Light of Love

By grey_writesstuff10

706 34 0

"You're the only one I can see Seungcheol." "And you're the only one I love Jeonghan." *jeongcheol* *Short... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

58 3 0
By grey_writesstuff10

His present days were filled with late night talking, facetimes, and effortless calls. Jeonghan had fallen in love with Seungcheols face, maybe he was obsessed. Don't get me wrong, Cheol was falling hardcore for Joenghan too. They both couldn't get enough of each other. Whether it was meeting up after classes or Jeoghan going to the bakery to see him, they were inseparable.

Seungcheol fell for a new thing every day. Monday was his hair, blonde and long, smooth and soft, he loved it. Tuesday were Jeonghan's bright eyes, they popped when he was happy and smoothed out when he smiled. Wednesday was his lips. They were perfect proportions and he loved watching the blonde put on chapstick. Thursday, he fell for his hands, it was the first time he touched them. They were so soft and Cheol loved it. His beige skin sent warmth throughout his long fingers. Cheol loved everything about Jeonghan and he never knew he could fall for someone so hard.

It was Friday, Jeonghan sat in his lecture class thinking of Seungcheols face again. He might have thought of it too much because every time he talks to Jisoo, he develops Cheol's face in his head. It creeped him out one time.  The blonde now hated the fact he couldn't see people's faces. He had wondered what people looked like before, but now he wonders every day. He's seen people's faces before, matter of fact his own, but now that he was grown, and time had passed. He was found curious.

-Did everyone look like Seungcheol? I was too young to remember what I even looked like. Do I look like Seungcheol?! -

His eyes widened.

-No, no, no, I could never look like that. Does Seungcheol think I look good? Or was that a lie when he texted me the other day-

Then his expressions softened-

He wouldn't lie right?...hopefully not. I hope I'm pretty decent...gosh-


The blonde turned to look at his friend, being snapped out of his thoughts. "Hm?"

"Are you okay? You've been making funny faces."

Jeonghan could feel his face heat up as he turned forward, "Sorry..I was just stuck in my thoughts."

Jisoo had only nodded before Jeonghan turned his concentration back to the lecture. Boring history but make it art. Joenghan didn't like this class at all. Why would he need to memorize all the sculptures in Greece before the destruction of Pompeii happened. He was really frustrated on that one, and his memory wasn't the best. Yet someone saved his day as his phone buzzed. He looked down to see who it was.

Cute baker (Cheol):

What are you doing after class? Do you Even have classes today?


I'm in my last class right now. Why?

Cute baker:

Let's hangout :( I miss you.

Jeonghan lets out a whispered laugh as he smiled at his phone.


Sure. Where at?

Cute baker:

What class are you in, I'll come Get you.


Art history. Building 3, Room 204

Cute baker:

It's a date! I'll see you then.

Jeonghan didn't answer after that. Not sure how he should have because now he was a blushing mess. -It's a date!- Lingered in his head. They had hung out before but were those dates? Seungcheol never called it that before and Jeonghan was too blinded from Seungcheols mesmerizing face to even wonder. 

"Jisoo.." He whispered yelled to his friend who was eagerly writing down notes.


"Do you think I'm good looking?"

Jisoo turned his head to his friend. What was he thinking about now? "Yes Jeonghan , I think you're very good looking. Why do you ask?"

"I just haven't seen my face since I was like 10, I just wanted to know how I looked."

Jisoo lightly shook his head, going back to writing notes, "You're a dimwit ya know."

Joenghan scrunched his nose, "Don't call me that." 

"Jeonghan here!" Seungcheol waved from outside the lecture building. He was standing by his car.

Jeonghan let his eyes light up like Christmas lights as he rushed over to the taller. "Hi..." He spoke softly.

Today was his honey-like voice. Seungcheol took a deep breath before smiling softly, "I had an idea."

"And what is that?"

"A surprise, get in!" He spoke as he rushed over to his side of the car. Once they were both seated the taller began to drive. Letting the music from the radio play in the background. Jeonghan watched as the passing scenery went by in the window, they were leaving the city.

"Is this place far away?" Jeonghan asked as he stared out the window.

"No, we're almost there, but I think you'll like it a lot. "

This made Jeonghan even more curious, He never really went out much. He had always wanted to travel but with his heightened anxiety it never came through.

"You cheater! That is not how you play chess." The black haired whined as Jeonghan took his king.

"Checkmate!" He said cutely. "I've never played chess in my life, but I don't like to lose."

Seungcheol sighed, the way he acted got him, so he just let him win. The two were sitting in a field of flowers, since it was a warm day Cheol thought it was a good idea to have a picnic. To get to know each other more, even though they have been texting nonstop for the last four days. 

Joenghan ate one of the strawberries as he looked out into the scenery. It was beautiful, rows and rows of every kind of flower as the sun kissed them all from the sky. He never goes outside but he was glad it was a good day. With all those beautiful flowers he still wanted to just stare at Seungcheol, he knew it was weird so he didn't do it that much, yet sometimes he couldn't help himself.

Seungcheol let out a laugh, "Are you staring at me?"

The blonde was startled, eyes expanding as his cheeks dusted a vibrant pink. "N-no I w- I was not!"

"'re cute when you get flustered."

Joenghan let his eyes wander to Seungcheol as he ate some fruit, "Am I?" 

"Yes...have you seen yourself?!"

Jeonghan stayed quiet. He wanted to answer no but he knew he would get a confused look in return. He hasn't told Seungcheol about his faceless disorder. It kind of stayed in the back of his mind, because he could see Seungcheol. It felt as if his life was on pause when he was around the taller. Letting him escape his abnormal reality and live a normal life. An average life like he wanted.

"Um...what's so pretty about me?" Jeonghan asked curiously. Hoping to get a general image of what he looked like.

It was Seungcheol's time to blush, turning his body toward Jeonghan so he could explain to this delusional person how perfect he was. "Well for starters your luscious hair. It's beautiful."

Joenghan touched his blonde locks, "really? It's kind of long, It goes to my shoulders practically."

"I love it."

Jeonghan paused in feeling his hair, seeing Seungcheol lightly smile at him squeezed his heart. He could feel butterflies dancing in his stomach, it was a weird feeling, but he yearned for more of it. "Go on..."

"Your perfect proportional lips. Your big doe eyes that pop when you look at sweets, it's so cute. Your beige skin and how it looks so sparkly in the sun, you should go outside more maybe. Your petite nose."

-this is crazy...- Jeonghan thought as he let his head fall, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. His heart was racing for an unknown finish line. -It's only been a week, why do I feel like this.- 

"Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"No that's not's just..." -Come on Jeonghan just tell him that you have face blindness. It's not like he will understand at first, but you can explain.... right-

"Oh, hold that thought, I need to take this call." then Seungcheol got up from their checkered blanket and he drifted afar. Jeonghan could just beat up himself. Even though he doesn't tell people about his disorder he feels compelled to tell Seungcheol. He was so pure and innocent he had a right to know. Then again, how do you tell someone you can't see people's faces other than theirs. Would he even believe him with that information?

A few minutes passed and the black haired returned, his expression was different, it made Joenghan a little worried, "Are you okay?"

Seungcheol nodded, "Ya I'm fine.... that was stupid Dk, calling me for nothing."

Jeonghan wasn't good with expressions, obviously, so he let his worried feeling linger away, Suengcheol was smiling now so that means he's okay, right? Maybe if Jeonghan knew a little more about people's expressions he could tell that was a fake smile. A Lot of people have things to hide and sometimes never know how to confess them either. 

"What we're you saying before I left?" Cheol asked.

"Don't worry about it actually, so what's your major?"

Seungcheol eased himself on the blanket, "I'm an acting major actually."

"Really! No wonder." Jeonghan pulled his knees to his chest, resting his head on his knees.

"Wonder what?"

"You're so good looking..." Jeonghan had thought out loud. When Cheol had laughed it brought himself back to reality.

"Thank you, I just can't with you anymore." He said between laughs.

Joenghan layed a not so hard punch onto the tallers shoulder, hurting him in the process more than Seungcheol. The black haired laughed some more soon leading to Joenghan also laughing. They had felt very comfortable around each other. Like they had already known one another for a long time.

Now Joenghan sat at home with Jisoo and his other friend Seungkwan. Seungkwan was one of few that Jeonghan was friends with. Seungkwan was a nice kid, a fashion major at that so he had his diva moments. The three were just talking about various topics.

What made Seungkwan like this American kid in the music production major, Jisoo and his weird obsession with one piece. Why Jeonghan loved sweets so much. The conversations could go on and on with many stupid remarks and chuckles, but Joenghan had other plans.

"I think I should tell Seungcheol." Jeonghan blurted between a heat discussion of who was better. Spider-man or Iron- man.

The other two boys turned their heads to the latter. Jeonghan was deep in thought as he played with his hair.

"Do you like Seungcheol.." Jisoo said with a quizzical expression, he found it weird that his nonsocial friend changed when he met the baker. It seemed as if something clicked in his brain. To Jeonghan something had. A dyer feeling to be with Seungcheol all the time, to stare at his beautiful face endlessly.

"I'm not sure but I think he's going to stay around for a little."

"Who's this guy were talking about?" Seungkwan threw his hands out in a confused state, he did this a lot. First it started off with letting Jeonghan know that he was very confused, but now it was a habit.

The black haired sighed, "He's the baker at diamond pasties. The bakery Joenghan and I went to earlier this week," He explained. Suengkwan nodded and rested his hand on the top of the couch, "Oh, then continue."

"I think he should know...I just don't know how to tell him." The 'telling someone you had face blindness' wasn't hard to Jeonghan. It was the part of 'I might have it but your face I can see and damn is it hot'. Well maybe not the last part but that's how Joenghan would say it if he wasn't so anti-social.

"Well just tell him how you told me." Seungkwan said as he began to pick at his nails.

"I will help you tell him Han, if you'd like. I'm glad you're opening up finally." Jisoo said with a soft tone in his voice which made the blonde smile. He was glad his friend was proud of him. It made him feel less like a burden,

"I think I should tell him myself."

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