My wierd random art!

By The_King_Bean

76 6 12

just art, my art, dont judge unless I ask you to. More

Random Journal drawings pt. 1

Wierd art pt.2 (cats)

34 2 9
By The_King_Bean


his is Moonsong, the protagonist of a Warriors Fanfic that is currently under development, I may or may not publish it here on wattpad, we'll have to see.

This is Silverblossom, Moonsong and Crystalstone's sister. Something to know, for a small amount of time her sister Crystalstone had everyone on a fishing expedition call her Rumplefur to embarrass her after Silverblossom accidently made Crystalstone loose a very fat and easy fish to catch.

This is Thunderstep Moonsong's very best friend, he also happens to eventually become clan deputy of Riverclan.

Crystalstone is both Silverblossom and Moonsong's sister, yet tou could say she's the evil self-centered one, the youngest to be exact.

This is Sushi cat, I drew him for one of my birthdays and have a T-shirt with him printed on the front.

This is Sushi Cat's, you could say, rough draft! I just made him as a doodle and then later coloured him in with crayons and coloured pencils.

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