My sister's crush

By hexy201

276K 5.8K 1.9K

My sister had had this big fat crush over this guy for as long as I could remember,she is fucking obsessed fo... More

23 ⚠️
* side story * part 1
* side story * part 2


9.1K 211 141
By hexy201

" hay guys it's me Emily , we are here standing Infront of the gates that lead to the stadium where my future husband,aka, Hendrix is holding a concert, as you can see am wearing his merch and here is the vip bracelet that y'all saw on my Instagram,   I will update you guys later and will make sure to post clips from the concert, back stage and basically anything and everything, have a nice day babys see ya " my sister said as she held her phone inches away from her face recording her self as she spoke to the camera and showing them the view and her outfit, before she ended the video she blew a kiss to her camera then shoved her phone in her pocket.

Oh ,I forgot to tell you that my dumb sister was a YouTuber and an Instagram influencer , Sorry !

Anyways, like my sister had mentioned before we were now In front of the gates of the stadium,were a bunch of girls and there boyfriends or brothers with them probably all walking around and taking pictures everywhere.

" Oh my god , you have the vip bracelet, that's so cool. "  A random girl approched me as she held onto my hand inspecting the bracelet that was wrapped around my wrist.

" Uhhh , yeah " I said pulling my hand away .

" You are so lucky, I could pay you all you want for it , please " she begged as she pulled out her wallet to show that she had stacks of money in there .

"Well it's a great offer am not gonna lie but my sister would kill me , plus this was a gift Soo maybe next time sweetie" I said rolling my eyes and giving her my back , wasn't in the mood to deal with some nagging girl.

" Are you gay ? " She boldly asked.

" W ....what , why would you assume something like that " it's not that I was hurt ,of course not , am bisexual at the end of the day ,a closeted one . It's just that I was taken back by the question,kinda shocked you could say.

" I don't know , you kinda look gay. " She said with that very judgemental look , just imagine a random weird girl coming up to you not only did she ask to buy your stuff but she was also standing there looking down at me and judging every inch of my being.

" How could someone look gay ?  What does gay look like ?  You know what ,ama have to leave bye bye bitch " I said making sure to say the last word in a low tone and turned around leaving her there while I jogged over to my sister who was trading some posters or something.

" When is that thing starting" I asked Emily avoiding the use of the word 'shit' just in case someone hears me , am still too young to die by a group of fans and actually,when I thought that the whole fan base was girls,turns out there are as much I guess.

" In less than half an hour let's get in now " she replied as she looked at her watch then started dragging me to the main entrance.

Was the concert fun ? .....yeah .....

Was the music good ?      Yeah

Was his small dance moves good ?    No , not at all , next time I see him I should ask him to never dance again. He is a singer not a dancer for fucks sake , leave the dancing for BTS and the Kpop groups ,they did it better, way better.

Did Axel keep glancing at me from time to time ?         Yes.

Was he smiling every time he looked at me ?           Yes

I enjoyed my time , when it was time to meet Axel back stage,me ,my sister and a couple of other people were pulled to some room in the back .

Everyone entered the room individually except for couples and siblings.

It was finally our turn to enter but when the guard was giving our bracelets one last check before entering he pulled me back a bit and told my sister to enter without me .

" Hay man she is my sister,why can't I come in with her ?" I asked the guard but he only gave me a bored look then said " sir aren't you the one who was gifted the vip bracelets? "

" Uh yeah " I replied.

" Hendrix had asked to make sure you two enter separately " the man said before looking Infront of him again.

" Wait for me in the car " I told Emily when I saw her finally exiting the room with the biggest most brightest smile on her face, I quickly handed her the car keys before being pushed in the room.

The room seemed like it's a celebrity changing room , a rack of clothing in one of the corners, vanity with a big light up mirror and then there was a long gray couch with a small coffee table Infront of it , Axel sat there head thrown back with a water bottle in hand .

I walked over to the couch were he sat and took a seat beside him .

" Your voice is actually good " I said after some seconds of uder silence.

" What did you expect" he chuckled.

" I don't know . why did you give me those tickets?" I asked

He sat up right sipping on his  water before responding " I don't know ,I just wanted to see you there " he said now looking into my eyes.

" How have you been doing" I said after some moments of silence.

" Fine , though I miss going to the club and meeting up with you " he casually said.

" Yeah , what's really wired is that we haven't known each other for long yet we both are kind of know close and stuff " I said

" It's like I've known you for so long , it's weird, it's not easy for normal people to find someone that they can feel this way towards" Axel added as he drank more water , bet singing for more than a hour or so got him really tired.

" Why did you want me to come in alone ?" I asked

" Just so we could talk freely, I don't know how much you told your sister about our friendship " he said . By the way , through that period of time before the concert , whenever he had time we would talk and chat together for what seemed like hours before he had to run for practice or what not.

" Good point smarty-pants" I said chuckling along with him .

We sat there for a bit , noone speaking, I don't know for how long  , probably a couple of minutes since the meeting time hadn't ended yet.

I glaced at Axel from my sitting position to see that he had his eyes already on me .

I looked at him , staring in his purple unique eyes, the gold in them giving them a more cooler look , as if it was a small painting.

I don't know how but I later realized how close we were getting, he started leaning in and before I could do anything our Lips were connected.

His lips started slowly moving on mine and soon my confused and surprised sensation left and I was now enjoying the moment.

There was no lust or hunger , just a light loving kiss . Loving? Wait why is he even kissing me now ? Why am responding to his kiss and even kissing back ? What the........

Realization hit me like lightning and I imiditly pushed him away , his face looked surprised and shocked.

We sat staring at each other for mere seconds before an alarm thing went off indicating the end of the meeting.

I quickly got up ,not giving him a glace before heading out and on my way to the car .

Tbh I don't know what to say , I don't think sorry would be enough but am sorry for not updating for sooo long . School is shit and I won't be able to post frequently either through those days because of exams that will probably last a whole other month , I will have to go take exams on the day of my birthday too 😭😭 anyway I just saw that I had a chapter ready so I posted it as a .......I don't know as a " don't forget about me " type of thing idk 😅

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