The Spider and the Psychopath...

By Fuck-This-

7.9K 310 142

"I know you're Spiderman." "How?" "I have my ways." 16 year old Y/N Addams is a student at Midtown High. The... More

1.) Matches
2.) Bonfire
3.) Candles
4.) Spark
5.) Lightsaber
7.) New Villian
9.) The Book
10.) The Meet
11.) Wizard?
12.) .....
13.) holy shit-
13.) Maybe it's ok?
14.) I'm scared
14.) we'll help
15.) The End.

6.) Fire In Her Eyes

491 24 4
By Fuck-This-

Peter POV

We arrive at school and head to our lockers which are only about 10 feet apart from each other.

I go to my locker and start to put in my combination.

"Ugh, not again" I hear Y/N groan as she reaches her locker. I look up and see something red on the blue locker, I can't see exactly what it is so I walk over and thats when I see it.

There was a drawing of a pentagram, along with the word WITCH on her locker in what seemed to be red spray paint.

Y/N looks mad, infuriated actually. I see her close her eyes and clench her fists, trying to calm herself down.

She opens her eyes and sighs. "It's ok," she says, as if she's trying with everything in her to not punch the locker.

She opens her locker, pulls out a roll of paper towels and ripps one off. Then she starts to wipe the paint. "Flash is to much of a coward to use real spray paint. This should just come right off-" she stops when she realized it's not coming off.

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes again. I don't really know what to do so I just stand there.

Suddenly we hear a voice behind us, "Hey witch, why don't you just use your evil magic to clean it." It's Flash.

And that makes Y/N snap.

"Listen here Flash!" She storms towards him. "This is the third time this week and I am so fucking tired of you pissing me off! So why don't you just go fuck yourself!" Y/N yells.

Flash snarls, "Why don't you go back to hell, Bitch. Ever since you moved here shit has been happening, murders, kidnappings. And I bet you're behind all of it. I bet you have a whole cult of witches here-"

Y/N punched him.

She punched him right in the nose, making him stumble back. He gets on his feet and regains his stance. "Bitch" he mutters as he wipes blood from his nose.

People start gathering in the hallway to see the fight. I don't know what to do, it's as if I'm frozen in place. I see so much anger in her, it's almost as if there's fire in her eyes.

She punches Flash again, in the stomach and in the side of the head. Flash tries to punch back but Y/N punches him in the eye. They keep throwing punches at each other for a few minutes, Flash only landed a few punches, one really hard on her cheek, I'm sure she'll have a bruise tomorrow.

Flash throws a puch at her, but she catches his wrist before his fist made impact with her face again.

Flash let out an agonizing yell when her hand made contact with his arm. Y/N pulls her hand away and I see red marks on Flash's arm, like a burn. Y/N looks a bit scared and runs down the hallway.

I don't know if I should follow her or not. My mind is still trying to process what just happened. Did she burn him? And if she did, how?

One of the teachers comes over and tells everyone to go to class, then sends Flash to the nurse. I go look for Y/N.

I go down the hallway she ran down earlier, she wouldn't go to a class room. The bathroom maybe? No, to accessible.

I stop by a supply closet, she might be in there. I open the door and sure enough there she is, sitting against the wall, knees to her chest, hands over her head.

"Get out, Peter." She says, breathing heavily.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ask, taking a step closer to her.

"Peter I said get out!" She yells, quickly standing up. There are flames coming out of her palms and her eyes are glowing a firey red.

But the flames are gone almost as soon as they appear.

"Shit, you weren't supposed to see that." She says quietly, pacing around the small storage space, covering her face with her hands.

She has superpowers? I should've known, I should've realized sooner. Gosh I'm so stupid.

"I-......." I'm at a loss for words. How am I supposed to react in a situation like this?

"I told you to get out. And you didn't listen. You don't understand, I could've killed you!" She yells the last sentence, still pacing.

"You wouldn't" I say quietly, stepping into the storage room and closing the door behind me.

She looks up at me and leans against the wall infront of me.

"You wouldn't kill me. Not on purpose" I clarify.

"How do you know that?!" She says with anger still in her voice.

"Because you're not like that." I respond calmly.

"You don't know me Peter! You don't know if I'm like that or not."

I sigh, "You're right, I don't know you. I don't know if you're like that or not. But I sure as hell would like to."

She sighs and slides down the wall to a sitting position. "Why aren't you scared? Why are you not running away like everyone else did? It's easier and safer...." she asks.

"Because," I sit next to her. "The gift that you have, I know it's dangerous but......I don't mind it."

"You should" she says quietly, tears forming in her eyes.
"I can't control it." She lets out a small sob as tears fall from her eyes. "I can't control it and I end up hurting people"

"It-it's ok, you can learn how to control it, you can help people instead of hurting them."

"But thats what you don't understand," she wipes tears from her face "Everytime I hurt sombody, there- there's a part of me........theres a part of me that likes it."

Author note

Wow plot twist.

This chapter was a bit short of my usual 1,000 words but I hope you liked it. Please comment and vote, i love to hear your feedback (i know i can't actually hear it but yk what i mean.)

Anyway thanks to everyone who is keeping up with this book, you guys are amazing.


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