DISTANT FATE ( In Progress)

By Ecofficialwatt

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At the times when the Land of Fire seperated in Forefy and Firenix due to hate and revenge between people, th... More

Episode 1 - The flashback
Episode 2 - The beginning of times
Episode 3 - Grown up
Episode 5. (Filler) Searching proccess
Episode 6 Mission failure
Episode 7 Suspicion around

Episode 4- Army mission

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By Ecofficialwatt

On the way to the army , she couldn't stop thinking about the news she heard

When Yurina went there , she was treated so harshly by her comrades because of her red eyes.

When she entered the door , she saw other people older than her.(about 18-20 yo)

Yurina's pov: What? I did not expect this!

All of a sudden she hears:

Mako: Hahhah look! A Forefy. Look how she freezed!

Sana: Woahh her eyes are like Tomatoes !

Hana: Ok ,ok leave her alone , the Commander is coming .

All the people in the room looked at her in a strange way .

Commander came:

- Ready in your position!
Yurina is a new member of the army.

Today we are going to do some excercise then practice archery.
Get your positions ready.

When training started , everyone was struggling .
The commander got very angry and forced them to do the most difficult excercises.

Yurina did so well ,like she had been there for months.

The commander was impressed.

Haruki : Guys , how does this girl have more energy than us ?

Kei: I don't know! What is happening? I can't believe it!

Sana: Let's see if she beats me in archery hahaha, I bet she can't. It is her first time propably.

When archery activity started , Yurina reaches the maximum points.

Kaede: Look! She got more points than Sana!

Mako: Wow Yurina ! That little kid beat Sana?

Hana: Wow! But noone has ever beaten Sana on game before!

Yurina: Archery is my hobby!

Uhmm and regarding to what you said earlier, I am half Fironix.

Kei: Are you really ?

Sana: Huh that is not possible .How did your parents get together?

Kaede: Sana is right! I wouldn't marry a Forefy!

Kei: I think she is not lying.

Yurina: You don't need to see the origin to love someone!

Mako: See? She is lying.

Hana: Maybe her parents met while they were children?

Kei: That's not important .

Commander: Stop talking! Continue!

After a while , the Commander talked to Yurina personally:

You girl, are very talented!
Im giving you a mission along with Sana and Kei.

Yurina: Yessir , what mission?

Commander: Go call both of them first.

When they gathered, he said:

There are some traitors outside the land who are stealing Firenixes property.
I need you to find them dead or alive.
Dont kill them! We need them here.

If you can't fufill your mission, immediatly send a letter so we get reinforcements .

All: Yessir!

Mako: Commander ! Do you have a mission?

Commander: That is not your buissiness.

Mako: But I want to go with Sana!

Commander: Orders are orders!

Later on , they were getting ready to go .

Kei: Where is Sana?

Yurina: I don't know. She told me she would come early .

Kei: Let me go check.

Sana: Sorry I am late, I was fighting with Mako. Let's go!

Then they started their mission.

As they were walking , there was lots of mist.

Kei: We have to stop girls! We can not see anything.

Yurina: Yeah I guess, but we shouldn't be late or else the traitors escape.

Kei: Where is Sana??

Yurina: I thought she was behind me!

They both were searching for Sana.
In 10 minutes , they were able to see better.

Kei : Look , there is explosion right there. What if it's Sana?

Yurina: Oh no! Hurry ! Let's go.

They ran there and noticed Sana fighting with a Forefy.

Kei and Yurina went to help.

They found Sana in the ground.
Yurina: She fainted!

Kei: Look , there is a woman!

The woman noticed them and rushed away .

Yurina: Let's go follow her , Sana will be okay! This is important!

They captured the woman by jumbing over her .

Kei: Who are you!

Woman: Don't touch me!

Yurina: I found a letter!

Kei: Let me see..

Yurina: You go take care of Sana! I'll see it.

Kei: Okayy.

Woman: You are a Forefy what are you doing here?

Yurina: No! What are you doing here?
You are hurting my teammate!

Woman: You don't know anything! Go away from me!
Give me that!

Yurina: Uh ! No I won't!

Yurina opened the letter and it was a map.
Yurina: A map?? Why are you hiding this?

Kei: Sana is fine she is resting.
What happened?

Yurina: She won't talk. Look Kei I found this.

Kei: This woman is suspisious.
Are you one of the traitors? I bet you are stealing important information from the King.
If you don't show us or prove that you're not one of them, you have to come with us!

Woman: It's none of your buissiness.
You girl! Don't work with these guys. Firenixes are all harmful , there is no exception. They are going to let you die one day when they don't need you.

Kei: Such nonsense! You talk too much ,but about the wrong things .

Sana: What happened?

Kei: Look Sana, a map!

Sana: Ooh I see ! Look at the red line . It takes you to the Water land.

Yurina: Is that the water land?

Sana: Of course. You are a beginner, how would you know?

Kei: Enough ! Let's take this woman and go.

Yurina: You don't think she is alone right?
We have to catch the others. For sure they might have gathered the information.

Kei: That is true. What do we do?

Yurina : Let's force this traitor to send us there. She knows where her comrades are.

Sana: Thanks, we didn't know that! Now she will speak !
That's nonsense! It's not easy.

Kei: Sana , you being sarcastic won't help us!

Yurina: Woman if you don't tell us, we'll bring the whole team here and send you to the army academy to question and torture you.
We don't want to harm you to that level!
You help us, we tolerate you.

Woman: No! I will never show you anything!

Sana: Look at her! So subborn! Call reinforcements !

Kei: You have to tell us or else you will suffer. The army will find the truth someday and you'll die for nothing .

Woman: Kill me! I don't care!

Yurina: We can't help it guys. We should search the truth ourselves .

Sana : Let's go then to the academy and prison this woman. We have no time.

Kei: Wait Sana! You are wounded, you need Yurina to acompany you .
I will not come . I have to go search until I find the other ones.

Sana: No I don't need her! Also you can't go alone, it is dangerous!

Yurina: I'm coming whether u want it or not.

Kei: I know you will come on time. Don't worry.

Sana: Fine!

Kei: I will go follow the map direction.
You come after me with the team ,ok?

Y and S: Yes!


The next episode contains more details about the personal lives of the characters in Yurina's pov.

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