Por sanaathewriter

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" Baby, how did I survive all this time? Without you, without you, you, you" Más



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Por sanaathewriter

3 years later...
September 28

" Damn you look good as hell, like what the fuck." Yannick said, as he walked in on Teyana taking mirror selfies.

" Thanks baby, kisses?" Teyana said, leaning up for a kiss. " So I look good ?" Teyana asked, as she got situated in her chair.

" Hell yea like damn. You think we got enough time for a quick session?" Yannick questioned making her laugh.

Today they were going to their Alma mater to speak with some kids who were in their mentorship program. About two years ago they started a club at their alma matter to give kids chance a to ask questions they couldn't ask anyone else or help them get jobs and the connections they needed. Once a month they would pull the kids in for a group session during school to give them a group Q&A opportunity.

" We don't." Teyana laughed, as she walked to get her bag.

" I love you." Yannick said, kissing Teyana's cheek.

" I love you too baby." Teyana smiled.

" You ready?" Yannick questioned, and Teyana nodded grabbing his hand.

" Let's roll out." Teyana said.

Over the past few years their marriage had been everything they could have ever imagined. Recently they started traveling more as both a couple and a family, making memories that could last a lifetime.

" The radio must know I just got in the car." Teyana said, as Smoking Gun by Magnolia Shorty played.

" Here you go." Yannick said, making Teyana laugh.

" You the only one I love, the only man that I can trust. And if I ever should leave you I know you'd come. Ready to kill with a smoking gun." Teyana sung, while Yannick just shook his head.

" I'm glad you know." Yannick joked.

" You crazy if you think i'm leaving you." Teyana laughed.

" Oh I know , I got that magic spell on you." Yannick joked, making Teyana side eye him.

" Boy don't play with me you know i'm good friends with the shadow man." Teyana joked, making him laugh. " You can go from a man to a frog real quick." she added.

" Whatever princess Tiana." he responded, shaking his head.

Once they made it to the school the kids were already waiting for them in the library. To start off the meeting they did a goals activity, writing their goals and how they were going to achieve them.

After they finished that activity they had a Q&A where they could ask any questions they wanted as long as they were appropriate.

" How do you move on from something that broke you ?"

" Teyana." Yannick said, looking over at her. Yannick wanted to answer but he truly couldn't give an answer that was good advice.

" Healing is never an easy thing to do, so my best advice is to rip bandage off. The slower and the longer you take to accept what has happened to you the longer it will take you to heal. I would definitely say focus on yourself start doing things for you and only you. You will never find true happiness if you are not happy with your self and content with who you are. I hope that answered your question.." Teyana said, and the girl nodded her head.

" I will say that an unhealthy way to heal is to continuously try to see the good in someone. Like she said when someone shows you who they are believe it the first time. It sounds easier said than done but you have to move on. When you drag your feet with it your only hurting your self more and moving further away from the healing process." Yannick explained.

" That was a great answer." Teyana smiled, looking over at Yannick.

" How do you deal with being in the spotlight ? Like people always having an opinion on what you do ?"

" Don't care." Yannick shrugged.

" This for both of us ?" Teyana questioned, and the girl nodded. " Short answer like he said is don't care. If you care what someone says about your life all of the time you'll never be happy. Because no matter what you do somebody will always have something to say about what your doing." she added.

" You gone spend your whole life living for somebody else when you should be living for yourself." Yannick said.

The kids asked about 5 more questions before they had to go back to their classes. Teyana and Yannick talked with the admin for a minute before leaving.

" I know this is more about the kids but I kind of feel like this helping me in a way." Yannick said, as they got in the car.

" What do you mean by that ?" Teyana questioned.

" Like I feel like I can express myself in a way that I don't feel like I''m forced to talk about my feelings." Yannick explained, and Teyana nodded. " Plus I feel like I get a chance to show a different side of me." He added.

" I definitely feel like with those kids they get to see a more vulnerable Yannick Soule than the on the court Yannick Soule which I love." Teyana responded, and he agreed.

Now at the age of 34 Yannick was trying to find ways to brand himself as more than just a basketball player and so far it was going well. He had recently gotten an acting roll for an upcoming movie and he couldn't be more happy to be venturing on to something new.

" We going to the Matrix, right ?" Teyana questioned, and Yannick nodded his head yes.

The Matrix, was Teyana and Yannick's athletic complex that they had founded about a year and a half ago. About 3 years ago the owner of The Satin Dollhouse owner had decided she was ready to retire and decided upon leaving it to Teyana. After being the owner for a few weeks she was inspired and decided she wanted to add on and build an athletic campus, and she thought who else to go into business with than her husband.

So far they had basketball, football, track, cheerleading, and of course majorette. Business had been flourishing and they were now looking into adding baseball and soccer to their program for the upcoming seasons.

" What you wanna eat for lunch ?" Yannick questioned.

" I don't know, I'm not really that hungry. What you want ?" Teyana responded, and Yannick just looked her up and down licking his lips. " Why you so nasty?" She giggled.

" You asked and I answered." Yannick shrugged.

" I meant actual food." Teyana said, shaking her head. " Let's just wait till the kids gets out of school and we can go to lunch as a family." She suggested, and he nodded in agreeance.

Once they got to The Matrix they headed straight to Teyana's office. The 6u football had a game today and she wanted to make sure that they had all of the kids id's so that they were able to play.

" How come your office so nice and organized and mines look like how it does ?" Yannick questioned.

" You the one who decorate it like that, if you want me to decorate yours that's all you gotta say." Teyana responded.

" I thought you noticed, I kept hinting at it to you." Yannick said, making Teyana shake her head.

" Well next time, how about we try using our words." Teyana joked.

After she accounted for all of the id's her and Yannick did some paperwork and began ordering uniforms and equipment for the upcoming basketball season.

" Baby you know how in the pornos they bey having sex in the office and shit ?" Yannick said, making Teyana burst into laughter.

" Baby what the fuck. I hope you not suggesting we have sex in the office when we have to get the kids in less than half n hour.' Teyana said, squinting at Yannick.

" Just and idea for later." Yannick said, making Teyana shake her head.

" When do you go back to work ?" Teyana questioned.

" Damn you trying to get rid of me already ? It's like that now ?" Yannick questioned dramatically, making Teyana laugh.

" I love you of course, but you got a lil too much time on your hands." Teyana responded.

" Green said we back in they gym tomorrow." Yannick said. " You better not text me either telling me how much you miss me either since you trying to ship me off." He added.

" You know I am, I be missing my husband." Teyana said.

" Sure you do." Yannick responded


" Mommy." Arian yelled, as he ran to Teyana.

" Hi stinky man, did you have a good day at school?" Teyana said, squeezing him.

Arian was now in Kindergarten and he thankfully got into the gifted and talented like the girls. He was still very much a mama's boy he loved being under her at every and all time. He and Yannick argued frequently over her and were always fussing over who she loved more.

" Yea and mommy today at recess we played basketball and we were shooting on the big goal and I was making my shots." Arian said.

" Wow, I'm so proud of you and I'm sure daddy's going to be very proud of you too." Teyana smiled.

" Where is daddy ?" Arian asked, tilting his head.

" He went to get Lannah." Teyana answered, and he nodded.

Since Lannah was now in middle school she had to get picked up on the other side of the campus. So usually when both of them went to get the kids, they would split up.

" Hi mama." Raia said, as she approached Teyana.

" Hi mommy, hi Arian." Mia said, going to hug Arian and then Teyana.

Raia and Mia are now in the 5th grade and and smarter than their parents could've ever imagined, Teyana often referred to them as her mini genius. These days they looked a lot more like twins then sisters, both taking after Yannick's looks and their mother's height.

The two still cheered together and soon they would be starting their first season as majorette dancers. They had been helping Teyana come up with dances all last season so near the end they asked Teyana if they could join next season, and she of course said yes. It was almost the happiest day of her life, since all three of her daughter were going to be majorette dancers, something she had always dreamed of.

" Hi my loves. How was school today ?" Teyana said.

" Same old same old." Mia said, shrugging her shoulders. " I forgot, today me and Raia got to be in the same art class today." She added.

" Oh yea and the art teacher kept getting us mixed up." Raia laughed.

As they walked to the car the kids talked more about their day.

" Hi mama." Lannah said, hugging Teyana.

" Oh my gosh you look so grown up." Teyana said, making Lannah shake her head.

" Mama you saw me this morning." Lannah said, shaking her head.

" I know I just can't believe how big your getting." Teyana responded. " How was your day ?" She questioned.

" It was good." Lannah responded.

" Y'all hungry ?" Yannick asked, once everyone was settled in the car.

" Yes." Raia quickly answered.

" I'm starving." Lannah said.

" Very." Mia answered.

" Damn T you ain't pack the kids no lunch ?" Yannick joked.

" They packed their own lunches, well except Arian." Teyana responded, and Yannick just shook his head.

Since the girls were older Teyana decided that it was time they all started packing their own lunches. At times she would offer them help with their lunches but they always objected because they're "big girls".

They discussed what they wanted to eat before heading to a restaurant. On the car ride the kids gave them a more in depth descriptions of their day.

" Oh and today me and my boyfriend got to have lunch together today." Lannah said, and Teyana swore she saw Yannick's eyes pop out of socket.

" Boyfriend?" Yannick questioned, making Teyana laugh.

" Yea daddy, where have you been ? I met him at lunch on the first week of school. " Lannah responded.

" What you saying is I need to start coming down to the school for lunch, gotcha." Yannick said.

" Now I see why you didn't know." Raia said, and Lannah nodded her head.

Once they made it to the restaurant the hostess showed them to a private room.

" Can I get oxtail ?" Lannah questioned.

" How that interim looking ?" Teyana questioned, raising her eyebrows.

" All A's." Lannah smiled, and Teyana nodded her head.

" Arian what do you want ?" Teyana questioned.

" Oreo cheesecake." Arian answered, and Teyana just shook her head.

" I mean real food Arian." Teyana responded.

" Oh yea, and fries." He said.

" That's your son." Yannick said, making Teyana laugh.

" You sure you don't want anything else ?" Teyana questioned.

" I'm sure." Arian responded.

Arian was by far their pickiest child, he mostly only wanted to eat fries and sweets and most times they would let him since that's all he would eat.

" Arian you ready for your game today ?" Yannick questioned.

" Yep, I'm gonna get this many touch downs." Arian said, holding up all 10 of his fingers.

" Yea don't play with my baby." Teyana said.

For the remainder of lunch they enjoyed time as a family and talked about random things. Once they were finished they went home so that the kids could get ready for the game.

" Baby can you believe we own a whole athletic complex ?" Teyana said, as they laid on their bed waiting for the kids to get ready.

" It's crazy, we something like the power couple of the century." Yannick responded.

" We're dressed now." Raia said, as they entered Teyana and Yannick's bedroom.

" Aww look at my la Matrix football player and cheerleaders. I see Lannah gother cute lil majorette warm up suit on." Teyana cooed.

" Y'all ready ?" Yannick questioned.

" L-E-T-S G-O, that's the way we say let's go lets go." Raia and Mia responded, making both Teyana and Yannick laugh.

They made sure everyone had everything before heading to the field. Once they got to the field Yannick let Teyana and Arian out so Teyana could take him to his team.

" Mommy look it's Pai and Bailey." Arian said, pointing at them.

" Look at you on time today." Teyana said.

" Girl yes by the grace of God." Bridget responded.

" Hi Teedy." Paisley and Bailey said, hugging Teyana.

" Hi my babies. Are you guys excited ?" Teyana said, and they both eagerly nodded there heads.

" I sure hope so they come home from practice cheering everyday, driving me and Seanie crazy." Bridget said, shaking her head.

While Teyana and Bridget talked the kids went to their team.

" Speaking of, where he at ?" Teyana wondered.

" Getting Shae from practice, he get her and I get the twins ready. Which I realize now was a set up from the jump." Bridget said, shaking her head.

While Teyana and Bridget waited for the game to start they both talked and caught up on each others lives.

" Milla in the house." Milla said, plopping next to them.

" Girl you is all bumped out, look at this belly." Bridget said, rubbing Milla's stomach.

After being married for 3 years, Milla and Dom finally decided that they were ready to welcome a child in the world. It took a lot of convincing for Milla because although she knew how much he loved her she was scared he might leave her after she had the baby, much like her first husband. He assured her though, that he didn't care how much weight she put on that he would still love her, and she was his forever.

" Yes and you got that pregnancy glow, like you was glowing before but now girl you really glowing." Teyana said.

" Aww thank y'all." Milla responded. " What was y'all talking about before I got over here ?" She wondered.

" Girl any and everything."Bridget answered.

Once the game started they turned their full attention to the game. As soon as the game started the Matrix was already on top, the first play of the game the defense had forced a fumble. After 3 plays they ended up scoring a 35 yard touchdown and making the extra point making the score 7-0. Once the other team got the ball back they scored but missed their extra point.

" We made it guys." Sage said, as she walked up the bleachers.

" Hey stink, and look at my Teedy baby." Teyana cooed.

A year after Sage had her and Reem's baby boy, Sekani, he somehow had convinced her to have another one, Kaiori, who was now 4 months. The two had also gotten married about a year and a half ago, and it was everything Sage and Reem could have ever imagined.

" You and Reem make some of the cutest babies." Milla commented.

" Say thank you Teedy." Sage said, lifting Kaiori up to face them.

" Looking away because Lord know I don't need no more kids." Bridget joked.

They continued watching the game as they passed around the baby. By half time the score was 14-6, The Matrix was up of course.

During half time they all went to the bottom of the bleachers, where the rest of the family was.

" Hi mommy." Teyana said, hugging Anita.

" Hey baby. Where have you been at this whole time ?" Anita responded.

" I was at the top, you can see what better up there." Teyana answered. " Where Riah ?" She wondered.

" Her and all the kids went to the concession stand." Anita answered, and Teyana nodded before continuing her rounds.

She stopped and talked to both of her brothers. All of her siblings were their with the exception of Nae and Yas, who was at a business convention for Matrix Espo.

Yannick's mother was missing as well, she was in the Bahamas with her new friend, Mr. Jace.

" Hi Teedy." Siah said, as he approached Teyana.

" Hey Siah, you ready for game day tomorrow ?" Teyana responded.

" Yea, i'm gonna run all those boys over." Siah said, nodding his head.

" That's my boy." Teyana said, giving him a high five.

" Hey sissy." Riah said, coming up behind Teyana.

" Hey girl , how you been ?" Teyana said, hugging her.

" Good, I got my first D1 offer today, LSU." Ariah smiled.

" You go girl, i'm proud of you." Teyana smiled.

" Thank you." Ariah smiled.


" Good job stinky man, you did such a good job." Teyana said, hugging Arian.

The Matrix had beaten the Holly Grove Titans 20-14, Arian scoring one of their 3 touchdowns.

" Did you see me get my touchdown ?" Arian asked.

" Yea, you were running so fast." Teyana answered.

" Look at my lil superstar." Yannick said, going to pick up Arian. " Daddy so proud of you man." He said.

" Can I get ice cream ?" Arian questioned, squinting his eyes.

" If that's what the champ wants than that's what he shall receive." Yannick answered, and Arian smiled.

They began telling everyone bye before heading to the car.

" Chick fil A for dinner ?" Teyana questioned, looking over at Yannick.

" I was thinking that, because you know your picky ass son don't eat but so much." Yannick responded.

" Umm he's just as much my son as he is yours." Teyana said.

" Mommy when do we start practice again ?" Lannah asked.

" Next week I believe." Teyana answered.

By the time they had ordered and got their food the car was cause completely silent. When Teyana looked in the back seat the kids were either sleep or dosing off with their food in their lap.

" Them poor babies." Yannick said shaking his head.

" Ouu my song." Teyana said, turning up the radio as Without You by Monica played.

Every night I close my eyes
I thank the Lord that you're laying next to me
I didn't think it was possible
But loving you brings out the best in me, baby

" I'll always take the time to love you right, hold you tight. Keep you coming home every night, for you." Teyana sung.

" I'm so thankful you gave me a second chance. My biggest mistake in life was letting you go, but I'm so glad God brought you back into my laugh. " Yannick said, looking over at Teyana.

" Something in me told me that Yannick Soule was the man who was going to be my forever." Teyana smiled, looking at him.

" Me and you against the world." Yannick said, kissing the side of Teyana's face.

I've been waiting all my life for you, baby
Got me wondering
How did you survive all this time
Without you?
Without you, you, you
Without you

The End

Thank you guys for reading.
I love you guys 🥰

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