Malicious Romance

By Ekphrastic

39.8K 993 261

Sometimes, not every love story can be as idyllic as it should be. Dean Winchester, bred and raised in the ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109 END

Chapter 95

97 4 0
By Ekphrastic

"I can't tell you-" The sudden sound of his ringtone cuts him off. "I'll take a call real quick." He mumbled as he withdrew his phone from his pant pocket. He turned his back to Dean as he brought his phone to his ear. "What's up?" He asked while taking several steps forward. "Alright..." His voice turned serious, making Dean dart his gaze in his brother's direction. "Yes, just evacuate for now. I will fly there tonight. Make sure to lay low. Don't make any move until I get there." He heaved out a loud sigh in frustration as he shoved his phone back into his pants pocket.

After seeing Aaron hang up his phone, Dean questioned. "What's with the long breath?" He observed his brother who ran his fingers through his hair as if he was trying to figure something out. Dean tightened his lips when Aaron's hands dropped to place on his hips.

Aaron spun on his heels to gaze at his younger brother for a few seconds before deciding to speak bitterly. His eyes were fueled with fury even if he was trying to look calm. "Apparently, our drug lab in China got attacked. I will have to fly there tonight since it takes quite a long time to get there."

"Understandable," Dean murmured.

Aaron took a step closer to the bed and then finished his sentence. "Perhaps you want to take this opportunity to return to China? Maybe then you won't have to go through more rituals. You can take care of the business there and I'll take on from here in Las Vegas."

Dean's eyes hardened in Aaron's direction before he denied it. "No. I have sworn to myself to never fucking set my foot there again. No matter what happens, I will not go back there." Dean's lips pursed as bitter memories of his mother began to recall into his head. He did not want to relive those moments when he felt most unneeded and not longed for. It was a place that gave birth to him yet only make him grow up in such a life that was worse than hell itself. He was tired from holding onto it. He hated that he once had allowed the past to consume him. It consumed his mind and thought to the point where he felt like he was not himself anymore. And now, all he wanted was just to be himself and to live in the moment. He did not want to give a single fuck about the things that his parents had tried to control him mentally and emotionally. "I assumed you know why... but I want nothing to be bound to that place again. I had let go of all of the unnecessary things."

"Stubborn as always," Aaron mumbled. He pinched the bridge of his nose in distress, thinking about the sudden attack that was out of his reach.

"How about Riza? How is she doing? Those mob bosses are on the hunt for her." Dean asked when remembering that ever since the banquet night, there was no more news about her.

Aaron cocked one of his brows and then smirked. "I'm keeping her safe. With my protection, no fingers will touch her."

Dean's breath hitched. Hearing his brother being protective over someone he likes made him feel guilty. Unlike his brother, Dean felt like he was never providing Giselle full protection. He was too reckless. He wished he could've been at least like his brother. Now that everything was too late, he knew that this guilt will live with him forever.

Dean almost rolled his eyes at his brother's reaction before he shifted in his bed to sit up. He took a deep breath and then swung his feet off the bed.

"Where are you going?" Aaron was puzzled as he took a step back, watching Dean getting up.

"Are you expecting me to do nothing after hearing our drug lab got attacked?" Dean locked his gaze with Aaron as a train of thought ran through his head. He was not sure why recently, his group seemed to be the main target of getting attacked.

First, it was his father.

No, it was not just his father.

Dean remembered it well on that day when his car also exploded just several minutes after his father. Dean held his breath a bit as the curiosity about whom the mastermind behind this incident was.

He was out of his head for a very long time. Ever since the incident with Kevinskey, the thought of Giselle had kept him distracted from thinking straight. Maybe it was because his lack of murderous motives and thoughtfulness, which open even a wider way for his enemies to find their chance. And, now that he was hospitalized, the possibility of the next attack to be in Las Vegas was even higher. It was all because of his stupid ignorant decision to choose his own life over his group and his people. Instead of standing up straight to protect what was his, he bent his head low for other mob bosses to punish him. Dean bit his teeth at the bitter thought. How could he be so fucking selfish? It was as if his life was the only one that has valued and deserved to have one. He was so fucking petty that he allowed such a thing to happen. Even in the name of being the Cobra's underboss, he had always hesitant to get blood on his hands. And, for every single time, it seemed to him that the more he was reluctant in doing the things he was supposed to do, the more that he would lose to his enemies. And what he hated the most was seeing his people leave. Ever since the departure from Giselle, he felt no different than dead. The heart that was once beat for her was no longer beating despite everything that happens. He wondered if the only thing that was to prevent him from losing more of his people was for him to be stronger. He was not sure if finding his freedom would make him feel any different from now.

What was the point of being free when you are trapped with a deep scar inside your heart?

Dean wanted to be out of the mafia life as bad as wanting to keep his people safe. He knew that without Giselle, his life decision does not matter anymore. There were only two choices. Either he chooses to leave and watches his people die in agony or stays to fight and die with his people. It was until now that Dean started to be convinced that the only suitable life for him was this life with blood on his hands. Because he remembered so clearly the day that his father tortured Giselle. He regretted his trying to be a good person. It made him feel sick to just think about that time. If only he was more ruthless and stronger, Giselle would have never gotten hurt. Not even a strand of her hair would have even fallen out. Dean regretted deeply just thinking about all of the chances that he could have picked up the knife and cut off all the hands that touch Giselle, even if those hands were his father's. He swallowed hard at the thought of him losing his possession due to his recklessness.

That thought of trying to be a good person should have never existed. It was all just a fucking deception that made him feel less guilty for every time that he lose to his enemies. If only that mindset did not exist, nobody would have been harmed under his hands. Nobody would have even dared to take Giselle from him. Not even his father would even have given them the chance to get any close to Giselle. Dean felt angry at himself. He felt somewhat delusional for believing in the wrong thing for almost his entire life.

If only he gets another second chance to breathe the same air as Giselle, his woman, his first and last love, Dean swears to never let her go or to let anyone take her away from him. If only he was given an extra chance, he swore to keep her protected regardless of having to spill other people's blood or his own. And he would be willing to do more than just become the worse criminal. Nothing would be able to stop him from committing more sins under his conviction.

After a long pause, Dean reached for his phone on the nightstand as he continued speaking. "You go back to China and take care of it. As for me... I will deal with what I started here." His voice came out more determined than usual.

Aaron narrowed his eyes before crossing his muscular arms over his chest. "Are you still going to proceed with the ritual? The shits that you went through were just the beginning. Those mobs had discussions during the cage fight. They were planning to fucking slice you up and break your fucking limbs. And... without me here, who the fuck will watch over our people? One mistake, and the Cobra will disappear from Las Vegas. There is no fucking way we will win if those fuckers decided to team up against us."

"You sounded exactly like our father." Dean straightened his back before he shifted his gaze to focus on his older brother. "I will stop the ritual."

Aaron tilted his head while giving Dean an are you sure look.

"I will no longer try to leave the Cobra if that is what you are wondering." Dean was not sure of how he felt. There were no changes in his pulse rate. He felt somewhat calm about his decision to stay. He wondered if he would be regretting it later. But at this very moment, regret would not be one of the reasons that would hold him back. In the past, he would have felt wrong. He would have wanted to thrive for his freedom and a moral life like everyone else. But that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon, neither tonight nor tomorrow. He was well aware of what would happen if he leaves. With the current situation in China, it would leave nobody to attend to the Cobra's organization in Las Vegas. Usually, it was his father who kept everything under the control. Now that his father was gone, the chance of the Las Vegas getting attacked was even higher. Dean did not want a blood bath of his people. The only person that seemed to be able to keep the Cobra protected was him besides his brother. He could not see any other suitable person. He was going to entrust everything into his brother's hands, but with the look that his older brother had just given him several minutes earlier, Dean knew that Aaron needed help but dared to not speak it out loud.

After staying silent for a while, Dean took a step toward Aaron. "It is not because I find joy in doing it... but I do it to protect the Cobra people. Seeing my people getting killed by other mobs' hands would be the last thing I wanted to see."

Suddenly, the image of Giselle lying on the ground vulnerably flashed across his eyes. Dean could feel the boiling anger rise from his gut at the thought of watching his person getting tortured by someone else. He could not imagine being without the Cobra. If only he was not the underboss of the Cobra, there was no way that he could kill Kevinskey for Giselle. It was not that he lacked the ability or the skill to fight. He was more than capable of fighting. Indeed he could kill them by slashing their throat and their jugular veins to bring them to their knees. Or even more, he could crash their throat and twist their cervical spine with just his bare hands until his enemies surrender just like what he had done in the cage fight. He just never puts his head at it. He thought by avoiding that, would make him become a better person. In the end, it was wrong. It did not do him any good as more lives under his hands were sacrificed. Dean could feel the urge to close his hand into a fist and punch the wall near him when those memories resurfaced in his mind. He knew that it was late for his realization. But he swore that if he was given another chance, even if it would be his last, he would make sure to rule it like that of a tyrant.

"I have lost what was valuable to me most... And I also had fucking cut up that same fucker who took what was mine away from me... I wished I did not kill him so fast... I wished I could have fucking tortured him slowly, and made him pay for all of the fucked up shits that he dared to do to Giselle." He spoke through gritted teeth when all he could think of at that moment was Giselle who was crying and Kevinskey who was chuckling with his fucking evil grin full of triumph.

Seeing Dean was lost in his train of thought, eyes full of fury, Aaron decided to cut off. "What do you expect? We are already heavily involved in this life. There is no backing out. It does not make you weaker as a person without the Cobra as the backbone... but it definitely will leave you at disadvantage with no men and name. With the name of being the boss, I bet if anyone would want to mess with that unless they want to dig their own grave."

Dean shook his thought away as he blinked a few times to shift his gaze to a bag on the sofa. "I will get change. You should book a flight now. Next time, don't take me to the hospital. This would be the last place I'll be in."

Aaron turned slightly, eyes on Dean's back as he watched his younger brother taking off the patient's shirt. "I would not have if it was not the venom that fucked your system up." Aaron inched closer to the patient's bed and then leaned against it. His arms were still crossed over his hard chest as he said, "When I'm gone, you're going to have to follow up with Richard Chu yourself. I'm afraid I can't stalk that old man while I'll stay in another country."

Dean let the patient's shirt drape onto the floor, revealing the huge cobra tattoo that wrapped over his defined back full of scars. A bandage was placed over the bite marks where the snake had bitten him. Aaron stared in observance as Dean leaned to pull a black buttoned-up shirt from the bag. "I want my fucking tattoo to be poisonous too. Should I consider getting bite as well?" Aaron said before he moved his glute to sit on the bed.

Dean did not reply as he took out black jeans from the bag. He tossed the two pieces of clothes onto the sofa before he proceeded to pull down his patient's pants.

Aaron's eyes moves down to Dean's brief before he said eagerly, almost in excitement. "Let me ask you something." He laid his back against the headboard as he continued speaking. "When was the last time you got your dick sucked? You've been so fucking stressed lately. I don't mind calling a whore for you tonight before I leave."

Dean seized the black jeans again before he replied without looking. "I think your mouth needs a fucking dick so it can shut the fuck up for once."

"A pussy, you mean." Aaron corrected before grabbing the pillow and throwing it in Dean's direction.

Dean exhaled loudly when the pillow hits his back. Then, he continued to puts on the jeans.

"I understand... you are still mourning for her..." Aaron lowered his voice a bit. "But... it doesn't mean you have to become a monk."

Dean leaned down again to pick up the shirt as he replied calmly. "I don't care how many available women are out there. But, I will never going to fall in love with anyone again... if that woman is not her. Fucking is different than love making if that is something you are still confused about." As he swung the shirt to shove his arm into the sleeve, he turned to glare at Aaron with tightening brows. One part of him wanted to walk up and punch Aaron's mouth immediately for mentioning Giselle. But, he knew to not do so as it would stir problems between him and his brother. Fighting his team was not one of the wisest decisions for now, especially when everything was still in chaos.

"If a look could kill, I would say the eyes you're giving me right now would have done so."

Dean hurried to button up his shirt as he replied, "I think one of the main reasons that the drug lab got attacked is because of your fucking big mouth. You need to learn to keep them shut instead of trying to provoke other people all the damn time."

Aaron tilted his head a bit as he straightened his lips. "Sometimes people have to hear what they need to hear. And, I am that one person who will fucking be their daily subconscious reminder. Well, I am leaving in about two hours. I will drop you off wherever you're desired."

"I am going to call for an urgent meeting at the casino with our men. I think I need to go over some of the changes with them."

Aaron narrowed his eyes at Dean. "What's gotten into you?" Instantly, he got off the bed. "What is the real reason that you are staying? Because I don't recall a single fucking moment in the past where it would hold your feet in the Cobra. Besides the fact that you were dying to quit this life, I don't think I ever remembered any day that I'd heard you even say that you wanted to stay." Aaron took a few steps closer, eyes still locked on his younger brother. "It's definitely not just to protect our people. If that was something you ever considered, you wouldn't even had try so hard to quit. I fucking know you more than you thought I do. If it is not something big, then I don't believe in whatever shit you told me."

Dean rolled up his sleeves to his elbow while staring back at Aaron. "You're not my fucking father. There is no need for me to answer you. Maybe the day that you claim the title of being the boss of the Cobra, then maybe I will consider telling you the truth. But, today you are not."

Aaron shrugged his shoulders while giving Dean a suspicious look.

After Aaron dropped him off at the casino, several Cobra men hurried to guide Dean into the building. While walking, Dean instructed one of them to call the captains who managed different groups of the cobra soldiers into the meeting room.

As he walked past the entrance door, Dean cast a glance at the empty lobby, where guests used to come and bet their life on a game that they would never win. Realizing how long it had been since they had shut down the casino, Dean knew that it was time to open them up again. This time, he wanted to show his enemies his capability. Not only will he want to bring the Cobra business to its strongest standing again, but he would make sure to strengthen the name of the Cobra mob itself. The only way that he knew to keep his people protected was to make sure his enemies fear of them. And, to achieve that, he would have to find new bloody ways to put on a good show for them.

One of the men brought pain killer medicine to Dean as soon as he settled down onto the chair at the head of the table. At first, he wanted to resist taking the useless drug, but he knew better that there was no time in playing games with his health. In a time like this, all he wanted was to be strong and healthy. He could not effort to fall ill and lets his change of mind go to waste. If he was going to stay in the Cobra, then no matter what, he would have to rule it in the right way, which would be his way.

Dean took the two pills and gulped them down with water quickly. The captains of his soldiers soon entered the room after getting searched up by the guides at the door. Dean stared at every single one of them observantly, and carefully. He may be the same person as he was before, but he would make sure that this time after this meeting, they all would bow their heads for him as how they did to his father. He wanted to erase the old image of him in their head very badly. But he knew to do it the right way without causing them to turn against their own group. It was no different than taming a group of dogs. Besides feeding them, he would have to treat them in a way that would make them believe and trust in him.

After the door was shut, Dean began speaking. "I am sure that all of you have heard about me trying to quit." He confronted firmly while holding each of their gazes.

"That was betrayal, or was it not, Mr. Dean Winchester?" One of them cuts. "Do you think you're deserved to be sitting in that chair after what you have done to us?"

Another old man nodded in agreement as he added, "You've sacrificed our men's lives to just save a woman... and when you failed to do so, you chose to leave the group. Our dead soldiers bled for you, yet you decided to try and leave the Cobra without the consideration of bleeding back for us. Our old master was never like this. I have worked with your father for over a decade, and he had never once thrown the rest of us under the bus as you have had. This is absurd."

The youngest out of the three captains stood up suddenly from his chair. "If the mere reason you are calling three of us here today to just let us know... that you are quitting, then I suggest you not to waste our time any longer. I don't want a weak boss who doesn't know what he is doing. It's still unbelievable to hear that my boss is betraying me. So, how am I going to entrust my life and my men to this group any longer? You do realize that I have a great number of loyal men to the Cobra. But, I am bound to the Cobra because of your father, not you. I am not afraid if you want to kill me when I walk back out of this room... at least my death will alert my men to leave this group which is slowly falling apart without our old master standing."

Dean leaned back against his chair as he glared at the man who was standing and glaring in his direction. "I advise you to sit back down when I am talking. After all, I am still the underboss of the Cobra, someone that you should respect. Betrayal or not, it should be on me to decide because I am the one that has the right to tell you what to do. And, your only job is to follow my command. I don't have a problem in replacing you, especially when I am still on the look to find my own men and not my father's. Your men were initiated as the Cobra men, my men, and not yours. I hope you don't forget that you earned this title because of your hard work, but it can also be removed if I ever find a better suitable person."

"You sound no different than an ass-"

The oldest captain raised his voice at the youngest captain when he talked back to Dean. "Sit down!" Immediately after, he blew out a loud breath in frustration. "Mr. Winchester... What is it that you want from us? Are you aware that once you finish with the ritual and have your tattoos destroyed, you will no longer be a part of us? And with that, the power that you have over us will also be gone with your tattoo. There will be no reinitiation. There will only be death and bloodshed by then."

"And, that is why I am here tonight." Dean's brows tensed as he continued to talk to his men.

After an entire hour of discussions, the three men were finally allowed out of the room. Dean exhaled loudly as he unbuttoned a few buttons, revealing his muscular chest under his black shirt. The meeting had added extra weight on his shoulders, especially now that people seemed to not have faith in him. Dean knew to be careful from now on if he wanted to gain their trust again. He knew that it would be difficult for him. But there was no going back. He had given out what was no different than a vow to his men. And similar to that of a betting game, if he ever failed to follow his words, his title, as well as his life, would be the first thing that they would hold him accountable for. Pulling out his phone, he texted his brother. "Give me a call once you land in China."

Aaron did not read the message after Dean clicked send.

Dean was not expecting him to check his text immediately either as he pressed the home button. Involuntarily, his thumb continued to scroll and click onto the photo album, only to pull up an image of him and Giselle. Dean stared at it intensely for several minutes. Just from the image alone, he felt as if he could relive that happy moment memory with Giselle once again.

He missed the way she called his name. The soft voice following by the sound of giggling of his favorite woman would forever be buried within his heart. When his eyes moved to look at her sparkling gazes, he could feel his heart skip a beat. It felt alive. He felt alive as if he could breathe just by looking into her deep dark eyes. Her dark pupils seemed to be endless that it drew him in so deeply to the point that he could feel himself getting lost in it. He missed her scent, that same mysterious fragrance of an unknown flower that seemed to be lingering inside his nostril. He couldn't tell what flower it was as the only familiar scent that he grew up getting used to was the smell of the blood, which shared a similar fragrance to that of the rusty metal.

Dean's eyes shifted slightly south to her lips, where he could recall him kissing and sucking onto them. He missed that soft texture of human flesh and the taste of its sweetness against his mouth and tongue. He wanted to kiss and bury more than just his tongue inside her again. The desperation of wanting her close was immeasurable. The longing feeling hurts him deeply the second that he realized that she was gone. Gone for good. At that moment, when reality hits him, he could feel his bile rise to his throat. The touch of her lifeless body inside his arms was something that he wished he could erase out of his mind. It was sickening to just think about it. The remembrance of someone he loves so dearly dying in his arms stirred the acid inside his stomach wildly as if it was threatening to make him bleed from inside out.

Dean's heartbeat started to pick up its speed, bringing a familiar feeling of weakness to his chest. Knowing what was coming, Dean hurried to place his phone back onto the table with its screen downward. He did not want to be overwhelmed with his emotion at this moment. Suppressing the weak and softness of his heart would be something that he would have to start practicing if he wanted to strengthen his himself. He knew that if only he dared to stare at her picture for another second, that weak side of his will reveals itself once again. But at this very moment, being vulnerable would be the last thing he wanted to be. He bit his teeth as he dropped his face into his big palms. He cursed himself loudly when he could still hear the sound of his heartbeat drumming inside his head, demanding for the presence of his significant ones. Dean knew that he would never going to fall in love again. The only person whom occupied that one spot inside his broken heart was no other than her. Every emotion felt numb to his heart without her. And, there would only be her who could bring that missing light back to his empty dark space. Dean took a long deep breath as he stayed in that position in silent for a long time.

Suddenly, a few knocks on the door seized his attention. Dean's head shot up to turn to the doorway. As the door cracked open, one of the guides walked in. "Boss, there is a man who has been coming to the casino for the third time now since the last few days. He wouldn't tell us his name. But, he has been demanding to speak to you every time he comes here. If I remember correctly, he is the same man who we captured last time."

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