Little Bit Yours 💜

By ashbrat488

35.4K 2K 298

~~COMPLETED~~ Audrey Parker grew up in Boston and worked at the DA's office during her last semester of law s... More



1.6K 96 13
By ashbrat488

Audrey leads Braeden into the daycare the following Monday so he could play with other kids and make new friends. He runs straight to Olivia as she gets him signed in, turning to him when she is done to find her with who she can only assume is Olivia's mother.

She smiles at Audrey as the kids run away together, holding her hand out to Audrey. "You must be Audrey. Adam told me about running into you and all about Olivia's infatuation with your son, Braeden. I'm Samantha."

"That's right." Audrey smiles, shaking her hand before dropping her hand to her side. "It's really nice to meet you. I'm sorry about Braeden, Olivia is the first friend he's really ever made."

"It's totally fine." She shrugs. "Cute, ironic even. Your and Adam's kids getting along so well."

Audrey blushes as she follows Samantha out of the building. "Yeah, I guess so."

Samantha chuckles, waving her hand dismissively before grabbing Audrey's arm gently. "Really, it's fine. Adam has talked about you. We've gotten a lot closer since we got divorced. Ironic, but true. He's coined you as the 'one that got away'."

"He really said that?" She swallows hard as there is a slight ache in her chest at Samantha's confession.

She shrugs. "Yeah. Said you ended up staying here for college and he went away, and you lost touch. By the time he got back here, it was too late, and you have moved to the west coast."

"A lot has happened since high school..."

Samantha smiles, patting her arm reassuringly. "I'm sure. I should get to work. If it's okay, I can get your number from Adam for play dates? Or just to talk if you like."

"I'd really like that." Audrey smiles at Samantha. "It was nice to meet you, Samantha."

"Sam is fine. Nice to meet you too, Audrey."

She thinks about Sam's confession about Adam on her drive to the office. She knew there was a possibility that he might still have feelings for her, but she didn't know he considered her the one that got away. She had considered him the same, before... but not after everything that happened with Andy. But Andy was now supposedly engaged to someone else and happy. So maybe she could have her happily ever after with Adam she dreamed about before meeting Andy...


Andy watches Audrey enter the office in a black pencil skirt and matching blazer with a light green blouse underneath. She had her dirty blonde hair pulled back into a neat bun. He swallowed hard when her eyes met his as David approached her. She quickly glanced away from him, looking back at David with a grin. The way she looked at Andy made his heart ache, heavy in his chest.


He looks up as another attorney, Brian, approaches his desk. "What's up?"

Brian laugh, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's up? What do you mean? Did you propose to Lily this weekend?"

Audrey hears Brian ask the question as she looks up to see Andy watching her. She blushed, looking back at David, pretending to not to hear Andy answer.

"Nah. I decided it wasn't really the right time."

Audrey approaches slowly with David as Brian scoffs. "What? She's literally perfect. If you aren't going to lock her down, pass her onto someone who will."

Audrey rolls her eyes as she sees Andy do the same, motioning for Brian to go away. "Fuck off." He stands up from his desk as Brian rushes away as Audrey and David reach his desk. "Morning."

Audrey gives him a small smile but doesn't say anything as David takes the lead. "I told Audrey she'd be working with you on your new case to ease her in. You guys have worked together before, right? She can work in here just until we finish getting her office together."

"Sure." Andy smiles, nodding as Audrey clenches her jaw, looking away from both men. "That's right. It's no problem. I can get her all caught up." He can tell she doesn't look happy as she steps to the side as David leaves, closing the door behind him.

She opens the door, leaving it open a few inches before sitting in the chair opposite his desk. "I don't want to be behind any closed doors with you."

He sighs, slapping his desk. "Come on, Addie. Don't be like that."

She only shakes her head, looking away from him. "Just give me the case files to go over and don't call me Addie."

"Ugh, fine," he scoffs, grabbing the large file. He carries it over to the small table in the corner of the office and watches her get up and sit at the table. She begins to pull files out as he hesitantly takes the seat beside her. She huffs, but doesn't say anything as she tries to pretend he isn't there, avoiding his gaze as he stared at her. He leans close to her, his breath hot on her neck as she squeezes her eyes shut. "I miss you..." His voice is soft, barely above a whisper, but he knows she hears him as she flinches slightly, turning to glare at him.

"Well tough shit, Andy Barber!"

He smirks at her amusing outburst as she continues to stare at him with indignation. Finally, she chuckles slightly, shaking her head as she turns her attention back to the file in front of her. "I'm sorry..." He hovers for a moment before leaning back in his chair. "We need to talk about everything that happened so that we can move on."

"Fine," she sighs softly. "But I'm not ready, okay? Please..." She looks back at him his heart clenching tightly in his chest as he sees she's on the verge of tears.

He resists the urge to bring his hand to her cheek and only nods. "Okay. I'll drop it for now."

"Thank you, Andy." They both fall into a comfortable silence, working together and only talking when she has questions about the case.


There is a knock on the door around lunchtime and Andy opens it to find Adam Michelson in front of him. He offers him his hand with a smile as Adam hesitantly shakes his hand. "Mr. Michelson, what are you doing here?"

"Adam!" Audrey smiles and stands up at Adam looks nervously between them. Andy grumbles quietly to himself at her excitement of seeing him. It had been the first time she smiled all day and it was for another man.

"I wanted to see if you had time for lunch." He brings a hand up to tuck a small tendril of hair behind her ear as she smiles sweetly at him before he turns his attention back to Andy. "How are you, Mr. Barber?"

He sighs, plopping angrily into his chair behind his desk. "Fine." He catches Audrey watching him, but just waves them away. "Go on to lunch." She grins and grabs Adam's hand and closes the door behind them. She just got back, and she was already on a first name basis with this guy? How did she even know him? Andy had never been more jealous in his entire life as he was forced to watch her smile at Adam. That smile used to be reserved just for him...


"Thanks for lunch, Adam. I actually really needed to get out of the office."

Adam smiles at her from across the table, chuckling lightly. "Yeah. Barber seems a little intense."

"Yeah, well..." She sighs, hesitating as he watches her. "I'm just going to be honest with you, Adam. Andy is Braeden's father, but he doesn't know yet. We had an affair when he was married which is why I moved away. I didn't find out about the baby until I had moved and by there I had already blocked Andy and just didn't want to be around him anymore. I came back to Boston because my dad is sick, and I know that I have to tell him... I just don't know how to yet. Please don't judge me."

"Okay..." He chuckles, absorbing the verbal dump she took all over their lunch. "I'm not going to judge you, Addie. I do agree that you need to tell him, but it isn't my place to say more than that. I can see the resemblance though now that you mention it..."

She sighs, relieved as she smiles. "Thank you. Can we talk about something else now? I met Sam this morning. She's really nice."

Adam laughs, nodding. "She told me. I gave her your number. She said it was okay with you."

It's totally okay. Honestly, I don't have many friends anymore since leaving and coming back."

He smiles widely at her. "Well, I am always your friend, Addie. And I'm really looking forward to Saturday."

"Me too, Adam." She smiles as they fall into an easy conversation, and she remembers how easy it always was to be with him...

A/N: Sorry edits are taking so long, I'm completely rewriting the chapters as well as working on other stories. 😘

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