From a model to an Emperor (r...

By CaptainJackpot

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Adriens life wasn't normal, he was a famous model and son of a famous fashion designer along with the hero of... More

Ch 2: The Trial
Ch 3: The Contract

Ch 1: Vengeance comes knocking

545 14 1
By CaptainJackpot

'Do you Adrien Agreste, holder of the Black cat Miraculous, keeper of destruction, soulmate of creation, and chosen Crown Prince of the Miraculous Empire now Emperor take Empress Marinette Dupain-Cheng as your wife? To cherish in sickness and in health?"

Adrien stared at Marinette, who looked so beautiful in her Royal wedding gown, crown jewels dripping off of her like dazzling fallen stars, they glimmered upon his future wife. He had to fight the urge, the strong urge, to sweep her off her feet and run away to their royal chambers and just bathe himself in her presence but even so, he needed to be patient, their honeymoon suite was only a few hours away.  He looked into Marinette's eyes, her beautiful bluebell eyes covered by her lashes as she gazed deeply into his soul.

He smiled a tender smile filled to the brim with love, "I do."

The High priestess nodded, turning to Marinette she opened her mouth and spoke. "Do you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, holder of the Ladybug Miraculous, keeper of creation, soulmate of destruction, and chosen Crown Princess of the Miraculous Empire now Empress take Emperor Adrien Agreste as your husband? In sickness and in health?"

Adrien could hear his heart pounding in his own chest but due to the side effects of the Miraculous he could also hear his lady, his love, his wife's heart beating with his, as usual, they were in sync. Marinette, the perfect image of a blushing bride, peering up at him with such a loving smile that was so filled with adoration and devotion to love him, him, who he thought was nothing but a pretty face that was used to please whoever and whatever desire that his father had. But Marinette, his Marinette, his kind, gentle, caring, and brave princess had loved him, she had adored him, cherished every moment of being with him. She had fallen in love with his boring civilian self and he had enchanted her and charmed her into falling in love with his witty, silly, and punny side.

"I do."

His heart swelled at the thought that after this, they would finally be married and together fulfill the duty Fu had forced them into, together.

"You will be bound to your duty as Emperor and Empress, and to each other, for once you accept these rings you will be the next rulers, you will continue the line and the prosperity of the Miraculous Empire."

If you had gone back in time and told fifteen-year-old him that wang Fu would trick him and Marinette into signing away their freedom to the Miraculous Empire, taking up the duty of being crowned Emperor and Empress of a lost Empire that Fu had destroyed, that he would spend the next four years with his lady, allowing him the chance to woo and charm her into loving him he would probably believe you for a short while only then to laugh it off.

His hands delicately grasped his future wife-soon to be wife's hands and slow as possible pulled her white satin gloves off. The royal high Priestess smiled at the two as the ringbearer, Tikki, and Plagg brought forth the pillow that held the ancient rings of all past Emperors and Empresses. The kwamis grinned as they picked up their rings and handed them to their chosens. The giant crowd of people, nobles, commoners, and citizens remained quiet as they watched their future rulers place the rings on each other's fingers. Plagg and Tikki grab the red cloth, tying them around their chosen hands.

Adrien looked out in the crowd and spotted his father, anger was clear on his face as he shook his head no, the guards pointing their spears at his neck, Lila and Chloe also had spears placed at their necks. Adrien frowned at his father, he wasn't going to let him ruin this day. No, after the ceremony he was going to give his father a piece of his mind and then send him and those two off, away from his Empire and his wife.

"You may now kiss the Bride."


Once Upon a Time....

There existed jewels that wielded the power of gods, these jewels were called the Miraculous and inside those jewels were creatures known as Kwamis. Using these creatures one could turn into an animal themed superhero. In order to protect these jewels and maintain peace an order was created.

The Miraculous Order

An Order that had people known as Guardians protecting Miracle Boxes that held a different set of Miraculouses in each one.

The Miraculous Order eventually grew so big that it became a luxurious Empire that mainly was supported by the Miraculous.


Four Years ago...

Paris was silent, the streets were empty and quiet as it was way too late for anyone to be out. Fu was back on his way to his small massage parlor, he had bid Marinette and Adrien goodbye along with apologizing for being a coward and for taking their miraculouses from them in their sleep. Fu was ashamed and could tell by the frown on both their faces they didn't really forgive him for taking away their kwamis and their superhero identity. Fu could also tell that Chat Noir was the one most hurt by Fu's risky decision, after all Plagg must have been a very close companion and the only one that actually cared about Adrien along with the fact Fu also almost stole Adrien's chance at ever learning that Marinette was Ladybug, taking the chance of being with the love of his life away from him. Fu sighed as he slowly walked his bike into his apartment and laid it against the wall.

Wayzz flew out from his hiding spot and floated over a depressed Fu, the old man untied all the stuff that he had in a hurry grabbed and tied them to his bike like a coward, and placed them back onto their spot. He gently grasped the miracle box and moved it back to its old spot. Placing it down Fu sighed and began to unpack all his stuff. "Master," Wayzz called to Fu who only laid down on the mat on the floor and stared at the ceiling. "I'm a coward." Fu whispered, Wayzz flew down to the old man, "Master, you were scared." Fu hummed, "A coward runs when they are scared." he answered and rolled over away from Wayzz. "I took their miraculous, I took their chance at ever knowing who the other is. I am a coward and a monster." Wayzz didn't say anything and only floated over to the miracle box, he knew there was no getting through to the old man when he was like this. With a deep sigh, he flew into the kwami dimension and didn't look back.

Fu stayed still, his actions weighing down on him. He was scared, so scared. Ladybug's cure defeated Feast and probably brought back the lost Guardian Temple. It would be in no time that Su Han, his former master, would come looking for the miracle box. Fu shivered at the thought of seeing his old master, his trauma coming back to haunt him. Fu tried to block out the dark thoughts and rolled on his back. He forced his eyes closed and hoped that he could sleep.


Outside on the outskirts of Paris, a hooded figure stared at the city of Love. They looked around and hopped onto the roofs, their partner was close behind. Landing silently on the Eiffel tower, their partner landed next to them. "Wow." their partner said as they pulled back their hood to reveal light blonde hair that was neatly tied into a braided bun, bright emerald eyes glistening in the city lights. "The city sure has changed since I was last here, they even have strange moving carriages now." The other hooded figure did not pull back their hood and only shook their head. "Do not be distracted Alyssa, this city is filled with lies and corruption." Alyssa turned and looked at her partner, "Yes, but isn't it  beautiful?" Alyssa asked her partner who only rolled their eyes, "Beautiful to hide the ugly truth." her partner hissed, Alyssa frowned and looked away from the city to her partner. "We have been alive for only a few hours and you are already forgetting why we are here." her partner pulled their hood off to reveal bright red hair and a scarred face with blue eyes. "We are here to capture the monster that caused our Temple and our Empire's demise." he walked over to Alyssa and stood next to her, "Not admire the city of lies and heartbreak."

Alyssa huffed, "But Brandon, what's the point of bringing this false Guardian to justice when we have no one to rule us after he's gone? We have no Emperor nor an Empress. The nobles have no idea how to rule and the ancient rules say that a Ladybug and a Black cat can only inherit the throne!" Brandon closed his eyes and pinched his brow. "The Guardians said that the man who caused the demise has the miracle box, so we will have an Emperor and an Empress once we have the box back." Alyssa tugged her hair, "But the Guardians will take forever to choose a proper Ladybug and Black cat!" Brandon rolled his eyes and whacked Alyssa on the back of her head. "For a top-class imperial guard, you sure do whine a lot." Alyssa let out a cry and rubbed her head, "Hey! How can you treat your betrothed like that?!" Brandon laughed and hugged Alyssa. Alyssa pouted and felt Brandon tighten his hold on her.

"Brandon?" Alyssa called his name, noticing that his hold was tight. "I want that monster brought to justice. I lost you when the Temple collapsed, I watched you die." Alyssa froze in his arms, she buried her head in his neck as if that would stop the traumatizing memories that were flowing through her head.

"What's happening?!" Alyssa yelled as she watched the Guardian Temple walls start to crack, rubble from the ceiling fell and crushed the floor. "Brandon?!" Alyssa called as she heard screams around her, people were running and screaming bloody murder. The Guardians were missing, there was no sight of any knights or anyone. She screamed as the floor cracked from underneath her she looked down to see the ground was collapsing. "Alyssa!!This way!" Brandon yelled from the entrance of the temple. Alyssa cried as she ran for her betrothed, the ground collapsing as she raced against the collapsing ground. She jumped as the ground fully collapsed and there was nothing touching her feet. Tears burned her eyes as she reached out for Brandons hand.

Her heart stopped as she slowly fell into the darkness.

All she saw was darkness and all she heard was Brandon's screams.

Then Brandons screams were cut off as the temple entrance also collapsed.

"I want that bastard to pay for all the lives he cost us. Thousands of our people, our friends died because of him." Alyssa pulled out of the hug and leaned up to kiss Brandons head. Her lips gently touched his forehead, she pulled back and grabbed Brandons dark hood with a tug she pulled it back over his head, "Then let's go get that monster!" Alyssa backed away and pulled her hood back over her head then she jumped away. "I love that woman." Brandon whispered as he began to chase after her over the rooftops.

He landed on a random balcony of some hotel and noticed Alyssa was holding her miraculous. The wolf miraculous was glowing and Brandon felt his miraculous too glow. The High priestess was trying to contact them, "The High Priestess is trying to call us." Alyssa told Brandon who looked at his wrist, the crow Miraculous glowed just like the wolf Miraculous. "Should we answer it?" Alyssa asked, Brandon sighed, they weren't in the best spot for transforming but they could not ignore the High Priestess, after all she was the one who had immediately sent them on this mission. Brandon nodded his head to his betrothed, "Lunna, time to howl." Alyssa said calmly as she watched the grey whitish wolf kwami be sucked into the ear cuff. White and blue lights covered the balcony and in Alyssa's place was a long white braided hair wolf heroine. She had a heavy wolf fur coat around her neck and her shoulder. White fur was on her wrists and her ankles. Grey and white mixed together leaving a pure white stomach on her body. She had wolf ears and a long wolf tail. Brandon smiled, catching Full Moon's attention.

It also caught the attention of a certain rich blonde brat who had been rudely interrupted from her beauty sleep by a bright white light. Chloe grumbled and pulled off her eye mask, her blonde hair was braided and her expensive nightgown shuffled as she sat up and grit her teeth. "Who dares interrupt my beauty sleep?!" Angrily she threw her sheets off of her and placed her feet on the ground. She stomped over to her balcony and was ready to yell at whoever dared wake her. But she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Don't smile like that! You've seen me transform all the time!" the voice outside said, embarrassment riding on the edge of their voice. "Yeah but I'll never get over how beautiful you are with the wolf miraculous."  another voice outside said, happiness and love was sickenly in his voice. Chloe closed her mouth and tip-toed back to her bed to grab her phone, they were talking about miraculouses, but it was far too late for Ladybug to be giving out miraculouses again and if she was then why hasn't she given her back the bee miraculous?! Maybe these people were working for Hawkmoth? Maybe if she recorded some of this information and gave it to Ladybug it would make Ladybug rethink her decision on her giving Chloe the bee miraculous!

"Quickly transform, the High Priestess is on hold and she doesn't like to be ignored." Chloe hit record on her phone and snuck behind a curtain then she pointed her phone up at the two, she almost let out a gasp at how beautiful the wolf miraculous holder was but that quickly turned into a daydream of Chloe wearing that miraculous along with the bee. "Vull, black feathers fly." Brandon said calmly as his bracelet began to glow a dark purple and black crow kwami was sucked into the bracelet. Chloe watched as purple light covered the man, black wings opened up to the sky, a bird mask covered their face and black feather covered the man's shoulders and neck. "Okay, go ahead and take the High Priestess off hold." Full Moon nodded and took her weapon, her claws and slowly ripped apart the air. Chloe watched in awe as the rip slowly turned into a portal. "We greet the High Priestess of the Miraculous Guardian Temple." they both said and bowed to the woman on the portal. Chloe let out a gasp at the woman in the portal. She positioned her camera up at the portal to get a better view of the woman. In the portal was an old woman who had rich white silk robes and gold jewlery on, behind her head was a circle crown that made her look like she was a goddess. She had a light gold veil that covered her face, her snow white hair was braided into a bun behind her head that had left over hair hanging behind her. "Full Moon, Bad Omen, report." Bad Omen lifted his head to look at the old woman on the screen. "We are close to the miraculous Guardian, only two more blocks and we will be where he has been hiding."

Chloe was interested in what was being spoken, miraculous Guardian? Was that who protected the miraculouses? Was he the one who gave Ladybug and Chat Noir their miraculouses? "Good. Remember we must make haste, Paris is not one of our allies or a city we have a peace treaty with. So arrest the Guardian and make sure all of the miraculous's are in the miracle box. Then once you have him in custody bring him back to the Imperial Palace where he can face judgment." Full Moon and Bad Omen bowed, "Yes, your grace." the old woman nodded, "Be careful my children, I wish you a safe return." the old woman turned away as the portal closed. "Her grace looks stressed. " Full Moon said as she stopped bowing and turned to her betrothed, "Well yes, the Empire has been brought back from the dead but we have no Empress or Emperor to lead us and the Guardians are trying to keep the people calm and keep the nobles in line but her grace is the one who has to handle the aftershock of what had happened." Bad Omen said as he pulled out a list and unrolled it. Chloe was silent at the new information, an Empire? Guardians? Empress and Emperor? What were they talking about?

"Is that the list of the miraculous's that we need to check?" Full Moon asked as she walked over to Bad Omen and read it. "Yes, the Chinese Zodiac Miracle Box. The Ladybug, the Black Cat, the Fox, the Bee, the Peacock, the Butterfly, the Dragon, the Pig, the Snake, the Turtle, the Rooster, the Monkey, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Ox, the Goat, the Mouse, the Dog, and the Horse." Bad Omen finished, and Full Moon smiled. "If we get the Chinese Zodiac Miracle box back to her grace, then we can have an Empress and Emperor!" Bad Omen sighed, "I also think the main seven noble houses will also be happy to have their family heirlooms back. Especially lady Rosa, she will be so happy that the bee miraculous is back in the hands of the Honey Beehouse." Chloe's eyes widened, they were taking the miraculous's away?!


The Bee Miraculous was HERS!

Chloe had gotten up from her spot and grabbed the curtains that covered her balcony doors, flinging them open. She took a deep breath, ready to yell at the idiots who thought they could take HER miraculous away. But when she went to yell at the two people that had been on her balcony she went quiet, they were gone. Chloe grit her teeth and opened her mouth to scream, they were going to take her Miraculous away! The Bee Miraculous was HERS! HERS!HERS! Spinning around Chloe pressed her lips together, well if they were going to take HER miraculous away she was going to take theirs! That's right, with the video she just got she could post it and demand Daddy to find their Empire and take it! Then she would have the Bee miraculous. She could have it all! Chloe smiled wickedly and went to post the video but froze. Her phone...



"Did that blonde brat really think we couldn't hear her or see her?" Full Moon asked her partner as they landed on the balcony of the apartment building that the false Guardian lived in. "Probably, it was funny when you used your super speed and snatched her phone from her when she stopped recording us." Bad Omen said as he prepared his foot claws for grabbing just in case the false Guardian tried to run. Full Moon pulled out a gold sparkling diamond phone and crushed it in her hand, then tossing it on the ground she slammed her foot onto it, her claws destroying the expensive phone. Full Moon then crouched and pulled out the chip card of the phone then stood and tossed the pieces of the crushed phone into the seine. "Make sure not to lose that chip. We can't have that Video falling into any Parisian's hands." Full Moon nodded and placed the chip into her hidden pocket.

Bad Omen pulled out purple glowing chains, "Vengence!" and threw them into the air, the purple chains glowed a light purple and Bad Omen commanded them into the building, Full Moon followed the chains and prepared herself for a fight. The chains broke through the door of what the sign said was a Massage Parlor and Full Moon's wolf ears perked up at the sound of screaming. Good the chains were able to get a hold of the traitor. Full Moon's claws made quick work of the door and soon all that was left of the door was splinters. The screaming came from a small old man who was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, he was tangled up in the glowing chains, fear was in his eyes as he saw Full Moon. His screams stopped and with her enhanced hearing she heard him whisper, "No, that's not possible."

Full Moon ignored him and walked around the room, checking the kitchen, the balcony, and the bedroom. "All clear." She said to her communicator, a moment later Bad Omen flew down to the balcony, Fu shrank in fear as the giant crow wings slowly closed and the tall intimidating man walked into Fu's apartment.

Judgement Day has finally arrived.

Fu looked up in fear as Bad Omen pulled out a scroll and unrolled it, he cleared his throat. "Wang Fu of Miraculous Empire, chosen student of Su Han, Guardian of the Chinese Zodiac Miracle Box. You are under arrest for the murder of the Miraculous Empires citizens, the destruction of the Guardians Temples, the death of the previous Emperor and Empress, and for stealing a miracle box along with using the Peacock miraculous selfishly."

Fu only watched as Full Moon came stalking up to him and with a spin and low round-house kick his lights were out and it all went dark and cold.

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