Night and Neera: A Rejected M...

By GroveltoHEA

707K 20.3K 6K

On the morning of her 21st birthday, Neera awakens to find her mate brand marks her as the Destined One for n... More

Cover Art Credit: Diana Ghiba
Chapter 1: The Alpha's Howl
Chapter 2: It Was Just A Bad Dream
Chapter 3: My Magical Broomstick
Chapter 4: It Was A Blur To Me
Chapter 5: I Was Worried
Chapter 6: Your Little Bitch
Chapter 7: She Was Eyeing My Throat
Chapter 8: Your Cozy Nest
Chapter 9: Every Last Detail
Chapter 10: So Be It
Chapter 11: Alpha Dreams
Chapter 12: We Were In Trouble
Chapter 13: I'm Protecting You
Chapter 14: Shift!
Chapter 15: Dropped
Chapter 16: They Knew The Gesture
Chapter 17: Alpha
Chapter 18: Good Girl
Chapter 19: What Is His Name?
Epilogue: A Simple Statement Of Truth
A Look Into The Very Near Future

Aibek Pack Hierarchy and Information

31K 557 39
By GroveltoHEA

Alphas - Top members of the pack. This group includes the Alpha and his sub-alphas (alphas who are just under The Alpha and are the top pack fighters/protectors/guards).

Betas - Second highest members of the pack, they can be fighters or providers (providers hold high-earning jobs in the real world that fill pack coffers).

Gammas - Middle pack members eighteen and up who are not sub-alphas or betas. They most often hold jobs in the real world that help to fill pack coffers.

Deltas - Pack members from thirteen to seventeen. These pack members can begin training for fighting or real-world jobs, depending on their nature.

Epsilons - Pack members from birth to twelve.

Zetas - These pack members are the lowest of the low; convicted of crimes against the pack that don't merit being killed; the "undesirables" of the pack for various reasons. They do not hold real-world jobs. Called the "green" wolves because they do all the farming for the pack.

Mate Brand - When pack members turn 21, they all wake up on the morning of their birthday (following an unnaturally deep sleep) with a mate brand, a very slightly raised, simple black-lined tattoo on the left wrist unique to the wolf and the wolf's Destined One. Only the Alpha and His Howl have their mate brands on their faces, along the outside of their left eye. (See and search wolf2 for an example of what Neera and Night's mate brands look like.)

Destined One - The one wolf in the world meant for you; the only other wolf in the world whose mate brand matches yours.

The Alpha - He leads the pack and has total control over every wolf in it. He is the largest wolf in the pack and has the ability to command every wolf with a simple, spoken directive.

The Howl - The Destined One of the the Alpha. When the Alpha finds his Howl, once they have bitten each other (called the Taking of the Blood), they not only forge a connection, but they also have the ability to shift into one wolf, called the Bonded Wolf; this wolf is twice the size of a normal wolf, more ferocious and more deadly than any other single wolf. The only wolf that can successfully fight and defeat a Bonded Wolf is another Bonded Wolf.

The Alpha's Teeth - The pack's enforcer. He does the disciplining in the pack, he carries out the Alpha's commands.

Taking of the Blood - When two Destined Ones bite each other to seal their connection. When this happens, all desire for any others dissipates and an unbreakable emotional connection between them is created where they can feel each other's emotions and sense the other's thoughts.

Alpha Decree - A command from the Alpha that no wolf can resist; a wolf has no choice but to obey an Alpha Decree.

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