The Nanny

By AdriannaLucille

69K 1.4K 107

When Jessica becomes unwell, Aaron must look for a more permanent childcare option for Jack or consider leavi... More



2.8K 72 8
By AdriannaLucille

Thankyou all for your patience. I've not abandoned the story. I've just been unbelievably busy.

But I'm back. New update schedule is Monday and Friday. I'm already nearly finished on the next chapter and will keep on top of things.

Thankyou for all your comments, likes and messages, it means a lot.


Aaron had called her from the jet, he was heading to Texas as he'd expected. He'd arranged for Jack's aunt to collect him from school and give him dinner, Elisia just needed to make her way to Aaron's after her last class and meet her there.

After her last class Elisia hurried back to her dorm to collect enough clothing for overnight, she'd collect the rest tomorrow when she had the car and more time on her hands.

She arrived at Aaron's house not long after 6pm, letting herself in and disabling the alarm she made her way to the kitchen to eat the dinner she'd picked up on route.

Jack didn't arrive back until 7.30 with his Aunt Jessica. Jessica was small, with curly blonde hair, her lack of resemblance to Aaron made Elisia believe she was Hayley's sister.
Jessica seemed friendly, and certainly devoted to Jack.

"I put him in the bath with his cousin, so he's all ready for bed." She'd explained when she came in, an air of capability in her voice, "Are you going up now Jack?" She'd asked when he let out a well timed yawn.

Jack gave Elsisa and Jessica a quick cuddle and bid them goodnight before heading up the stairs, it looked like Jessica was a pro with Jack.

"I'm Jessica by the way, I am, well I was Hayley's sister" She smiled reaching her hand out and gently smiling.

"Elisia, Jack's sometimes live in nanny" Elisia took her hand and shook it. "Are you in a hurry to get back, I could make us a coffee" Elsia offered.

Jessica eagerly accepted the coffee, citing it as a great way to get out of bedtime with her own kids, Elisia had suspicions she was more likely trying to find out more about Jack's new nanny, rather than avoiding bedtime.

The two sat in the kitchen and continued talking long past the coffee running out. Elisia enjoyed hearing all of Jessica's stories about Aaron, Jack and Hayley, one in particular about a school play and a poorly acted pirate.  They spoke about her treatment for cancer and how she'd been feeling much stronger over the past week, but still had a long way to go before she got the all clear.
Elisia was in awe of Jessica, she was determined to battle through anything that life threw at her and keep smiling.

Close to 9.30pm Jessica announced that she needed to get home, Elisia walked with her to the front door to see her off. Just as they were saying goodbye Jessica paused, took a deep breath and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'm glad it's you." She said as she pulled back holding Elisia at arms length, she smiled though her eyes shone with tears.

"Im sorry I don't understand?"  Elisia timidly replied, tears were a strange response to meeting a new nanny.

"I can see how your eyes light up when we speak about him, he was the same when he came over this weekend. Everytime he mentioned you he beamed. It's been a long time since that's happened, a long time." Jessica hurriedly wiped the stray tears that had fallen, took a deep breath and steeled herself. "Like I said, I'm glad it's you. Hayley would have liked you." She pulled Elisia in for another tight hug and Elisia returned it.

Pulling away she wiped her eyes again and bid Elisia a final goodnight. "He's a good man, but not an easy one. I'm here if you ever want someone to talk to."

Elisia watched Jessica's car pull off the drive. That last exchange had left her head hurting. I'm truth she had no idea what this was between her and Aaron. Sure, they'd had a bit of a date, and the kiss. But what was he to her? And what did she want him to be?

Leaning back against the now closed front door she let her eyes drift shut and tried to imagine life with Aaron and Jack. Did she even want something so serious at such a young age? Everytime she'd been in the vicinity of Aaron she'd felt butterflies in her stomach, now they felt more like bats.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the beeping of her phone, checking it she saw that Aaron had messaged. She shot him a quick reply back and within a seconds the phone was ringing.

"Hey you." Aaron almost whispered down the phone, he sounded tired.

"Hey yourself, how are things going? Are you back at the hotel?" Elisia asked him, Hearing his voiced helped calm the bats.

"I've just checked in, but we'll all be heading back out on patrol soon enough. Did Jack go to bed okay?"

"Yup, he was fine, Jessica had already bathed him so he just scooted up to bed." 

"How was Jessica?" Aaron asked carefully, as amazing as he knew Jessica was, he also knew she had a sharp tongue, having been on the receiving end of it himself on more than one occaison  "She can be protective of Jack, with everything that's gone off so"

"Aaron" Elisia interrupted hoping to quickly put his mind at rest, "She was lovely, we had coffee, exchanged numbers, and she told me lots of very interesting stories."

"I'm glad you got along, but I dread to think what she's told you and how badly my reputation has been hit." He laughed, despite part of him being worried about what Jessica had revealed "Jessica has known me since high-school so she's knows all my secrets"

"Yup, and now she's sharing them with me." Elisia teased "Is it true you got your head stuck in a pumpkin?"

"She didn't tell you that one?" He asked more in hope, than anything else.

"Oh yes she did, and so much worse." Elisia laughed.

She could hear a muffled conversation on the other end of the line and when Aaron started to speak to her, in his work voice, she knew instinctively what was coming.

"No need to explain, go be awesome" She said before he had the chance to finish his sentence.

"Sweet dreams Elisia."

Hanging up the phone Elisia set to work tidying the kitchen ready for the morning before heading to bed.

The room seem different, somehow cozier, some of the furniture had been moved around and an armchair was framed in the corner by the bookshelf, a snuggly blanket draped over the back. The bedding had been changed and now there was a throw across the bottom third of the bed. Opening the wardrobe door it was empty. Someone had been busy and Elisia smiled to herself thinking about how Aaron had worked to make sure she was comfortable here.

After unpacking and showering Elisia slipped into bed, thinking about Aaron  out in the field and hoping he was safe.

The next day Elisia and Jack slipped back into their previous routine, only this time Elisia drove Jack to school before going on to college. Seeing the advertisement for a new pixar movie at the drive in Elisia booked tickets and dexided to surprise Jack. His face was a picture. Picking up a McDonald's and candy before the movie Jack smiled happily for the camera as they sent Aaron a selfie holding up their food haul.

The movie was a great success. Jack loved every minute and kept up a full review, until 10 minutes from home he'd suddenly gone quiet and started snoring.  Elisia managed to carry him up to bed without waking him, before coming down make a last drink and lock up.

Aaron had been quiet all day, he'd replied to the photos and updates she'd sent about Jack throughout the day with a thumbs up or a quick response, but he'd not asked many questions or offered any insight into his own day. She couldn't begin to imagine how busy he'd been. Shooting off a quick message to let him know they'd arrived home safe as he'd requested earlier she put her phone back in her pocket and headed up to bed.

Aaron was quiet the next day too. Elisia had no classes on Thursday so once she'd dropped Jack at school she got set up in the lounge with her laptop and books to study, while below deck played in the background and she fielded questions from Carrie about Aaron.

Elisia had made lasange for tea, not long after returning from school she and Jack tucked into it with a side of cheesey garlic bread. Lasange was one of her favourites to cook, and this was a particularly good one.

They were about half way through when there was a swift knock at the door, before Elisia could move to answer it she heard it open, looking up she saw him. Aaron. He looked good, tired, but good, eh was wearing his usual suit and tie combo, briefcase in one hand, go bag in the other. Seeing Elisia he flashed a full smile, raising the hand holding the suitcase up as if to wave, "Hey you" He was still smiling, and kind of breathless.

Elisia was struck, oh god he looked good. Suddenly her mind tracked back to their last meeting, where he'd kissed her face off on the doorstep and left her wanting so much more. Since then she'd been living in his house, taking care of his kid, drinking coffee with his sister in law, hell she'd even spoken to him on the phone and text him multiple times a day. But right she felt shy, awkward, embarrassed even.

What was she meant to do now? Officially her role was over, Aaron had made it clear to the agency, he didn't want someone in the way when he was home. Bit last week he'd invited her to stay, but then it was late, it wasn't even fully dark out yet.

Jack had clear leapt across the table on hearing Aaron's voice and was currently launching himself into his father's arms, giving Elisia time to plan.

Trying to compose herself she started by forcing her shaking hands to serve up a portion of tea for Aaron. She collected cutlery from the appropriate drawer then headed back to the table with it.

Jack was now back at the table filling Aaron in on adventure to the drive in the night before, while Aaron set down his bags and took his jacket off.

Elisia placed the plate and cutlery down on the table, next to Jack, opposite her own, "Lasange and garlic bread" there, she'd spoken, it's a start, she thought, praising herself for keeping her shit together for the past 3 minutes.

"Thankyou, it looks great" Aaron smiled reassuringly at her before starting to tuck in. Jack had finished his story about the movie they'd seen and was now sharing a new story about a game he'd made up with a friend at school. Elisia struggled to follow the rules, her head swimming.

"Elisia.." Aaron started to speak.

"Yeah I'll just go pack, sorry, I'll be out of your hair by 6." How long had she been stood there, 'oh god that's embarrassing' she thought, making a break for her room, hoping against hope that she'd get out of this house with at least a shred of dignity left.

Upstairs she starting filling up her backpack. Angry tears fell as her mind replayed how much of an idiot she was on loop. It wouldn't take a profiler to realise how much she liked Aaron. Oh god, she'd made it so obvious.

"You don't have to go, you know that right?" It was Aaron, his voice soft.

"It's probably for the best if I do. I've already made a big enough fool of myself tonight." Elisia half joked turning to face Aaron, his eyes full of concern.

"You've not. I promise." But despite how earnest he sounded, Elisia saw how his lips turned upwards and the fine lines around his eyes creased.

She raised her eyebrows, "Really?" She challenged.

"Okay, so maybe just a tiny bit, but it's very cute and to be completely honest, I'm glad this isn't something one sided." He pulled her towards him then, his hands cupping her face, his thumbs wiping away her tears.

"So this, between us, is something?" Elisia asked looking into his eyes.

"It certainly feels that way to me." Aaron replied placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Please stay."

And how could she argue with that.

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