
By Rygles

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An Orphan has had to survive through petty crime and her wit to survive on the streets all her life, fortunat... More

The Meeting 1
The Meeting 2
Coming Home
Getting Even
Getting Even 2
Catching up with the Past
A Mess
Caught between both worlds
Heart Attack
Meeting Oni
Making new friends
Going Under
Lesson in history
Baring it all
Opposites attract
Fairness in all play
Glam or Scam
Glam or Scam 2
Ghosts from the past
Blast from the past
Undercover 2
Confronting Demons
The elephant in the room
Not Again
Fighting Battles
The Rescue 1
The Rescue 2
Not over
One grin
New Again
Both Worlds
Playing with Fire
Playing with fire 2
Making plans 1
The Compromise
School Again
Into Two
As One
First Phase 1
First Phase 2
Dancing with the stars
Falling Lines
Crazy Day
A stitch in time
Working Hard
Psychopathic Fucker!!!
Boot Camp 1
Bootcamp 2
Catching up to the past again
Blames and Shades
Choosing Battles
Friends and Enemies
Friends and Enemies 2
Outside World 1
Outside World 2
The Urge
Making new friends
The Escape 1
The Escape 2
Daddy's girl
The Silence
Getting it Out
Thoughts and Groans
Doubts and Decisions
A Start
Confronting Pasts
Standing Strong
Fighting Back
Payback is Simi
Another One
Not yet over
A spark
Hook, Line, Sinker
Full Circle
There's always another Villain
Mask Off
Mask Off 2
Another One Down
Another One Down 2
Cutting Corners
The beginning of the end

Making plans 2

127 15 0
By Rygles

Chapter 43
Making Plans 2

“Why not?” Annie exclaimed.

“Hmmmm, good question. One which I don’t have a good answer to but at least do you have a backup plan?” Betsy pressed.

“Why do I need a back-up plan? I will succeed.” Annie said determinedly.

Betsy decided to allow that slide and focus on Bernie who looked like he had come up with an answer, “What about you?”

“Work in the company but as a doctor. I am not interested in the admin and directing parts of it. The company should have an NGO that works on site to provide medical aid to people in need especially in the Flames, I would like to be one of the doctors and maybe one day become the director.” He responded making the rest of them stare at him in shock.

“You are one of the least sympathetic people I know. Doctor? Help people? This is because of Koruna’s friend, right?” Annie scoffed.

“That and other things.”

“Such as?” Margaret asked.

“When I went to the Flames, it was easy to see my privilege and understand Koruna to some extent. No one should live like that, it’s also ironic that these people have to be the poorest I have seen but that joy they have. I can’t put it into words, the children were playing and you could see that there was no resistance at that moment but the more you looked, the less you understand. The Flames is barely an hour from here yet the vast difference is overwhelming, if I had not gone there that day, I might have lived my life in bliss without the knowledge that everything I have is something I do not deserve yet own. They might be happy but what is the point if people there die of something as flimsy as a cut to the knee. I know we have contributed to charities over time but it’s not the same.” Bernie was surprised at himself, he knew something was changed in him when he saw the places Koruna had grown up in. It gave him perspective and drive.

“That… That was a very welcome surprise. I didn’t think any of you could surprise me, maybe we should all go on a family trip to the Flames and see what the fuss is about.” Betsy suggested.

“No…That is a terrible idea. I haven’t gone but I have met some of Koruna’s friends. Boy oh Boy!!! They have a pride in themselves that I do not understand and if we just go with the purpose of sight-seeing, we might actually get stoned." Margaret widened her eyes at the thought.

“Not if we go with Koruna.” Annie said with a proud smile.

“Until then, it’s a good plan Bernie and I am happy that you are keeping the company in mind. Margaret?” Betsy asked.

“Being your heir.” She answered simply.

“You haven’t shown any interest in learning the ropes of the business and you want to take over, how do you want to achieve that?” Betsy narrowed.

“It is not too late, I was distracted by our parent’s death that I forgot for a second that there were other things to live for. I lashed out in ways that I wasn’t proud of but I am ready to change. Kelvin and I can be interns in the company until you trust us, I am confident that I can do what you do and maybe even better.” Margaret said cheekily.

“Better? So confident now. I have to say, I did not expect this much change over the course of three months and I was prepared to maybe send one of you to Simi’s boot camp, I have heard it is perfect for a petulant child. I am surprised that most of you have matured and come to a sense of purpose, maybe I was the one who was blind to see the brilliance in each of you, well most of you.” Betsy narrowed her eyes on Annie who shrugged.

“What about you?” Margaret asked.

“What about me?” Betsy paused.

“What are your plans for the future?” Margaret asked.

Betsy chuckled and sighed, “I don’t think there’s much future ahead of me.”
Margaret sniffled, “Do you have no plans to apologize for neglecting us when we needed you the most? The manipulation instead of just talking to us to get us to behave? Do you have no plans to turn a new leaf and stop running the house with an iron fist and bring some warmth into the house? Do you have no plans to apologize to Koruna for everything you have done and will probably do to her? Or did you think you have been perfect?”

“Margaret!!!” Betsy screamed, Margaret shook but held her glare. She had kept it in long enough, the only reason she did all those stupid things was to gain her attention but it was all about the company for Betsy. She wanted to be seen, she wanted to be comforted and she was tired of being the emotional dumpster for Annie and Bernie. Kelvin did well on his own but those two became more violent after their parent’s death, she had had to clean their messes all this time.

“No, I will not be scared into silence grandma. We have all made foolish mistakes and we have apologized for it over time but I have never heard you say the words I’m sorry. We have feelings too, we get hurt too by the words that come out from those lips, we need this, I need this. It is the only way we can start afresh.” Margaret wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Everything I did, I did for you.” Betsy said stonily.

“Did you?” Margaret pressed.

“Everything! Do you have to be so weak? Emotions won’t help you achieve anything and it will cloud your judgement. Have you learned nothing from Koruna? She grew up in the worst of conditions yet is one of the bravest minds I have come across, what is your excuse Margaret?” Betsy taunted.

“This, the comparison, the breaking down of my confidence, the constant and unrealistic expectations. I am not you and I am not Koruna. My name is Margaret Ballan, the first child of Charles and Joanna Ballan. I get hurt and I cry but at the same time, I learn from my shortcomings, I am me grandmother, I might not be as strong and daring as Koruna, I might not be as intelligent as you or as beautiful as Annie. I might not be as shrewd as Kelvin or as rational as Bernie but I have my strengths and if you would take your time to see me, really see me then you’d see that too.” Margaret stormed away and slammed the door.

Betsy whispered out loud, “Has she always been like that?”

“She is gentle most of the time but she has the worst anger amongst us all. She is actually quite scary when she gets like that but she is right. The reason we have managed to have any kind of morality is because of her and you should give her a chance.” Bernie said quietly and left the room.

“The rest of you can leave.” Betsy ordered, Shola who had been quiet all through sighed deeply after they had all left.

“She has a fire.” Betsy smiled at him.

“I told you.”

“She finally stood up to me, it is refreshing.” Betsy smiled proudly.

“This has been what you wanted but you should apologize. Especially now, you did manipulate her yet again. There has been no contention regarding her being your heir but you have always thought her too nice, polite and easily influenced. You need her now, there can be no better time than now to reconcile with your grandchildren, make new memories Betsy. You don’t have a lot of time left.” Shola said solemnly.

“Kelvin was right, you are more than my assistant.” Betsy smiled.

“I know that.” Shola rolled his eyes.

“You usually roll your eyes behind my back, it seems it’s everyone’s bravery day. How is Koruna?” She sighed.

“Better, she’s getting better. R’ao has ensured she has the best services, you can be rest assured.” Shola answered.

“I am not happy about being involved with the Arks, they are too unpredictable especially with his engagement to Precious. Makun is a despicable man and I will not be too surprised if he had a hand in her kidnap.”

“We shouldn’t throw accusations like that, why would he risk his relationship with you for something like that? It makes no sense.” Shola argued.

Betsy kept quiet for lack of a better argument point, Shola had a point. Makun was more or less an ass kisser, since he is one of the major suppliers of cotton. He would not risk money or business unless there were better benefits somewhere else and she could not think of anyone more powerful than the Ballans when it came to Cotton industry.

“I hate being in the dark Shola, please find out more about the Koruna situation. I still remember Jason as a boy, it is hard to believe that he’s capable of that kind of evil. Find a thread, a pattern, anything in his past and make sense of it.” She ordered.

“I have my people on ground, I am working on it.” Shola said.

“Thank you.”


Koruna was reading a book while Oni drew on his pad, the door opened and Jacob Ark stood at the door with a bottle of wine and two glass cups.

“If it isn’t the girl who has taken my two boys away from me.” Jacob came in with a jovial smile.

Koruna tensed at the sight of Jacob, Oni swallowed and bowed.

“Give us a couple minutes alone.” Jacob said to Oni who stood where he was.

“I’m sorry but I can’t. R’ao’s orders.” Oni replied with his head down.

“Interesting, I believe I outrank R’ao and I am telling you to scram.”

“I have to decline, you might outrank R’ao but I am under his command. You said so yourself.” Oni stood his ground.

Jacob looked at him dangerously and shook his head, he laughed at the situation. “Okay, suit yourself.”

Jacob sat on another chair, “I believe we have met before, Koruna.”

“We have, I am sorry that I couldn’t welcome you properly. Broken ribs and all.” Koruna smiled at him.

They watch each other for some seconds, Jacob chuckled at her nerve. He was surprised that she maintained eye contact with him for that long, he knew there and then from those eyes that she was not ordinary.

“Wine?” He offered.

“Can’t, doctor’s orders.” Koruna replied.

“No alcohol, I wouldn’t offer that to a sick person. What kind of man do you take me for?” Jacob teased with a sly smile.

“I don’t know, what kind of man are you?” She collected the glass and positioned it to be filled, she groaned internally at its sweet taste.

“The kind of man that knows his wine and one who wants the best for his son. Did you know that he broke his engagement to Precious?” He swirled the drink in his cup.

“I might have heard about it.” Koruna raised her brow.

“Good, this will be easy then. How much is enough to keep you away from R’ao” He said maintaining his crossed leg stance.

He focused intently on her expressions so he could determine what kind of person she was but she did not even so much as blinked when she answered.

“Depends, how much do you have?” She smirked at him.

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