate Panzenella.

There was barely enough for all of them but nobody complained because they knew they were lucky to even be alive. They hid the pangs of hunger and suffering for the past two years that had gone by with jokes, dedication to keeping every member here alive and making the most of what they had left. As one.

She knew that she had mourned enough. She would be neglecting every part of what her entity stood for she didn't come to them.

They showed her their loyalty, it was time she gave them the answers they wanted. It would kill her from the inside but she was ready to bear it for them.

Domenico was half-heartedly answering questions that a girl named Aria Benedetto was asking him. She was seated between him and Rosetta. Her father who was one of the higher ranked soldiers had died within the estate. She had become familiar with him and Rosetta in the past year.

Aria's mother Camilla Benedetto had effectively gotten Aria and herself outside as they hid and ran when chaos ensued.

Aria was traumatized at first but Rosetta had showed her kindness and she had become her friend over a while. She was thankful that she had her mother for constant support as well.

Over time, Aria had fallen deeper into her pit of affection for Rosetta's brother. Domenico had easily made her blush at first sight because he was very attractive and mature for a young sixteen year old.

They had all been shaped by the tragedies of their past.

Domenico was the first one to take note of Valeria's presence. Nowadays the air always changed whenever she was nearby. It felt colder and unlike anything he had known before.

Aria kept speaking until she realised that Domenico wasn't replying to her anymore. Her face turned turned to see why he was distracted and that was when her curious eyes fell on Valeria.

Aria had known her as the Camorra princess.

Her body shivered as she took in Valeria's dead eyes that glinted with something unknown as she stood near the doorway and watched everyone interact together. Her body was full of life though. They had never seen her fully awake and ready to join them for dinner.

The room quietened as more people noticed Valeria and they couldn't stop keep their surprised eyes off of her as she took a seat on the other side of Rosetta.

Domenico noticed a random soldier that he had seen around but could not identify follow on her heels and take a seat immediately at the empty space to her left.
Domenico's eyes blazed and he clenched his fists as he watched the unknown soldier look down with nervousness.

Everyone tried to not make it obvious that they were stunned by Valeria's appearance as they tried to continue chattering and serving the food again.

Rosetta rolled her eyes at how foolish everyone's behaviour looked as she stifled a laugh and turned, unable to hide a smile at the fact that her best friend was sitting next to her.

Valeria was jerked back slightly by the force of Rosetta's sudden hug but she immediately wrapped her arms around the girl who was like a sister to her and allowed her mask to drop for a moment as she savoured the nostalgic feeling of happiness she felt that second.

Domenico's eyes lightened from their state of passiveness towards the man next to Valeria as he watched Valeria hug his sister back.

They had all missed her. He had missed her.

Nobody was able to stay expressionless at the beautiful scene in front of them.
They had all been affected in one way or the other by the girl who was so lively and fierce before she had become a shell of the person she was until she came back. Tonight.

Valeria sat back in her place and allowed Isabella Abate to serve the food for her. Isabella's eyes widened with shock because Valeria had never let them do anything before because of how distrustful she had become towards all of them.

"Grazie Isabella." Valeria murmured surprising Isabella because she wasn't sure that Valeria even knew who she was.

Even though the people there acted like they were all talking and minding their own businesses, their attention was fully on Valeria.

Valeria leaned towards Lorenzo to whisper in his ear as she took a sip of the glass of water kept in front of her.

"First rule. Know your surroundings. Valerius always told me to focus on everything around me. I want you to find out one thing about each person here that I talk to tonight. If you can't do it, don't show me your face ever again. Don't worry I'll ask you for it when I need it, so you'll have a lot of time." She gave him a mocking smile with dark eyes, daring him to back out and break the word he had given her.

Lorenzo was ready to do it. He knew he had to get over his fears and he would redeem himself in any way that he could.

Valeria turned her head to look past Rosetta and Aria who were both looking at her to meet Domenico's invasive stare. She raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to say anything at all.

He never broke his stare as his eyes narrowed as though he was trying to read her mind.

Vito's voice broke the glaring contest that they both were in, both unwilling to let the other win. It was as though they were back to the happy times at the estate when they simply teased each other and played around.

"Valeria. We have much to talk about." Vito's eyes shimmered with happiness as he watched Valeria eat and sit with the family after so long.

Valeria's sharp eyes met Vito's as she spoke with a small smile towards him.

"I have much to say to you too but first I have a lot to say to everyone here."

Everybody looked towards Valeria with hesitation. She was a child but she spoke like a leader and that always caught everyone's attention.

"Do you all know what happened? Tell me everything you know. I don't care if business is not conducted at the table. I need to know everything that everybody knows right now about that night and everything I've missed."

Some members of the famiglia expressed their shock outwardly with gasps and widened eyes as they heard the girl demand to open their wounds and talk about that dreadful night.

A few of the elders who had helped her papà rule chided her, "Valeria! You are a child and a girl at that. Women do not need to know such matters and the underboss is taking care of all these matters. Whoever you will marry will take over and until then Vito and Domenico can look after — "

The door slammed shut startling the old man and making him look towards the commotion with trepidation as most of the others also flinched at the sudden sound.

Davide leaned on the door with dark eyes as he cocked his head and looked towards the old man who was Carlo Facchiano. "She asked all of you a question. Don't forget who she is."

Some of the other men took Davide too lightly and scoffed unable to believe that he was being serious about allowing a girl to know their affairs.

She was their duty to protect. Like an ornament. She was meant to sit still and look pretty as every women born in this life was supposed to do.

Carlo got up along with a few of the other men who were shouting curses of outrage at the embarassment this had apparently seemed to cause them.

Valeria yawned and took another sip of water as Rosetta giggled at her actions knowing that her best friend was about to lose it in another minute if they kept acting like children.

Valeria thought it was ironic that they were calling her the child here and behaving like one themselves with their whining and pouting.

There was a click as Domenico lazily pointed his gun at the men who were starting to give him a headache. "Basta. Sit down now."

Some of the men who were followers of Carlo Facchiano looked at Vito in disbelief as they took in the disrespectful actions of his son.

Vito didn't do anything as he went back to his meal ignoring the pathetic whimpers of men who had lived longer than anybody here.

Valeria continued speaking as though she was never interrupted in the first place.

"I will tell you all what I saw. I know many of you are curious because I have listened to you when all of you came to me as though I was Vergine Maria herself to confess your sins, get over your pain and whatever you all said." She said as her brows lowered unfeelingly with a wave of her hand."

She walked around the table slowly taking in every single person sitting there.

Her eyes saddened as she saw Rosetta's expectant reaction. Valeria knew that all of them had no idea how Lucia had died and she wasn't sure if she should even tell them but she had to get her point across.

They needed to understand what their enemies had all done to them.

They needed to thirst for revenge.

"They raped, killed and stole. They took everything we believed in and changed our whole world. We have to sit and hide when we did nothing wrong."

"Listen girl. We respect you. You are our Don's daughter but that that does not mean you are a leader. You are a woman. Women are not to be involved. You're just being folle. The men will keep you safe as — "

Davide interrupted the man with a sneer as he felt insulted by how they were treating the girl who seemed to be smarter than all of them combined. They had done nothing but run and hide when everyone around them was killed and they dared to speak now?
"Do you even know the name of every person you have been around over here for the past two years? Do you truly even know what happened that night? You all go on acting as though nothing happened as you sit and talk about how it isn't worth it and that it's better to give up what we had than strike them back. Did you know that Valeria knows the name of every single person here? You are the scemo, not her."

Valeria's eyes glinted with thankfulness to the man who had protected her from the beginning from every situation.
If there was someone that she trusted with her life it was Davide.

The man stammered realising that he could barely remember the names of the people he had seen around him every single day.

Vito watched the entire scuffle with interest as he looked at the girl who would one day take over the Camorra. He wanted to hear what she had to say.

Yes, she would take over. They would figure out the details but she was the heir and nobody had to know that except for her and those close to her. They could all assume that she was a bargaining chip who would be used to secure an alliance but that would be far from the real truth.

Valeria addressed the man who had snubbed her  with a tone of finality, "Albert Failla, you are a man my papà always talked well about but I did not realise that you would give up this easily. If women are not to be involved in this life then why were so many women present among the dead bodies that I tripped over? Per favore, don't interrupt me again."

"I know every person that you all lost. I may not have known somebody who died that night if I never spoke to them or saw them around before and for that I will never forgive myself.

"We must never forgive them because we didn't even get to bury the ones we loved. We are all inhumane in many ways but they crossed a line." Some members agreed with her statement as they were fueled by the shock they felt as she reminded them of the cruelty that the bastards had displayed.

They had spared nobody at all. Even the children. They weren't even allowed a funeral.

Vito watched as she talked to almost every single person there directly whispering in their ears as she explained what she had seen, what they had done to the Don, Donna, Valerius and every person's loved one if she had found or come across them that night.

She was so privately attentive and she knew exactly what to say to keep them satisfied with inciting panic or impulsiveness. Just enough to give everyone there closure without letting everyone else know someone's personal pain.

It was what everybody had not known that they needed.

She knew though. She knew it was the only thing that would allow them to grow. They had been sitting idle doing nothing.

After the room cleared out as many people cried or lost themselves in taking in the information and knowledge that they had just received about the internal matters of what had gone on within that house, Vito, Davide, Domenico, Lorenzo and Rosetta remained.

Valeria looked up at Lorenzo with amusement shining in her eyes as she teased the anxious soldier who had probably never been allowed in discussions with the underboss before.

"Lorenzo you can get started on what I told you to do?"

Lorenzo gratefully accepted the exit that Valeria had kindly provided him with as he stumbled over his own feet and left.

All of them watched him with hilarity except for Domenico who glared daggers at his back.

Valeria rolled her eyes and nudged Dom's arm as she smiled.

Domenico stared down at Valeria irritatedly. "What's the deal with that idiota."

"You're not allowed to scare him off. I'm testing him."

She didn't give any answer to Domenico's inquisitive look as she faced Vito and answered the one question she felt like she would break down because of.

She watched Domenico and Rosetta's face fall as they sat down and awaited the answer that they secretly felt like they didn't want to know but they needed it.

Everyone other person who had died there other than her family was also important to her but Lucia was like another mother.

"How did my Lucia die? Tell me she didn't suffer."

Valeria thought of the smell of gnocchi and sweet smiles as her Zia's face floated through her mind.

Her eyes settled on the people around her.

Davide's pained eyes were on hers as they were both the only ones who knew the answer.

She struggled to hide the cascade of emotions that overcame her as she hardened her eyes and explained everything to them.

Deep in her heart she knew they would get hurt but they'd also heal. Together.
If that didn't work, then they could shoot themselves and whine about it in another life.
Not this one. The weak never survived.

No weakness meant a higher chance of survival so she would never be weak again.

She wasn't about to sugarcoat anything or lie to spare anyone any pain.

They were the mafia. This was their life and she understood now.

If you didn't go through any painful days, you wouldn't know how to recognise the painless ones.

For the first time, she could see it all.

She would never forgive myself for not knowing the name of every man or woman who died for her famiglia that night.

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