Cherry Red - George Weasley

By LouWrites4you

156K 4.5K 1K

"Autumn used to be my favourite season, until I met you" Autumn Carrow was a Slytherin alumni, similar to th... More

1 - sixth year
2 - unlucky
3 - Drinking games
4 - Like one would savour a woman
5 - Gryffindor-like
6 - George Weasley Loved Long Legs
7 - The Library
8 - Red Dress
9 - Drunken Words
10 - Evil
11 - The Savior
12 - Brooch
13 - Mistakes and Mischief
14 - Point proven
15 - Amycus Carrow
16 - Bloody Nose
17 - Curiosity Killed The Carrow
18 - Blood Suits You
19 - Delicate Touch
20 - The Weasley Touch
21 - Broken Bones Heal
22 - You've Grown
23 - Short and Sweet
24 - George Weasley Is A Dead Man
25 - Stained
26 - Gryffindor vs Slytherin
27 - Disappearance
28 - Saving Autumn Carrow
29 - Death Follows
30 - Acceptance
31 - Saviour
32 - Marriage
33 - Already Dead
34 - Lean On Me
35 - Us Against Them
36 - Wedding Planning
37 - Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
38 - I Do. Do You?
39 - Betrayal Cuts Deep
40 - Silly Girl
41 - You Feel That?
42 - Jump

Cherry Red

8.9K 166 75
By LouWrites4you

Cherry Red

George Weasley x Autumn Carrow

Enemies - Lauv

Autumn Carrow
Sixth year
Age 17
"Perhaps I should have him hate his favourite colour too"

George Weasley
Seventh year
Age 18
"Did you fuck him?"

Fred Weasley
Seventh year
Age 18
"You realise she enjoys getting a rise out of you, you're stupid for allowing her to do so mate"

Pansy Parkinson
Sixth year
Age 16
"George Weasley? You're kidding right?"

Oliver Wood
Seventh year
Age 18
"Why were you not at practice yesterday?"

Daphne Greengrass
Sixth year
Age 16
"My sister the saint"

Draco Malfoy
Sixth year
Age 17
"I'll bet you 10 Galleons"

Lee Jordan
Seventh year
Age 17
"She's totally throwing you off your game"

All other characters as their respective characters in the books/movies

I do not own or claim to own any of the characters created by the author only my OC's

Please note that the ages/friend groups will not be the same as the books or movies.
George and his friend group are only a year above the golden trio, Malfoy, Autumn etc.

Remus Lupin will still indeed be teaching at the school.

⚠️ This will have mature content included ⚠️

George's character may differ a lot, his personality etc, but he will still be the witty and funny Weasley that he is at times.

This will include different tropes, some more obvious than others.
It will also included current styles of music and clothing, but no phones.
The Carrow line will be pureblooded.
Voldemort does exist but this is not the main plot line of the story, although it will be mentioned.
All characters are 16+ (the legal age of consent in the UK) although they may participate in illegal activities such as drinking or drug use.

I don't often see very many George Weasley x Slytherin OC fics so I made my own : )



Autumn, crisp leaves, a chill in the air and most importantly a warm feeling.
Carrow, evil, twisted and worst of all a follower of the dark Lord.

Autumn Carrow tends to fit the second description more than the first, something she had always prided herself on, even if it had never been good enough for her father. Her mother hadn't had much of a say in the girls life in more recent years, being that she was imprisoned in Azkaban. Her mother was a pureblood of Scottish decent, Autumn had never thought her mother to be as cruel as her father although, her father was not the one in prison, she was.

Autumn had her suspicions as to why, but, she'd never been given a exact reason. Never known her mothers exact crime or why she did it, only that she murdered someone.

What she did know was how close her mother had been to the dark Lord, she never used to be, not when Autumn was young, only when she reached her teenage years. Her father hadn't missed her mothers presence too much, making Autums suspicions seem all too plausible.

Autumns father had been just as rich as the Malfoys, their house even more large and beautiful, something the Malfoys boy had always envied, he liked owning the best of the best, the prettiest things. In fact, he enjoyed being the prettiest, although he couldn't beat Autumn in that game, that much he knew for sure.

Autumn had pale skin that was softer than silk, skin that never seemed to wear or have any imperfections. The girl stood at roughly five feet and seven inches tall, not very tall in comparison to the boys, but a height she loved to be. Her hair was a deep chocolate brown, in fact, in dim light it would almost look jet black, it always seemed to fall perfectly over her shoulders and down her back, stopping at the bottom of the girls ribs. Her face was a perfect mix of an ovular and heart shape, her cheeks pink and lips plump and pinker. Her eyes were a pretty grey, her nose small and button like.

The girl looked perfect, the looks she'd gotten from her mother.

She loved apples, red apples.

She'd always been especially close to Pansy, second to her being Daphne. The three girls were fairly close to the Slytherin boys too, Draco, Blaise, Lorenzo (Enzo) and Theo. The three girls did not take to Daphnes elder sister Astoria, in fact not many Slytherin's did. She only cared for male attention and she'd do anything to get it.

Autumn didn't see a problem in liking a little attention, what she disliked was her need to throw every other girl under the bus to get it. Belittling her own sister to get the attention of Draco Malfoy.

She had found herself sat beside Pansy, who had Daphne to her side on the train, with Draco across from her and the other two boys to his side. A full carriage.

She fluttered her eyelids while her head lifted to the sound of the carriage door opening.


Autumn's eye roll came instinctively, Astoria letting out a huff at the sight and looking to Draco as if he would stick up for her. He did not.

"The carriage is full Astoria" Daphne spoke up first, teeth gritting as she did. Her sisters eyes fell on her as her lip popped out. This action made Autumn laugh.

She looked back to the book she had been enjoying, seeing Astoria's hand fall to her hip in her peripheral vision. Here we go she'd thought.

"Is something funny?" Her screeching voice ruined any and all enjoyment of the book which had been slammed closed over shortly after Astoria spoke up. The book was then placed gently on the table.

"Not at all" Autumn started, looking down at her watch, "you may want to find another carriage before it's too late and you have to sit by the Gryffindors" she allowed a sarcastically sweet smile grave her glossy lips while looking up at the girl to her left.

Astoria again looked to Draco who's eyes lay on Autumn.

"God forbid" Pansy added, "run along now little dog"

Autumn and Daphne again let out small giggles at Pansys words as did the three boys across from them let out a chuckle. Astorias hand made contact with Dracos arm, or more the back of her hand in a soft slap. Draco didn't halt his laughter.

Astoria didn't speak again, she only slammed the door and stalked off down the train to find her other seventh year friends, if you could call them that, Autumn couldn't actually imagine them actually choosing to be her friend. In reality she had been correct, the girls she tended to always be around were only friends with her for her money.

Autumn felt her throat dry ever so slightly, she'd watched the cart going passed a few minutes prior and stood up.

"I'm parched, would any of you like anything from the cart?" She looked around to everyone shaking their heads to her offer. Everyone other than Lorenzo.

"Unless they have started selling the good stuff?" His brow quirked.

Autumn rolled her eyes once again turning to exit the carriage. She found the cart further down than she'd thought it to be, it was in the Gryffindor section, that being unfortunate for most, not her. The Gryffindors didn't intimidate her, far from it.

She'd been stood behind a group of Ravenclaw girls ordering pumpkin pasties, the one at the front smiling in to someone in the carriage by the cart itself. Cho Chang had ordered pumpkin pasties every journey to Hogwarts and every year she waited until the cart reached the Gryffindors.

Autumn stood with her arms crossed over her chest, irate at the hold up.

Cho Chang let out a gasp at the sight of the Slytherin behind her when she turned to leave, mumbling an apology as she squeezed past, Autumn refusing to move to the side at all.

She then heard someone order practically the whole cart of sweets.

She stuck her head to the left.

"Leave some for the rest of us Weasel" the final word coming out like venom. She watched as the boys scared eyes met hers causing a smirk to find it's way to her lips.

Ron Weasley had always been scared of Slytherin's and girls so she terrified him.

Hermione muttered something that Autumn didn't give the satisfaction of a response to. Harry gave her her a dirty look, allowing her to smile back his way, her fingertips touching her lips as she blow him a kiss. Harry turned his head to look out the window.

The brave Harry Potter.

"I'll take a water" she looked the lady before her, "that's all" she mocked Ronald yet again.

The cart lady handed her the water in exchange for the change she held out. Autumn turned her head to the carriage on the left to see a group of four boys giving her scowls and shaking their heads.

This would be fun.

The cart lady moved down further to avoid the confrontation.

"Problem boys?" An innocent smile curved her lips as she spoke, a sweet, loving like tone in her voice. She watched as one of the boys ran his tongue over his teeth and spread his legs out.

George Weasley.

Autumn knew he was a treat, he was gorgeous, but he was a Gryffindor. Something that could turn you off any man or woman.

"I think you should leave my brother alone" the other twin piped up, backing up his younger brother, who obviously couldn't stick up for himself.

Autumn turned her head to see Ron snap his away after being caught watching intently.

"I was only trying to help Frederick" she lifted her hand to jokingly cover her mouth, "it is Frederick right?" She smiled to the boy who didn't respond.

His twin brother did instead, "it's Fred" George's voice was deeper than Fred's, something to tell them apart to most, although, oddly, Autumn found herself knowing who they each were instantly.

"You're Fred?" She joked, "I thought he was Fred" and she pointed to the real Fred.

George only rolled his eyes at her remark.

"Don't worry Georgie, I know you're not Fred" the sound of the nickname he'd always gone by sounded awful coming from her of all people.

George stood in the carriage, walking toward the door where she stood, his height made her feel as though she were simply five foot. He was a lot taller than she'd noticed, six feet and three inches. She watched as he rolled his shirt and sweater sleeves up to his elbows. Shamelessly taking in the veins in his hands and arms.

His hands then clasped the wooden door frame, one on either side.

Her head lifted so her eyes could meet his.

He couldn't help but take her in too, such a shame a pretty face be wasted on an ugly soul. A pretty face, and body.

"Uh oh" she bit her lip letting it slide slowly out from her teeth before continuing, "did I make you angry Georgie?" She fluttered her eyelids purposely to look sarcastically innocent, the Astoria style.

"Get lost Carrow" he held in his anger the best her could, his brother and two friends trying to peak around him to see the girl in front of him.

She didn't move in fact, she simply turned her head left and right looking up and down the train.

"I'd have to be pretty silly to get lost on a train" she let out a sigh, "there's only so far you can go" she was playing dumb with him.

George let out a chuckle, not because he found her funny, in fact it was a deadpanned chuckle, no joy coming from it. He had to try his best not to snap at her, that's exactly what she wanted from him.

"Your life must be really sad Carrow" her brows creased at his words, "the only joy you can find is tearing down others" it wasn't like George Weasley to be mean, "I'd hate to be like you" she didn't know why, but his words affected her. Her jaw moved which showed him her irate state.

She didn't respond this time, she only turned and walked away from him.

George Weasley had won this once, but from now on, he would lose every damn time.

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